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land, Chearsley, C holesbury, C reslow , Cublington, C ud­
dington, Dinton, D ra yto n 'B ea u c h a m p , F leet Marston,
G rendon Underwood, Haddenham, Halton, H ardwick,
H artw ell, H aw ridge, H ulcott, Kingsw ood, Ludgershall,
O ving, Pitch cott, Q uainton, Quarrendon, Stoke Mande­
ville. Stone. Waddesdon, Weedon, W estcott, Weston
Turville, W hitch urch, Winchendon (Upper), W inchen­
don (Lower), W ingrave-w ith-B ow sham , Woodham &
W otton Underwood. The area is 75,411 ac re s; ra te ­
able value in 1915. £185,053 ; the population in 1911
was 27,075

[ b e l l y ’s

A dm iralty Surgeon, John Charles Baker B .A ., M.B.
M .R .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . C eely house, Church st
C ertifyin g F actory Surgeon, Jam es Shaw M .D ., D.P.H
32 H igh street
C lerk of the Peace for the C oun ty & to the Buckingham ­
shire Local Pensions C om m ittee, W illiam Crouch
C ounty hall
Clerk to the Com m issioners of Property & Incom e Taxes
for A ylesb ury Division, to the Com m issioners of Land
T ax, Francis Hayward P arrott, Bourbon street
Collector of Taxes for A ylesbury-w ith-W alton , John MillC hairm an of the Board of G uardian s, H enry Turn ham
burn, 5 C am bridge street
C lerk to the G uardian s & Assessm ent Com m ittee, Francis
C lerks to the Trustees of John B edford’s C h arity, of
Hayward P arrott, Bourbon street
W illiam H arding’s C h arity, Saye & Sele & of H ick­
A ssistant C lerk, W alt. J. Taylor, Union Offices,Aylesbury
m an’s C h arity, J. & T. Parrott, 14 & 16 Bourbon st
T reasu rer, Charles Edward Cobb, Lloyds B an k,A ylesbury C lerk to the G overnors of the G ram m ar School, Claude
R elievin g & Vaccination Officers & Collectors to the
E. A. Redhead, 7 Tem ple square
G uardians, 1st d istrict, Thom as C harles F oster, Rom - C lerk to the L ig h t H orse Breeding Society for Bucks,
ney house. G reat W estern street, A y le sb u ry ; 2nd
Lionel W illiam C rouch, C oun ty hall
d istrict, W . Robinson, Weedon
Clerks to the Sub-Com m ittees of B uckingham shire Local
Pension C om m ittee, R ural, W a lter John TaylorSurveyor to the Board of G uardians, F rederick Taylor
Urban, Percy A ikin W rig h t, Town hall
A .R .I.B .A . 7 Bourbon street
of the C ourt of the Archdeaconry of Bucking­
M edical Officers & P ub lic Vaccinators, 1st district, John
ham , Thom as Horwood, 7 T em p le square
Charies B aker M .B. Ceely house. C h urch street, A yle s­
bury ; 2nd district. W aldem ar Shipley W est M .A ..M .D ., Sh eriff’s Officer for B ucks,G eo. Reader,20 & 22 T em p le st
B .C . C hurch st. A ylesb ury ; 3rd d istrict,Th os. Godfrey S urveyor of Taxes for the C oun ty of Buckingham ,
T. f i. Jarvis, 10 Tem ple square
P arrott M.D. 1 Church street, A yle sb u ry; 4th district,
Andrew M cFarland L .R .C .S .I. The Lawn, W h itch urch ; Under S h eriff for Bucks, Francis H. Parrott, Bourbon st
5th district, A lexander Thomson M orrison M .B ., B.Ch. A c tin g Town C rier, F. Stan drin g, 136 H igh street
W addesdon; 6th district, F rederick A rth u r Cooke
P L A C E S O F W O R SH IP, w ith tim es of Services.
M.D. C hurch E n d, H adden ham ; 7th d istrict, Jam es
W illiam Francis G raham L .S .A . W aterloo house, St. M ary’s Church, Rev. V icto r Lorenzo W hitechurch
.T h . v ic a r; Rev. John G . D ale M .A . & Rev. Edward
B r ill; 8th d istrict, Thom as Freem an Lon g M .R .C .S.
John P ayn e B .A . curates ; 8 & 11 a.m . & 3 & 6 p .m .;
E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . 30 Red Lion street, Chesham
daily, 8 a.m . & 6 p.m . ; sum m er, 6.45 p.m
The Poor L aw In stitu tion , n early opposite H .M . Prison, H oly T rin ity C h urch , W alton, R ev. Charles W illiam Pear­
is a structure of red b rick , in the la te Tudor style ;
son M .A. v ic a r ; 11 a.m . & 6 p.m . ; holy communion
it was opened a t M ichaelm as, 1844, and w ill hold
1st sun. n o o n ; 2nd, 4th & 5th sun. 8.30 a .m .; 3rd
400, b u t the present n um ber of in m ates varies from
sun. a fter evening s e rv ic e ; wed. 7.30 p.m . ; saints’
100 to 200; W illiam P arish , m a s te r; Rev. Edw ard
days, 11 a.m
B irk lev B u tler M .A . c h a p la in ; Thom as G odfrey St. John the E van gelist, Rev. John G. Dale M .A . curate
P arrott M.D. m edical officer; M rs. A nnie Parish,
in charge ; 8 & 11 a.m . & 3 & 6 p.m
m atron
Bap tist, W alton street, Rev. D. W itto n ; 11 a.m . & 6
p.m . ; wed. 7 p.m
A t l e s b u r t R e g is t r a t io n Dis t r ic t .
Catholic, St. Joseph’s, H igh st. Rev. Thom as H enry Scott,
S uperintendent R egistrar, Francis H ayward P a rro tt;
p riest; holy com m union 8.30 a.m . mass 11 a.m . devo­
dep uty, Jam es H enry Coales, Bourbon st. A ylesb ury
tions & benediction 6 p .m .; w eek days, 7 a.m . &
R egistrars of B irth s & Deaths, A ylesb u ry sub-district,
frid a y 8 p .m
Thom as C harles Foster, Rom ney house, G reat W estern Congregational, H igh street, Rev. W illiam W alter Foulsstreet, A y le s b u r y ; W addesdon sub-district, W illiam
ton B .A ., B.D. ; 11 a.m . & 6 p.m . ; thurs. 7 p.m
Robinson, Weedon ; deputy, J . S. M ayne, Rickford’s P rim itive M ethodist, B uckin gh am road, Rev. J. H.
hill, A ylesb ury
Packham ; 10.45 a m - & 6 p .m . ; wed. 7 p .m
R egistrars of M arriages, Thom as Charles Foster, R om ­ W esleyan, B uckingham street, R ev. R ich ard Jenkin
ney house, G reat W estern street, A ylesb u ry & W illiam
(sup t.) & Rev. W a lter E m anuel W o od a ll; 11 a.m . & 6
Robinson, W eedon
p.m.*; th u rs. 7.30 p .m
Salvation A rm y, Co-operative H all, H igh s tre e t; 7 & 11
a.m . & 3 & 6.30 p.m
E van gelistic, Free A ssem bly hall, S t. M ary’s square,
C lerk to the County Council & th e C om m ittee of
A lfred John Fisher, m issio n er; 11 a.m . & 6 p .m .;
V isito rs of the C ou n ty A sylu m , W illiam Crouch,
thurs. 7.30 p.m
C ounty hall
Christadelphian Hall, A lb ert st. 6 p.m . ; wed. 7.30 p.m
C ounty T reasu rer, C. E. Cobb, Lloyds Bank
Mission H all, C astle st. ; sun. 6.15 p .m .; th u rs. 7 p.m
Coroner for the A ylesb u ry D istrict of the C oun ty of Boat Chapel, Canal side, W a lton ; 3 p.m
B ucks, S tan ley E dw ard W ilkin s, 25 W alton street
C ou n ty Accountant & Officer for Local Taxation Licences,
W illiam A rth u r Chapm an, C ounty hall
C'ountv Surveyor, Robert J. Thom as M .In st.C .E . County Aylesbury G ram m ar school, on the south side of St.
h all'
M ary’s churchyard, origin ally founded & endowed
C oun ty Inspector under •• W eights & M easures A c ts,”
about 1611 w ith £8 yearly by S ir H enry Lee, of Ditch•■'Fertilizers & Feeding Stuffs A c ts ,” “ Bread A c t ” &
ley : in 1714 H enry Phillips esq. bequeathed th e sum
“ Shops A c t,'' Thom as K yle A ssoc.So c.E n g. ; offices,
of £s»°o° foT the augm entation of the ben efactio n ; the
C ounty hall
school was opened upon the increased foundation on
A dditional Inspector of W eigh ts & M easures, A . Orm ethe 3rd of October, 1720, then providing instruction
rod, C oun ty hall
for 15 boys in Latin & 135 in readin g, w ritin g &
Education S ecretary to Bucks Education C om m ittee.
arith m etic: in 1862 the C h arity Com m issioners sanc­
C harles G eorge W atkins, County hall
tioned a new scheme, dividing th e school into upper
Medical Officer of H ealth & School M edical Officer,
& lo w e r : in 1903 by a new scheme of th e Board of
A rchibald Henry H ogarth B .A ., M .B ., B .C h ., D.P.H.
Education, the lower school was closed, and new
O xon., M .R .C .S .E n g ., L.R .C .P .L o n d . County H ealth
buildings erected in 1906-7, in W alton road, from
designs by Mr. F rederick
T aylor, architect, of A yles­
A ssistan t School M edical Officer, M iss Z illa M ary S cru b y
bury, a t a cost of nearly £8,000, towards w hich the
M .B ., B .S .L o n d .. D .P .H .C am b . C oun ty H ealth offices
Urban Council as well as the County Council have
C ou n ty R etu rnin g Officer, Francis H ayw ard P arrott,
m ade substantial g ra n ts : the build’ings include a
Bourbon street
house for the head m aster, & w ill hold 75 boys & as
C ounty Land A gen t, G eorge M axw ell O dam ,C oun ty hall
m any girls, & about 10 free scholarships, open to
Inspector of M idw ives, Miss E lizabeth M ackenzie,
scholars from th e elem entary schools in th e town.
C ounty hall
W orkshops & cookery school were added in 1911. The
V eterinary Inspectors under the “ Diseases of Anim als
school is controlled b y a body of 19 governors, of
A cts,” Jam es E a st M .R .C .V .S . 49 C am bridge street &
which R. W. Locke esq. is chairm an ; head m aster,
H enry G urn ey L epp er M .R .C .V .S . & Thom as W illiam
Thom as Osborne M .A.O xon ; assistant m asters, J. B.
L epper M .R .C .V .S . 20 W alton street
S m ith B .Sc.L o n d., E. Jenkins B .A ., E . Neaverson