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d ir e c t o r y . ]
B IC E S T E R .
Post M. 0 ., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Officeâ
C.'Rawbone, postmaster
Clerk, Alfred Tom Truman, Sheep street, Bicester
Treasurer, Henry Tubb, Market square, Bicester
B ice ster rural district, 5.45 a.m.; Bletchley, Oxford & Medical Officer of Health, William Hugh HillM.D., O.M.
general, 7.40 a.m. ; Bletchley, London, North & South Edin., D.P.H.R.C.P.S.Edin. & Glas. 29 Leckford road,
of England, 9.45 a.m.; Oxford & West of England,
1040 a.m.; Bicester rural district, 11.30 a.m.; Surveyor of Highways, H. Bannister Eames, 21 King's
Bletcliley, London, North & South of England, 12 end, Bicester
noon; Bletchley, Oxford & general, 2.25 p.m.; Ox Sanitary Inspector, Joseph Payne, 2 Bath ter. Bicester
ford & West of England, 4.45 p.m.; Oxford & West
of England, 7 p.m.; London, Bletchley, Birmingham
6 the north, 7.15 p.m.; Bletchley, North & South of
E n g la n d ,
8 p.m.; Oxford & general, 8.50 p.m.;
Sundays, Bicester rural district, 5.45 a.m. ; all parts, Cattle Market, Dyson A. Pearson, supt
Cemetery, Market End, Edward Foster Tanner, clerk to
D e liv erie s of l e t t e r s 6.45 & 1 1 . 4 5 a.m. & 5.45 ( c a l l e r s
the burial board (Urban District Council)
only) & 6.45 P - m . 5 S u n d a y s , 6.45 a.m
County Court, held at the Court house, Sheep st. every
two months, His Honor Francis Reynolds Yonge RadURBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL,
cliffe K.C., M.A. judge ; Arthur Gerald Higgs, regisÂ
Offices, 4 Market 6quare.
trar & high bailiff. The following is a list of the
Day ofMeeting, isb monday in each month at 7 p.m.
parishes within its jurisdiction:â Ambrosden, Ardley,
Arncott, Bainton, Bicester Market End, Bicester Kingâs
Chairman, Hugh C. Jagger.
End, Blackthorn, Bletchington, Boarstall, Bucknell,
Vice-Chairman, Thomas William Pankhursb.
Caversfield, Charlton-upon-Otmoor, Chesterton, Cottisford, Fencott, Fewcott, Fringford, Fritwell, GodingÂ
Retire in April, 1915
on, Grendon Underwood, Hardwick, Hethe, Heyford
Thomas Wm. Pankhurst
Walter Joseph French
(Lower), Heyford (Upper), Islip, Kirtlington, LaunÂ
I J. Wr.Walker
H. J. Jackson
ton, Ludgershall, Marsh Gibbon, Merton, Middleton
Retire in April, 1916.
Stoney, Murcott, Newton Morrell, Newton Purcell,
IH. C. Jagger
H. A. Fane
Noke, Oddington, Piddington, Shelswell, Somerton,
ILeonard V. Murphy
George W. Hedges
Souldern, Stoke Lyne, Stratton Audley, Tusmore,
Wendlebury & Weston-on-the-Green
Retire in April, 1917.
T. T. S. Buckle
For bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that
W. A. Prentice
Frederick William Goble
of Oxford, George Mallam, 1 St. Aldate street, OxÂ
ford, officialreceiver
Clerk, Edward Foster Tanner, solicitor, 4 Market square Certified Bailiffs appointed under the â Law of Distress
Treasurer, H. Tubb, banker, Market square
Amendment Act,â Percy Cave Holiday & Richard
Medical Officer of Health, William Hugh Hill M.D., Bennett Goble* Bicester
C.M.Edin., D.P.H.R.C.P.S.Edin. & Glas. 29 Leckford County Police Station, Church street, Edwin Timm6,
road, Oxford
Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, Dyson A. Pearson, 4 supt.; 1 sergeant & 11 constables
Excise Officer, Ernest Wright, 40 London road, officer
Launton road
Fire Brigade, Dyson A. Pearson, superintendent
Collector, Edward Foster Tanner, 4 Market square
Waterworks Superintendent, G. H. Keeys, Field street Infectious Diseases Hospital (Bicester Urban & Rural
Districts), Cecil M. Hendriks M.B. & Herbert Birch
Long M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. medical officers;
Miss Burto£;-matron.
Dewar-Harrison Major Arthur Wm. Willaston,nr.Bicester Stamp Office, Post office, Sheep street, C. Rawbone,
England Lieut.-Col. Albert Edward (late R.A.), Manor distributor
house, Soulderne, Banbury
Gosling Col. George, Stratton Audley park, Bicester
Hoare Charles Twysden D.L. Bignell house, Bicester
Hunloke Capt. Philip, Bucknell manor, Bicester
Board day
daij every alternaj;e.fri. at the Union at 10.30 a.m.
Jersey Earl of P.O., G.O.B., G.C.M.G. Middleton park, The union\
io n '¡comprises the following pl&ces^â Ambrosden,
Ardley, ', Bicester 'King's End, Bicester
Layton George, Market square, Bicester
Market End, Blackthorn, BJetchington, Bucknell,
Peyton Si-r Algernon Francis bart. Swiftâs house, Stoke Caversfield, Charlton-on-Otmoor, Chesterton, CottisLyne, Bicester
ford, Fencott & Murcott, Fringford, Fritwell, GodingÂ
Simon Right Hon. Sir John Allsebrook K.C.V.O., K.C., ton, Hardwick, Hethe, Islip. Kirtlington, Launton,
M.P., A.G. Fritwell manor, Banbury
Lower Heyford, Merton, Middleton Stoney, Newton
Valentia Viscount C.B., M.V.O., M.P. Bletchington park,
Purcell, Noke, Oddington, Piddington, Shelswell,
Somerton, Souldern, Stoke Lyne, Stratton Audley,
VilliersViscount, Antwicks manor, Wantage
Tusmore, Upper Heyford, Wendlebury & Weston-onTheChairmen, forthe time being, ofthe Bicester Urban &
the-Green. The area of the union is 63,008 acres;
Rural District Councils are ex-officio magistrates
rateable value, Lady Day, 19x4, £94>756; the popuÂ
Clerk to the Magistrates, Alfred Truman, Sheep street lation in 1911 was 12,566
Petty Sessions are held at the Magistratesâ chamber Chairman of the Board of Guardians, E. A. Burchardt,
every alternate friday at 11 a.m
Brashfield house, Bicester
he places included in the petty sessional division are: Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee,
â Ambrosden, Ardley, Arncott, Bicester Market End, Alfred Tom Truman, Sheep street, Bicester
if3r*r Kingâs End, Blackthorn, Bletchington, Buck- Treasurer, Henry Tubb, Market square, Bicester
nell, Caversfield, Charlton-on-Otmoor, Chesterton, Cot- Relieving & Vaccination Officers, Bicester district, Isaac
tisford, Fencotb & Murcott, Finmere, Fringford, Frit- George Pople Durrant, 35 Priory road, Bicester;
^ Godington, Hardwick, Hethe, Heyford (Lower &
Bletchington district, George James Dew, Lower
pper), Islip, Kirtlington, Launtoti, Merton, Middleton Heyford
otoney, Mixbury, Newton Purcell, Oddington, Pid- Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Bicester district,
ngton, Shelswell, Somerton, Souldem, Stoke Lyne,
Herbert Birch Long M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
theGreeR^^^6^â ^'Tlsmo^e, Wendlebury & Weston-on- Bicester; Cottisford district, Lewis Evan Parkhurst
M.A., M.D., B.Ch. Buckingham house, Brackley;
Fritwell district, George H. Jones M.R.C.S., L R.C.P.
Lond. Ilbury house, Deddington; Heyford district,
L r shes
^he- ^strict are the same as in the James Arthur Venning M.A., M.B., B.C.Camb.,
- *!â
bhe exception of Bicester King's End &
M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Steeple Aston; Islip
Bicester Market End
district, John Harry Hebb M.B., B.Ch. The Lodge,
Bici-Rim0e^Severy M days at the Poor Law Institution, Islip; Piddington district, James William Francis
Bn'ir'fi^f S,onirnencirLg 1915, after the meeting of the Graham L.S.A. Waterloo house, Brill; Stoke Lyne
dra of Guardians.
district, Cecil Morgan Hendriks M.B. London road,
airman, E. A. Burchardt, Brashfield house, Bicester Bicester