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0 X Ã0 K Ã 8 H 1 K E .]
Foster H erbert, i S t. M ark's road.
H enley-on-Tham es
Francis Thom as (depu ty), Bloxbam .
French W illiam Joseph (m arriages),
Council street, D eddington, Oxford
G ibbs C. E-. (deputy, b irths &
deaths). E xchange passage,B anburv
Golby Henry Lyon, Bloxham ,B anbury
Hancox T. E. Steeple Aston, Oxford
H arvey John Henry, C harlburv
H arvey W illiam E. (depu ty),' Chadlington, C harlbury
Haycock W m . H avilah (m arriages),
24 H ightow n road, Banbury
Henman Stanley (depu ty), 2 Oxford
street, Woodstock
H oliday F .D .(su pt.),9S h eep st.B icestr
H uggins Mrs. E. E. (deputy). B alsÂ
eóte, Banbury
Huggins H y. W m . Balseóte, B anbury
Hyde Ernest W. M arket pi. Bam pton
Jackm an Ernest G. (reg istra r of m arÂ
riages, deputy of b irths & deaths),
126 H igh street & 5 Bullingdon
road, Co-wley St. John, Oxford"
K night
m arriages
only), 20 H igh street. W itney
K night John E. (m arriages only), 20
Hiffh street, W itney
Lee F rederick G eorge, 55 Reading rd.
H enley-on-Tham es
Llovds A rth u r Richard (sup t.). Bank
cham bers, 12 H art street, Henleyon-Thames
Merchant Howard Jam es (d ep u ty), 63
Corn street, W itney
Mott Tom (deputy), M oreton, Tham e
Purnell E rn est A lfred, Stanton St
John. Oxford
Quick Geo. 8a, Cowley road, Oxford
Sainsbury W illiam John (depu ty), 77
H igh street, Banbury
Sim m ons Charles (su p t.), 2 H igh
street, Tham e
Stanfield M rs. Janet (deputy), Newland street, Evnsham
Stanfield J. H. Newland st. Evnsham
Steptoe H arrv A. 69 Corn st. W itney
Stone A. S. W atlington, W allingford
Vertigen H. I. (births & deaths).
Queenâs road. Tham e
Ward Geors-e N. H igh st. W oodstock
Ward W illiam H enry (depu ty), 92
Sheep street, Bicester
W arner W illiam (depu ty), Alexandra
square, C hip p ing Norton
W iggins John W . (deputy su p t.), 14
Bridge street. W itney
W all Jabez & Son, H igh st. B urford
& C o . L t d . S a r A tkins Edwd. & Co. Old w h rf.B an b ry
Hudson & Co. (A lbert T ellin g ,ag en t),
dinia house, S ardin ia street, KingsCanal wharf, New road, Oxford
way, London W C .
T A â A bri,
London â
E d g r in g r t o n J o h n
H edderly B rothers, 9 M arket street &
E dith road, G randpont, Oxford
W all Jabez & Son, H igh st. B urford
Ew elm e & D istrict M iniature Rifle
Range (C. A. S chunck, hon. sec.),
E welm e, W allingford
See Contractors.
P R O P R S .â S T E A M .
O x fo rd
(T h e )
S te a m
C o . Cowley, Oxford
P lo u g h
Bennett W m . Steeple Aston, Oxford
E n tw istle Richard
(ru ral d istrict
council), W ellington cot. C harlbury
Goodenough John, Nelson rd. Tham e
Mace G .F . i4 C h u rch st.C h ip p in g N rtn
Powell D. W . H .B rize N orton,Bam ptn
Stanley Joseph C h arles, W heatley
Adamson & Co. 102 & 103 H igh st.
Allen H ugh J. 138 H igh st. Oxford
B artlett & C arter, 105 H igh st. Oxford
Castell & Son, 13 Broad st. Oxford
ClaTke W . J. 62 Abingdon rd. Oxford
Foster & Co. 123 H igh st. Oxford
Hookham & Co. 3 C orn m arket st.
Phipps G eorge Thom as, 38 C hilsw ell
road, G randpont, Oxford
Purnell, Phipps & P urn ell, 128 H igh
street, Oxford
Shepperd Bros. 21 H igh st. Oxford
Standen & Co. n o H igh st. Oxford
W alker W . H. 24 & 25 Broad st. Oxfrd
Woodward H enry W illiam W ilton, 51
Cornm arket street, Oxford
R O P E , L IN E & T W IN E M AS.
Cook W illiam & Son, 22 H art street,
H enley-on-Tham es
Dav & Co. n M arket street, Oxford.
See a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e 5 2
E aves G. & Son, 6 M arket place, B anÂ
bury. T N 31
Ford H enry & F rederick , 78 H igh st.
109a, Corn street, W itn ey
See Servantsâ R egistry Offices.
H edderly Bros. 9 M arket st. ; factory,
E dith road, Grandpont, Oxford
Putm an J. E. 10 C orn m arket,T h am e
Gibbons W illiam , 19 Speedwell street. W all Jabez & Son. H igh st. B urford
St. A ld ateâs, Oxford
W all Lionel. 1 W yth am terrace. High
street. Evnsham
Y o u n g G. J. & Co. L im ited , 7 P a u lâs
row. H igh W ycom be
See Collectorsâ R ent & Debt.
See Refreshm ent Rooms
See Schoolâ Riding.
See Newspaper Reporters.
Gee Henry H Black H all nurseries,
Banbury road. Oxford
M attock John (sp ecialist), Headington hill, Oxford & 130 to 134 The
M arket, Oxford
r e v o l v in g s h u t t e r m f r s . R O U N D A B O U T P R O P R IE T O R S .
Brady G . & Co. New Islington works. C u rtis A. B arford S t. M ichael. Oxfrd
P ott street, Ancoats, M anchester. Forest Lu k e, Fulbrook, Burford
See a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e 5 8
R O U T F U R N IS H E R S .
See Ball & Rout Furnishers.
Day & Co. 11 M arket street, Oxford. R U S T I C S U M M E R H O U S E S .
See a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e 5 2
B o u l t o n & P a u l L i m i t e d , Rose
H edderly Brothers, 9 M arket street &
Lane iron works, Norw ich ; price
E dith road, Grandpont, Oxford
lists free
Andrews H en ry & E d w ard , 141 H igh
street, Oxford
B arnes F.50 S t. C lem en tâs st. Oxford
B etteridge Newm an, S h irb u rn street,
W atlin gton , W allin gford
B onham J. W . Cropredy, B an b ury
Bosley T. 40 H art st. H enlev-on-Thm s
B rad bury B rothers, N ettleb ed. HenÂ
ley-on-Tham es
Brown Chas. H. M arket H ouse bu ild Â
ings, M arket st. & 13 S t. A ld a teâs
st. Oxford & K idlin gto n , Oxford
Brunsdon Frank. Aston, Bam pton
B urge
L an gford,
(G loâstersh)
Burrows A lfred, G t.M ilton ,W allin gfrd
B urrows A rth ur, Cuddesdon,W heatley
C asey Fredk. Low er A m cot, B icester
C handler & Son, Bam pton
Claydon Frank, C h arlb u ry & Neat
Enstone, Enstone
Cocks J. & Son, ChinnoT, W allingford
Cranfield J. & Son, 25 R eadin g road,
H enley-on-Tham es
D anbury Joseph. Bladon, W oodstock
D avev Jam es, H igh street, E ynsham
D avey W illiam , 1 Causew ay, B icester
Dennis Jas. F. D orchester, W allin gfrd
Dunn W. H. 19 B rid ge st. B anbury
E llard W illiam , 14 Broad s t . Banbury
Enock W. 91 St. C lem en tâs st. O xford
E ustance A rth u r, G oring, Reading
F o rty M rs. W m . 64 George s t . Oxford
G ardner W illiam , C hapel square,.
Deddington, Oxford
G riffin E m m an uel, Tetsw orth
Griffin. W a lter J. H igh street, W a tÂ
lin gton , W allingford
H aynes W illiam , 67 Broad s t. Banbury
H eritage W. H. Hook N orton.Banbry
H oltoh Frdk. T. 24 H igh st. Banbury
Jeffries Joseph W illiam , 17 H igh st.
C hipping Norton
Johnston E rn est F rederick W illiam ,
6 W est street. C h ip p in g N orton
L ester J. B. 5 Upper H igh st. Tham e
Maddox Thom as, Littlem ore, Oxford
Mainwood D avid, W ardin gton ,B anbry
M atthews F. C hurch Enstone.Enstone
M ellett Mrs. S. 2 Corn m rkt. Tham e
M ellett Sam uel, W h eatley
Minchin R ich ard Edwin, 23 M arket
place, C h ipping Norton
M organ & Son, Bloxham , B an bury
Morris Joh n ,K in g h am ,C h ip p in g Nortn
M orris W.24 Duke st.H enley-on-Thm s
M unday E. J. Benson, W allingford
Newbery W. C hadlin gton , C h arlbu ry
Packford Charles W illiam , Lon don .
road, Headington, Oxford
Pargeter Arnold", 286 Cowley rd.Oxford'
Parker Win. H. Souldern, B anbury
Paxton A. Chas. 127 H igh st. Tham e
Lon g Handborough, W oodstock
Ray H erbt. & J. Forest H ill, Oxford
Ray Jam es, 25 Park End street, St.
Thom asâ, Oxford
R ay W illiam , L ittle M ilton,W allingfrd
Scarsbrook G eorge & Son, Oxford" st.
W oodstock
S cott J. R. F in stock, C harlburv
Sm ith & Co. (late Orpwood) L im ited ,
19 C orn m arket street, Oxford
Stuchfield Jn. 24 M arket sq. B icester
Thom as J. H. 6 North B ar st.B anbury
T itcom b H enry T. 9 C orn street & 22
M arket .sqnarr. W itn ey
CXOv .