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O X F O R D S H IR E .

[ K i L L Y ’s

Holt Thom as, farm er
Sim m ons G race A. (M iss), farm er
[Sulston John Jordan, wheelwright,
Holt W m . Edwd. farm er, Corbie frm S taunton Jam es, farm er
Post office
Ingram A rth. Stanley, frm r.E lm sdale Sulston John A ndrew , farm er, Cow- W alker D avid, farm er
Marlow John, carrier & shopkeeper
W alker John, farm er
le y’s farm
I W ilkins A rth u r, shopkeeper
P I S H I L L is a village and p arish pleasantly situate in
a vale on the borders of B ucks, 5 m iles south-east from
W ellington term inal station on th e Princes R isborough
and W atlingto n branch of the G reat W estern railw ay and
6 north-w est from H enley, in the Southern division of
the cou nty, hundred of P yrto n , p etty sessional division of
W atlington, union and county co u rt d istrict of Henley,
rural deanery of Aston, archdeaconry and diocese of
Oxford. T h e church (nam e unknown), standing on an
a ccliv ity near the edge of a wood, was reb u ilt some years
since by the la te R ev. Charles E dw ard Ruck-K eene, then
patron, and is a sm all and plain edifice of flint and free­
stone, consisting of chancel, nave, north tran sept or chapel
and a w estern tu rre t containing one b e ll: the walls are
N o rm a n : the chancel has an east window of three
lancet ligh ts of Transition ch aracter and a piscina of
the sam e d a te ; the chancel arch is also N orm an, as
was the transep t, form in g a chapel belonging to the
Stonor fam ily, b u t this has been m od ern ized : there
are 150 sittin gs. The reg ister of baptism s and burials
dates from the year 1765; m arriag es, 1784. T h e livin g
is a vicarage, net yea rly value £ 76, in cludin g 26 acres
of glebe, w ith residence, in the g ift of C apt. Charles
E dm und Ruck-K eene, and held since 1888 by Rev.
George M ellish Jam es H all M .A. of E xe ter College,

O xford. Th e H enley and W allin gford Joint Smallpox
H ospital at W H IT E L A N D S has accom m odation for
eigh t patients. The charities am ount to £ 4 7s. yearly,
which is d istrib u ted in m oney. A short distance from
the ch urch are the rem ains of an old tith e barn, which
s till retains p art of an elegant window of the 13th
century. Lord C am oys, who is lord of the m anor, and
C apt. Charles E dm und R uck-K een e are th e principal
landowners. Th e soil is chalk, loam and g ra v e l; sub­
soil, chalk. Th e ch ief crops are w heat, barley, oats and
turn ips, w ith a considerable portion of pasture land.
T h e area is 793 a c re s ; rateable valu e, £ 4 23 ; the popu­
lation in 1911 was 148 in the c iv il and 398 in the
ecclesiastical parish.
Sexton, W illiam B artlett.
L etters through H enley-on-Tham es, delivered by footpost from Stonor at 8 a.m . & 3.25 p .m . which is the
nearest post office. Th e nearest m oney order offices
are at Stonor & T u rv ille H eath & n earest telegraph
office a t T u rv ille H eath, about 2^ m iles distant
W all Box, near the church, cleared at 7.15 a.m . & 3.45
p.m . ; sunday, 8.15 a.m
E lem en tary School (m ixed), for 40 c h ild re n ; Mrs. Alice
B a rtlett, m istress

H all Rev. G eorge M ellish Jam es M .A. jH andscom b Jam es, Crown P.H
V icarage
! H enley & W allin gford Joint Sm allpox
H ospital
M ilnes
M .R .C .S .E n g .,L .R .C .P .L o n d .
mediDavis Jam es, farm er, M aiden’s grove
cal officer), W hitelands
P Y R T O N (or Pirton) is a parish and village one
m ile north from W atlington, half a m ile north-w est from
W atlington railw a y station on the Princes Risborough
and W atlington branch of the G reat W estern railw ay, 8
m iles south-w est from T h a m e, 8 north-east from W a llin g ­
ford and s south-south-w est from T etsw orth , in the
Southern division of th e county, hundred of Pyrton , petty
sessional division of W atlin gton , union of H enley, county
court district of Tham e, ru ral deanery of Aston and arch­
deaconry and diocese of Oxford.
By an O rder of the C oun ty Council, dated Feb. 12,
1896, the civil parish of Pyrton has been, under the
provisions of section 57 of the “ Local Governm ent Act,
1888” (51 and 52 V iet. c. 41), divided into two, the
northern part retaining its old name and the southern
portion, to be known as Stonor, will be found under a
separate heading.
T h e church of St. M ary, a building of Norman
origin, was rebuilt in 1855 in the E arly English style,
the Norman chancel arch and fine Norman south door­
way as well as two windows in the chancel bein g re ­
tained : it is now a structure of flint, consisting of
chancel, nave, south porch and a western bell-cote con­
taining 3 b e lls : the church retains a Norm an font
and a few ancient m on um en ts: there are 200 s it­
tings. The parish register dates from th e yea r 1598.
The liv in g is a vicarage, net yearly value £210,
w ith residence, in the g ift of the Dean and C h ap ter
ofC h rist C hurch, Oxford,
and held since 1914 by the
Rev. Francis Nelson C row ther
B .A. af Corpus C h n s ti
College, C am bridge. Th e poor’s land of Pyrton produces £ 1 2 yearly, w hich is distrib uted in money to th e
poor of the p arish by th e vicar and churchw ardens on
th e second Sunday after E aster.
T he M anor House,
elose to th e church, is the seat of M ajor H ugh Charles
Claude D u cat-H am ersley; it was b u ilt in 1590, in th e
PY R T O N .
Bell Rev. John W illiam B ussey M.A.
Pyrton H ill
Crow ther Rev. Francis Nelson B .A.
(vicar), Vicarage
D ucat Mrs. The G range
D ucat-H am ersley M ajor H ugh Charles
C laude, Pyrton manor
Hall Rev. F rederic John M .A . (vicar
of S h ir burn)
H am ersley
E dw ard,
m anor

Langford Geo. shpkpr. Maiden’s grove
Lan gford Raym ond, F urze Bush P.H,
M aiden’ s grove
Poulton W illiam , dairy farm
1W hite W illiam , ch air turn er

reign of E lizabeth , and is in terestin g in h istory as the
house from which John H am pden, on th e 24th June,
1619, m arried in the ch urch of th is parish Elizabeth,
daugh ter of Edm ond Simeon esq. then lord of the
manor. M ajor H ugh Charles C laude Ducat-Hamersley,
who is lord of Pyrton m anor, and the E arl of Maccles­
field are th e p rin cipal landowners. The soil on hills,
lig h t lo a m ; subsoil, c h a lk ; below h ills, rich loam;
subsoil, m arl and greensand.
T h e chief crops are
wheat, beans, oats, barley, turn ips and m angold wurtzel.
Th e area is 3,306 a c re s; rateable value, £3,828; the
population of the c iv il parish, in cludin g the hamlets,
in 1911 was 299.
Parish C lerk, G eorge G lanville.
W atlin gton R ailw ay Station, W . T . Y eates, station mstr
L e tters th rou gh W allingford arrive a t 5 a.m .
nearest m oney order & telegraph office is at Watling­
ton, half a m ile distant
W all L e tte r Box, cleared at 9.45 a.m . & 7.30 p.m. &
on Sundays at 6 p .m
ClaTe L e tte r Box, cleared 7 a.m . & 6.20 p .m .; Su n d ay s,
6.45 a.m
S tation W all L e tte r Box, cleared at 9.50 a.m . & 7.25
p.m . ; sundays, 5.55 p.m
E lem entary School, Pyrton, b u ilt in 1895 (m ixed), for
73 c h ild re n ; M iss M elinda Sam pson, m istress
C L A R E is a ham let of P vrion , 3 m iles north from
W atlington. G O L D E R is another ham let, 3^ miles
north-w est from
W atlington. P O R T W A Y S is also a
hamlet> on one of the C hiltern H ills, 2 m iles southeasf. froin W atlin^ton.
S T A N D H IL L is a ham let 3^ m iles north-west from
C lerk to Parish Council, A rth ur L ett, W a tlin g to n

c o m m e r c ia l.
Beckingham A rth u r, head gardener to Dickers A lb ert H. farm er (postal adM ajor H ugh C. C. Ducat-H am ersley
dress, Tetsw orth , Oxon)
Brown Jas. (exors. of), Cornwall frm Hicks Edw in A. farmer, Clare Hul inn
Cooper John, beer retailer
Dim mock Sarah (M rs.), farm er
G lanville George, w heelw right & crpntr Rowden John Douglas, farmer, tro M ills E rn est, b ailiff to M ajor H ugh
der Manor farm (letters throug
C. C. D ucat-H am ersley
C uxham , W allingford)
Sm ith Jam es, farm er, Pyrton F ield
T av lor W illiam , gam ekeeper to M ajor
H ugh C. C. D ucat-H am ersley
Holland Jam es, farm er

R A D C O T , see Langford.
R A M S D E N is a township and parish form ed from the
old civ il parish of Shipton-under-W ychw ood in 18 61; it is
in the M id division of the county, hundred of Chadlington.
p etty sessional division of B am pton E ast, W itn ey union
and county court d istrict, ru ra l deanery of Chipping

L\Un>UIl and
anu. archdeaconry
tfltuucawimj and diocese of O xford , Thej
village, about half a m ile in len gth, is very comp --.
is pleasantly situated in a h ollo w ; it is 3 s
from C h arlbu ry station on the O x f o r d , Wore s
W olverham pton section of the G reat Western