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Pollock Thomas, Rotherfield Peppard, Rowden John Douglas, Golder, Cux- Smullpeice William Chas. H. Sonning
Eye, Reading
ham, Wallingford
Poole John, Stonesfield, Woodstock Rowell Arthur C. Woodcote, Reading Smith Brothers, Stoke Field, Stoke
Talmage, Watlington
Poole William George Ernest, Badge- Rowland Albert, Mill st. Eynsham
Rowles Bernard, Rofford, Chalgrove, Smith Alfred, Cropredy, Banbury'
more, Henley-on-Thames
Smith Cornelius, Checkendon,Reading
Porter G. L. Manor ho.Holwell,Burfrd Wallingford
Rowles C. H. Gt. Milton, Wallingford Smith Daniel, Shipton-under-WychPorter Gerald, Shilton, Burford
Poulton Lewis Thomas, Burdrop, Sib- Rowles Mrs. John, Weston-on-the- wood, Oxford
Smith Daniel, Swinbrook, Burford
Green, Bicester
ford Gower, Banbury
Poulton William (dairy), Pishill, Rowles Mrs. William, Weston-on-the- Smith Edward, Milton-under-Wychwood, Oxford
Green, Bicester
Powell Ebenezer, Churchill grounds, Rowles Wm.G. Hook Norton, Banbry Smith Frank H. Blackthorn, Bicester
Ruck Francis Jsph. Weald, Bampton Smith George, Lewknor, Wallingford
Churchill, Chipping Norton
Smith George, Mapledurham, Reading
Powell James, Hook Norton, Banbury Rudge Fred, Shutford, Banbury
Powell Joseph, Charlton, Oxford
Russell Henry Lefroy, Goodfellows, Smith Harry, Aston, Bampton
Smith James, Pvrton Field, Pyrton,
Powell Thomas, Wigginton, Banbury Filkins, Lechlade (Glos)
Pratley Hy. Payneâs,Swinbrook.Burfrd Russell Thos. Adderbury Ea. Banbury Wallingford
Pratley Michael, Delly End, Witney P»yman Howard J. Toot Baldon,Oxfrd Smith John, Asterleigh, Over KidÂ
dington, Oxford
PrattR. R. Long Handboroâ,Woodstock Ryman William Denton, Wheatley
Pratt Thomas, Brize Norton, Bampton Sabin Daniel, Sibford Ferris, Banbury Smith John, Weald, Bampton
Prentice John V.20 Church st.Bicestr Sabin Danl. Sibford Gower, Banbury Smith Mrs. S. A.9 Kingâs end.Bicestr
Prestidge G. Gt. Bourton, Banbury Sabin Jas. Eagles, Wardington,Banbry Smith Thackwell G. Charlbury
Preston Geo. Ernest,Northmoor,Oxfrd Salmon B. Gt.Rollright,ChippingNrtn Smith Wm. Great Milton,Wallingford
Preston Henry, Fritwell, Banbury
Salmon Cecil L. Lower Tadmarton, Smith Wiliam, Hardwick, Witney
Smith Wm. Lyneham,ChippingNorton
Preston Jesse, Fritwell, Banbury
Preston W. T. Minster Lovell,Witney Salmon Hewitt, Brick cottage, Tad Smith Wm. Manor, Crawley, Witney
William, Tiddington, Wheatley
Preston William, Eynsham
marton, Banbury
Prichard Jas. Edwd. Horley, Banbury Salmon Jas. A. Tadmarton, Banbury Soden William, Epwell, Banbury
Pryor William Robert & Oliver, Fil- Salmon John Austin, Lower Tadmar Southam Rd. Chadlington, Charlbury
Sowerby Thomas John, Whitehall,
kins, Lechlade (Gloâstersh)
ton, Banbury
Minster Lovell, Witney
Pullin William John, Bix, Henley- Salmon Rd. E. Tadmarton, Banbury
Salmon William, Shutford grounds, Sowler Alfred, The Warren, Finmere,
Putt Albert, Yarnton, Oxford
Shutford, Banbury
Quaint Edgar Hayns, Binfield Heath, Salmon Wm. H. Bloxham, Banbury SpaTrowhawk E. Aston, Bampton
Sanders Ernest Mortimer, Over Nor Spencer Arthur Lewis, Chastleton,
Quartly Frank, Swalcliffe, Banbury
ton, Chipping Norton
Quartly James, Chalford, Tetsworth Sanders J. Over Kiddington, Oxford Spencer Jeremiah W. Clifton, Oxford
Quelch Alfred, Durham Leys farm, Sansom Miss Annie, Launton.Bicester Spittle John, Great Bourton, Banbury
Baldon Marsh, Oxford
Sansom William, Launton, Bicester Spokes Fred, Hanwell, Banbury
Railton William W. Adwell farm, Sargant Stanley Montague, Church Stallard J. J. Shipton Downs, Oxford
(letters through Burford)
Postcombe, Tetsworth
Handborough, Woodstock
Rambridge J. Hook Norton, Banbury Sarney E.ParkCorner,Henley-on-Thms Stanbra Ernest J. Wigginton,Banbury
Reading William John Pearson, Lang Saunder Mrs. Marv, Eynsham
ford, Lechlade (Gloâstersh)
Saunders L. B. Warboro', Wallingfrd Stanbra Stephen, Wigginton, Banbury
Reed Charles A. Sydenham, Thame Savin Hy.Grove fm. Bletchington,Oxfd Stanley Geo. Finmere, Buckingham
Stanton Arthur, Fencott, Oxford
Reed Geo. H. Westcote Barton,Oxford Savin Thomas, Launton, Bicester
Reeves Archie,Westcote Barton,Oxfrd Savins George, Bodicote grounds, Stanton Arthur, Murcott, Oxford
Reynolds Bros. Spring hill, Milton- Bodicote, Banbury
Stanton John, Horton, Oxford
Staplee H. H. Gigley, Hailey, Witney
under-Wychwood, Oxford
Saw Samuel, Oakley, Wallingford
Richards Mrs. J. W. Gt. Tew,Enstone Sawkins Mrs.M.Goring Heath,Readng Staunton James, Piddington, Thame
Richards John Walter, Walcot & Sawyer E. C-, J.P. Little Milton, Stearman Arth. Hook Norton, Banbry
Steele Albert Edward, Islip, Oxford
Tracy farms, Charlbury
Richardson Cedric T. Southrop, Hook Scovell Charles John, Peppard Com Stephens Walter, Taymton, Burford
Norton, Banbury
mon, Rotherfield Peppard, Henley- Stevens E. W. Sibford Gower, Banbry
Stevens Fredk. Britwell, Wallingford
Richardson E.H.Hook Norton,Banbury on-Thames
Richens Thomas. Carterton, Clanfield Searle Arthur John, Blackmore farm, Stevens Henry. Cold Harbour, Stadhampton, Wallingford
Richens William, Weald, Bampton
Kidmore, Reading
Rigby Richd. Jsph. Souldern, Banbury Seeker Hubert, Manor house, Wid- Stevens John, Rosedale, Britwell,
Roadnight Sidney, Gouldâs grove, ford, Burford
Ewelme, Wallingford
Shaw George S. Somerton, Banbury Stilgoe Hugh William, The Grounds,
Roberts J. P. & Son, Mollington, Shelswell Miss A.Shenington,Banbury Adderbury West, Banbury
Stockford G. F. Swerford, Enstone
Shepherd Charles, Wheatley
Roberts John Payne, Cropredy,Banbry Shepherd Wm. Geo. Hempton, Oxfrd Stone Alfred, Forest Hill, Oxford
Robins Fredk. Shenington, Banbury Shirley Daniel, Noke, Oxford
Stone Fras. F. Shirburn, Wallingford
Robinson Eli, Chilson, Charlbury
Stone Mrs. Sarah, Hardwick, Witney
Shirley James, Delly End, Witney
Robinson George, Bladon, Woodstock Shirley Richard, Hempton, Oxford
IStone Mrs. S. Lachford, Wallingford
Robinson William, Bloxham, Banbury Sborland George, Sheep house, Lower ¡Stopps Alfred, Headington, Oxford
Rogers Alexander William, Bletching- & Upper Bolney, Upper House & IStout Frank, Nethercote, Banbury
ton, Oxford
Huntâs farms, Harpsden; Home Strainge Christr. Ducklington,Witney
Rogers George, Wardington, Banbury farm, Kidmore & Soundess farm, Stride Herbt. W. Britwell, Wallmgfrd
Sturch Brothers, Manor house,Idbury,
Rogers Samuel James, The Poplars, Nettlebed, Henley-on-Thames
Hornton, Banbury
Shouler Francis M. Great Chesterton. Chipping Norton
Rogers Thomas, Souldern, Banbury
Sturch Henry & William, The Grange,
Rogers Thomas,' Wigginton heath, Shouler Thos. Up. Arncot. Bicester Brize Norton, Bampton
Wigginton, Banbury
Shrimpton A. The Farm, Great Sturch Jas. Great Haseley.Wallingfrd
RopeT John, Little Faringdon, Lech Haseley, Wallingford
Styles Fredk. Watlington, Wallingfrd
lade (Gloâstersh)
Shrimpton Mrs. Betsy, Aston Rowant, Sulston J11. Andw. Piddington, Thame
Sulston Thos. Oakley, Wallingford
Roper W.Over Norton,Chipping Nortn Wallingford
Rose Brothers, Wheatley
Shrubb Frank, Shillingford,Wallingfrd Sutton W. Barton, Wilcote, Charlbury
Rose Reuben & Frederick, Rectory Siford Edgar Yalentine, Fordwells, Tanner F.& Son,Gt.Chesterton,Bicestr
farm, Salford, Chipping Norton
Tanner Albt. Upper Heyford,Banbury
Asthall Leigh, Witney
Rose Urban & Son, ChuTchill, Chip Silman Jn. Lyneham,Chipping Norton Tanner E. W. Horsepath, Wheatleyping Norton
Simmons Miss G.A.Piddington,Thame Tanner Raphael, Noke, Oxford
R;Ose Checkley, North Weston, Thame Simms Jas. Fox hill, Swerfor,Enstone Tanner Wm. Hy. Wendlebury, Bicester
Rose E. J. Stanton St. John, Oxford Simms Wm. J. Hook Norton, Banbury Tansley Henry, Bury barns, Burford
Rose Mrs. F. Water Eaton, Oxford
Simons John Thomas,Baynards green, Tappin David, Cuxham, Wallingford
Rose Fredk. Wm. Hill farm, Witney
Fewcott, Bicester
Tappin Frederick Albert (trustees of),
Rose Hugh D. Emmington, Thame
Sirett HA.Hendon,Steeple Aston,Oxfd Watlington, Wallingford
Sirett Thomas Francis (exors. of).¡Tapping Mrs. Sarah, Kingsey, Thame
Rose John U. Swerford, Enstone
Rose Richard Thomas, Bampton
Grange farm. Middle Aston, Oxford ¡Taylor Alfred, Fencott, Oxford
Rose T. Johnson (exors. of), Bampton Skeleher & Sons. Binsey, Oxford
¡Taylor Bert, Broughton grounds,
1 Broughton, Banbury
Ross D. Nuffield, Henley-on-Thames
o.\ov .
2 *