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N a t u r a l H i s t o r y a n d S c i e n t i f i c S o c i e t i e s . — Oxford- >1861 to 1905. Excursions to Reading and Caversham, v
xix., p. 135. To the Chilterns, vol. xix., p. 147.
.shire Archaeological Society ; 18 George street, Oxford.
To Headingley, Shotover and Wheatley,vol. xvii.,
Oxford Architectural and Historical Society ; Ashmolean
Museum, Oxford; Quarterly Journal of Archeology for
p. 381. To Henley-on-Thames, vol. xviii.,p.414.
To Culham and Wallingford, vol. xvii.p. 300. To
Berks, Bucks, and Oxon. Oxford Historical Society. ;
Oxford University Antiquarian Society; Ashmolean
Oxford, vol. i., p. 155 ; and vol. ii.,p. 243. To
Banburj-,vol. iii.,p. 197. Proc. Geologists’ Asso­
Museum, Oxford ; Ashmolean Natural History Society
ciation,University College, London.
of Oxfordshire; University Museum, Oxford; Annual
1861. Whitaker, W.— On the Chalk-Rock in Oxfordshire,
etc. Q. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol.xvii., p. 166.
M u s e u m s . — The Bodleian Library and Museum, Oxford.
The Ashmolean Museum and University Galleries, Oxford. 1861. Whiteaves, J. F.— Invertebrate B'auna of the Lower
Oolites of Oxfordshire. Repi. Brit. Assoc, for
Botanical Museum, Oxford. Indian Institute Museum,
Oxford. The Pitt-Rivers Museum, Oxford. The Univer­
i860: Sections, p. 104.
sityMuseum, Oxford.
1871. Phillips, Prof. J.— GeologyofOxfordand the Thames
Valley, 8vo., London :[price 21s.].
P u b l ic a t io n s o f t h e G o v e r n m e n t G e o l o g ic a l S u r ­
v e y . — Coloured Geological Maps on the scale of one inch to 1
873. Beesley, T.— Geology of the Neighbourhood of Ban­
one m ilt .
— Old Series Maps ; Sheet 7 : Henton, Stockenbury. Proc. Warwick. Field Club for 1872, p.11.
ham Common [small area only]; sheet 13: Oxford, Watlington ;sheet 34 :Langford, Broughton Foggs, Kelmscott; 1876. Prestwich (Sir), J.— Thickness of the Oxford Clay.
Geol. Mag., p. 237.
sheet 44 : Burford, Westwell, Fitield; sheet 45 : Witney,
Woodstock, Chipping Norton, Banbury. Quarter-sheets: 1876. Prestwdch (Sir), J.— Water Supply of Oxford. 8vo.
53 S.E.:Wardington, Williamscott;53 S.W. :Mollington,
Claydon, Cropredy.
1878. De Ranee, C. E.— The Palaeozoic and Secondary
Index Map.— Scale, four miles to one inch ; Oxfordshire
Rocks ofEngland, as a Source ofWater-supply for
iscontained in Sheet 11 of thischeap and very useful map
Towns and Districts. Trans. Manchester Geol.
(price 2S. 6d. per sheet). It shows the “ solid” geology
Soc., vol. xiv., p. 438. (See also Geol. Mag. for
1896, p. 57.)
The above maps are further illustratedby the Horizontal 1879. Prestwich (Sir), J.— Iguanodon in Kimeridge Clay
near Oxford, and Fossils in the Shotover Sands.
Sections, Nos. 71, 72, 81 and 82.
Geol. Mag., p. 193. (See also Q. Jouru. Geol.
Soc., vol.xxxvi., p. 430.)
Books or “ Memoirs.”— The Geology of Parts of Oxford­
shire and Berkshire, by Hull & Whitaker, 3s. ( out of print) ; 1880. Cobbold, E. S.— Strata exposed in laying out the
Geology of Country round Banbury, Woodstock, Bicester,
Oxford Sewage Farm at Sandford-on-Thames.
and Buckingham, A. H. Green, 2s. ; Geology of the Coun­
Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvi., p. 314.
try round Woodstock, by E. Hull, is.; Geology of the
1882. Prestwich, Prof. J.— Cyrena fluminalis atSummerLondon Basin, by W. Whitaker, 13s. ( out of print).
town, near Oxford. Geol. Mag., p. 49.
The British Association forthe Advancement of Science 1882. Harrison, W. J.— The Quartzite Pebbles of the Drift
met at Oxford in the years 1832, 1847, i860, and 1894 ;in
and Trias ;and their Derivation. Proc. B’liam.
the bulky volumes of the annual Reports several valuable
Phil. Soc., vol. iii.,p. 157.
papers dealing with the geology of the Oxford District will
1883. Tomes, R. F.— Fossil Madreporaria of the Great
be found.
Oolite of Gloucester and Oxford. Q. Joum. GeoL
The local agents forthe sale of all the publications ofthe
Soc., vol. xxxix., p. 168.
Geological Survey are E. A. Walford, Banbury; and 1883. Walford, E. A. -Relation of the “ Northampton
Parker A Son, Oxford.
Sand ” of North Oxfordshire to the Clypeus-grit.
Q. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol.xxxix., p. 224.
In t r o d u c t io n t o
G e o l o g y . — For students, and for
general readers who may require some explanation of the 1886. Tomes, R. F.— Madreporaria from the InferiorOolite
special terms used in Geology ; and an account of the rela­
of Oxfordshire,etc. Geol. Mag., pp. 385, 443tionsof the rocks ofOxfordshire to those of the surround­ 1894. Green, Prof. A. H.— Geology of the Neighbourhood
ing counties and of the rest of Britain, we may mention
of Oxford. Repi. Brit. Assoc., p. 644.
Harrison’s Text-book of Geology,fifth edition, 1903 ;pub­
lished by Blackie & Son, price 3s. 6d.
1894-97. Walford, E. A — Terraced Hill Slopes of North
Oxfordshire. Geol. Mag., 1894, p. 4^55 an
Im po r ta n t W o rks o r Pa pe r s on L o cal G eo lo gy.—
1897, p. 299.
In the Report of the British Association for 1882 (seep. 1894. Dawkins, W. B.— Probable Range of C oal-m easures
327), Mr. W. Whitaker gives a listof 155 Books, Papers,
under Oxfordshire, etc. Repi. Brit. Assoc.,
etc., upon the Geology ofOxfordshire, which had been pub­
p. 646.
lished up tothe year 1872.
1895. Evans, A. J.— Rollright Stones. Folk-Lore, vol.VG
1821. Buckland, Rev. W.— Quart/, Rock of the Lickey
p. 6.
Hill; and on the Gravel Beds of Oxfordshire, etc.
1895. Walford, E. A.— On the Lias Ironstone around Ban­
Trans. Geol. Soc , vol. v., p. 506.
bury. Geol. Mag., p. 138.
i860. Hull, Prof. E.— South-easterly Attenuation of the 1895. Harrison, W. J.— Bibliography of Midland Glaci°"
Secondary Rocks, and Probable Depth of the Coallogy. Proc. B ’ham. JV. H . f P hil Soc., vol.1•>
measures under Oxfordshire. Q. Journ. Geol.
p. 116.
Aoc.,vol. xvi., p. 63.
1895. White, H. J. O.— Distribution a n d R elatio ns ^0
Westleton a n d Glacial Gravels in O x fo rd s h ire
3860. Phillips, Prof. J.— Sections of the Strata near Oxford
Berks. Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. xiv.,p. XIQ. Joum. Geol. Soc., vol. xvi.,pp. 115, 307.