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W arrilow H erbert C lare F .R .C .O . teacher of m usic &
organist of S t. Barnabas' ch urch , 10 Staverton road,
S t. G iles'
W arw ick W m . H. arch itect, 199 B anbury rd.Sum m ertw n
W aterhouse A m y as Theodore M .A ., M .D ., L .R .C .P .
Lond.. M .R .C .S E n g . physician k surgeon. 35 B eau­
m ont street
W aters L u cy (M rs.), boarding house, 10 Beaum ont st
W aters W alter John, K ite inn, 68 Mill street, Osney
W aters W illiam A rth u r P., M .A ., M .D. physician, &
assistant physician R adcliffe Infirm ary, 99 H olyw ell st
W atkins C haries, grocer, 19 O bservatory st. St. G iles’
W atkins T hom as, dentist. 120 St. A ld ate’s street & 6
High street. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t p a g e 5 4
W atm ore K a te & Rose (M isses),aparts.26 S t.M ichael's st
W’ atson G eorge W illiam k Son, electrical e n g in e e rs ;
l i g h t i n g c o n t r a c t o r s t o t h e U n i v e r s i t y , O x­
ford E le ctric Co. k H.M . Office of W orks, 13 T u rl
street A 25a. H urst street ; branch, 12 B uckingham
street, A ylesb ury. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t p a g e 4 8
Watson A. M aud (M iss), O xenford H all boarding estab ­
lishm ent, 13-17 M agdalen st. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t


Watson Lizzie (M rs.), ap a rts.9 Richm ond rd .S t.T h o m a s'
W a tters C harles F red erick, coal dealer, 45 W alton street
W atts F rank, boot repairer, 3 M arlboro’ rd. Grandpont
W atts H enry, butcher, 39 The M arket
W atts W m. ironm onger, see Isons, Kidm an & W atts
W ay H arry John, plum ber, 117 M agdalen road, Cowley
S t. John
Webb E . & Son, brick m as. W oodstock rd. Sum m ertown
W ebb W . & Sons, job b in g gardeners, 292 B an bury rd.
Sum m ertow n
W ebb E dw ard, b rick m aker, see E . W ebb & Son
W ebb E dw ard, university lodgin g house, 21 W ellington
square, St. G ile s’
W ebb F redk. w heelw right, 36 Penson's gdns. St. Ebbe's
W ebb H arry S. B. hair dresser, 64 Jam es street, C ow ­
le y St. John
W ebb Ida (M rs.), laundress, 15 E ssex st. M agdalen rd
W ebb Leonard, Osney A rm s P.H . 45 B otley Toad
Webb M ary A. (M iss), apartm ents, 53 S t. John street
W ebb M atthew , artist ; studio, The T errace, Park town
W e b b e r C . P . draper, m illin er & house furnisher, 10,
11. 12, 13 k 14 High street. T A “ W ebber, D r a p e r ;”
T N 45
W ebber Fanny (M iss), univ. lo dgin g ho. i6L on g W all st
W ebber K a te (M rs.), Roebuck vaults. 8 M arket street
Wrebster Fredk. W m . boot repr. 1 A lfred lane, S t. G iles’
Weedon M ary Ann (M iss), university lodging house, 16
Merton street
W eeks G eorge E rn est & Co. bakers, 50 H igh s tr e e t; 15
C o m m arket s tr e e t; 67 W oodstock ro a d ; 150 Cowley
r o a d ; 198 B an b ury road, S u m m erto w n ; office &
works, 12 M arket ’ s t r e e t ; k restauran t, 4 Cornm ark et street
W elch A rth u r, solicitor k com m issioner for oaths, see
Challenor, Son & W elch
Welford Edwin & Son, coal & coke m erchants, 5 London &
N orth W estern coal w harf, R ew ley road, S t. Thom as ;
23 Union street, Jericho ; 77 K in gston road, S t.G iles’ ;
85 Southm oor road, St. G iles’ & Hayfield rd. S t. G iles
W elham A lfred , beer retailer, 89 k 90 M agdalen road,
C owley St. John
W eller Charles k Sons, carm en, 55 F riars st. St. E bbe’s
W eller H arry, french polisher, 67 C owley road
Weller Henry, beer retailer, 21 A lbert street, Jericho
W’ eller Hy. V . coal dir. 13 Pem broke st. S t. C lem ent’s
W eller John, insurance agt. 203 D ivin ity rd Cowley rd
W eller Joseph M aynard, u n iversity lo dgin g house, 10
Manor road, Holywell
W ells A rth . beer retlr. 47 k 48 Jam es st.C ow ley St.John
W ells Edward, boot m a. 132 H urst st. C owley S t. John
W ells G eorge, beer retailer, 51 Church st. New H inksey
W ellstood G ertru d e (M iss) A .L .C .M . teach er of m usic,
27 Jeune street, St. C lem en t’ s
Wenborn R. & Son, cutlers, 20 C ornm arket street
W enn k Elsom , chartered accountants,55 C orn m arket st
W esleyan k G eneral Assurance S ociety (W illiam Edwd.
B arnett, district superintendent), 109 C owley road
W est Sam uel & Sons, florists, 35 k 36 The M arket
W est E llen (M rs.), ap artm en ts,25 K ingston rd .S t.G ile s ’
W est H erbert, painter, 24 Princes street, St. Clem ent’s
W est John F. solicitor, 138 H igh street
W est Louisa (M rs.), u n iversity lo dging house, 57 St.
Jchn street
W est Richard, decorator, 1 Fairacres road, Iffley road
W est Sam uel, C hester A rm s P.H . C hester st. Iffley rd
W est Thom as G eorge, cycle m aker, 23 W alton street
W est W m .C h as.carm an, 78 M agdalen rd.C ow ley St.John
W estb ury A lb ert, chim ney sweeper, 280 W oodstock rd.
Sum m ertow n


b e l l y ’s

W estell Charles E rn est, beer Tetailer, 11 & 12 Bridport
street, St. E bbe’s
W estell H arry, un iversity ld gn g. ho. 90 S t. Aldate's st
W estell Henry, wood dir. 9 E ssex street, Magdalen road
W estell John,firewood m an u fa ctu rer,17 New st.St.Ebbe's
Weston & Cheal, hair dressers, 11 T u rl street
W eston Thom as M atthew , hair dresser, 29 Cowley road
W heal Charles W . aparts. 61 Southm oor rd. S t. Giles’
W heeler W . H. & Son, house decorators, 61 Walton st
W heeler G eorge, shopkpr. 16 Com m ercial rd. S t. Ebbe’s
W heeler Geo. Edwd. shpkpr. b Penson’ s gdns. St,Ebbe's
W heeler H arriett (M rs.), un iversity lo d g in g house, n
W ellin gton square, S t. G ile s’
W heeler John Richard, tailor, 30 St. A ldate’s street
W heeler W m. greengrocer, 11 Com m ercial rd. St.Ebbe’s
W heeler Wm. Hy. bookseller k photographer, 106 High st
W hetton L aura (M rs.), apartm ents, 10 Richmond rd.
St. Thom as’
W hipp Jam es A lexander, painter, 7 C anal st. Jericho
W hipp John Chas. paperhangr. 65 C ardigan st. Jericho
W hite B rothers, clothiers, 151 C ow ley road
W hite E. & Son, hair d resse rs,17 L ittleg a te st.St.Ebbe’s
W h ite k Sons, fru iterers, 20 & 21 Park E nd st. St.
Thom as’
W hite E dw in, park keeper, Park lo. Park rd. St. Giles’
W h ite F ran cis H artley, arch itect, 52 W arw ick road
W h ite Jn . Isaac, boot m aker, 14 A delaide st. St. Giles’
W h ite J u lia (M rs.), draper, 48 C ow ley road
W h ite M ary B. (M rs.), shopkeeper, 40 Randolph st.
C ow ley S t. John
W hite Percy Henry, builder (firm , H arris k White)
W hite W alter, chiropodist k hair dresser, 8 St. Michael’s
street k 7 W alton W ell road, St. G iles’
W hite W m . un iversity lo dgin g house, 10 St.M ichael’s st
W hite W illiam H enry M .I.C .E . city engineer, & engineer
of w ater w orks, E ngin eer’s office, Town hall
W bitelocke Richard H enry A n glin M .D., F.R.C.S.Eng.
con sultin g surgeon, S t. G iles’ gate, B anbury road
W hitford E dith (M rs.), dress m a. 8 A rg yle st.Chester st
W hitford F ran k E dw ard, h air dresser, 250 Cowley road
W hiting Edward, tailor, 122 M arlborough rd. Grandpont
W h itin g Miss, apartm ents, 20 Richm ond rd. St.Thomas'
W h itin g Thom as S. m edical k s u rgical masseur, 97
W oodstock road, St. G iles’
W hitlock Lancelot, shopkpr. 3 Com m ercial rd. St.Ebbe's
W iblin John, fam ily butcher, bacon curer & sausage
m aker, purveyor to the U niversity & heads of colleges;
fam ilies waited on daily, 31 S t. G iles’ street. Tel.
137. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t p a g e 4 9
W icks Reginald Corrie, wine & sp irit merchant, see
G am m on, W icks & Co
W iggins George (R .S .S .) & Son, carriage builders, cycle
m anufacturers k agents, dealers in perambulators. &
sk a tin g proprietors, 159 & 161 Cowley road.
a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e 4 9

W iggins John & Sons, bakers, 6 M arket street & 55
W alton street
W igm ore F rank J. d airym an , 77 & 78 S t. A ldate’s st.
& Speedwell street, S t. A ldate's
W ilberforce Tem perance H otel (The) (Miss A . A. Iorns,
p roprietress), 34 Queen street
W ilkins k Jeeves, arch itects k surveyors, 4 Magdalen st
W ilkins k Toy, solicitors, 6 & 7 Corn m arket street
W ilkins Henry, apartm en ts, 62 S t. John street
W ilkins Jam es, u n iv ersity lo d g in g house, 43 South­
m oor road, S t. G iles’
W ilkins Joseph, chim ney sweeper,75 C ardigan st.Jericho
W ilkinson Jam es Richard H arry, u n iversity lodging
house, 148 W alton street
W ilks F rederick H enry, sub-m an ager G illett k Co.’s
Bank. 134 C ow ley road
W illans H arry Richard, K in g ’ s A rm s hotel, Parks road
k 40 H olywell street
W illcox A m y E. (M ts.), u n iversity lodgin g house, 63
H olyw ell street
W ille tt E dw ard, G ardeners’ A rm s P.H . 39 Plantation
road, St. G iles’
W illiam s G eorge k Son, carriage builders, Alfred lane.
S t. G iles’
W illiam s A lfred, u n iversity lodgin g house, 100 South­
m oor road, St. G iles’
W illiam s Charles L .B .C .P ., L .R .C .S ., L .S .A . assistant
m edical officer to W arneford H ospital for Mental
Disorders. H eadington hill
W illiam s E lizabeth Ann (M rs.), apartm ents, 15 W a lto n
W ell r o a d , St. G ile s’
W illiams G eorge E. wardrobe dealer, 30 Broad street (
W illiam s Hy. tick et w riter, 10 Park E nd st. St.Thomas
W illiam s Nora (M iss), nurse, 135 W alton street
W illiam s Stanley, p rivate t u t o r , 50 C o rn m a T k et street
W illiam s W illiam John, apartm ents, 3 Grove street