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[K E L L Y ’S

County Police Station, Newland road, William Porter, Registrar for Society of Friends, H. Eric Richard«*
superintendent; i sergeant & 7 constables
Hook Norton
80nExcise Offices, 19 Marlborough road,
, Registrar of Marriages, William Havilah H aycock
collector; H. W. Croft, surveyor of taxes;
Hightown road, Banbury; deputy, William Jo/
Sainsbury, 77 High street, Banbury
William Clarke, surveyor of customs & excise; Fred
T. Ansell & Thomas Forrester, officers; J. D. Smart,
Brackley; F. Lightfoot, Hook Norton; E. Wright,
Bicester & 0 . H. West, Chipping Norton
istant Inspector of Schools to the County Education
Fire Brigade (Volunteer), 18 Horsefair; established 1870; Ass
Committee, Hugh Faulkner M.D., Ch.B.Edin
C. Fortescue, chief officer; J. Hawtin, hon. sub-capt.; John’
J. H. Thomas, lieut.; the engine, fire escape & two Assistanstroad
Overseers, Warkworth, William F. Coulthard
hose trucks belonging to the brigade are kept at the
10 West street, Grimsbury; Neithrop, Chas. Stevens'
Station, 18 Horsefair; alarms to be given at the
road; Banbury, John Graves, 51 Highst'
Police station, & by ringing the fire bell at the engine
Clerk to Sub-Committees of Oxfordshire Local Pension
H. R. Webb, jun. Town hall'
Horton Infirmary, Oxford road, John Horton esq. presi­ Rural, CharlesBorough,
ortescue, 45 High street
dent; C. L. H. Pemberton M.D.(Brux.), M.R.C.S.Eng. Collectors of PoorFR
John Graves,51 High
A E. Franey M.R.C.S.Eng. consulting surgeons; Arth.
street; Neithrop, Charles Stevens, 100 Warwick road'
Henry Boissier M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Hugh
Newington, W. F
Faulkner M.D., Ch.B.Edin. Evan C. Prichard M.D.,
Coulthard, 10 West street, Grimsbury
Ch.B.Edin. A Nevill Coghill Penrose M.B., Ch.B. Deputy
rict of the County,
Birm. medical officers; H. R. F. Brooks L.D.S.Irel. A
Charles Fortescue, 45 High street
Edin. hon. surgeon-dentist;
, Veterin
ary Inspector under the “Diseases of Animals
house surgeon; E. Lamley Fisher, hon. sec.; Miss
Acts ” for the County, Charles W. Page F.R.C.V.S.
Gertrude Halstead, matron
47 South Bar street
Town Hall, Bridge street, William G. Wincott, keeper
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services.
St. Mary’s Parish Church, Rev. Arthur John Jones M.A.
Board day, alternate thursdav, at 10 a.m. at the
ar; Rev. Ernest Augustus Samuel Littlewood B.A.
Union offices, Horsefair, Banbury.
Rev. Gilbert C. E. Young B.A. A Rev. Lambert
The Union comprises the following places, viz. :— In Riley M.A. curates; holy communion 8 a.m. every
Oxfordshire: Adderbury (East), Adderbury (West),
Sunday; 10.45 a m - & 3 & 6.30 p.m.; A holy com­
Alkerton, Banbury,Barford St. John, Barford St. munion on holy days, 7.30 a.m. A on thurs. at
Michael, Bloxham, Bodicote, Bourton,Broughton, 7.30 a.m. ; twice a month also at noon & on the
Clattereote, Claydon, Cropredy, Drayton, Epwell, fourth sun. also at 7 a.m. ; daily matins A evensong
Grimsbury, Hanwell, Hook Norton, Horley, Hornton, at 8.30 a.m. & 6.15 p.m.; wed. A fri. A holy days,
Milcombe, Milton, Mollington, Neithrop, Newington
10.30 a.m. ; wed. A holy days, 7.30 p.m
(North), Newington (South), Prescot,Shenington,St. Paul’s Chapel of Ease, Neithrop; 10.45 a.m. &
Shutford (East), Shutford (West), Sibford Ferris, 6.30 p.m
Sibford Gower, Swalcliffe, Tadmarton, Wardington, Christ Church, South Banbury, Rev. Frederick Martin
Wigginton A Wroxton. In Northamptonshire: Apple- Burton LL.D., B.A. vicar; Rev. Ebenezer Bacon Band
tree, Aston-le-Walls, Boddington (Lower), Bodding­ M.A. A Rev. Caleb Nightingale, curates; 8 & 10.45
ton (Upper), Chacombe, Chipping Warden, Edgcote, a.m. A 3 A 6.30 p.m
Middleton Cheney, Nethercote, Warkworth. In War­ St. Leonard’s, Grimsbury, chapel of ease to Christ
wickshire : Avon Dassett, Farnborough, Radway, Rat- Church, Rev. Caleb Nightingale (curate in charge)
ley, Shotteswell A Warmington. The population of St. John’s Catholic, Rev. Edward Godwin Ph.D., M.B.
the union in 1911 was 28,969; area, 78,487 acres; priest; 8 A 10.30 a.m. A 3 A 6.30 p.m.; holy days,
rateable value, Lady Day, 1914, £195*605, viz. Oxon,
mass 7.15 A 9 a.m. A benediction 7.30 p.m.; daily
/15s,064; Northants, ,£21,895; Warwickshire,£15,646 mass, 7.30 a.m.; thurs. benediction, 7.30 p.m
Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Frederick William Society of Friends’ Meeting House, Horsefair; 10.45
a.m. A 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 10 a.m
Baptist, Bridge street, Rev. Sydney S. Black; 10.45
Vice-Chairman, John William Bloomfield
Clerk to the Guardians A Assessment Committee, E.
a.m. A 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
Lamley Fisher, Horsefair
Calvinistic, Dashwood road; 10.30 a.m. A 6.15 p.m.;
Treasurer, John Padbury Gillett
fri. 7.15 p.m
Relieving A Vaccination Officers A Collectors to the Congregational, South Bar street, Rev. John George
Guardians, Banbury district, James Henry Bonner, Green ; 10.45 a-m -& 6.30 P'm -'> we(*- 7-3° P-m
Corn Exchange passage, Banbury ; Bloxham district, Disciples of Christ, Gatteridge street; 6.30 p.m
Henry Lyon Golby, Bloxham, Banbury ; Cropredy dis­ Primitive Methodist, Church lane, Rev. Alfred Clarke
trict, Thomas Pratt, Cropredy; Swalcliffe district, (supt.) & Rev. Thomas Harper; 10.30 a.m. & 6
p.m. ; mon. wed. A fri. 8 p.m
Henry William Huggins, Balscote
Medical Officers A Public Vaccinators, Banbury district, Unitarian, Horsefair, Christ Church, S. T. Page Smith,
Hubert de Burgh Dwyer M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
student minister; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
68 Middleton road, Banbury ; Bloxham district,Robert Wesleyan Methodist, Marlborough\Rev. Edward Blackall
William Meikle L.R.C.P. A S.Edin., L.R.F.P.S.Glas. road ; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ;I(supt.), Rev. George
Hill house, Adderbury; Cropredy district, A. Tisdall wed. 7.30p.m
v-k- Forde B.A. &
Johns B.A., M.D., B.Ch. 19 Horsefair, Banbury; Wesleyan Methodist, West street, (Geo. BaxendaleB.oCi
Hornton district, Harry Hipwell M.D., M.R.C.S.Eng.
Grimsbury ; 10.30a.m & 6p.m.;IB.A., B.D. ;RevJohn
Oriel cottage, Shenington ; Middleton Cheney district, wed. 7.30 p.m
J J u d g e , supernumerary
Lionel J. Bartlett M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Lond. Warding- Salvation Army Barracks, Fish street, erected in 1889
ton; Swalcliffe district, Maurice Mottram M.R.C.S.
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Sibford Ferris
The Poor Law Institution stands on an eminence in The Municipal Secondary A Technical School & Institute,
Neithrop, A will contain about 312 paupers; W.
in Marlborough road, was erected in 1893, at acos
Carrington, master; Rev. Maurice Maltby, chaplain;
£7,500, & is a building of brick with stone dressing*Hubert de Burgh Dwyer M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
in a Late Gothic style, from designs by Mr. W. ■
medical officer; Mrs. Carrington, matron ; Miss Ellen Mills A.R.I.B.A. ; it is three storeys in height ffwe
Mold, schoolmistress; Miss Bessie L. Scott, super­ frontage is relieved by gables A projecting oriels,
intendent nurse
the upper floor some of the windows are pointe
enriched with tracery; the buildings inclu-ae. .
B a n b u ry R e g is tr a tio n D is tr ic t.
penters’ & smiths’ shops, a dark room for p
Superintendent Registrar, E. Lamley Fisher, Horsefair;
graphic work, head master’s room, dining room. c ^
deputy, Charles D. Benson, Horsefair
room, A a lecture theatre, 131 by 3 nmical
Registrars of Births A Deaths, Banbury sub-district, J.
H. Bonner, Exchange passage, Banbury; deputy, C. seating 160; there arealso physical & / ¡dnal
ies & a chemical lecture theatre.
E Gibbs, Exchange passage, Banbury ; Bloxham sub­
scholarships, tenable for three years,are aw
district, Henry Lyon Golby, Bloxham ; deputy, Thos.
annually on examination to pupils from tlie^jpS
Francis, Bloxham ; Cropredy sub-district, Thomas
mentary schools in the borough, A
Pratt, Cropredy, Banbury; deputy, T. Ross Walker,
awarded by the County Council are also tenabi ^
Cropredy; Swalcliffe sub-district, Henry William
An endowment left by the late Mr. W. Die a
Huggins, Balscote; deputy, Mrs. E. E. Huggins,
I employed in the provision of scholarships 10