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[ b e l l y âs
L is t o f t h e M e m b e r s o f t h e O x f o r d s h ir e C o u n t y C o u n c il a r r a n g e d A l p h a b e t ic a l l y , a n d th e
E l e c t o r a l D iv is io n s f o r w h ic h
Electoral Division.
Abraham J. G., J.P........ Charlbury
Abraham J. W .......... Hailey
Ashhurst W. H.,D.L., J.P.... Great Milton
Borers E. A ............. Littlemore
Bloomfield J. Y\........... North Neithrop
Boyle Major C. J., J.P...... Watlington
Brooks H. R. F........... South Neithrop
Brown H. C., D.L.. J.P..... Tetsworth
Dewar-Harrison Major A. W.,J.P Fringford
Donaldson J............. Benson
Emeris Rev. W . C., M.A..... Burford
Fairfax A.............. Grimsbury
Florey M .............. Standlake
Fox W. H., D.L., J.P ...... Broadwell
Gale Harry ............ Dorchester
Hall A. W., D.L., J.P....... Barton
Hamilton W ............. Henley South
Harding W . J............ Banbury
Harris J. W ............. Hook Nortpn
Hobbs W . A., J.P......... Henley North
Hutt F................ Kidlington
Keene Captain C. E. R., J.P .. Nettlebed
Kingerlee T. H., J.P....... Headington
r e s p e c t iv e l y
s it
Electoral Division.
Kingscote J. B........... Launton
McLean J. A., J.P ........ Bloxham
Marlborough Duke of, K.G., J.P. Woodstock
Matthews F. W. P.,J.P...... Wychwood
MillerCol. A. D., D.S.O.,D.L.,J.P Wheatley
North Lord, J.P.......... Wroxton
Ogle B. S., M.A., J.P....... Deddington
Ovey R. L., J.P.......... Rotheriield
Parsons N.............. Enstone
Plowden Sir W. C., K.C.S.I., J.P. Chinnor
Rose R. T.............. Bampton
Rowell W. N., J.P......... Chipping Norton
Samuda C. DâA., D.L., J.P
Saye and Sele Lord J.P...... Cropredy
Simpson A. T.,C.E., F.R.G.S.,J.P Goring
Slatter H ............... Eyusham
Smith H............... Witney
Thomson J., J.P......... Stanton St. John
Tubb H ............... Bicester
Villiers Viscount D.L.,J.P.... Heyford
Weyland Capt. M. U., J.P.... Bletchingdon
Wykeham P. J. D., D.L., J P. ... Thame
Clerk of the County Council, James Rose M.A.; offices, Henry Spencer RichaTd Freeborn M.B., C.M.Edin.
County hall, Oxford
Clifton Hampden, Abingdon; Anthony Birch M.B.
Deputy, Hugh N. Davenport M.A. County ball, Oxford
Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Dorchester;
Treasurers, Barclay & Company Limited, Old Bank,
Herbert Lavington Evans M.B., C.M.Edin. Ropley,
Thame Toad, Goring ; Robert Hitchings M.R.O.S.Eng.,
County Accountant, Richard Claridge,County hall,Oxfrd L.R.C.P.Lond. The Cottage, Highfield, Oxford; Walt.
Surveyor, Sidney Stallard A.M.I.C.E. County offices, James Sussman M.A., M.B., B.C.Camb., M.R.C.S.
Eng.. L.R.C.P.Lond. Erchfont, Reading road, Henleyon-Thames
Analyst, Walter William Fisher M.A., F.I.C. University
County Land Agent, W. Lester Smith, County offices,
museum, Oxford
Secretary for Education, Percy Elford M.A. County
Inspector of Weights & Measures, R. D. Doubleday,
offices, Oxford
County offices, New road, Oxford
Assistant Secretaryâ, Percival Edward Meadon M.A.
Inspector of Midwives, Mrs. Florence Elizabeth Pearse
County offices, Oxford
County & School Medical Officer, Charles Coles M.D. &; L.O.S. 41 Leckford road, Oxford
M.D.(State Med.)Lond.. D.P.H.Lond., M.R.C.S.. Coronersâ Central district, Albert Henry Franklin, 8
New road, Oxford; deputy Arthur Gerald Higgs,
L.R.C.P.Lond. County offices, Oxford
Park street, Woodstock; Northern district, George
Assistant Inspectors of Schools, Frank Herbert Wood
Coggins, Market place, Deddington; deputy, Charles
M . B.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Lime Tree house,
Fortescue, 45 High street, Banbury; Southern
Bampton; Hugh Faulkner M.D., Ch.B. St. John's
district, John Frederick Cooper, West st. Henley?
road, Banbury; Charles Morgan Hendriks M.B.Durh.,
eputy, Arthur Lett, Shirbum street, Watlington;
M.R.C.S.Eng. London road, Bicester; Cyril Thomas
Western district, Robert Frederick Cuthbert, 28
Cheatle M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Riversidehouse,
Bridge street, Witney; deputy, Christopher Patey
Burford ; H. P. Crolv M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Lond. The
Harvey M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. 4 Market sq.
Poplars, Charlbury; Thomas OâKelly M.D.R.U.I.,
L.R.C.S.Edin. 21 High street, Chipping Norton;
G. H. Jones M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Lond. High street, Veterinary Inspectors under the â Diseases of Animals
Acts,â Charles W. Page M.R.C.V.S. 47 South Bar st.
Deddington; John Harry Hebb B.A.. M.B., B.Ch.
Banbury; Richard Page Bull M.R.C.V.S. DeddingÂ
Oxon. The Lodge, Islip, Oxford; James Arthur
ton ; Alexander Chisholm M.R.C.V.S. 19 Sheep street,
Yenning M.A.. M.B., B.C.Camb., M.B.C.S.Eng.,
Bicester ; John Watkin Hopkin M.R.C.V.S. 82 Bell
L.R.C.P.Lond. Steeple Aston, Oxford; John Oriando
street, Henley-on-Thames; Richard John Verney
Summerhays M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. RedM.R.C.V.S. 23 Beaumont street, Oxford; Edwin
holme, High street, Thame; Thomas A. Hawkesworth M.B.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Shir- Percival Owen M.R.C.V.S. 98 High street, Thame;
Albert Simpson M.R.C.V.S. 49 Corn street, Witney;
burn street, Watlington; Joseph Albert Hill Mogg
L.R.C.P. & S.Edin., L.R.C.P.S.Glas. 30 Bridge Thomas David Hughes M.R.OVS. Oxford street,
street, Witney; Henry Caudwell M.D.Durh., L.R.C.P. Woodstock
& S.Edin. Old Bank house, Market st. Woodstock;