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d ir e c t o r y .]
Badcock Charles & Co. Lim . linen drapers, silk m ercers,
milliners, blouse & costum e m akers, 13, 14 & 15
Queen street
Badcock A lb ert Charles, u n iversity lo dgin g house, 19
Worcester place, St. T hom asâ
Badcock H enry, Hope & A nchor P.H . 3 G eorge street
Bailey E lizabeth (M rs.), shopkeeper, 52 S t. Clem ent's st
Bailey Mary (M rs.), aparts. 41 Southm oor rd. S t. G ilesâ
Baily P. (M iss), apartm ents, 41 A bbey road
Baines Henry, solicitor, clerk to the com m issioners of
taxes, Oxford C ity division (firm , Hazel & B aines), 58
Cornmarket street
Baines Herbt. Torry M .A. solicitor, see H azel & Baines
Baines Stephen H um phrey M .A. solicitor, see Hazel &
Baker W illiam & Co. cabinet m akers, 1 & 2 Broad s t . ;
factory, M ill street, Osney
Baker Edith (M iss), Isis private hotel, 49, 51 & 53 Iffley
road. T N 776. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t p a g e 4 0
Baker Susan (M rs.), university lodgin g house, 8 Holywell street
Baker Wm. boot m aker, 28 Leopold st. C ow ley S t. John
Baker W illiam Charles, stationer, 65 W alton street
Ball Clara (M rs.), G olden Cross hotel, 5 C ornm arket st
Ballard Adolphus M .A ., L L .B . solicitor, clerk to the
guardians & assessm ent com m ittee & superintendent
registrar, Oxford Incorporation, town clerk of Woodstock & registrar of the cou nty court, W oodstock,
5 & 6 Magdalen street
Ballard Alfred, w atch m aker & jew eller, 45 Queen street
Ballard Fred H. auctioneer, see Buckell & Ballard
B'llial Boys' Club (W . Secretan, hon. sec.), 9 L ittlegate
street, St. E bbeâs
Balliol College
(Jam es
L e igh
master), Broad street
Bilmer Mary (M rs.), shopkeeper, 52 G eorge street
Banbury Bill Posting Co. L im ite d ; registered offices, 43
6 45 George street
Bangs Thomas, carpenter, Crom w ell street, S t. A ld a leâs
Bannister Walter* u n iversity lodging house, 4 Parks
road, St. G ilesâ
Banting & Co. grocers, 36 M agdalen rd. C owley S t. John
Banting Mary (M rs.), greengrocer, 72 S t. A ld ateâs street
Barclay & Company Lim ited, bankers (John Thomson,
Guy Thomson & John F rancis Parsons, local directors)
(G. H. Sides, m anager), O xford Old B an k, 92 & 93
High street; 71 B an b ury road, S t. G ile sâ (F . E. 0 .
Stanley, m an ager); 119 S t. A ld ateâs street (E. J. G a rÂ
land, m a n g r.); draw on head office, 54 Lom bard st E C
Barfoot Joseph (M rs.), apartm ents, 13 Richm ond road,
St. Thomasâ
Barford Alice (M iss), apartm ents, 201 Iffley road
Barguss Andrew, shopkeeper, 81 G t.C laren don st.Jericho
Barguss Jesse, cab propr. 26 Plantation rd. St. G ilesâ
Barker Charles, beer retailer, 70 C rankam st. Jericho
Baiker Frederick, b utcher, 129 Cowley road
Barlow & Alden L im ited , general furn ish in g & agri
cultural ironmongers, electrical, m echanical, heating
& water en g in e ers; electric ligh tin g for country
bouses &c. 47 Cornm arket street. T N 427. S e e
a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e
Francis, saddler, 59 C lem entâs street
Francis Joseph, sign w riter, 9 C am bridge terSt. Ebbeâs .
Harry W illiam , hair dresser, 90 St. C lem en tâs st
Henry Jam es, grocer, 24 C astle street
Jane (M rs.), u n iv ersity ld g. ho. 10 Long W all st
Wm. Geo.Chas. Coach & Horses P.H . 35 Broad st
®ouse In stitu te for Social & Econom ic Studies
(Miss Thackeray, sec.), 26 Broad street
amey Wm. James, chim ney sweeper, 34 C astle street
arnsuall Louise (M rs.), m illiner, 3 S t. M ichael's mang S10ns, Ship street
oreit J. H. & Son, sanitary engineers, gas & hot w ater
ers, ornamental lead light glaziers, contractors,
P umbers & decorators, C hequ erâs yard, 131a, H igh st
aiTctt & Son, buildersâ m erchants, 6 Cross street
¿*rretfc Joseph, greengrocer, 67 S t. C lem en tâs street
rrett Marian (M iss), dress m aker, 37 W hite House
gjoad, Grandpont
arrett Walter E dw in, sanitary engineer, 8s Jam es st.
Cowley St. John
Bar«011 p mma (M iss), beer reta iler, 121 B otley road
B ar« ¿ eoroeâ jobbing gardener, 107 Botley "road
eâ t & C a r t e r , b r e e c h e s m a k e r s , tailors &
B a rt]'mp 'ierSâ 105 H igh street
thp6 r
â¢.°^arfI Henry John, reg istrar of m arriages for
Bartrm p i f °fâ Oxford, Lloyds Bank cham bers. H igh st
Barton w
rciâ l e s s e r , 29a, W alton street
k a*r dresser,213 B anbury rd.Sum m ertw n
Basson jTn
,universifcy lodging bouse, 7 Beaum ont st
® Co. tim ber m erchants, 27J St. A ld a teâs street
o x fo rd .
Batem an Thos. & Son, carpenters, 15 Lon g W all street
Batem an John, dealer in an tiquities, 42 G lo ucester grn
Bateman W illiam , shopkeeper, 25 Canal st. Jericho
Batem an Wilson F redk.un iversity ldgng. ko^ L o n gW all st
Bates Joseph & Co. fruiterers, 156 The M arket A florists,
17 H igh street
Bates d ia r ie s (M rs.), Rose Lane nursery, Rose lane
B ates Fredk. bookbinder, W keatsheaf yard, H igh street
Bates Teresa (M rs.), servantsâ reg istry office, 6 & 7
C orn m arket street
B ath Chas. univ. lo dgin g h o .16 W orcester p i.S t.T h o m a sâ
B atten Geo. shopkeeper, 42 Catherine st.C ow ley St.John
Batts A lfd. Edw d. boot repr. 7 C hurch st. St. E bbeâs
B atty Annie (M iss), g irls â school, see Lee & B atty
B aughan Linda (M iss), beer retailer, 276 W oodstock rd
Sum m ertown
B axter H am ilton M ontague, boot m aker, 25 B otley road
B axter Robert, boot m a. 39 M agdalen rd.C ow ley St.John
B axterâs Press, printers, 89 S t. A ldateâ s street
Baycock E lizh . (M rs.), boot w arehouse, 70 S t. A ldateâs st
B aycock W m . upholsterer, 32 Speedwell st. S t. A ld a teâs
B ayliss A lfd . W m .fishm onger, 8 P ark E nd s t.S t.T h o m asâ
B ayliss G eorge, apartm ents, 8 Paradise sq. S t. E bb eâs
Bayliss W illiam M ark A .S .A .A . accountant, 16 Broad st
Beach W alter H enry, apartm ents, 68 H olywell street
Beaucham p E liza (M rs.), apartm ents, 9 Ship street
Beaum ont Florence (M iss), apartm ents, 6* B ear lane
B eazley W alter, greengrocer, 78 Wâalton street
Beck A m y (M rs.), shopkeeper, 95 M agdalen road,
Cowley S t. John
Beckinsale Thom as H erbt. univ. lodging ho.42 St John st
Beckley Ada Louisa (M rs.), Pheasant P.H . 30 S t.G ile s â st
Bedford House School (Thom as W illiam Robinson M .A.
p rin cip al), 121a, W alton street
Beesley & Co. m ineral w ater m frs. Sadler st. S t. E bbeâ s
Bcesley Chas. un iversity lodging house, 19 Iffley road
Beesley E dw ard, beer retailer, 9 C anal street, Jericho
Beesley E lizabeth (M iss), servan tsâ re g is try office, 30
C ornm arket street
B eesley F rederick, tailor, 10 F ria r's en try
Beesley G race (M iss), dress m aker, 90 Howard street,
C owley S t. John
B eesley H erbert Percy, ap artm ents, 4 C astle t e r r a c e
Paradise street, S t. E bbeâs
Beesle;/ Julia (M rs.), u n iv ersity apartm ents, 9 Iffley rA
Beesley M abel (M iss), m illin er, 7 K ingston rd. S t. G iles'
B eesley Percy, p rin ter, 9 C ow ley road
Belcher A lb t. Hy. jobm aster, 47 P aradise sq. S t. Ebbe*S
B elcher A lfd. Chas. shopkpr. 15 Lake st. New H inksey
Belcher E liza (M iss), laundress, 119 B otley road
B e ll W . W . & C o . L i m i t e d , passenger & shipping
agents, insurance brokers, & foreign m oney exchange,
137 H igh street. T el. 506; T A â T ravel â
Benbow W m , station m aster, L . & N . W . Rly. B otley rd
Benfield & Lo xley, builders, 106 Bullingdon rd. Cowley
S t. John
B ennett & Goodgam e, u n iv ersity lo d g in g house, 143
W alton street
B ennett & Stroud, dentists, 8a, Broad street
Bennett W illiam & Son, b uilders, 84 S t. M aryâs road.
C owley St. John ; 16 E ast avenue & C hap el street
Bennett H arry J. artificial teeth m aker, 2 B an bury road
Bennett Henry, beer reta iler, 162 C ow ley road
Bennett Jam es, shoe m aker, 15 G loucester street
B ennett Thom as Jam es, dentist, see Bennett & S troud
Bennett Tom , boot m aker, 19 W in ch ester road, S t. G iles'
Bennetts L im ited , dyers, cleaners & carpet beaters, 15
M agdalen street & laun drym en , Th e C ity laundry,
A bbey place (Tel. No. 493 O x fo r d ); & at B an bury,
Abingdon & Chipping Norton. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t
page 35
Benson Adelaide (M rs.), tobacconist, 66 C ow ley road
B entick A rth.fishm onger, 38 M agdalen rd.C ow leySt.Joh n
B enwell A m elia C. (M rs.), u n iv ersity lo dgin g house,
2 Isis street, St. A ld ateâs
Benwell M ary (M iss), u n iv ersity lodgin g house, 1 Isis
street. St. A ld ateâs
B erlitz School of L an guages L im ited , 9 H igh street
B erry & Co. cycle & m otor cycle agents, 7 N ew road.
See a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e
B erry E lizabeth (M iss), dress m aker, 65 Howard street,
C owley St. John
B erry G eorgina (M rs.), costum ier, 63 W alton street
Best & Sons, civil engineers & sanitary officers to the
U n iversity of O xford L o dgin g House Delegacy, 60 St.
John street
Best Rose (M rs.), shopkeeper, 35 C anal street, Jericho
Best Sam uel, apartm ents, 27 London place, S t.C le m en tâs
B est W illiam , h air dresser, 4 R ew ley road. S t. Thom asâ
B etteridge H enry, laun dry, 91 Islip road, Sum m ertow n
Beuthin H. C resw ell, teacher of voice p roduction, 145
K ingston road, S t. G ilesâ