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O X I'O K D .
with places they- go to, inns they call at 4 days of Crowrnarshâ Andrews, â Crown,â wed. A sat
Cuddesdonâ Dover, New inn, mon. wed. fri. A s a t .;
M ortim er, â Chequers,â mon. wed. A sai
Abingdonâ Archer, Pembroke street, daily; Stallard, C ulham
â Bonner, New inn, wed. fri. A sat
âCrown,âwed. & sat.; Hill, New inn, daily
Cum norâ Dyer, â A nchor,â New road, m on. wed. fri A
Atlwellâ Wilkins, âPlough,â sat
G ibbm s, â Crow n,â wed. & s a t,; Cape], â Old
Appletonâ G. Batts, Circus yard, wed. & fri.; Gibbins
ate H ouse,â wed. A sat. ; G. B atts, C ircus yard,
âCrown,â wed. & sat.; Drew, âAnchor,â New roadâ G
s a t.; S tallard , â C row n ,â wed. A sat
wed. fri. & sat.; StaJlard, âCrown,âwed. & sat
C utteslow eâ E ast, â C row n ,â wed. A sat
Ardingtonâ Chandler, âAnchor,âNew road, wed. & sat
Dean C ourtâ Eynsham A W itney carriers
Aston, Middle & Northâ Humphries, âPlough,â sat â
Sparrowhawk, âAnchor,â mon. wed. & sat. ⢠Dyerâ A d d in g to n â Jones, â P lo u g h ,â w ed .; W ilkins, â P lo u g h ,â
âAnchor,âNew road, mon. wed. fri. & sat
Dover, New inn, mon. wed. fri. A sat
Aston, near Bamptonâ G. Wilkins, New inn, wed & sat Dentonâ
Dintonâ T u ck er, New inn, wed. A sat
Aston (Steeple)â see Steeple Aston
C herrill, â P lough ,â wed. 4 sat ; Moores,
Bamptonâ G. Wilkins, New inn, wed. & sat. ; Carter
Crow n,â wed. fri. A s a t . ; Jones, C ircus yard, wed.
âAnchor,â wed. & sat
F ran klin ,
â C h equ ers.â
s a t.; â Andrewsâ
Banburyâ Wilkins, âPlough,â sat.; Franks, âLeden
C row n,â wed. A s a t .; Rogers, â W h eatsheaf,â wed A
Porch Hall,âwed
Barton, Middle, Seswell 4 Westcott-Jlones, 1Plough â Dortonâ T ucker, New inn, wed. A sat
wed. ; Humphries, âPlough,âsat
Oxonâ G eorge Jones, C ircu s yard, wed. A
Barton-by-Headingtonâ Dring, âChequers,â daily & Drayton,
s a t.; C alcu tt, â A n ch or,- wed. A sat
Headington carriers
Duoklington A. Batts, â A n chor,â New road, mon. wed.
Beckleyâ Sumners, New inn, wed. & sat
A s a t.; Bourton, â P lough ,â mon. wed. fri. A sat
Begbrokeâ Cleaver, New inn. mon. wed. fri & sat
stewâ Jones, â P lou g h ,â wed. ; W ilkin s, â P lo u g h ,â sat
Bensonâ Cherrill, âPlough,â wed. 4 sat ⢠Moores Dun
Jackson, C ircus yard, mon. wed. fri. A sat
âOown,â wed. fri. & sat
near C u m n orâ G ibbins, â C row n,â wed. A sat.*
Berwick Priorâ Cherrill, âPlough,âwed. & sat. ⢠Moores
B atts, C ircus yard, wed. A s a t .; Capel, â Old G ate
âCrown,â wed. fri. & sat
H ouse,â wed. A sat
Berwick Salomeâ Andrews, âCrown,â wed. & sat
W illis. â P lough ,â daily, except thurs
Besselsleighâ Higgins. âCrown,â wed. & sat.- Fisher Elsfield
Enstone, C h u rch â Som erton, â A n ch or,â wed. A sat
âAnchor.âNew road. wed. fri. & sat
Ewelmeâ C h ern ll, â Plough ,â wed. A s a t .;
Bicesterâ Dyer, âAnchor,âwed. & sat
â Crow n,â wed. A sat
Binseyâ Mobey, âOld Gate House,âdaily
â Burden, â A bingdon A rm s,â wed. A s a t .; A.
Bladonâ Nappin, âAnchor.â New road, wed. & sat ⢠E ynsham
B atts. â A nchor,â N ew road, mon. wed. A sat
Knibbs, âCrown,â wed. & sat
Bletchingtonâ East, âCrown,â wed. & sat.- Cassv Eynsham H allâ A rkell, New inn, wed. A sat
F an n gdon â Sim m onds, â A n chor,â New road, wed fri
âPlough,âwed. & sat
A sat
Bloxhamâ Somerton, âAnchor,âwed A sat
Farnboronghâ Chandler. â A nchor,â New road, wed. A sat
BoarâsHillâ-Phipps, âPlough.âSt. Aldateâs, wed. 4 sat. ; Fawlev,
I\orth A Southâ Chandler, â A nchor,â New road
Cotmore, Whectsheaf A Anchor,âwed. A sat
wed. A sat
Boarstallâ Tucker, New inn. wed. A sat
Phipps. â P lough ,â St. A ldateâs, wed. A sat â¢
Bodicotâ Wilkins, âPlough,â sat
Cotmore^ W heatsheaf A A n ch or,â wed. A sat
/ T ° n / Ponn*-MKchen, <Balloon,â mon.
A^f° rd~ 9 handler*. â A n ch or»â
road, wed. A s a t .;
wed 4 sat.; all Eynsham 4 Cumnor carriers
G W ilkins. New inn. wed. A sat
Braze Nortonâ Wingfield, <Roebuck Vaults,âfri
F ulw ellâ Som erton, â Anchor,â wed. A sat
Bnehtwalthamâ Chandler. âAnchor,âNew rd wed 4 sat Fyfieldâ
Sim m onds, â Anchor,â New road, wed A «at j
Andrews. âCrown.â wed 4 sat. J Jack»â
Fisher. â Anchor,â New road. wed. fri. A sat
Circus yard mon. wed. fri. 4 sat.; Cherrill G arfordâ
Chandler. â A nchor,â New road, wed
âPlough,âwed. 4 sat
G arsm gtonâ Dover, New inn, mon. wed. fri. A sat. ;
ârjp~Tucker,New inn, wed. A sat
Townsend. New inn, wed. A s a t .; K im b er, â BaHoon,»
?°T 4Salomeâ â
Andrews. âCrown,âwed. 4 sat
A sat ; Y ates, â A n ch or,â New road, wed. A sat
^okhamptonâ Jackson, Circus yard, mon. wed. fri. G hwed.
m p to n â Jones, â P lough .â wed. ; H um p h ries/ Plough *
s a t .; Som erton, â A n ch or/ wed. A sat
Golden B allâ Nuneham A D orchester carriers
G osfordâ E ast, â C row n/ wed. A sat ; Jennings, â Crown »
tues A f r i.; Lapper. â C ro w n / w ed . A s a t Circus yard, mon. wed. fri 4 Greenfieldâ
Jackson, C ircus yard, mon. wed. fri A safe
sat., Chown, Circus yard, wed. & sat
G rove flbv W antage)â Chandler, â A nchor/ N ew road
ât S M L *
âCrown,â wed. & sat.; Mobey.
wed. A sat
, road'wed-* si>t
Hamnton. G ay A Povleâ E ast. â C row n / wed. A sat
C h S 2 rtbT°iR"d',T âAnchor,â New rd. wed 4 saâ H andborough, Long- A C h u rch â K n ibbs, â C row n / wed
Lodge, Circus yard, sat
A sat. ; Sfcacey, New inn, wed. A sat. ; P u tt, â Crown >
wed. A sat
w*4-w -4 sat
Hanney, East, A W estâ Chandler, â Anchor/ New road,
wed. A sat
Vantage) Chandler, âAnchor,âNew road. H ardw ick Dyer, â A nchor/ New road, mon. wed. fri A
sat. ; Douglas. C ircu s yard. New road, wed
HaseJev G reat A L ittle â P u tt, â C row n/ wed. A sat â¢
pLhawrie?y-.ianXcâm7ânweaa,,Wr r a r r i e â ,C W n 'â fues' 4 w â!
M inell, â A n ch or/ New road, wed. A sat
Headinetonâ Dring. New inn A â C h equ ers,â daily ; K erry,
â Chequers.â dailv
« i â i ^ adt S0,;â4Cir USâ# ' â ⢠" ad- « ⢠& sat
H ^ d in eton
New A Q u a rry -J o n e s . â C row n/ d a ily;
K erry. Chequersâ daily
H eidingtnn.
Oldâ G riffin.
â C row n ,â
d a ily ;
K fr .y
Chequer.«/ dailv
â Jackson, Circus yard, iron. wed. fri. 4 Dondrpd. E astâ C han dler. ⢠A nchor.â New road, wed ft sat
Denley-on-Tham esâ Jackson, C ircu s vard, mon. wed fri
Ck'S7 A"d^ Ã âCrown,â wed. 4 sat
A sat
" S â.mo" wod w -4 -at
H eyford, Lower 4 Upperâ D yer. â A n chor,â New road
wed. A sat
0]:Plongh,âWed ®
llkl"S- ,n®"*V -sat.; .Tones,
Highfieldâ Jones, â Crow n,â d a ily ; D ring, â C h equ er« â
Cnatelna'^d⢠y Fâ¢nklin, âChequers,â wed. 4 sat
daily ; K erry. â C h equ ers,â daily
Cokethorpe 1 n k , mn. wed. & sat
H inksey (New) 4 Cold A rb o u r-P h ip p s . â P lough.â St.
c°ombeâ Knihi^
chorââNew road-wed. A sat
Aldate s. wed. 4 sat, ; Archer, Pem broke street, d a ilv ;
p A sat
0Trnâ wed- & sat.; Stacey, New
C otm ore, W heatsheaf A A n ch or/ wed. A sat
D<uv1pv__Moores <r
H inksey (FerryJâ M itchell, â Balloon,â mon. wed. 4 sat
Balloon,â We(j . ⢠7 n- ''â*<]â to- & sat.; Kimber. Hinton W a ld n s t G . B atts, C ircus yard, wed. fri ft
nsat-; Turner âwi
I EdffinSrk>n, âCrown,â wed. A
s a t .; G ibbins, â C row n / wed. A sat
Holtonâ Hawes, â C row n/ wed. A sat
Witnev carriersâ
n"hââ mon- wod. fri. A sat. A Hook Nortonâ W ilkin s, â P lo u g h / sat
H opcrafts H oltâ W ilkin s, â P lo u g h / safe
7;Tur"c'râ âWheatsheaf,âdaily
i Ã