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[ belly 's
S m ith M rs. John G . H illside, l e k - G reen F rederick, boot m aker, G range Mosson W a lter Jam es, gardener
C apt. E . B. Towse V.C
cottage, Manor road
nield w
G regory Sarah (M rs.), apartm ents, M ountford A llan, gardener to th
Snow Charles, Leyland
E arl of Sh rew sbury & Talbot
1 Stan ley villa
S tirlin g A rchibald W . Holme Lea
G u n d ryA n n (M rs.), brew er & m altster Oram R ichard, fruiterer
S trick Frank 0 . N un's Acre
Parish C hurch House (Mrs. Mercott.
T ay lor Mrs. W estern , G rove F arm ho I H ague H enry, blacksm ith
caretaker )
Towerton H y.Chas.Sunnyside.M anr.Td Hales W illiam , carrier, Cleeve
Tow se Capt. E rn est B eckw ith V .C . H arvey H enry, gardener to A. Telford Patey Richard H. grocer, Station roirt
& Th e Boat house
Sim pson esq
L ong meadow
H arvey W illiam H enry, teacher
Pearce B rothers, farm ers & dairymen
W ade N ugent Charles, Woden house
G ateham pton, & Battle farms
W adley Jn.H v. Lvnstead,M illdow n Td
m u sic, M illdown road
T> .S
O .Eng.
C harles TL .D
surgeon- Ragge R obert, assistant overseer fc
W eedon
G eorge,
Th e Sum m er 1_____
house nHatt
schoolm aster
den tist, Th e E lm s, C leeve park
W illiam s W m . C arleton , Broom grove
W ilton Fras. Heath Barton, Manor rd H att E dw in T. solicitor, H igh street Saunders Bros, butchers, Norfolk ho
Savage T om ,job b in g grdnr.Thriff cot
W ood M iss, Instead, Icknield W ay
Hawkins Fred, beer retailer
Y ew dall John Cliff, B attle Farm house Hazell A lfred, h au lier, Railw ay view Skinner G eorge, news correspondent
F airview , M illdown road
H ewett Thom as S tibbs, grocer
H ig g s Thom as & Son, builders & Sm ith W . H. & Son, news agents
contractors, decorators, plum bers & Sm ith H arry A lbert Lacey, agent to
the London C it y & Midland Bank
san itary engineers
B arrs H erbert A nstee, w atch m aker
L td . (M etropolitan Bank branch)
ineK ate(M rs-),dress
rs.),dres; m a.M illdown rd
Beckenham Fred (M rs.), apartm ents, H ineKate(M
Hobbs & Sons L im ited , boat builders Sm ith Henry Lacey (M rs.), grocer
H azel cottage
Snow H. W. & Sons, agents to the
; t n 4«
Burchell John, boot m aker
G . W . Railway Co. coal & coke
I Holder J n .toll collector,G orin g bridge
B urridge W illiam H. boot m aker
m erchants. T N 42
H oney Fan n y. (M
beer retailer
B usby A lfred, plu m ber, Ivynook
. rs.),
Cocks Alfd. W illiam , grocer & draper j Johnson C harles, gardener to Col South O xfordshire W ater & Gas Co.
(Leonard J. C. Geer, manager)
E dw ard Dickinson
Cole W m .gard nr. to J n .C arteigh e esq
K in g Bernard Jam es, ch em ist, see Tappern W illiam , gardener to Earl
Colebrook & Co. L im ited, butchers
M osley & K in g
Coles John,gardener to M aj.G am b ierTem perance Hall
Korbetov Woolfe, Sloane hotel
P arrv
Sw ain, proprietress)
Cooper Leonard, gardener to M. G . L a sb u ry E dw ard, gardener to F. C.
S trick esq
Rooper esq
L ittle A nnie (M iss), draper
D avis W illiam , L eath er B ottle inn
E ggleton W m . painter, M illdown road London C ity & M idland Bank Lim ited Weedon Brothers, coal merchants k
chem ical m anure manufacturers.
(M etropolitan Bank branch) (open
E ustace A rth u r, saddler
Telephone No. 26 ; works No. 27
daily from io to 4 & on thurs. 10
Evans H erbert L avington M .B . &
to 1 ; H arry A lb ert L acey Sm ith, W est Reuben Jonah, cycle agt. & dir
C .M .E din. surgeon, & assistant in Â
agen t) ; draw on head office, 5 W hite W illiam Jam es, brewery manÂ
spector of schools to the C ounty
ager, T he Laurels
Threadneedle street, London E C
E ducation C om m ittee, Ropley
M alham G eorge, gardener to S. Fry W hitehorne Geo.W m .buildr.& grocer
Fran klin Jam es, m otor garage
oodbridge Jason, harness maker
esq. C leeve M ill cottages
FullbTOok J. & Sons, dairym en, H igh
W oodruff E lla (M rs.), apartments,
street & farm ers, G orin g, Spring, Mason Edw ard, Queenâs A rm s P.H
Elm cottage & draper
M iller of M ansfield Hotel
Beech & G rove farm s
Goddard C harles, garden er to F. T. M oring Am os, gardener to A rchibald W orkin g M enâs C lub (Leonard J. C.
G eer, sec)
S tirlin g esq
Shoolbred esq
G orin g & S treatlev E le ctric L ig h t Co. M osley & K in g , chem ists & drug gists W ym an & Sons L im ited, news agents,
Railw ay station
Ltd. (Thos. G illies, m g r.), Th e M ill
G O R I N G H E A T H is a scattered district in the b arley and oats, and a la rg e trad e is done in beech
parish of G orin g, 4 m iles south-east from the G oring tim ber.
station on the R eading and Oxford section of the G reat
CO L LIN Sâ END, £ m ile south-east, consists of a lew
W estern railw ay, and 6 north-w est from Reading, in the
Charles I. when staying as a
Southern division of th e county, p etty sessional division scattered cottages.
of H en ley; the once barren h eath is now w ell cultivated. prisoner at Caversham Park, is stated to have played
a green attached to the old public
H ere are alm shouses for tw elve poor m en of th e parishes bowls here, on
of G oring, S ou th Stoke, Checkendon. Cassington and house. A P rim itive M ethodist chapel was bnilt at
Ipstone (B ucks), founded and endowed with houses and LO N G T O L L in 1886.
land in 1724 b y H enry A lln u tt esq. of th e M iddle T em  Post, T ., Telephonic E xpress D elivery & Telephone Call
p le ; each alm sm an has a house, garden, supply of wood,
Office (available for calls to places within a limited
clothing and 7s. 6d. a w eek and m edical assista n ce; and
d istan ce).â M iss Annie E m ily H earn, sub-postm istress.
there is a resident n u r s e : attached is a chapel, in the
Letters delivered from R eadin g, via Pangbourne, at
chancel of w hich are m arble m onum ents to Henry
8.10 a.m . & 6.10 p.m . ; dispatched at 9.20 a m. & 715
A lln u tt, the founder of the ch arity, and Richard C lem ent,
p.m . ; sundavs, delivered at 8.25 a.m . ; dispatched at
his ex ecu to r: the chaplaincy, y e a rly value about / n o ,
9.30 a.m . W oodcote is th e nearest money order oftce
has been held since 1892 b y the Rev. Frederic John
W all L e tte r Box, at C rays Pond, cleared at 8.10 a.niPentycross B .A . of the U niversity of O xford: th ere are
& 7.10 p .m . week d a y s ; 10.5 a.m . S u n d a y s
two fields of about 11 acres for the chaplain's use ; the
W all Box, Shirvells hill", cleared 8.25 a.m . & 7.10pm.;
incom e of the ch arity, increased b y a bequest of / 2 1
u n d a y s 8 a.m
yea rly from the Rev. John Baker, am ounting to about
/70 0 y e a r ly ; the ch arity also provides / 1 1 2 yea rly for A lln u ttâs Endowed Schools, founded for 27 boys & *7
18 each from G orin g, 6 each from Cbeckendon
apprenticing boys of th e parishes above nam ed, part of
3 each from South S to k e; th e boys are educated 5
which is expended in outfit. The Flint house is the
un til the age of 14 years & the girls at 13
property and residence of Frederick Norton G arrard
years. &, if their parents so desire, are aj^rentic
esq. G reat Oaks, th e seat of F rederick G eorge Lom ax
ium of / 2 0 ; Charles Arthur Dickj â¢
esq. J.P . is a fine m odern m ansion w ith a com m anding
m aster; a schem e for the administration 0 1
view of th e picturesque scenery around. The G orin g
C h arity was sanctioned b y the C ourt of Chancer,
H eath C h a rity T ru stees are lords of the m anor, and
1833. & in 1894 th e school was enlarged as a jn there are several landowners. The soil is chalk, clay
school, for 149 children, of whom 54 are founoati
and g r a v e l; subsoil, chalk. Th e chief crops are wheat,
Bush Edw in, W hite Lion P.H. Cray
Truslove Joseph. Abbotsfield
W allis H arry, Querns house
A shley M iss, S h irvel lodge
Chapman John, farmer, C h arity^
G arrard F rederick Norton, T h e F lin t
G oddard W illiam Savin, beer retail ,
C rayâs pond
G odlee S ir Rickm an John K .C .V .O .,
B .A ., M .S ., F .R .C .S .E n g . Coom be A lder F rank & Charles, farm ers, G odfrey F rederick, farm
Rickm an John Godlee h
Stapnells farm
(postal address,
E nd farm (postal address, W h itÂ
Coombe End (postal address,
W h itch urch , Reading)
church, R eading)
ch urch , Reading)
Lom ax Frederick G eorge J.P . G reat A tkin s F rank W illiam , farm m anager
H arper ft Hearn, grocers. ToA
to F . N . G arrard esq. Park farm
O aks; & 52 Q ueenâs gate, LonÂ
Barnes Robt. Jam es, b ailiff to Joseph Hiscock G eorge, estate clerk
don S W
exors. of S ir Frank Rose
Truslo ve esq
Pentycross Rev. F rederic John B.A
Beeson W m . (M rs.), chair le g turner
(chaplain of alm shouses)