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Clarendon, and is a q uadran gular edifice, relieved in the
centre of the principal front by four Ionic colum ns
sup porting a p e d im e n t: the arm s and cyphers of the
Clarendons still form part of the fragm en ts of the old
c eilin g of the oval vestibu le, and a rich cornice of the
sam e age, w rought in fruit and foliage, adorns the
b reakfast room : two wings at the rear of the m ansion,
form ing a quadrangular courtyard, are of m uch older
Loddon C ourt, th e seat of Norton A ylm er Roupell
esq. is a m odern hcuse standing on h igh grounds, over­
looking the valley of th e Loddon river, in a rich ly
tim bered park of about 100 acres, the oak trees in which
are especially very fine and of g rea t age ; th is property,
the ancient nam e of which was K in g sb rid g e, appears in
D om esday book as part of the Royal W indsor Forest
dom ain. A t Swallowfield died, 10 Jan. 1855, M iss M ary
Russell ^M itford, the well-known authoress of “ Our
V illa g e .7’ Mrs. H unter is p a rt ladv of the manor. Sir
G . A . C. Russell bart. Mrs. G ray, Capt. C. M. Richards
and Norton A ylm er R oupell esq. are th e p rin cipal lan d­
owners. The soil is m ostly of sand and g r a v e l; subsoil,
clay. The ch ief crops are w heat, b arley and oats. The
area is 3,712 acres of land and 33 of w a te r; rateable
value, £ 7 ,2 13 ; the population in 1911 was 1,533.
Post. M. 0 . & T. Gffice.— A lb ert T. D. Gardiner, sub­
postm aster. Letters arrive from R eading at 5.50 a.m .
& I2-3 5 > 5 - 3 0 & 7 - i 5 p .m .; dispatched at 11 a.m . &
2.50 & 7.15 p .m .; sunday, arrive, 6 a .m .; dispatched
at 4.45 p.m
Post Office, R iseley Com m on.— G eorge Stibbs Bullock,
sub-postm aster. L etters th rou gh Reading, arrive at
7.50 a.m . & 1.30 & 6.40 p.m . ; dispatched at 7.30 a.m .
& 1.30 & 6.40 p .m . ; Sundays, 10.10 a.m . Swallow S W A L L O W F IE L D .

[ k e l l y ’s

field, 2 m iles d istan t, is the nearest m oney order &
telegraph office
E lem entary, R iseley Common, b uilt in 1855, for 134
children ; A rth u r J. H. W righ t, m aster
A daily service of m otor om nibuses runs to & from
the General Post office, Reading to Swallow field Corner
& th e B u ll inn
Carriers to Reading.— E dw ards, to ‘ Duke’s H e a d ; ’ E.
R atcliffe, to ‘ P e a c o c k ;’ Varney, mon. tues. thurs.
fri. & sat. & Baylis, mon. tues. thurs. fri. & sat
F A R L E V H IL L is a ham let in this parish. The
chapel of ease of S t. John the E van gelist, b u ilt in 1891
by the late Col. G ray, at a cost of £2,000, and also
endowed by him , was consecreated in 1892: there are
220 sittin gs. F arley H ill Place, a substantial brick m an ­
sion standing in a p a rk of about 80 acres, is the seat
of Mrs. G ra y ; in the entrance hall is a fine painted
ceiling -by Lancret. F arley C astle is the residence of
W. -M ortim er A llfrey esq
F arley C ou rt is the seat of
W . Bishop esq.
Post, M. O'. & T. Office.— James Lewds, sub-postm aster.
L etters arrive from Reading at 6.45 a.m . & 12.40 &
p .m .; dispatched a t 8.55 a.m . & 2.15 & 6.50
p.m . ; sun. arrive 6.45 a.m . ; dispatched, 4.25 p.m
W all L e tte r Boxes.— Near Fox & H ounds P.H . cleared
7.10 a.m . & 1.15 & 6.15 p .m .; Sundays, 4 p .m .;
C hurch , cleared 8.30 a.m . & 1 & 6.30 p .m .; Sundays,
4 p.m
P illa r Box, near F arley castle, cleared 8.45 a.m . & 2 &
6.40 p.m

Cole F rederick, agen t to S ir George
A rth u r C harles R ussell bart
W heatley H arry, blacksm ith
Cooper Mrs. m iller (w ater), Sw allow ­ Woods Zachery, boot & shoe m aker
field m ill
W orking Men’s C lub (W alter A yres,
Cordery Ernest H orace, coal m erchnt
caretaker), Russell hall
Dance E dw in E va n ,frm r. R iseley frm W ren G eorge, farm er, Handpost farm
G ardiner A lb ert T. D. d rug stores
Wynn Rose A. (M iss), refresh, rooms
Halpin G eorge M .D., B .S.D u b. ph y­ Yeo Thom as, beer retailer
sician & surgeon
Yoo W illiam , builder '
Hibberd John, G eorge & Dragon P.H Yeo W illiam , ju n . carpenter & colHobbs Henry, butcher
[ lector of taxes & assistant overseer
Holford H arry T. Sun P.H
H olloway G eorge, blacksm ith
Holmes L e titia T aylor (M iss), district A llfrey W. M ortim er, F arley castle
nurse, V illa s place
Bishop W. F arley court
E lizabeth
(M rs.),
Five Brodie G eorgeBernard M .D.W oodbury
Bells P.H
G ray Mrs. F arley H ill Place
Irem onger Rd. frm r. S p rin gall fa rm 1Pasley S ir Thom as Edward Sabine
Leadbetter A lfred John, carpenter
bart. The C ottage
Lovegrove W m . B ird-in-H and P.H
Shackleton Rev. Charles E dm und
Naish Am os, b utch er
M .A. (curate)
A llen W illiam , m iller (w ater), S tan ­ Naish G eorge, farm er, G oddard's frm Simonds W illiam , B unce’s Shaw
ford E nd m ill
Naish R ichard, coal m erchant
Baston W illiam , grocer
Palm er Charles, Crown P.H
A llard W m . gardnr. to W .Bishop esq
Best Benjam in, laundry
P ither C harles, farm er, V illage farm Allen Joseph, Fox & Hounds P.H
Bone F rank, farm er, G lasspools frm Rays A lbt. W m . farm er, Lam b’s farm Baylis W illiam , carrier
B ow yer John, farm er, Loddon farm
S h urvell M ary (M rs.), lau n d ry
Cordery W illiam , farm er, Halls farm
B ryant Robert, farm er, Sheepbridge Soper A lb ert & Son,chim ney sweepers F ield John H. farm er,W h eeler’s farm
C o u rt farm
Spencer Stephen, B ull P.H
Jones Robert, farm er, Sandpit farm
B ullock G orge Stibbs, baker, & post Stevenson F rederick, farm er
Priest M ary (M iss), grocer
office, Riseley common
S w ift John, farm er, W hatm ore farm R uffell W m . gardener to M rs. G ray
Bye G eorge, farm er, Stanford end
T anner G eorge, beer retailer
Stevenson W illiam Boham , farm er
B ye Thom as, farm er, New Barn farm T ilb u ry W illiam , baker, R iseley
T aylor W illiam , farm er, C lark’s farm
T H A T C H A M is a parish in tersected by the river C roft C astle, H ertfordshire, who died 30th N ov. 1792,
Kennet and the Kennet and Avon canal, and is bounded and to Frances, his m other, wife of Sir A rcher Croft,
on the south by the riv er A uburn, which separates this 2nd bart. M .P. who died in 17 6 7; there is also an
county from H ants, w ith a station 1 m ile south-east altar tom b to S ir W illiam Danvers* one of th e judges
from the village, on th e G reat W estern railw ay, 50 of th e Com m on Pleas and a “ K n ig h t of the Sworde,”
m iles from London, 3 m iles east from N ew bury and 14 m ade at the m arriage of Prince A rth u r, 17th Nov.
south-west from Reading, in the Southern division of the
1501, who died in 1504: and floor stones of the T u ll
cou n ty, hundred of Reading, p etty sessional division, fam ily, to whom the chapel now b elo n g s: there are
union and cou nty court district of N ew bury, and in the several stained windows and an extrem ely fine Norm an
rural deanery of N ew bury, archdeaconry of Berks and doorway in the south porch : th e chancel arch is also in
diocese of Oxford. The village is lig h ted w ith gas and the Norman style, but is modern : the tower has a Deco­
is supplied w ith w ater from w ells, and it has been rated doorway and windows of th e same d a t e : the
drained a t a cost of between £3,000 and £4,000, out church was fully restored about 1852, and affords 600
of the rates. The church of S t. M ary is a very fine sittin gs, m ostly appropriated. The register dates from
stru ctu re in m ixed styles, consisting of chancel, nave, the year 1561, and has been carefully reprinted.
aisles, south porch and an em battled western tower with T here is also a collection of ancient docum ents and
pinnacles, containing 6 bells and a clock w ith ch im es: seals, kept in the parish chest and w ell preserved. The
adjoining the chancel is S t. Anne’ s chapel, b uilt by Lady livin g is a vicarage, n et yearly value £295, w ith resi­
Anne Danvers in 1504 as a burial place for her husband. dence, and 10 acres of glebe, in th e g ift of
S ir W illiam Danvers, and herself : this chapel has been trustees, and held since 1910 by the Rev. Edward
furnished and adapted for daily services, chiefly with Cham berlaine M .A. of W orcester College, Oxford. Here
the aid of Lord H am bleden, the survivin g representative is a C ongregational chapel, erected in 1804, seating
of the Danvers fa m ily ; the chapel contains a m onu­ 300, a P rim itive M ethodist and W esleyan chapels, and
m ent of the F u ller fam ily, of Cham ber House, 1620, a m eetin g place for Plym outh B rethren. The endowed
as well as m em orials to S ir A rcher Croft, 3rd b art. of charities include L ad y W inch com be’s Blue Coat School


Bacon Rev. M aunsell John M .A. The
Biddlecom be W illiam , H igh grove
Bye Mrs The Firs
Cooper Mrs. B ridge house
H alpin G eorge B .A ., M.D
Kennedy A nthony Street. O akley ho
L eighton M iss, The Meadow
L o n g Mrs. Rose cottage
Lovegrove Charles, W h ite house
Lum sden John. B erkeley villa
Reeves M iss, Corner house
Roupell Norton A ylm er. Loddon crt
R ussell S ir G eorge A rth u r Charles
bart. Swallowfield park
W alker Jam es F rederick, E lm lodge
W aterer Ralph, W yvols court