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M a g d a len st r e e t â continued.
[ k e l l y âs
Manchester College (Rev. Joseph 121 Hedges Mrs. Caroline, poulterer
4 Surveyor of Taxes office,
Estlin Carpenter M.A., D.Litt.. 123 to 126 & 142 to 144 Moreton,
John G. Smyth, surveyor
D.D. principal)
Allen & Buckingham, poulterers
4a, Tvreedale Armstead Motors Ltd.
East side.
127 & 88 Tyrrell Henry, who. fruitr
motor engineers
Smith Arthur Lionel M.A. (The 130 to 134 Mattock John, rose grwr
4a, Fleming, Reid & Co. Ltd.hosiers
Kingâs Mound)
139 Goodey W. & Sons, fruiterers
5 & 6 Domestic Bazaar Co. Limited
Mee Rev. John Henry M.A., Mus. 142 to i'45 & 123 to 126 Moreton,Allen
Doc. (Precentor of Chichester
& Buckingham, poulterers
5 & 6 Ballard Adolphus M.A., LL.B.
Cathedral) (Holywell house)
146 '& 147 Nutt George Henry, dealer
Crane Henry Owen (trustee of),
in birds & domestic animals
7 , 8. 9. 10, u & 12 Elliston & Cavell
152 Druce Mrs.Minnie J. greengrocer
Limited, house furnishers &c
1 Etheridge Frank, apartments
156 & 728 & 129 & 135 & 136 Bates
Joseph & Co. fruiterers
Here is Friars entry ...
13 Cooper George Henrv, baker
13 to 17 W a t s o n Miss A. Maud,
High street to Market street.
Oxenford Hall boarding estabÂ
S ee a d v e r t is e Â
See Market street.
1 Fortiscue Miss Lucy Mary, florist
m ent p age 45
2 Gibbs Frederick W. confectioner
14 Walford k Spokes, jewellers &c. 3 & 4 Lindsey William Lewis, btchr
S e e a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e
5 & 6 Hunt James, refreshment rms
7 & 8 Lamboum & Co. basket makeTs 12 Corn Market street to Turl st.
14 & 15 Brooks Edmund J. & Son. 9» 10, 11 & 12 Mortimer Frederick
South side.
John, fruiterer
auctioneers & surveyors. See
a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 3 6
t3 & 14 Clarke Miss Sarah Charlotte, 2 Havman Charles, fishmonger
14 & 15 Clarendon Hotel Co. Oxford
3 Cutting Walter Horace, confectionr
Limited (reg. office),
15 & 16 George Amos John, refrsh.rms 5 Hall E. James, tobacconist
6 Wiggins John & Sons, bakers
E. J. Brooks, sec Harris Henry H. confectioner
14 & 15 French Laundry (Sunny- 17, 18 & 19 Creasey George J. fish 7 Abingdon Arms P.H Harold Jas
meade) Limited (reg. office).
8 Roebuck Vaults, Mrs. Kate Webber
E. J. Brooks, sec20 Cooper John & Son, fruiterers
15 Bennetts Limited, dyers &e See 21 to 23 Pigott Ernest E. k Sons, 9 Hedderly Bros, rope & twine mas
a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 3 5
provision merchants
Market House buildings:
18 Collins J. & Co. Limited, carriage 24 to 27 Martin Harold, pork butcher Meadows Bertram George, grocer
builders, garage &c
28, 29, 40 & 41 Turrill James & Long Fredk. David, boot & shoe ma
19 Hatt & Co. hair dressers &c. S e e j
Walter, poulterers
Gee Vernon H. illuminator
a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 5 5
30 & 31 Pcole John, greengrocer
George Amos J. phonograph dealer
ao Cousins, Thomas & Sons.chemists 32» 33»34â94 & 95 Smart Hy. grngro Brown Charles Henry, saddler
20 County of Oxford Territorial 35 & 36 West Samuel & Sons, florists
Force Association (Major W. L. 37 Harris & Matthews, seedsmen
9 Market Office (Tristram Taylor,
Melville Lee M.A. sec)
38. 63 & 66 Alden Isaac, butcher
toll collector)
20 British Red Cross Society (Col. S. 39 Watts Henry, butcher
Waller C.V.O. county director) 40, 41. 28 & 29 Turrill James &
Here is The Market ..
Walter, poulterers
North side.
42 & 43 Turrill John & Son, butchers 10 Crown & Thistle P.H. Edwd. Moss
44 & 45 SteventoD William, butcher 11 Day & Co. rope & twine makers
(Holywell). 7 Manor road.
46. 47â 48 & 53 Lindsey John & Son,
See advertisement
East side.
page 5 2
2 Qnelch Edward Arnett
49 Yeates John, greengrocer
Herbert, violin maker
4 Bailer Mrs
50 k 51 Parker P. & Son, fishmongrs 12 Weeks '
George Ernest & Co. bakers
6 King Perciral Ernest
32 Soden John Fredk. seed merchant 13 & 15 Strange Herbert William,
. 8 Harris .Tames Radboume
53» 46, 47 & 48 Lindsey John & Son,
hair dresser. See advertiseÂ
10 Stone Thomas Henrv
ment page 5 7
14 Styles George, apartments
54â & 56 Brewer William & Son. 14 Rowles Arthur, seedsman
16 Rowland Mr« Marv Kate, aparts
wholesale fruiterers
Francis, ladiesâtailor
18 Tubb Francis Henrv. apartments 57 k 84 to 86 Gee Charles & Sons,
17 Hunt Jabez, dining rooms
20 Price Joseph Ernest
58 Alden Ernest & Son, butchers
West side.
60 Wixon Wffliam Henry, butcher
1 Chamberlain Mrs
61 Woodford George David, butcher
3 Wilkins Henry
(Grandpont), River Isis.
65, 66 & 38 Alden Isaac, butcher
5 Simms John
East side.
7 Cameron Mrs
3 Watts Frank, boot repairer
9 Farrant Miss Grace, apartments 69. 70 & 71 Field & Jacob, florists
72 & 73 to 77 Alden Robert R k 27 Taylor Robert Geo. asst.insur.supt ;
Sons, butchers
Here is Cobden crescent..
78 Alden Cyril, butcher
41 Chandler Henrv, tailor
(Holywell), St. Cross road.
79 & 80 Kinch Thomas, poulterer
Wm. plumber & glazier j
81 & 82 Gibbard Edward, butcher
1 Hunt Frederick Frank
59 Gray Mrs
3 Saunders Miss Emily.univ.lodg.ho Pillar Letter Box
Here is Western road ..
4 Wren Christopher, nniv. lodg. ho 84- 85 & 86 Gee Charles & Sons,
fruiterers &c
5 Green Arthur, univ. lodg. house
St. Matthewâs Church
6 Lucas Fredk. university lodg. ho 88 Tyrrell Henry, who. fruiterer
Here is White House road .
80 Cham beys Tobias Alban, grngrcr
.....Here is Manor place..... g
o Smart Bert, wholesale fruiterer St. Matthewâs Day Schools
7 Burlton Miss
t Moreton Harrv &Son,market gdnrs .....Here i
s Newton road....
8 & 0 Griffiths Miss A. university q92
& 93 Payne Walter, fruiterer
135 Sims Miss Ellen, shopkeeper
lodging house
4 & 95 Smart Henry, greengrocer
169 Anstev Charles B. florist
10 Weller Joseph Maynard, university 9
96 & 07 Richards Herbt. Fras.poultrer
lodging house
West side.
illar Lptter Box
University Catholic Church (tem 00 P
k 120 Clark Charles, pork butcher 2 Bossom Thomas, contractin'
porary building)
too, toi k 102 Knight Edward, provi 18 Hearn James Wm. jobmaster
sion merchant
20 Trinder Wm. Thos. coach builder
103 & 117 Hedges Mrs.Elizh. butcher 32 Philbev Miss Lilian,« m»»*"
(The Parks), 4 South Park road. T
04 & 105 Clark Wm. pork butcher 66 Emanuel Frank Lewis, shop«®ePe
West side.
ro6 & 107 Hedges A. (exors. of),btchrs
& post office
Mansfield College (Rev. William i o 3 k toq Alden Robert R. & Sons, 120 Gibbs Frederick Wm. confetti.
Boothbv Selbfe M.A. (Oxon.),
t22 Whiting Edward, tailor
Hon D r L.. D.D Glas.principal) no, in & T13 to 116 Goodey S. & 166 Rainbow Miss Mary Ellen, dreBourne Gilbert Charles MA..
Sons, fruiterers
D.Sci. (Linacre professor of 112 Seaton John Wm. confectioner 174 Phipps George k Son, bin â
Comparative Anatomy) (Savile rr7 <fe 'o' Hedges Mrs. Elizh.butch'r rSo Tredwfil] Mr. Harriet,
tr8 Hall Mrs. Florence, poulterer
186 Oole Arthur George, grocer
..... Here is Savile road...... 120 k 99 Clark Chas. pork butcher 1208 Hiles Mrs. Florence, grocer