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D IR E C T O R Y .]


a ’B eckett W illiam , K in " street
Batem an F rederick Reginald
The E lm s
Baynes H alton A . Briar Lea
Bowdon Rev. W alter Sidney
(cu rate), The Avenue
Brown John, W ilderness
Burrows M iss, H illside
Capron Misses, G arth house
Collins Sidney, S t. John’s road
Davis Miss, H eathfield
D rake H am m ett, Springfield
Frost Mrs. Cottesmore
G ough H enry, H igh b u ry
G raem e'M isses, M ortim er cottage
H ackett Mrs. Headlands
H unter M ajor S ir Charles Roderick
b ait. M .P., J.P . M ortim er H ill; &
C arlton & T ravellers’ clubs, L o n ­
don S W
Jackson Richard, Isbells
Jarvis E li M ark, S tation road
Jelf-P etit Louis W illiam
Lovett-Cam eron Rev. Canon Charles
L eslie M .A. A bbeycroft
Lovett-Cam eron M rs.Philip, K n o ll cot
L u d la m Miss, Red house
Mosdell Mrs. E ast E nd house
M osdell W illiam G eorge, Hazlewood
Mowbray Sir Robert G ray Cornish
bart. M .A ., D .L ., J .P . W arennes
W ood; 90 Piccadilly W & Carlton,
Athenaeum & O xford & Cam bridge
clubs, London S W
Mynors Rev. A ubrey Baskerville M .A.
(vicar), The Vicarage
N ash M aj. W illiam Peel, M ortim er ho
Nash Charles H enry L .R .C .P . & S.
T h e Pines
Newm an R ichard M avow ,The A venue
Palm er A lfred J.P. W okefield park
Payne H enry G eorge, Pinecroft
Pocock Mrs. C lifton v illa
Porter Sim on P. H olly lodge
Rhodes W . A . The Poplars
Roalfe-Cox W alter John, The L aurels

' 'illen ce G ilbert, T he C roft
Watson M iss, Stanm ore
W hite W alt. E rn st. C oates,Chatw ood
W illiam s Peter, M ortim er lodge
Wise A lb ert B radbury, T h e A venue
Wyld M iss, K n o t M ead

Allen E li, w h itesm ith , S t. M ary's rd
Andrews H erbert, butcher, K in g st
Barefoot P h illip, tailor
Bivand E rn est E dw ard, post office &
grocer, M ortim er common
Blinco John, carriage proprietor, St.
M ary’s road
Bowman M ark John, wood dealer
Brooke H ubert Charles, news agent
Bye W illiam , carrier
C larke D ouglas, organist, M ortim er
Davis A rth u r, blacksm ith
Davis D avid, b lacksm ith
Dicker John, dairym an
Eyles A rch ib ald, boys’ school, St.
John’s road
F arm er A lfred, b utch er, S t.M a ry’s rd
F arran t W illiam , farm er, T he G range
Fergusons Ltd . M ortim er B rew ery
Froom W illiam , farm er, L ittle park
Gardiner E th el (M iss), dress m aker
G ibbons A m os, farm er, Mann’s farm
H alfacree Charles R. chim ney sweepr
Ham Daniel, blacksm ith
H arris H erbert C. grocer
Hawkins H enry L. farm er, G reat pk
Hounsell Jam es, carrier
Hounsell M. (M rs.), dress m aker
Illm an M iss, dress m a. S t. John’ s rd
Johnson Helen E lizh. (M iss), private
school, C hichester house
Johnson R ichard, Q ueen’s Head P.H
Keep C harles, boot repairer
K in g Charles Jam es,m arket gardener
Lever John, carrier
Lon g R. & Sons, saddlers
Love David, builder
Lovelock John, beer retailer
M arshall E m ily (M rs.), shopkeeper

S T R E A T L E Y is a beautifu l and picturesque village
and parish, on th e bend of the riv er Tham es, at the
foot of the chalk hills w hich rise boldly on the south
and w e s t; it is 10 m iles north-w est from Reading and
6 south from W allingford term inal station of a branch
of the G reat W estern railw ay, in th e N orthern division
of the county, hundred of Moreton, union of Bradfield.
W allingford p etty sessional division, county cou rt dis­
tric t and rural deanery of W allin gford, archdeaconry
of B erks and diocese of O x fo r d ; the Tham es divides at
th is spot into tw in stream s and is crossed by a double
bridge to the v illag e of G orin g in O xfordshire, where
there is a station on the G reat W estern railway. The
earliest notice of th e place is in th e c artu la ry of the
Abbey of Abingdon, w hich recites a g ift of land at
“ S tretle a,” by Ina, K in g of W essex, A .D . 687. The
church of S t. M ary, reb u ilt, w ith the exception of the
tower, in 1864-5, consists of chancel, nave, aisles, south
porch and an em battled western tower of flint contain­
in g 6 bells and a c lo c k ; in th e south aisle is a m e­
m orial window to Robert B arclay, who died January
25th, 1881; and two others to E m ily (died June, 1891),
widow of W . H. Stone esq. : in the north aisle are three
m em orial windows to the Todd fam ily, Jam es Henry
Todd, d. A pril 9th, 1886, C atherine Todd and Mary,
daughters of I. H. Todd, d. M arch 16th, 1881: the
church contains some good brasses, in cludin g one at
the end of th e north aisle to E lizabeth Osborn, 1440,
and another to Thom as B uriton, ob. 20th July, 1603,
Joan (W eir), his w ife and 17 ch ild ren ; there are also
m em orials in the church to W illiam Stone esq. of
S treatley, d. 30th January, 1845, and M ary, his wife,
and to W illiam H enry Stone M .A . d. 20th June, 1863,
and E m ily , his w if e ; and a m onum ent to the R igh t
Hon. Sir Sam uel Shepard k t. P C . A ttorney-G eneral
and chief Baron of the Exchequer in Scotland, who died
in 1840, and is buried in the ch u rch ya rd : the bells
have been repaired at a cost of about £150, towards
which M rs. Stone subscribed ,£100; the nave was re ­
b u ilt in 1864-5, an(l reseated a t the sole cost of the
late Mrs. S ton e: in 1893 a fin© alabaster reredos was
erected in m em ory of the late M rs. S to n e ; it is 10
feet wide and 9 in height, and consists of a richly



M artin Hannah (M rs.), upholstress
M artin W illiam Thom as, butcher
Mason K en n ett, Railw ay hotel
M ay G eorge, fly proprietor
Methold V. M. m otor engineer
Mosdell & Lovell, builders
Nash Charles H enry L .R .C .P . & S.
Edin. & L .R .F .P .S .G la s . physician
& surgeon, T h e Pines
N eville Thom as, boot repairer
P ert G eorge, beer retailer
Preece Charles Godwin, ch em ist
P rin g A rth u r C. farm er, P errin s frm
Thom as
W illiam ,
farm er,
B u tlers Lands farm
P un ter Jam es, shoe m aker
Rhodes W illiam A tkinson, solicitor,
The Poplars
Riggs Thom as, Horse & Groom hotel
Roalfe-Cox W alter John L .R .C .P .
Lon d., M .R .C .S .E n g . surgeon &
m edical officer & p ub lic vaccinator
for No. 4 d istrict, Bradfield union,
& certifyin g factory surgeon, Th e
S alt Sidn ey A rth u r, grocer
Sant John S. draper, M ortim er com
S haw John, draper, W in dm ill road
S haw W m .cycle rep airer,W in dm ill rd
Shore John L. corn dealer
S p ratley A lb ert, coal dealer
S p ratley John, cycle dealer
Spyer Charles, carpenter
Steel Lew is, shoe m aker
S tratford Thom as, b utch er
Sw eetzer Daniel, shopkpr. & carp en tr
Thorp C harles W illiam , farm er &
assistant overseer & clerk to the
Parish Council, W heat farm
Thorp H arrie tt (M rs.), grocer
Upstone Edw ard, grocer
W aigh t A lfred , saddler
W hitburn C harles, carrier
W hite & Co. shopkeepers
W hite E dw ard, shopkeeper
W ise W .E . (exors. of), coal&corn dlrs
W orkin g M en’s C lub (E. H. Lam bert,
s e c .; W illiam G illb y, caretaker)

worked base, and above this three carved panels of th e
Presentation, the C rucifixion, and the R esurrection ,
within elaborate can o p ies: there are 300 sittin gs. Th e
register dates from th e yea r 1679. Th e liv in g is a
vicarage, net yearly value ¿240, w ith residence, in the
g ift of th e Bishop of Oxford, and held since 1904 by the
Rev. E dw ard Isaac G illam M .A. of Q ueen’s College,
Oxford, and ru ra l dean of W allin gford. Near the church
there is a wainscoted R eading Room, w ell fitted and
available for the parish, erected in 1898 by the late
G. H erbert M orrell esq. W est of the church is the site
of a nunnery, m arked by several ancient w alnut trees.
In the garden of S treatley H ouse is a m u lb erry tree
said to date from 1620. Rom an coins have been found
on the site of an old h am let north of S treatley farm ,
and in the grounds of S treatley H ouse. C h arities
am ounting to ¿ 5 0 yea rly are distrib uted under the
provisions of a scheme fram ed by the C h arity Com m is­
sioners, and there is a coal ch arity of about £25 a year
adm inistered under the w ill of the late M rs. S ton e;
there is also a sm all endowm ent for the repairs of the
church. In the neighbourhood are m an y handsom e
residences, some of which are d elig h tfu lly situated on
the banks of the T ham es, and the surrounding scenery
is beautiful and ro m a n tic ; th e v illag e and n eighbour­
hood are m uch frequented b y artists. C aptain Jam es
A. M orrison, who is lord of th e m anor, and M rs. G.
H erbert M orrell are th e p rin cipal landowners. The soil
is chalk and lo a m ; subsoil, chalk. Th e crops are wheat
and barley. Th e area w as 1,500 acres, b ut by en­
closures it is now 3,632 acres of land and 23 of w a ter;
rateable value, .£6,220; the population in 1911 was 732.
Sexton, W illiam H awkins.
SO U TH R ID G E is a ham let, 1J m iles so u th -w e st;
here was form erly a school w ith an endowm ent of
£2 5s. le ft by M r. Richard T u ll, now am algam ated
w ith th e E lem en tary school.
W E S T R ID G E is also a h am let of th is parish 1^ m iles
south-w est, closely adjoining the villag e of A ld w o rth ;
th e children of this place atten d the school a t A id worth.