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E le c tric a l E ngineer, W . A. T urnb ull
F in a n ce C lerk, W . Goodman
In sp e cto r of Nuisances & Canal Boats.

A lfred Lee,
Town hall
C o lle cto r, Jam es Standwell M ayne, 9 & n B ickford’s hi
C e m e te ry Superintendent, John S. Bayes, C em etery lo
The parishes in th e D istric t are the sam e as in the
Union, w ith the exception of A ylesbury. T h e aTea is
72,123 acres ; th e population in 1911 was 16,023.
Council m eets a t offices, 21 W alton street, on 3rd
Wednesday in each m onth.
Chairm an, Thom as Thorne, W eston T u rv ille
Vice-Chairm an, John W . G rist, Bierton

Clerk, Francis H. P arrott, Bourbon street, A ylesbury
Treasurer, Charles Edward Cobb, Lloyds Bank, Aylesbury
Medical Officer of H ealth, Alexander Thomson Morrison
M.B. & B.Ch. Waddesdon
Surveyor of H ighw ays, H arold G . Cordon, W alton st
Sanitary Inspector, R. Tom linson S tew art, A ylesbury
C O U N T Y M A G IS T R A T E S .
For Three H undreds of A ylesb ury P etty Sessional
Akroyd John B ath u rst, B irdingbury h all, R u gb y
Barlow Jam es A lan N apier M .A. Boswells, W endover
B artlett Edward Noel N apier, S t. M argaret's cottage,
Penn, H igh W ycom be
Buckinghamshire E arl of, D .L. Hampden house, Great
Carrington G eorge, The A bbey, G reat Missenden
Clark G eorge, 3 Suffolk villas, B icester rd. A ylesb ury
Disraeli Coningsby Ralph D .L. H ughendon m anor. H igh
Dormer Lord
Field Thom as, Prim roses, A ylesb ury
G arrett-Pegge John W m .Chesham Bois m anor,Chesham
G arrett-Pegge W ilfrid G eorge, Chesham Bois m anor,
Goodall L ieu t.-C o l. L iebert E dw ard D .L . Dinton hall,
Griffin Jam es W hitehouse, Towersey, Tham e
Gurney Thom as, H artwell, A ylesbury
Hazell W alter, W alton grange, A ylesb ury
Hedderwick Thom as Charles H unter, T h e Manor bouse,
Weston T u rv ille, W endover
Jaques Leonard, E asby bouse, Richm ond, Y ork s
Jenney M ajor Stew art W illiam V .D . M iswell lane, T rin g
Lepper Hy. G urney M .R .C .V .S . 18 W alton st. A ylesb ry
Liberty S ir A rth u r Lasenby D .L. Lee m anor, The Lee,
G reat Missenden
Locke Robert W illiam , Bedford house, A ylesb ury
Mathews E rnest, L ittle Shardeloes, Am ersham
Phillips H erbert P ercvD avies,W h iteleaf,Prin ces R isboro’
Read Stratfold, Church farm . Saunderton, Princes
Rothschild Lionel N athan de M .P. Ascott, W ing,
Leighton Buzzard
Tighe L t.-C ol. Michael A ugustus, Loosley house, Princes
W armington Sir M arshall Denham b art. The Old House,
G reat Missenden
West Leonard H enry L L .D . The G range, W endover
Wykeham Philip Jam es D igby D .L . T ythrop ho. Tham e
The chairm en of the R ural & U rban D istrict Councils
for the tim e being, are ex-officio m agistrates
Clerk to the M agistrates, Francis H ayward Parrott,
Bourbon street



Buckingham shire A rch itectural & Archaeological Societv,
M useum , C hurch street, W illiam Bradbrook M .R .C .S.
B letchley, lion, s e c .; Edwin H ollis F .Z .S . curator
Buckingham shire C ham ber of A g ricu ltu re, C. E. F ree­
m an, Wendover, sec
C em etery. T rin g road, P ercy A. W righ t, c le rk ; John
S tan ley Bayes, keeper & sexton
C ounty C ourt, held at th e C oun ty hall every m onth ;
office, 25 W alton stre e t; His Honor Jam es S cu lly
B .A. ju d g e ; Stan ley E dw ard W ilkin s, registrar & high
The d istrict includes the following p la c e s:— A ldbury,
Ashendon, is to n Clinton, Aston A bbotts, Aston Sand­
ford, A ylesbury-w ith-W alton, Bierton-w ith-B roughton,
Buckland, Buckland Common, C reslow, Cublington,
Cuddington, Dinton, D rayton Beaucham p, E llesborough,
F leet M arston, Halton, H ardw ick, H artw ell, Hulcotfc,
K im ble (G reat), K im b le (L ittle),M arsw orth ,N ettleden ,
O ving, Pitchco tt, P itsto n e; Prestwood Com m on, in
the parish of Stoke M an d eville; Puttenham , Quainton.
Q uarren don ; S t. Leonard’s ham let, in th e parish of
Aston C lin to n ; Shipton Lee ham let, in the parish of
Q u a in to n ; Stoke M andeville, Stone, T rin g , Waddesdon,
Weedon, W endover, W estcott, W eston T u rville, Woodham, W h itch urch, W igginton, Winchendon (L ow er),
W inchendon (Upper), W in grave & Rowsham & W otton
Certificated B ailiffs, John W illiam Reader, F rank John
Brown, W illiam Thorne & A. E . H ollow ay, A ylesbury
& G eorge B ly , T rin g
T h is C ou rt has also bankruptcy ju risd iction , and for
bankruptcy purposes includes, in addition, the dis­
tricts of the County C ourts of Chesham, Tham e &
W ycom be, G eorge M allam , 1 St. A ldate st. Oxford,
official receiver
C oun ty H all, M arket square, Rowland A. Tow ersey,
hall keeper
County Police (head quarters), M arket square, M ajor
O tw ay Mayne, chief constable; Charles Pollard, super­
intendent & chief clerk
C ounty Police Station . E xch an ge street, H enry W ootton,
superintendent & deputy chief c o n stab le; the local
force consists of 1 superintendent, 3 sergeants & 5
C ourt L e et & C ourt Baron, John C lem en t P arker esq.
H ig h W ycom be, is lord of th e m an o r; S tan ley E dw d.
W ilkins, of A ylesb ury, is steward
C ustom s & E xcise Office, 10 T em p le square, W illiam
Hannaford A llen, supervisor ; Edw ard C h arles Baston,
officer ; T . H. Jarvis, surveyor of taxes
H .M . F em ale C onvict Prison & Borstal In stitution .
Bierton road, W illiam Henry W in der L .R .C .P .L o n d .,
M .R .C .S .E n g ., D .P .H .C am b . go v ern o r; M iss Selina
F itz-H erb ert Fox M .D., B .S .D u rh . la d y sup erin ten ­
dent & deputy m edical officer
Ju d ge’s Lo dgin gs, M arket square, M rs. M ary Spedding,
L ite ra ry In stitu te, Tem p le street, Lord R othschild
P.O ., G .C .V .O . p resid en t; A. F reem an, tre a su re r;
P . B artlett & C. R. Beard, jo in t hon. secs. ; J . A.
Unwin, librarian
M asonic H all, Ripon street, A . E . W atts, sec
Royal B uckingham shire H ospital (T h e), Lauriston E lg ie
Shaw M .D .Lond., F .R .C .P .L o n d . consulting p h ysi­
c ia n ; Jam es B erry F .R .C .S .E n g ., M .B ., B .S.L o n d.
con sultin g su rg eon ; John Charles B aker B .A ., M .B.
Lond., M .R .C .S .E n g . Horace Rose M .R .C .S .E n g .,
L.R .C .P .L o n d . W aldem ar S h ip ley W est M .A ., M .D ..
B .C .C am b. Thom as Perrin M .D ., M .S .L o n d ., F .R .C .S .
E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . & W illiam J. A shby M .D ., B .C h .,
B .A .O .R .U .I. surgeons in o rd in a ry ; A rth u r Turner
L .D .S .R .C .S .E d in .,
F .C .S .L o n d .
Thom as F ield, o p tic ia n ; D. C. D avies, tr e a s u r e r :
Rev. V icto r L . W h itech urch L .T h . chaplain ; Stanley
W ilkin s, s e c .; M iss V au gh an , m a tro n ; M iss Amos,
dispenser. (T he house-surgeoncy is now (1915) being
held tem porarily b y m ilita ry m edical officers)
Town F ire B rigade ; engine house, Bourbon s t r e e t ; Dick
Seaton, captain & 20 men
Town H all, M arket square ; P ercy A. W rig h t, clerk to
th e Council
Urban Council B urial A uthority. Town hall, Percy A.
W rig h t, clerk & r e g is t r a r ; John Bayes, superinten­
dent of cem etery, T rin g road

Petty Sessions are held at the County ball 011 Saturday
at r i ; at the H all, G reat Missenden, 011 a. Monday in
each month, & at the L ite ra ry In stitute, Princes R is­
borough, the second or th ird Th ursday in each month
at 11
The following places are in the P etty Sessional division :
— A ylesbury w ith W alton, Aston Clinton w ith St.
Leonard’s, Aston Sandford, Bierton w ith Broughton,
Buckland, Cuddington, Dinton w ith Ford & Upton,
Drayton Beaucham p, Ellesborough, Fleet Marston,
Haddenham, Halton, G reat & L ittle Hampden, H ard­
wick, H artw ell, Horsendon, H ulcott, Illm ire, G reat and
Little Kim ble, Lee, G reat Missenden, L ittle M issen­ Board day, e v e r y 2nd & 4th W e d n e sd a y 111 every m onth
a t 11 a.m .
den, Monks Risborough, Princes Risborough, Quarrendon, Stone-with-Bishopstone, Stoke M andeville, T ow er­ j The Union com prises the following places :— Ashendon,
sey, Waddesdon, Weedon, Wendover, W estcott, Weston
Aston A bbotts, Aston Clin ton-w ith-St. Leonards, Aston
Tnrville, Lower Winchendon, Upper Winchendon
■ Sandford, A ylesb ury, Bierton-w ith-B roughton, Buck-