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B R IZ E N O R T O N .
north aisle is a mural tablet to Eleanor Woodd, 1664, Oxford (who are lords of the manor), Mrs. Ann Mori
â widow of Basil Woodd, who was slain at Preston, in and Me
\ T
T n VJohn
i n
o nd
oslin and
the Scottish invasion of 1648 : there are also floor stones Hoskins. The soil is stone brash and clay; suWiv
to the Greenwood family, descendants of Sir Thomas sso
t sstt
nonnee and
iinrl rcll
The chief crops are the usua*l»
More: the church was restored in 1868, and in 1881 an cereals. The area
3,265 acres; rateable valUe
organ was introduced: there are 200 sittings. The .¿2,564; the population in 1911 was 511.
register dates from the year 1579. The living is a dis Parish Clerk and Sexton, William Smith.
charged vicarage, net yearly value ¿230, including 200 Post & M. 0 . Office.â 'Miss Rosa Worley, sub-postmis
acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Dean tress. Letters arrive from Bampton at 7 a.m. & 4
and Canons of Christ Church, Oxford, and held since p.m.; dispatched 8.5; a.m. t 6.45 p.m. week day,
1912 by the Rev. Thomas William Sturges M.A. of only. Bampton, 3 miles distant, is the nearest teleÂ
Trinity College, Dublin. Here is a Primitive Methodist graph office
chapel. An annuity of £5 was left by Goddard Carter, Wall Letter Box, Bampton station, cleared 6.40 &
in' 1723, for the education of poor children, but is 7.5 p.m. week days only
now expended in prizes; there is also an annual Council Elementary School (mixed), built in 187- f0r
charity of about 5s. for poor widows. The Manor House
120 children; Edwin Melville Williams, master
is occupied by Mr. Edward Castle. The principal land Bampton Railway Station, Cecil Haywood Dicks, station
owners are the Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, master
Barnes Arthur, The Poplars
1Castle Alfred William, boot makeT Powell David William Henry, road
Castle Edward, Manor house
j Castle Edward, farmer
surveyor to the Witney Rural DisÂ
Gillett Miss, Fern cottage
Field Caleb, assistant overseer
trict Council
Kekewich Major Cecil Henry, The Fowler William, farmer
Pratt Jane (Mrs.), Chequers P.H
Hoskins Jas. farmer, Kilkenny farm Pratt Thos. frmr. Upper Haddon frm
Knight Miss, Acacia lodge
|Joynes George, carpenter, Ivy villa
Print Albert, blacksmith
Lott Mrs. W. Buckland. TheCottage ¡Lock Mary (Mrs.), CarpentersâArms Silman Elizabeth (Miss), shopkeeper
Sturges Rev. Thomas William M.A. P.H
Slade John, haulier
(vicar), The Vicarage
Marriott James, coal merchant, Smith Henry Arnold, butcher
c o m m e r c ia l.
Bampton station
Sturch Henry & William, farmers,The
Akers Lucy (Miss), beer retailer
Morley Ann (Mrs.). farmer & land- Grange
Badger William, farmer. Grove farm owner, Marsh Haddon
Thatcher William, pig dealer
Barnes Arthur & Son, bakers, grocers,¡Morley Wm. threshing machine ownr Winfield William, shopkeeper
drapers & ironmongers
Packer John & Son, wheelwrights
Worley Rosa (Miss), shopkeeper, Post
Bright John, farmer, Astrop farm âPayne Wm. coal mer. Bampton station office
B R O A D W E L L (or Bradwell) is a parish and village, year 1560. The living is a vicarage, with the chapelrv
2 miles west from Alvescot station, on the Oxford, of Kelmscott annexed, joint net yearly value, derived
Witney and Fairford section of the Great Western rail from glebe, £200, with residence, in the gift of William
way, 4J north-east from Lechlade, and 9 south-west Henry Fox esq. D.L., J.P. of Broadwell Grove, Broadfrom Witney, in the Mid division of the county, hundred well, and held since 1912 by the Rev. Henry Theophilus
of Bampton, petty sessional division of Bampton "West, Adams. The rent of 6 acres of land is distributed
union and county court district of Witney, rural deanery annually in coals to poor parishioners. Broadwell
of Witney and archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. The Grove, the seat of William Henry Fox esq. B.A.,
church of SS. Peter and Paul is a fine cruciform build J.P., D.L. who is lord of the manor and principal landÂ
ing of stone, in mixed styles, consisting of chancel with owner, is a handsome mansion of stone, situated in an
a chapel on the north side, nave, transepts, sonth porch extensive park. The soil is stone brash; subsoil, an
and a massive western tower with lofty broach spire inferior oolite. The chief crops are the usual cereals.
containing 5 bells: the walls of the chancel are Norman The area is 1,778 acres; rateable value, £1,717*, the
and its windows Early English, with the exception of population of Broadwell ecclesiastical parish in 1911 was
the east window of three lights, which is Decorated: 272, and of the civil parish 190.
it contains a small piscina and a locker: the chancel
arch is Early English and a small arch of like character FILKINS HOLWELL, a hamlet and chapelrv, foropens into the chapel, which is of the Decorated period: merly in this civil parish, and Kelmscot township, a
the south transept retains a good piscina: both the chapelry, still,in this civil parish, will be found under
south doorway and the porch are excellent examples of separate headings.
Transition Norman, with zig-zag and tooth ornament; Post Office.â Miss Emma Young, sub-postmistress. LetÂ
in its lower stage the tower is Norman, but the upper
ers through Lechlade (Gloucestershire) arrive at7.10
portion, including the spire, is Early English ; the font t
a.m. & 2.30 p.m. ; sundays, 9.15 a.m. ; dispatched at
is good late Norman, consisting of a quatrefoil-shaped
0.5 a.m. & 6.30 ¡p.m.; sundays, arrive 8 a.m.; disÂ
basin on four large shafts; a memorial window has been
patched 9.15 a.m. the nearest money order
erected to the late Captain De Rougemont, killed in the
telegraph office, x mile distant
Boer war: the church was thoroughly restored in 1873,
and affords 100 sittings: near the churchyard are the Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1847, for 40 chilÂ
dren ; Miss Alice-Kingston, mistress
remains of an ancient cross. The register dates from the
,, . , ,. Smith The Misses, The Cottage
|*Kilbee Thomas Slatter, steward to
(Marked hi,4 * receive their letters^â ââ
cS kbcial.
W. H. F« esq. Estate office,Broadthrough Burford.)
C a v e J o s e p h , f a r m e r , Broadwell manor: yell grove
Adams Rev. Henry Theophilus *Dore William, farm bailiff to W. H. Paintin William, farmer, The Farm
(vicar), Vicarage
Fox esq. Broadwell grox-e
Taylor Ernest, Five Bells P.H
â¢Fox William Henry B.A., D.L., J.P. Gallaway Henry,miller (water)(letters Young Emma (Miss), shopkpr.Postoil
Broadwell grove
1 should be addressed Langford)
BROTJGHTON" is a parish and village on the Sor- with recumbent alabaster figures of a knight and lady,
brook, a tributary of the Cherwell, 2% miles south-west partially restored; these represent Sir Thomas Wykeham
from Banbury station on the Great Western Railway kt. of Broughton, and his wife, great nephew and niece
Companyâs main line from London to Birmingham, and of William of Wykeham, bishop of Winchester; their
23 north-west from Oxford, in the Northern division of grand-daughter and eventual heiress, Margaret, married
the county, hundred of Bloxham, Banbury and Bloxham William, 2nd Lord Saye and Sele, slain at Barnet, 14
petty sessional division, union and county court district April, 1471, and thus conveyed the lordship of B ro ug h to n
of Banbury, rural deaneTy of Deddington and arch to the Fiennes family: the lofty panelling of the deÂ
deaconry and diocese of Oxford. The church of St. stroyed canopy is nearly perfect; between this tomb an
Mary is a very interesting building of stone in the the chancel screen is an altar tomb of D e rb y sh ire
Decorated style of the 14th century, consisting of marble with shields and highly-wrought scroll 'ror'£'
chancel, nave with clerestory, a wide south aisle also William, ist Viscount Saye and Sele, d. 11 April, 162.
with clerestory, south porch and a western tower, with an adherent of the Parliament in the Civil V ar, on
broach spire, containing clock and 5 bells, two of which Elizabeth (Temple), his wife, d. 1648 ; the upper sla,
were presented in 1884 by Mrs. Morrell, in memory of of fine black marble, is incised with arms and insC^P
her husband : the chancel, restored by the late Sir G. tions, and on the spandril of the arch above is
Gilbert Scott kt. R.A. has a fine stained east window, shield of Fiennes, with helmet and suspended gauntle
and a memorial window on the south side to the Rev. there are floor stones to Lawrence, 5th Viscount »a
George Mawson Nelson B.D. d. 20 Dec. 1859; it also and Sele, d . 1742 ; Dorothy Cecil, daughter of ® .,aT
retains three elegant Decorated sedilia and a piscina; Viscount Wimbledon, d. 1652; Mary, wife of R)C
and westward of these a fine Perpendicular altar tomb, Fiennes esq. d. 1666, "with shields and marginal inscrip