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[ k e l l y âs
Ward A lb ert E dw ard, 66 Kingston
T u rn er E dw ard E rnest, 102 Kingston Vincent M iss, 37 D ivin ity rd. Cowroad, S t. G ile sâ
ley road
road, S t. G ile sâ
W ard A lfred, 16 Beaum ont street
Turner Edward W illiam , 13 Thornchffe
H. C. 45 T horn cliffe road
Vines Sydn ey Howard M .A ., D .S c.,
road, Sum m ertown
F .R .S . (Sherardian professor of W ard Henry, 12 Norham gardens
T u rn e r E rnest W illiam , B rierley,
H erbert Edward,4Charlbury rd
botany in the U niversity, Fellow of
H am ilton road, Sum m ertow n
Magdalen college), Headington hill W ard Joseph. 160 D ivin ity road,
T u rn e r H enry John, 19 Parker street
T u rn e r H enry M aurice, 4 T u rl street V irgo Mrs. 51 F airacres rd. Iffley rd W ard M iss, 31 B an bury road
Turner H erbert H all D .Sc., F .R .S ., W ace R ev.H en ry Charles M .A.(fellow , W ard M isses, 41 St. G ilesâ street
tuto r, librarian, chaplain & jun ior
F .R .A .S . (Savilian professor of asÂ
dean, Brazenose college), G rand W ard M rs. 336 B anbury road, SumÂ
tronom y & D irector of the U niverÂ
m ertown
pont house, Abingdon road
sity O bservatory), 9 Black H all rd
W ard M rs. 46 New Inn H all street
T u rn e r Jn. Fras. Richd. 199 Iffley rd W ace M rs. 18 Lin ton Toad
W ard T . 46 Leckford road
T u rn er Mrs. 225 B anbury road, S u m Â
(classical lecturer),W adh am college W ardale M iss, 3 N orham road
m ertow n
W arland M iss, 31 Polstead rd.St.Giles'
Wadham A lfred, 162 D ivin ity road,
Turner Mrs. 36 St. G ilesâ street
W arner R ev. W illiam M.A.(controller
Cow lev road
T u rn er M rs. 213 W oodstock road.
of u n iv ersity lodging houses), 6
Sum m ertown
C ric k road
T u rp in M iss, 8 Thorncliffe road Wake W alt. Jam es, 303 C ow ley road W arner Joseph Henry, 104 Southfield
W akelin F rederick C has. D avis,Corra
Sum m ertown
road, C ow ley St. John
L in n , H ill Top road, St. C lem en tâs
T u rre ll W a lter John M .A ., M.D. 1
W arrack Rev. A lexander M.A. 2
W akeling G eorge H enry M .A. (fellow,
St. Clem entâs street
Moreton road, Sum m ertown
tutor & librarian of Brasenose colÂ
T u rrill Mrs. Jam es, 31 W alton W ell
W arren S ir Thos. H erbert K.C.V.O,,
road, St. G ilesâ
M .A ., H on.D .C.L. (president),MagÂ
T u rrill W alter, 234 W oodstock road, W alden A llan F rederick M .A. (fellow
dalen college
& tu to r of New college & dem onÂ
Sum m ertown
W arren A rth u r Jam es, 42 Walton
T w ining E rnest, 76 Lonsdale road,
crescent, S t. Thom asâ
W alker Rev. E dw ard M ewburn M .A.
Sum m ertown
W arrilow Rev. Thom as, 10 Lonsdale
(senior tu to r, librarian & chaplain
Tw in in g F ran cis W hitlock, 72 L o n sÂ
road, Sum m ertown
Q ueenâs college & Tector of Besselsdale road, Sum m ertow n
W arrilow H erbert C lare F R.C.O. 10
leigh , B erks), 9 M erton street
T w ining G ilbert, 2 Lonsdale
S taverton road, St. G ilesâ
W alker Alfred, 31 Thorncliffe road, W arw ick W illiam H. 199 Banbury rd.
Sum m ertown
Sum m ertown
Tw ining H enry, 17 Farndon
Sum m ertow n
W alker Ernest M .A ., M us.Doc. 28 St. W aterfield N eville, 20 Chalfont road,
S t. Giles*
M argaretâs road, St. G ilesâ
T w in in g Sidney, 30 Lonsdale
St. G ilesâ
W alker Ernest A . 173 B anbury rd. W aterhouse A m yas Theodore M.A.,
Sum m ertown
Sum m ertown
T y le r A rth u r A ugustus, 194 Iffley rd
M .D. 35 Beaum ont street
T y le r Jam es E li,B rid gw ater,B otley rd W alker Francis W illiam , 41 Western W aterm an Mrs. 114 Banbury road
road, Grandpont
T vler-Jew R eginald, 88 W arw ick st
W aters E d g ar C harles, 79 Warwick st
T vndale M iss, 8 C an terb u ry road, St W alker H arry J. 196 W oodstock rd. W aters E dw in G eorge Ross M.A,
Sum m ertow n
(T aylorian le ctu rer in French), 40
G ilesâ
W alker Henrv, Chadlington road
Tvndale Mrs. 8 Fyfield road
Leckford Toad, S t. G ilesâ
alker Henry, 48 Thornoliffe road, W aters W m . A rth u r Pernow M.A.,
T yndall M iss. 79 S t. C lem en tâs st
Sum m ertown
T yrrell H enry Charles, 22 W arnÂ
M .D. 99 H olywell street
W alker Jam es, 44 H am ilton road, W atkin M rs. 45 C halfont rd.St,Giles
borough road, St. G ilesâ
Sum m ertown
T yrrell Jam es, 206 Abingdon road
W atkins Rev. O scar Dan M.A. (vicar
T y rre ll M rs. 223 Banbury road W alker Jam es M .A. (dem onstrator at
of St. Cross, & surrogate), HolyClarendon laboratory), 30 Norham
Sum m ertown
well vicarage, St. Cross road
T y rw h itt M iss, 288 Iffley road
W atkins David R. 37 Fairacres road,
T v rw h itt W alter S, S., M .A ., R .B .A . W alker Jam es John M .A . 74 Lons
Ifflev road
dale road, Sum m ertow n
"225 Iffley road
W atson Rev. Edward William D.D.
Tyson Rev. John Bennett M .A. 350 W alker M iss, 255 C owley road
(R egius professor of ecclesiastical
W alker M iss, 5 N orham road
B anburv road, Sum m ertow n
h istory, & canon). Christ Church,
Underhillâ Charles M aitland, 16 St. W alker Mrs. Henley house, WoodS t. A ldateâ s street
stock road, Sum m ertown
M argaretâ s road, S t. G ilesâ
Watson A rth u r H yde, 113 Woodstock
U nderhill
G eorge
Edw ard
M.A. W alker M rs.38W estern T d . Grandpont
road, S t. G ilesâ
(tuto r M agdalen college), 10 North- W alker Thom as H inton, 66 A rgyle W atson G eorge, 165 Divinity road,
street, C h ester street
m oor road
C owley road
. .
U nderhill H enry M. J. 231 Woodstock W alker T im oth y, 2s W h ite House W atson H enry G eorge, 113 D^ inl9
road, G randpont
road, Sum m ertow n
road, C ow ley road
U nderhill Sydney Francis, 203 Wood- W alker W illiam C h arles, 161 D ivin ity W a tt M iss A. J. R a d c l i f f e Infirmary S
road, C ow ley road
C oun ty H ospital, Woodstock road,
stock road, Sum m ertown
Upstone John F rederick, 34 Thorn W alker W illiam H enry, 179 Banbury
St. G ilesâ
road, Sum m ertow n
cliffe road. Sum m ertow n
W atts A rthur, 18 Worcester place, w.
Upstone M iss, 9 K ingston rd .S t.G ile s â W alklett F ran cis Thom as, 64 St.
Thom asâ
. nl
Johnâs road, St. G ile sâ
U rquhart Francis Fortescue M .A.
W atts M rs. 4 W estern rd. Grandpo
(lecturer & dom estic bursar).B alliol W alklett Mrs. n o Abingdon road
W atts W illiam , 97 Iffley road
allace L in dsey, 6 The Terrace. W ay Rev. G regory Lewis Albt. »⢠â
Park town
Van der Essen M adam e,6 W inchester
P usey house, 61 St. Giles stre
W allace M rs. 6 Bradm ore road
road, St. G ile sâ
W ay M rs. 60 D ivin ity rd. Cowley
Vassall G ilb ert C laude M .A. 11 Charl- W allace Mrs. 26 N orham road
W av M rs. 19 Portland rd.Summerto
W aller Col. Stan ier R .E ., C .V .O . 28
b u ry road
W eatherill Joseph, 38 Aston 8t
B ardw ell road
V ella co tt M iss, 18 Portland road,
Cowley S t. John
W alsh Edw ard, 58 B an bury road
Sum m ertow n
We-aver John Reginald Homer â
Venables Miss, 46 Beech C roft road, W alsh M iss, 62 Lonsdale road, S u m Â
(fellow & lecturer), Trinity coUep
m ertown
Sum m ertow n
W eaver Thom as, 276 Iffley road
W alter C harles V icto r, 103 Southfield
Venables Miss, 26 Norham gardens
W eaving Miss, 10 TYenchay
road, C owley St. John
Venables Rd. The E lm s, Abingdon rd
W ebb A rth u r Ernest, 224 vvoou
Venables Sidney G . 8 W arnborough W alter H enry Ernest, 13 W estern rd.
Toad, Sum m ertown
road, St. G ilesâ
W ebb C lem ent Charles
Venner W illiam Geo. 15 Botley road W alter Richd. Hy. 7 B lack H all road
(fellow & tuto r ofMagdalen col g
Vernon H orace M iddleton M .A ., M.D W alters Francis Paul M .A.(praelector
H olyw ell ford, St. Cross rd W
in L a tin ). University college
(fellow of M agdalen & lectu rer at
W ebb H erbert G. 87 Southmo
E xeter, Q ueenâs & Brasenose col W alters W illiam R ich ard, 204 Wood
S t. G ilesâ
. road,
stock road, Sum m ertow n
leges), 5 Park town
W ebb M rs. 265 Woodstock
V erschovle M rs. J. T . S. 19 Polstead Walton E dw ard B askerville M .A.
Sum m ertow n
B .C .L . 1 Bradm ore road
road, St. G ilesâ
_ .
Webb W alter, 85 Warwick st
Vincent C yril, 3 Polstead rd. St. Giles Walton Miss H ilda (dom estic bursar), W ebber Charles P. 3+ Oakthorpe
Som erville college. W oodstock rd.
Vincent Louis, 18 Chalfont road, St.
& 15 Pem broke street
(felSt. G ilesâ
G ilesâ
W ebster E rw in W entworth
W arburton Thom as, 25 P arker street
Vincent M iss, 8 Black H all road
low & tutor), Wadham C O «