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O X F O R D S H IR E .]


w he


•Sim pson A lb ert, 49 C orn st. W itney Minn H enry, 31 W oodstock road, St.
G iles', Oxford
•Strou d
A rth u r
H enry,
C o r d in g J o h n C . & C o . L im ite d
P ick ett A rth u r A . 6 New rd. Oxford
M ichael’s street, Oxford
(original C ordin gs), 19 Piccadilly
•Y erney Richard John, 23 Beaum ont R avenscroft & Fraser, 72 Cowley rd.
W (corner of A ir street) k 35 St.
street, Oxford
Jam es’ street, London S W
Robinson A rth ur, 61 H ertford street,
M agdalen road, Oxford
Hicks Geo. H. 12 M arket st. Oxford Rogers John, 37 H igh street, Oxford
Rowell R. S. 115 H igh street, Oxford. Bliss k Co. Limited, i n Warwick


See a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e 4 6

road, Banbury

Oxford Hand Loom Weaving Industry
Sam uel H. C arfax, Oxford
(Miss Judith M erivale, sec.), 13
Sim m s D. R. 14 H igh st. C hipping
Pem broke st. St. A ldate’s, Oxford
Annereau Jam es, 39 Readinj
road. I S m ith Henry & Sons, 3 M arket place,
Henley-on-Tham es
C hippin g Norton
Brook John, 38 W est end, W itney
Stratford Fredk. Hook N orton,Banbry Poupard W illiam & Son, BlackfriaTs
Compton Mrs. E. 2 Burford road, T ay]or Joseph Geo.
works. H avil street, C am berw ell,
eo. Leafield, W itney
London S E ; specially for corn k
C hipping Norton
W alford & Son, 18 H igh st. Banbury
Cripps A lb ert Frederick, 31 H urst si. W alter M rs. E lizabeth Sarah H igh
coal m erchants
Cowley St. John & 2 Queen's lane,
street. Burford
O xford
W alter Fras. S. 33 M arket sq. W itney
Cutcliffe Mrs. E. 54 Broad st. B a n b ry. W arner John, 25 Bridge st. W itney
Davis Percy Edwin, 16 L ittleg a te st. ; W ebb John W m . Hornton, Banbury Poupard T. J. Lim ited (& sacks),
St. E bbe’s, Oxford
Whitehead T . 26 M arket sq. W itney
Standard works, 134 Tooley street,
G irlin g M rs.S. 62 C althorpe st.B anbry W hitlock A . J. 65 B ridge st. Banbury
London S E
Godfrey^John, H igh street, Burford^ I Wilson Charles H enry, H igh st, Wat&
"Harris Brothers, 51 G eorge
~~ " street
lington, W allingford
78 Cowley road, Oxford
W itcomb T . 4 New Inn Hall st. Oxfrd
Potter A. C. k Co. 52, 54 & 56 Lanb
Hawkins M rs.E . 12 C hurch la.Banbry
street. Borough, London S E
M ay Mrs. E m m eline M. 45 St. WATER COMPANIES & WRKS.
C lem ent’s street, Oxford
Mobey J. 18 S t. A ld a te’s st. Oxford Bampton Gas & W ater Co. L im ited ,
Bam pton
See Scale & W eig h t Makers.
V eal M rs. Z. E. 102 C ardigan street,
Banbury W ater Works Co. (W illiam
Jericho, Oxford
E dw ard Wood, s e c .) ; office, 21
W illiam s Geo. E. 30 Broad st. Oxford
M arlborough road, Banbury
Hill G eorge, Rotherfield Peppard,
W iltshire Mrs. N ellie, 131 Howard st.
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Henley-on-Tham es
Reynolds, sec.), H igh st.B urford
Lloyd Charles, Cold A rbour, St.
WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS, C h arlbu ry W ater W orks Co. Lim ited A ld ate’s, Oxford
(T. G . S m ith , sec.), C h arlbury
[it®' F u l l l i s t s o f t h i s t r a d e in
U n i t e d K i n g d o m , s e e W a t c h & C hipping Norton W orks (T. Mace.
clerk). Chipping Norton
J e w e lle r y T r a d e s D ir e c t o r y .]
Henley-011-Thames W ater Co. Lim ited W ard W illiam R obert, C anal wharf,
New road, Oxford
Ballard A lfred, 45 Queen st. Oxford
(Charles S. Plum be, s e c .) ; offices,
Barnard Thomas, 4 H art street, H en­
H art s t r e e t ; works (G eorge Potter,
ley-on-Tham es
engineer), 66 G reys road, HenleyBarrs H erbt. Anstee, G oring, Reading
A llington W illiam , 14 H ythe Bridge
on-Tham e
Brown A rth . P. Oxford st. W oodstock i Oxford C ity W ater W orks (W m. Hy.
street, S t. Thom as’, O xford
B uckingham C. M arket st. -nrr.
W oodstock
W hite M .I.C .E . engin eer); office. B aker G eorge, M iddle B arton, Oxford
B uckin gham F. J. 24 H igh st.W itn ey
Town hall, St. A ldate’s st. ; storage Barkuss S. B ritw ell, W'allingford
C larke Henry W’illiam, 25 S t. M ary’s
yard, Paradise s t r e e t ; w orks, Lake Barlow A braham , W oodcote, Reading
road, Cowley S t. John, Oxford
B arrett Frank, B letchington, Oxford
street, New H inksey, Oxford
C ollett O liver, Bam pton
S outh O xfordshire W ater & G as Co. Beakhouse Tom , N ettlebed, Henley-onDenner Elfred A rth u r, 5 & 7 Bell st.
(Leonard J. C . G eer, m anager),
Tham es
H enley-on-Tham es
W estoii-ou-the
G orin g, Reading & (Thom as Cox, Boddington
Dickeson F rederick, 7a & 8 Blue Boar
d istrict inspector) S um m it house,
Green, B icester
street, Oxford
. Oxford
W oodcote, Reading
Dunn Fredk.WTm. 135 Cowley rd.O xfrd
B utler A rth ur, Rotherfield Peppard,
Durran E. 90 & 91 H igh st. B anbury WATER
H enley-on-Tham es
Durran Fras. L. 36 M arket pl.B anbrv n
foundry & brass C arpen ter F rederick W illiam , SandFardon Mrs. D. H igh st. W oodstock G uest
k R
C otherham
ford-on-Tham es, Oxford
w orks,
See a d v e r­
Faulkner E. 16 Parsons st. Banbury
Castle Moses, M iddle Barton, Oxford
t is e m e n t p a g e 5 8
Foster & Rom bacli, 4 St. M ichael’s
C leaverley Fredk. H ighfield, Oxford
street, Oxford
WATERCRESS GROWERS. C ollett W illiam , Horton, Oxford
G anter Joseph, 45 Cowlsy rd. Oxford
Coom bes John, Leafield, W itn ey
G ardiner Owen, 41 G eorge st. Oxford IS m ith G eorge E dw ard & W illiam Geo. Costiff W illiam , South Stoke, Reading
G inger F. W .32 & 32a,H igh st.B anbry
Ew-elme, W allingford
O ullum Brothers, W heatley
G race Miss E.6 Upper H igh st.Tham e ; Sm ith G eorge, Brightwell Baldwin. Dore Jam es, Finstock. C h arlbury
W allingford
G regory John, Chinnor, W allingford
Dum bleton A. J. W en dleburv,B icester
Griffin Sidney (repairer), W indm ill S m ith G eorge, Lew knor & E w elm e, E ld ridge A rth u r, Am brosden, B icester
W allingford
road, Highfield, Oxford
Field N athan , Steeple Aston, Oxford
G rim sley H arry, 121 H igh st. Tham e S m ith M atthew. Brook street,W atling- Fisher G eorge, Shepherd’ s green. Ro­
ton. W allingford
H amilton Henry, 20 Duke st. Henleytherfield G reys, H enley-on-Tham es
Francis D avid, Sheep street, B urford
H arris & Sons, 32 M arket sq. B icester W ATERPROOF CLOTHING Froud Jas. & Sons, H enley-on-Tham es
H arris & T urn er, 118 St. A ld a te’s st.
G ale Robert, Cnxham , W allingford
Davis & Co. 34, 36 & 75 G eorge st. G ale W m . B errick Salom e,W allingfrd
S eeley G. 46 St. Clem ent’s st. Oxford
ardn er H enry, S t. Thom as street,
H ester C has. E. h i H igh st. Tham e Zacharias k Co. 26 & 27 Cornm arket
Deddington, Oxford
Hieks Jas. T. 52 Bridge st. B anbury
John, Shutford, Banbury
street, Oxford
H ornsby Henry E. W itney st. Burford
G ibbs John, Stanton S t. John, Oxford
Hosier C yril Jesse, 37 S t. John’s rd. I n d i a R u b b e r , G u t t a P e r c h a & G lanville Geo. Pyrton, W allingford
St. G iles’, Oxford
T e le g ra p h
W o r k s C o . L i m . ; Hall A rth u r, B ritw ell rd. W atlin gton ,
Howes W. n o S t. A ldate’s st. Oxford
W allin gford
offices. 106 Cannon street, London
Hughes T im othy, 30 W alton street &
E C ; works, Silvertow n, London E Hall W illiam , Swerford, Enstone
15 South par. Sum m ertown, Oxford
H arris W in. k Son, W roxton ,B an b ury
K irner Bros. 7 Queen street, Oxford
H arris F. F in stock, C h arlbury
Lee E.Brook st.W atlington.W allingfrd 1
Haskins George, M urcott, Oxford
Loder G eorge, 20 London place, S t . ;
H em m ings E rn est, B loxham . Banbry
Eaves G. & Son, 6 M arket place, Ban- H iggs G. E . k Co.W arw ick rd.B an bry
C lem ent’s, Oxford
M cKenzie D. 35 Duke st. Henley-on-T
b ury. T N 31
H ill Richard, Y arnton , Oxford
M atthews Thos. Hy. H igh st. Burford \W all Jabez k Son, H igh st. Burford Hollis & Son, H igh C ogges, W itney
See Paperhanging W arehouses.