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F lem in g, Reid k Co. L im ited , hosiers, 4a, M agdalen st
F letch er Richard, m onum ental m ason & carver, 80 Cranham street, W alton stree:.
See a d v e rtis e m e n t
[ k e l iV s
Freem asonsâ Hall (Apollo U niversity Lodge) (P. Colville
Sm ith, hon. sec.), Frew in court
French S. W. k Son, carpenters, 144 Kingston road &
page 5 5
Longw orth road. St. G ilesâ
F le tch er-T ellin g A lbert, coal m erch an t, 147 D ivin ty rd. French Laundry (Sunnym eade) L im ited (The), 44 & ^5
Islip road, S u m m erto w n ; registered office, 14 k 1C owley road
M agdalen street
F lexney Ann (M rs.), beer ret. 23 Paradise st St. Ebbe's
Flexney Thom as, boot ma. 2a. Speedwell st. St. Aldate's
French Edward E . insur. agt. 119 Kingston rd. St.Gilesâ
Flight M ary (M rs.), university lodging ho. 129a, H igh st French G eorge, beer reta ile r,9 Beaum ont bldgs.St.Gilesâ
F lint A lice L ouisa (M iss), dress m aker, 27 W ater E aton French G eorge, butcher. 84 W alton street
French H arry Jam es, tailor, 139 H urst st. Cowley St.John
road, Sum m ertow n
Flower & Sons L im ited , brew ers (M ontague Edwin F ren ch L a u ra E lizh. (M iss), fancy re p o s ito ry ,^ High st
Fren ch M ary S m ith (M iss), stationer, k post office, 39
Brashour, m anager), 3a, S t. M ichael's street
H igh street
Flow er E llen (M rs.), u n iversity lo d g in g house, 14
French Percy John, plu m ber, 28 C astle street
B eaum ont street
Fogden A rthur, hair dresser, 55 St. A ldateâs street
French Percy John, u n iv ersity lo d g in g ho. 149 Walton st
Foort & Son, ironm ongers, successors Barlow & Alden French W m . shopkeeper, n o B lackfriars rd. St. Ebbeâs
L im ited , 47 C ornm arket street.
S e e a d v e r t i s e  Frewen C lub (Oswald Cole, hon. sec.), 98 St. Aldate's st
m ent page 3 4
F rib o u rg k Treyer, cigar m erchants k importers &
Ford Jam es, sub-librarian to R adcliffe library, RadcliSe,
cigarette m anufacturers, 129 H igh street. Tel. 250;
T A l< F ribourg ââ
36 W arw ick street
Ford Rose (M rs.), u n iversity lodgin g ho. 147 W alton st
Froude Horace W elsh, dairym an .74 D ivin ity rd.Cowley rd
F ruin E lizh. G . (M iss), a rt needlework repos. 4 New rd
Forrest Charles & Son, italian warehousemen, 5 T u rl st
Fortescue L u cy M ary (M iss), florist, 1 The M a rk e t; Fruin E th el Jane (M iss), u n iversity lodging house, 52
W alton crescent. St. Thom asâ
n ursery, 19 3 Cowley T oa d
F orty Florence A m y (M rs.), Clarendon A rm s P .H . 35 F ryer G eorge F. beer retailer, 17 V ictor street, Jericho
Furb v F rederick H erbert, tailor, 1 & 2 W ilson place,
W alton street
S t. C lem entâs
F orty Jam es, chief clerk to the H igh Court of Justice
Gadney H erbert G eorge, bookseller, 2 & 3 T u rl street
(probate division). 10a, N ew road
F orty Jennie (M iss), dress m aker, 14 D ivin ity road, G ale Joseph John, auctioneer, see F ranklin k Gale
C ow ley road
Galpin Frederick J. tim ber m erchant, St. M ary's road
F orty W illiam (M rs.), saddler, 64 George street
k 20 Crown street, Cowley St. John
Galpin Henry F rank D .C .L . solicitor k commissioner of
Foster Brothers C lothing Co. L im ited , 2 Castle street
Foster, H ughes k Co. bookbinders, 29 C astle street
oaths, city coroner, c ity solicitor, clerk of peace &
F oster & Rom bach, w atch m akers, 4 S t. M ichael's st
registrar of the borough court, clerk to municipal
charities & proctor in chancellorâs court, 4 George st
Foster k Co. tailors & robe m akers, 123 H igh street
Fosterâ s Parcels k Goods E xpress Lim ited, foreign carriers Galpin H enry Frank, jun . solicitor, 4 G eorge street
(M rs. F. Norris, ag en t), 32 S t. M ichaelâs street
Galpin Sydney, auctioneer, v a lu er, house & estate agent,
Foster A lexander Thom as. V ictoria P.H . 90 W alton st
surveyor & insurance agent, 5 Broad street
Foster Edward C ecil M .R .C .S ., L .R .C P. physician k G alt W a lter k Sons, tailors, 7 C astle street
surgeon. 181 Banbury road. Sum m ertown
Gam len John Charles B lagdon M .A. solicitor (firm,
F oster Mrs. M ary A nn, Dolphin k Anchor P .H . 43 St.
M orrell, Peel & G am len), 1 St. G ile sâ street
A ldate's street
G am m on, W icks & Co. wine & spirit m erchants, Frewin
Fow ler A lfred H. C. b uilder, 90 C hilsw ell rd. Grandpont
court. T N 448
Fowler E m ily (M rs.), shopkpr.90 C hilsw ell rd.G ran tp on t G an ter Joseph, w atch m aker, 45 C ow ley Toad
Fow ler W illiam . Royal Blenheim P.H . 13 S t. E bbeâs st
Gardiner Frederick W . J. insurance agent, 11 Norrep
Fowles Percy, bookbinder, see Ovenell k Fowles
avenue. New H inksey
F ox, Jones k Co. printers, 129a, H igh street
Gardiner G eorge, arch itect k surveyor, 55 H igh street
F ox C harles Richard, inspector of w eights k m easures G ardiner Jam es, arch itect L surveyor, Lloyds Bank
io r the city of Oxford ; office, B lu e BoaT street
cham bers, H igh street
F ram e W illiam C arey, district estate agent for the Gardiner John B .A .O xo n .. M .R .C .S .. L .R .C .P . physician
G reat W estern railw ay, 5 C rip lev road
& surgeon, 37 Beaum ont street
G ardiner Owen, watch m aker, 41 G eorge street
Francks A lbert, clothier, 41 St. C lem entâs street
G ardner G eorge A rth ur. Royal Oak P.H . 42 Woodstock
Franklin k G ale, auctioneers, 3a. St. M ichaelâs street
Franklin & Jones, land agents & auctioneers, F rew in court,
road, S t. Gilesâ
G ardner G ilb e rt Thom as L .R .I .B .A . architect, 152
C ornm arket street
Franklin k Son, buildersâ m erchan ts, C anal w harf.
D ivin ity road, C ow ley road
N ew road
Gardner W m . baker, 27 M agdalen rd. Cowley St. John
Franklin A lb ert H enry, solicitor k com m issioner for G ardn er W illiam , news agent, 8 L ittleg a te st. St.Ebbeâs
oaths, clerk to the com m issioners of taxes for the G ardner W illiam Henry, clothes cleaner, 38 Speedwell
Bullingdon division, clerk to the justices of the Bulstreet, S t. Ebbe's
lingdon division, clerk to W heatley Urban D istrict G arlan d E rn est John, m anager B arclay & Company
C ouncil & coroner fOT the central d istrict of O xfordÂ
L im ited , 119 S t. A ld ateâs street
shire. clerk to the Tham e Sub-Com m ittee of the O x G arlick E sther (M rs.), university lodging house, 2 Alfred
fordshire Local Pension C om m ittee k to the Oxford
street, H igh street
Rural Sub-C om m ittee of th e O xfordshire Local Pen G arrard Charles F rederick, apartm ents, 18 Southmoor
sion C om m ittee. 8 New road
road, S t. G ilesâ
Franklin E d ith (M rs.), refreshm ent room s, 13 k 14 Park Gatchfield W illiam Jam es, p rin ter, 22 Bullingdon road,
End street, St. Thom asâ
Cow ley St. John
F ranks Baron Jsph. snrgeon-dentist, 105 Woodstock rd Gay G ilb ert E. m anager of th e C apital & Counties Bank
Franks Charles, grocer, & post office, 8 & 10 H arpes rd.
Lim ited, 24 Cornm arket street
G e e C h a r l e s & S o n s , fruiterers k importers of
Sum m ertown
F raser Andrew, university lodging house, 46 H igh street
foreign produce, 57, 84, 85 & 86 The M arket
F raser Thom as, w atch m aker, see Ravenscroft k F raser G ee's, nurserym en, florists k fruiterers, Victoria nurÂ
F rean
H enry
G eorge M .A ., M .B .. F .R .C .S .E n g .,
series, 6r B anbury road- T N 158
M .R .C .S . & L .R .C .P .L o n d . surgeon, k m edical officer G ee H enry H. nurserym an, florist, landscape k market
gardener & fru it grow er. Black H all nurseries, BanÂ
k p ub lic vaccin ator No. 5 d istrict, Abingdon union,
29 B eaum ont street
bury road
Gee John P. nurserym an k m arket gardener, S u m m e r Freeborn W alt. Jas. & Son, butchers, 14 St. Clem entâs st
Freeborn G eorge A rthur, pork butcher, 18 St. Clem entâs st
town Farm nurseries. Sum m ertow n
Freeborn John Chas. Richd. M .A.O xon, L.R .C .P .L o n d . Gee Vernon H. illum inator, M arket House buildings,
M .R .C .S .E n g. physician, 38 Broad street
M arket street
. ,
Freem an, H ardy & W illis L im ited , boot m anu facturers, G ee W illiam Henry, registration agent for the y * .0*
C ity C onservative & Unionist Registration Associatio
4 & 27 Q ueen street & 2 M agdalen street
Freem an E rnest, boot k shoe m a. see A bbott & Freem an
14 & 16 G eorge street
Geekie Alan A lexander, artificial teeth m f r . 22 George
Freem an H enry John, p ainter, 13a, Holywell street
G eekie W illiam L .D .S .F .P .S .G la s. dental-surgeon, 4*
Freem an Joseph, university lodgin g ho. 64 Holywell st
Freem asons (A lfred Lodge. 340; C h urch ill Lodge, 478 ;
St. Gilesâ street
B ertie Lodge, 1515 ; A lfred R oyal A rch Chapter, 240 ; G eg g Jeannie (M iss), b oarding ho. 67 S t. Giles str
A lfred M ark Lodge, 2 4 7 ; S t. John th e B ap tist Rose G eiger Joseph, ladies7 tailor. 71a, St. G ilesâ street
Croix C hap ter, 14 2 k head q u arters of Provincial G eological Departm ent (Professor W illiam Johnson ® ,
M .A ., D .S c., F .R .S .), U n iversity m useum , Parks rod
Grand Lodge & secretaryâs offices), 50a, H igh street