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d ir e c t o r y . ]
cleared at 10.30 a.m . & 7.40 p.m . ;S u n d a y s ,
10 a.m .
rea of the parish is 1,123 acres of lan d and 7 of w a te r;
Lechlade, about i£ m iles d istan t, is
the nearest
rateable value, £ 8 64; the population in 1911 was 120.
Sexton, Thomas Lew is.
I m oney order & telegraph office
T liters through Lechlade (G lo âstersh), arrive at 7 a.m . ' E lem en tary School (m ixed), erected
in 1847, for 40
1 3° P
â Su ndays,
7 a.m . W all L e tter
c h ild re n ; M rs. C larke, m istress
Hobbs Ernest, farm er, Church farm
C O M M E R C IA L .
pe Mauley Lord, Langford h o u se ; &
B row nrigg C lara (M iss), private schl Lock Thom as, m iller (w ater)
Brooksâs club, London S W
Kirkby Rev. John H enry M .A .(v ica r), Hobbs A rth ur, head gardener to Lord Roper John, farm er, Com m on farm
De M auley
F A W L E R , see Finstock.
p E W C O T T (or Few cot), a ham let form in g p art of
Stoke Lyne for civ il purposes, b u t in 1907 was, to Â
gether w ith all th at p a rt of the ancient p arish of
Stoke Lyne ly in g to the w est of th e O xford and
Brackley road, form ed into an ecclesiastical parish.
Fewcott is about 1 m ile north from A rd ley station
on the Haddenham and Aynho P ark section of the
Great Western Railw ay C om panyâs new m ain line
from London to B irm ingham , and about 5 m iles
north-west from B icester station on the B letchley
and Oxford branch of the London and N orth W estern
Tailway, in the Mid division of the county, Ploughley
hundred and p etty sessional division, B icester union
and county cou rt d istrict, Tural deanery of B icester and
archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. The church of
All Saints was erected in 1871, at a. cost of £960, on
part of a site of 4 acres, on w hich also stand th e vicar-
F E N C O T T , see Charlton-on-Otm oor.
age and school, now d is u s e d ; th e land was given by
the executors of the late M iss Ann Hind, of A rdley
rectory, who also g ave £3,000 as an en d o w m en t; the
ch u rch is a b u ild in g of stone, con sistin g of apsidal chanÂ
cel and nave, and affords 150 sittin gs. The register
dates from the year 1908.
T h e livin g is a vicarage,
net yearly value £90, w ith 4 acres of glebe and resiÂ
dence, in the g ift of th e vicar of Stoke Lyne, and held
since 1912 by th e Rev. B en jam in H am ilton M .A . of
T rin ity College, Dublin. T h e population in 1911 was
Letters, via B icester, arrive a t 8 a.m . F ritw ell is the
nearest m oney order office and A rd ley th e nearest
telegraph office
W all L etter B ox cleared at 11.45 a.m . & 5 p.m . ; S u n Â
days, 11 a.m
The children of the parish attend th e school at A rdley
May Thom as, farm er,B aynardâs G reen
C O M M E R C IA L .
Baughan Thom as & Sons, carriage Painter H enry, farm er
Sim m s G eorge, W hite Lion P.H
Hamilton R ev.B enjam in M .A .(vica r),
Simons John Thom as, farm er, B a y Â
Boyden G eorge H enry, grocer
The Vicarage
nardâs Green
C larke John, farm er, R oundhill farm
May Thomas, Few cott house
F I F I E L D is a parish situated on the Evenlode, on
the border of G loucestershire, 3^ m iles w est from
Shipton and 3^ south from K in gh am stations on the
Oxford and W orcester section of the G reat W estern
railway and 4^ north-w est from Burford, in the N o rth Â
ern division of the county, hundred and p etty sesÂ
sional division of Chadlington, C hipping Norton union
and county cou rt d istrict, rural deanery of C hipping
Norton, and archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. The
church of S t. John the B aptist is an ancient buildin g of
stone, chiefly of E a rly E nglish date, and consists of
chancel, nave, south porch and a sm all octagonal w estÂ
ern tower of E arly E nglish date, w ith a broach spire,
and containing 3 b e lls : the chancel, restored by the
Ecclesiastical C om m issioners, is E arly E n g lis h : the nave
was restored in 1840, and has two stained windows and an
Early English bell-cot on th e eastern gable, w ith the
sanctus bell in its original p osition : th e font is a P e rÂ
pendicular w ork: the ohurch was restored in 1897, when
the blocked noTth doorway was re-opened, a new vestry
built, the nave re-seated in oak, and a new carved oak
pulpit provided, under th e direction of M r. T . C olcutt,
architect, at a total cost of about £700: there are about
180 sittings. The reg ister of baptism s dates from the
year 1714; m arriages, 1754; b urials, 1712. T h e livin g
is a rectOTv, w ith th a t of Id b u ry annexed, jo in t net
yearly value £260, w ith glebe and residence, in the g ift
of the Bishop of Oxford, and held since 1910 by th e Rev.
G oth er E dw ard Mann. Th e P rim itiv e M ethodist chapel
is now used by the rector as a parish room.
C ountess T albotâs ch arity of £ 3 yea rly is for c lo th in g ;
B rayâs charity, le ft by one B ray, of G reat Barrington,
G loucestershire,
also provides
Frederick W illiam Pow ell M atthew s esq. J .P . who is
lord of the m anor, and C h ristop h er C ham bers esq. are
principal landowners. The Old Manor House was r e Â
stored and enlarged by the late owner, M r. F. M atthews,
in 1890. Th e soil is stone b ra s h ; subsoil, rock. The
chief crops are w heat, barley, oats, turn ips &c. The
area is 1,160 acre s; rateable value, £ 1,0 90 ; the p op uÂ
lation in 1911 was 226 in the civil parish and 377 in
th e ecclesiastical parish.
V erger, H. C um m ings.
Post & M. 0 . Office.â Joseph B urson, sub-postm aster.
L etters th rou gh O xford arrive at 7.15 a.m . & 3.30
p.m . ; dispatched at 10.5 a.m . & 6.35 p .m . ; no deÂ
livery on sunday. M ilton-under-W ychwood, 2 m iles
distant, is the nearest telegrap h office
The children of this parish atten d th e school at Id b u ry
Mann Rev. G other E dw ard (rector),
R ectory
Bailey Edward H orsman, Foxholes M atthews F rederick W illiam Powell
(letters through C hip p ing Norton)
J.P. Manor house
Bishop Edgar W illiam
Kettlewell Col. Edward A lexander,
The Gables
A rth urs G eorge, hurdle m aker
is a village and ecclesiastical parish formed
in 1850 out of the civil parish of B roadw ell, on the
Gloucestershire border, and on the road from Lechlade
to Burford, 2^ m iles w est from A lvescot station and about
3 from Lechlade station, both on the Oxford and Fairford
branch of the G reat W estern Tailway, $h w est from
Bampton and 10 south-west from W itney, in th e Mid
division of the county, hundred of Bam pton, p etty sesÂ
sional division of Bam pton W est, union and county court
district of W itney, rural deanery of W itney, and archÂ
deaconry and diocese of Oxford. B y Lo cal Governm ent
Board Order N r 19,452, M arch 26, 1886, this parish
was for all parochial m atters annexed to Broadwell, but
7 LocalGovernm ent Board O rder No. 33,607, March
20, 1896, Filkins was again m ade a distinct civil parish.
6 cburch of St. Peter, b u ilt in 1857, from designs by
e ate G. E. Street esq. B .A . is an edifice of stone, in
modern style of G othic, and consists of chancel, nave
y娉 .no'r tb aisle, south porch and a western
dows ⢠<
I?nba*n*ng 2 h e lls ; there are five stained windat* fchurch affords 230 sittin gs.
Th e register
yearlv r01f
y6ar .l8d4* ^he livin g is a vicarage, net
den J
£190, including 7 acres of glebe and resiâ ln
of the Bishop of Oxford, and held
f il k in s
Arthurs Lew is, h urd le m aker
Bishop E d g ar W illiam , farm er
Burson Joseph, shopkeeper, Post office
Davis B rothers, carpenters
D urham John, thatch er
Evans W illiam , M erry M outh P.H
Saunders F rdk .Jsp h .p ain ter & glazier
since 1909 bv th e Rev. W illough b y Chase Parr M .A. of
M agdalen College, Oxford. There is a coal charity of
£ 15 yearly, left by th e late M rs. A m elia C arter. H ere
are Congregational and P rim itive M ethodist chapels.
F ilkin s H all was b urn t down in 1876, b u t has recen tly
(1915) been reb u ilt by its p resent owner and occupier,
Col de Sales L a Terrière ; th e house is a b u ild in g in
the Tudor style and stands in a sm all park at th e
jun ction of three avenues. Th e principal landowners
are R ear-A dm iral H enry H ervey Cam pbell C iV .O .
who is lord of the m anor, W illiam H enry F ox esq. J .P .,
D .L. and Col. B. de Sales L a T errière. T h e soil is
stone brash ; subsoil, ah inferior oolite. T h e ch ief
crops are the usual cereals. Th e area is 1,781 acres ;
rateable valu e, £1,645 ;
population in 1911 was 420
in th e civil p arish and 430 in th e ecclesiastical parish.
Parish C lerk and Sexton, John Holloway.
Post, M. 0
& T . Office.â John Holloway, sub-postÂ
m aster. Letters th rou gh Lechlade (G loâstersh ), arrive
a t 7 a.m . & 2 p.m . ; sundays, 8 a.m . ; dispatched at
10.15 a m - & 7 -20 P m - 5 Sundays, 9.45 a.m . Open
for telegraph business only on sunday from 8.30 to
10 a.m