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d ir ec to r y



an iron railing. M agdalen College, Oxford, is the lord
of both m anors.
The principal landowners are the
P r e s id e n t and Scholars of M agdalen College, Oxford.
The soil is clay, gravel and lo a m ; subsoil, clay and
•Travel. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and
roots, the land being farm ed on the four-course system .
The area is 2,433 a c r e s ; rateab le value, ¿2,425 ; the
population in 1911 was 364 in th e c iv il parish and 472
in the ecclesiastical parish.
UOFFORD is a lib erty 1 m ile north-w est.
Letters delivered at Rofford at 8.30 a.m
Parish Clerk, R ichard H urst.
Floyd Rev. Thom as
(vicar), V icarage




Post, M. 0 . & T . Office.— Sidney Spencer Croxford,
sub-postm aster. Letters received th rou gh W allingford
at 7.25 a.m . & 1.40 p.m . ; dispatched at 9.45 a.m . &
6.15 p.m . Sunday excepted
E lem entary School (m ixed), erected in 1877, for 120
c h ild re n ; Bernard S w ift, m a s te r ; M rs. B eatrice
S w ift, in fan ts’ m istress
C arrie r.— A lfred H iggs,
retu rn in g sam e days


W allingford,


& fri.

C lerk to Parish Council, Jam es E dw ard Bailey.

M .A. C roxford Sidney Spencer, grocer, &
post office
F ran klin W m .W er,M anor frm
Atkins K ate (M rs.), Crown P.H
H all C Aarles, farm er, Rofford
Bailey’s (James E .) Stores, grocers, H att John, farm er, Manor farm
drapers, confectioners, bakers & H iggs A lfred, carrier
shoe dealers
Leach A rth u r, farm er, Home farm
Belson M argaret (M rs.), beer retailer N ixey Frederick, m iller (water)
Belson Thos. farm er, F au lkner’s farm N ixey G eorge, farm er, Lan gley hall
Boulter Jam es, beer retailer
Q uelch Thom as, boot m aker
Brown H arry, blacksm ith
Bowles B ernard, farm er, Rofford

S aw Joseph, carpenter & beer retailer
Taylor Henry, farm er, Hampden villa
Tow n W illiam , beer retailer
W hite F redk.harness m aker & saddler
W hite Joseph, farm er
W itn eyC h b ailiff to M r.J n .H a tt
Woodwards A lb ert, farm er
Y o u n g W illiam & Son, farm ers,
L a u rel dene
Y ou n g Thom as H arding (exors. of),
farm ers

C H A R L B T J H Y is a parish and tow n o n -th e river rem ained in possession of th at m onastery u n til the
Evenlode, w ith a station on the O xford and W orcester Dissolution, and was subsequently purchased by Sir
section of the G reat W estern railw ay, 7 m iles west from Thom as W hite, the founder of St. John’s College, O x­
Woodstock, 7 north from W itney, 7 south-east from ford, to which society it continued to belong u n til by
Chipping Norton and 76 by rail and 69 by road from exchange it becam e the p roperty of Lord C h u rch ill.
London, in the N orthern division of th e county, forming The p rin cipal landowners are Vernon J. W atney esq.
South Banbury hundred, which is attached to Chadling­ J .P . who is lord of the m anor, th e Duke of M arlborough
ton hundred, p e tty sessional division of Chadlington, K .G . and Viscount Dillon, w ith m any sm all owners.
union and county court d istrict of Chipping Norton, Th e soil is stone b r a s h ; subsoil, lim estone rock. Th e
rural deanery of Chipping Norton and archdeaconry and chief crops are wheat, barley and roots. Th e area is
diocese of Oxford. The town is lig h ted w ith gas. The 2,479 acres of land and 9 of w a t e r ; rateable value,
church of St. M ary is an edifice of stone in the Norm an ¿ 6 ,1 2 5 ; th e population of this parish in 1911 was 1,307
and Early E n glish styles, and was enlarged in th e 13th in the civil and 2,058 in the ecclesiastical parish.
century, when the tower was built, the h eig h t being
Parish Clerk, F red erick W iddows.
subsequently increased, and in the tim e of H enry V H .
further additions were made to the c h u r c h ; it now con­
W A L C O T is a ham let in the parish of Charlbury,
sists of chancel w ith aisles, nave, north transept, aisles,
south porch and a lofty em battled w estern tower of the about half a m ile west, and consisting of one farm .
Jam es W atney esq. J.P . is lord of the manor
Early English and Perpendicular periods containing a fine
peal of six bells and a clock w ith c h im e s : th e tower and sole landowner.
was restored and the bells reh u n g in 1905. Th e chancel Post M. 0 ., T . & Telephonic E xp ress D elivery Office
(letters should have Oxon added).— W illiam Henrr
has a Decorated east window of five lig h ts and a good
Rolinson, sub-postm aster. L e tters arrive from Ox*
open tim bered roof of the sam e d a t e : the arcades of the
ford at 5 & 8.40 a.m . & 12.40 & 4 30 p .m . ; dispatched
chancel are E arly E n g lis h : the north transept has arches
at 9.50 & 11.45 a.m . to Oxford & London & 4.45 &
of the same date, a singular Decorated north window
p.m . to O xford & to all parts at 8.10 p .m . ;
and a Perpendicular roof : the n are is separated from the
S u n d a y s , arrive 6.30 a.m . ; dispatched 7.15 p .m
north aisle by an arcade of three N orm an arches and
from the south aisle, which is very wide, by three of W all L etter Boxes.— M arket street, cleared 9.30 & 11.45
Early English character, and has a Perpendicular ro o f:
a.m . & 12.40, 4.30 & 3 p .m . ; S u n d a y s , 6.45 p .m . ;
there are some original lancets, a piscina and a canopied
D itch ley road, cleared 11.30 a.m . & 12.10 & 7.45
niche: the church contains m onum ents of the Jenkinson
p .m .; S u n d a y s , 6.45 p .m .; Sheep street, 9.30 & 11.45
family, ancestors of Charles (Jenkinson), 1st E arl of
a.m . & 12.30 & 8 p.m . ; Sundays, 6.45 p .m
Liverpool, who possessed property in this parish, and a
memorial to E lizabeth (M artin), 1st wife of Price C em etery, under the B urial Board of the P arish Council,
W illiam W ilson, clerk
(Devereux), 10th V iscou nt H ereford, ob. 1732; he him self
died in 1748 : in 1857 the interior of the ch urch un der­ County Police, W illiam H um phries, sergeant
F ire B rigade, Capt. John H. W aller J.P . capt
went complete repair, and in 1874 the chancel was re ­
built by John W inston, 7th Duke of M arlborough K .G .
who died 5th July, 1883: there are 506 sittin gs. The
register dates from the year 1559
records a v isita­
tion of the plague, which continued from 10th June to T h e com m ittee, consisting of 14 m em bers, was form ed
November 25th, 1583. The livin g is a vicarage w ith the
in M arch, 1902.
chapelries of Shortham pton and Chadlington annexed, M eetings are held at th e W hite H art hotel, C h arlbury,
& M arlborough A rm s hotel, W itn ey, when necessary*.
joint net yearly value ¿ 3 5 7 , w ith 360 acres of glebe and
residence, in the g ift of St. John’s College, Oxford, Chairm an, J. G. A braham , C h adlin gton
and held since 1903 by th e Rev. Ju liu s D elm ege Payne Clerk, M atthew F oster Charlton, 16a, M arket place,
M.A. of that college, and surrogate. Th e W esleyan
Chipping Norton
chapel was b u ilt in 1823; B ap tist in 1866; and T reasurer, T . H. B urb idge, London C ity & M idland
Primitive Methodist in 1853 ; there is also a M eetin g­
Bank L im ited , C h ipping Norton
house of the Society of Friends, b u ilt in 1779, and
P ub lic Officers.
Salvation A rm y barracks. A cem etery of one acre
and a quarteV was form ed in 1887, and is under the C lerk to the Parish C oun cil & A ssistan t Overseer, W m.
W ilson
control of the Parish Council. There are charities
¿ 4 yearly for apprenticing, other charities of about M edical Officer & P u b lic V accinator, No. 3 D istrict, C h ip ­
¿17 for public uses and John Penson’s ch arity of
ping Norton Union. W illiam Bobt. Percival M cN eight
M .A ., M .D.. B .C h.D u b
4 2 J4S. for bread.
The m arket, gran ted b y K in g
tephen and now held on F riday, was form erly of B eliev in g & V accination Officer & R egistrar of B irth s &
considerable im portance.
A fair is held on the 1st
Deaths for C h arlb u ry D istrict, C hip p in g Norton Union,
John H enry H arvey, C harlbury
anuary, and a cattle fair on the first Monday in each
onth Near Bay w ell gate is a portion of the ancient Road S urveyor to C hipping Norton R u ral D istrict C oun ­
cil, Richard Entw istle, W ellington cottage
n£imik ke’ ^ kich constitutes p art of the boundaries of
I ar UI7 and Fawler. Lee Place, b u ilt in 1640 by the San itary Inspector to C h ip p in g Norton R ural D istrict
D ,m ai»dy of D itchlev. is the residence of Capt. John
C ouncil, Richard Cooper, Lauriston
aampden W aller M .V .O ., J.P. of H.M . hon. Corps of Town C rier, Jam es Prew
found !ilek "a1: ^ rmS'
m anor °* C h arlbury was
E lem en tary Schools.
to tv. -d ^
M ercian Icings and was given by them
e_ , e Bishop of Lincoln, from whom it passed by M ixed, erected in 1815, enlarged 1906, for 240 children ;
ange to the abbots and m onks of E y n s h a m ; it
John E . Barton, m aster
o x o .w
