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l KLLL y ’s

Butcher Harriett
Mary (Misses), Angus Miss, Box cottage
dress makers
Ashdown Percy Joyce, Aide cotta»*
Baker John. Beechwood house
C.IX John Wm. n hit* Blackbird P H Brocklehurst George H. Darlev deni
Birch Charles, Fennell’s lodge
Ford T. B. Lim.blotting paper mnfrs Brooke-Alder Miss, Skoveliuse
Cay Mrs. Ivy cottage
Gearing & Sons, builders
Cannon Miss, Hill crest
Chegwidden Misses, Rosedene
Gurney Km. farmer. Dereham s farm 1Hammond Miss, Minehins
Cowlishaw Mis. Oak lodge
Hedley G. H. Limited, leather board jLindsay Mrs Heath cottage
manufacturers. Hedge mill
Dalziel Thomas, Hill side
Neville Mrs
Drew Samuel Summers, Burleighfield Hines Charles Henry. Crown P.H
Seeker Henry Frederick, The Oroft
Brothers, grocers
Dyson Miss, Beechwood cottage
Seeker Mrs. Woodlands
Edwards Chas. Lewis, Santa Caterina Jennings Charles E. coal merchant
Wood Charles W. The Gables
Joiner Thomas, blacksmith
Morison Reginald John. Roslin
Lavender George, Happy Union P.H Allen Arthur Ernest, cycle agent
Pool Louis John. Heathside
Saulat Rev. William Henry M.A., Milner Elizabeth Mary (Miss), sta­ Backhouse George, beer retailer
tioner. Post office
B.D (vicar). The Vicarage
Bryant George, draper
Templer John H. Sunnycroft
Morse George Arthur, harness maker jBlackwell Ht'ath Gilf Club Limited
ver Arthur, tobacconist
| 'Arthur J. Clarke, sec)
Tyler Charles. Lyndhurst
Pickett A alker, gravel merchants Follev William Henry, grocer
White Archibald, Lugwardine
maunders J. J. & Co. coal merchants Hall Matthew, farmer
Stammers Herbert, Beech Tree P.H Hobbs Tom, Three Horse Shoes P.H
Anthony Bertha (Miss), dress maker Walke Ralph, gravel merchant, see Jennings Brothers, grocers
Ashdown Charles E. paper manufac­ Pickett & Walker
Milman Charles. Magpie P.H
turer, Loudwater mill
Pymm John, builder
Baker Edward & Son, painters
¡Salter James, grocer
Baker Edward, beer retailer
Smith Harry, confectioner
Baker John Henry, blacksmith
1Smith Leonard, grocer, Post office
Blackmore Walt, boot k shoe maker Adamson Misses, Newlands
IWilks Brothers, grocers
LOTJGHTON is a parish and village, 4 miles north Ihouse was built in 1:
a s ite g iv e n w ith 33
from Ble*chle.
v statio? on the main line of the London 1acres by the Rev. John Athawes, formerly rector'
and North Western railway and 3^ south-east from Stony ,The Baptist chapel, a structure of brick with freeStratford, in the Northern division of the county, hun- |stone facings, was erected in 1832 and enlarged in 1884,
ri o n*on ar!<^ county court district of Newport Pag- and will seat 200 persons; attached is a Sunday school.
B e l l , Stony Stratford petty sessional division, and in holding 80 children. Four cottages were erected in 1897
the rural deanery of Buckingham, ^ olvert-on portion, by subscription to commemorate the Diamond Jubileeof
and archdeaconry of Buckingham and diocese of Ox- Queen Victoria, and are let at a nominal rental to poor
ford. The London and North Western railway has a parishioners. Parke’scharity,founded by aformer rector,
siding for goods here. The church of All Saints is now yields about ¿40 a year,halfofwhich isappropriated
an ancient building of stone, chiefly in the Decorated to the repair of the church fabric and other church purstyle with Perpendicular windows, and consisting of poses and the other half to the poor: Binyon’s charity of
chancel, nave, south aisle, south porch and
¿5 a year is for the apprenticing of poor boys; Mrs.
western tower containing 6 bells: the tower opens to Whitworth’s charity of ¿3 yearly is expended on
the nave by a bold arch with three shafts on each clothing for the aged poor. Walter Cadman esq. who is
si-de: in the chancel are tablets to the Crane and lord of the manor, the rector, and W. F. Smith esq.
Athawes families, and a brass to Hugh Parke, rector are chief landowners. The soil is strong clay; subsoil,
1514 ; and above the communion tabie is a painting, limestone. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and
by Gonzales, of the Two Disciples at Emmaus, pre­ beans, but the land is cbiefly in pasture. The area is
sented by Jhe Rev. John Athawes, rector from 1833, 536 ceres; assessable value. ,£9.983; the population in
and father of the present rector: the greater portion of 1911 was -559.
the church as well as the choir was reseated in 1886 at . Parish Clerk, Richard Bird,
a cost of ¿88. defrayed by the Parke charity and by Post & M. 0 . Office.— Mrs. Sarah Anne Kitchener, subprivate subscriptions: an organ was erected in T864: postmistress. Letters are received through Bletchlev
a stained window was erected on the north side of the sit 7.15 a.m. & 5.50 p.m.; dispatched at 7.45 a.m. k
church in 1910 by Mr. Henry Negus, of this parish, 6.30 p.m. k on Sundays at 8 45 a.m. Shenley Church
in memory of his wife, and another window was in­
End. 1 mile distant, is the nearest telegraph office
serted in 1911 by the rect-or in memory of his parents: Wall Letter Box, London road, cleared at 8.15 a.m. k
there are 220 sittings, 150 being free. The register 6.40 p.m. k on Sundays at 9 a.m
dates from the year 1707. The living is a rectory, net Elementary (formerly National) School (mixed), erected
yearly value ¿280, arising from 295 acresi of glebe, with in 1867. at a cost of about ¿400, for 40 children; a
residence, in the gift of Trinity College, Cambridge. new class room for 40 children was added in 1
and held since 1883 by the Rev. John Thomas Mrs. Maude Cresswell, schoolmistress; Mrs. Gertrude
Athawes M.A. of Clare College, Cambridge. A rectory! Stevens, infants' mistress
Athawes Rev.John Tho M.A.Rectory(Bonsor Annie (Mrs.). draper
Kitchener S. A. k Son. bakers
Brett Mrs. Hill crest. London road
Bramley Albert, coal merchant
Kitchener Edwin John, beer retailer
Melton Frederick E
Brett Thos. Hy. frmr. Loughton m m Lynes Charles Henry, Talbot inn.
Peek Mrs. Shelton
Daniels William, chimney sweep
London road
Stevens Archie
Foxier William,shopkeeper,London rd Maycock John William, farmer,Lodge
Franklin Thomas, farmer
fm.(letters via Bradwell,'Wolverton)
Benbow Alfred, shopkeeper,London rd FullerWilliam
k Son. farmersSmith John, farmer
Bird Richard, carpenter
Gurney Minnie
(Mrs.), farmer, Rec- Wells & Sons, shoe makers
Bodley David, butcher. London road
Wesley Wm.Cbas. Bell inn,London rd
Bodley Frederick. Fountain inn. Lon-Higgs Albert, blacksmith
Woolhead Wm. carpenter, Rose cot
don road
LTTDGEESHALL is a large village and parish on the arcades are Decorated, but some of the capitals are
Oxfordshire border, with a station (Brill and Ludgers- Norman and exhibit grotesque carving: the inner arch
hall) on the Birmingham section of the Great Western of the south porch is deeply recessed and has a shield
miles from Brill station on the Brill and at each corner: the font, of Norman date, is carved
Quaintcm Road branch of the Metropolitan and Great with a variety of ornament, and has at some time
Central Joint railway. 5$ miles south-east from been coloured: in the chancel is an altar tomb with
Bicester, and about 12 north-west from Aylesbury, brass effigies to Anne Englishe, wife of Michil Englishe.
and in the Northern division of the county, hundred who was sheriff of London in 1533 and died 29th May.
and petty sessional division of Ash^ndon, union of the age of95 years, and her daughter and grand­
Aylesbury, county court district of Bicester, rural daughter : the church was restored in 1889 at a cost of
deanery of Waddesdon, archdeaconry of Buckingham ¿1.220. and affords 200 sittings. The register dates
and diocese of Oxford. The “ Akeman ” Street passes from the year 1538. The living is a rectory, net yearly
through the north of the parish. Two brooks, whose value ¿366, with 300 acres of glebe and residence, in
source is on Muswell hill, flow through this parish. the gift of the Hon. Edward Grenville Gore-Langton,
The church of St. Mary i9 an ancient building of and held since 1905 by the Rev. Henry Goodman John­
etone and rubble, principally in the Norman and son M.A. scholar of St. Catharine’s College, Cambridge.
Decorated styles, and consisting of chancel, nave The celebrated John Wvclif was rector of this parish
of three bays, aisles. 9outh porch and an embattled A.D. 1368-1374. The Wesleyan chapel here, built in
western tower containing 5 bells: the piers of the 1844, and rebuilt in 1904. will seat 150 persons. W.