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d ir e c t o r y . ]

O X F O R D S H IR E .

Peattie W . Dean, b uilder, art decorator & sanitary
specialist, 35 & 36 H igh street.
S ee a d v e rtis e ­
m e n t p a g re 4 5

peedell G eorge, beer retailer, 60 C ranham st. Jericho
peel John Douglas M .A. solicitor & com m issioner for
oaths (M orrell, Peel & G am len), solicitor to the u n i­
versity, reg istrar of th e chancellor’ s cou rt & re g istra r
of the archdeaconry of O xford, 1 S t. G ile s’ street
pegler H erbert Jam es L .D .S .E n g . den tist, 193 B an b ury
road, Sum m ertown
Pembroke C ollege (Rt. Rev. John M itchinson D .C .L .,
D.D. m aster), St. A ld a te’s street
Penn Brothers, tailors, 35 C astle street
Penn Edwd. apartm ents, 6 Speedw ell st. St. A ld ate’s
Penney W illiam , u n iv ersity lo dging house, 9 Pem broke
street, St. A ld a te’s
Penny Frank, laundry, 26 & 27 E a rl street, New Botley
Penstone Annie (M iss),u n iversity apartm en ts, 5 Iffle y rd
Perkins M aria(M iss),university lodging h o .21 M useum rd
Perkins W illiam Henry, coal m erchant, 43 Chalfont rd.
St. G iles’ & 6 L . & N. W . coal w harf, R ew ley road,
St. Thom as’
Pether Ernest John W illiam , builder, 55 B ullingdon road,
Cowley St. John
Pether Henry, form er, Bartlem as farm , C owley road
Pett Sam uel, ladies’ tailor, 12 B anbury road
Pettey Jam es B ertie L .D .S .R .C .S .E n g . den tist, 30 B eau­
mont street
Pharmacology D epartm ent (Jam es A . G unn M .A.
reader), U n iversity m useum , P arks road
Pheasant Joseph, fishm onger, 3 G t.C laren do n st.Jericho
Pheasant Robt. ta x collector for C ow ley & S t. C lem en t’s
districts, n o S t. M ary’s road, C owley
Philbey Lilian (M iss), dress m aker, 32 M arlborough rd.
Phillips Charlotte (M iss), ap artm en ts, 47 Southm oor
road, St. G iles’
Phillips Gordon, solicitor & com m issioner for oaths,
118 St. A ld a te’s street
Phillips H arry, beer retailer, 40 A lb ert st. S t. E bb e’s
Phillips Jam es, shopkeeper, 95 F riars st. S t. E bb e’s
Phillips John Sam uel, solicitor, 118 S t. A ldate’s street
Phillips W illiam Reuben, hair dresser, 4 St. M ichael’s st
Phipps G eorge & Son, builders, 174 M arlborough road,
Phipps & Co. p rin ters, 1 G loucester street
Phipps Charles, tailor, see Purnell, Phipps & Purnell
Phipps G eorge, beer reta iler, 67 C ranham st. Jericho
P h ip p s G e o r g e T h o m a s , college robe & cap m aker,
38 Chilswell road, G randpont
Phipps Percy G eorge, organ builder, G loucester green
Phipps Richard, cabinet m aker, A lm a pi. S t. C lem ent’s
Phipps W m. laundry, 31 Howard st. C ow ley St. John
Physiological Laboratory (Prof. C harles S cott S h errin g ­
ton M.D., F .R .S .), U niversity m useum , Parks road
Pickering Frederick Owen, university lodgin g house, 49
High street
Pickering Sam uel Jam es, S tar & G arter P.H . 20 Cornmarket street
Pickett A rthur A lb ert, watch m aker, 6 N ew road
Pickett John G. m u sic dealer, F o lly bridge, S t. A ldate’s
st. & pianoforte tuner, 29 B artlem as rd. C owley road
Pickfords Ltd. carriers, 2 Corn E xchan ge b uildin gs,
George street
Pierce Herbert, u n iv ersity lodging house, 37 W ellington
square, St. G ile s’
Pierce Thomas, house & estate agent, 43 S tratford st
Piesley W illiam, H olly Bush P.H. W est street, Osney
igott Ernest E dw ard & Sons, provision m erchan t, 21
to 23 The M arket
igott Ernest Edward, bacon curer, D enm ark street,
Cowley St. John
Pigott Francis Richard, grocer, & post office, 13 & 14
South parade, Sum m ertown
ike Am y Florence (M rs.), florist & m arket gardener,
p.fee Gee’s, 61 B anbury road
llcher George, artificial teeth m aker, 136a, H igh street
iu John, refreshm ent rooms, 2 L ittleg a te st. S t. E bb e’s
imm & Son, decorators, 14 Pem broke st. S t. C lem en t’s
nnm Edwin John, teacher of m usic, 105 Iflfley road
imm Frederick Charles, teacher of m usic, 14 Pem broke
street, St. C lem ent’s
inknev W illiam , u n iv ersity lo dging house, 86 Southtncor road, St. G ile s’
p|Per’s Penny Bazaar, 6 S t. E bb e’s street
?«r,, Albert E dw ard, u n iv ersity lo d g in g house, 13
Walton street
'o!r P,h,arles Jam es, clothes cleaner, 36 Speedw ell st.
St. Aldate’s
•per Edwin, university lodging house, 44 Cowley road
Pii f f t 'V*n P puben, stationer,& post off. 161 W alton st
P r James W illiam , tailor, 2 Ship street

o x ford.


Piper Jsph. A rch,boot m aker, 13 Harpes rd.S um m ertw n
P ip er M urray (M rs.), ap artm en ts, 22 B an b u ry road
Pipkin G eorge C astle, builder, 60 W arw ick street
Pitch er Edw in Howard, ap artm en ts, 8 W alton crescent,
S t. Thom as'
Plaister M aud (M iss), confectioner, 121 W alton street
Plaister R egin ald Cowley, apartm ents, 17 W orcester pi.
St. T hom as’
Plank E dw ard, baker, 7 Gordon street, N ew H inksey
Plebs M agazine (The) (published m o n th ly; Fox, Jones
& Co. p ub lishers), K em p H all Press, H igh street
Plevin W illiam Jam es, draper, 9 & 10 S t. Clem ent’s st
Plow m an A . & S o n ,b lack sm ith s,8 S outh p ar.S u m m rtw n
Plum b Fredk. shopkeeper, 84 Charles st.C ow ley S t. John
P lum ridge W illiam , beer retailer, 24 W est street, O sney
Pole E rn est, plu m ber, see B olt & Pole
Police C o u rt Mission H ouse (M iss B eatrice H atch, hon.
sec. ; Miss E . M. Swanson, m atro n ), C la rk ’s row,
S t. A ld a te’s
Pollard Jane C ath erin e (M rs.), nurse, 19 W arneford rd.
S t. C lem en t’s
Pollard Sam uel, confectioner, 74 S t. A ldate’s street
Ponsford Jessie (M iss), u n iv ersity lo d g in g house, 2
A lfred street, S t. G iles'
Pool A lb ert E dw ard, news agen t, 55 G eorg e street
Poole Jn. fru iterer & green grocer, 30 & 31 Th e M arket
Pope’s H all (Rev. John O’Fallon Pope M .A. licensed
m aster), n S t. G ile s’ street
Post Office Telegrap h (Sectional E n gin eer’s office)
(H arry A. M clnnes, sectional engineer), 10 W arn borough road, S t. G ile s’
Post Office Telegrap h Stores, B ridge street, Osney
Potter H erbert Jam es, apartm ents, 28 S t. G ile s’ street
P otter Jam es, builder, 12 D ivin ity road, C ow ley road
P otter W illiam John, ap artm en ts, 29 S t. G ile s’ street
P ou lter A u b rey Ralph K n ig h t, B lue P ig P .H . 13
G loucester street
Pou lter W illie, P a vio r’s A rm s P.H . 12 C astle street
Powell H erbert, tailor, 52 C ow ley road
Powell P ercy W illiam , upholsterer, n a , B lue B oar st
Powell Rowland, tailor, 209 C owley road
PTangnell E m m a (M rs.), toy dealer, 138 Cowley road
Prangnell John W illiam , plum ber, 138 C ow ley road
P ratley A . & Son, tailors, 18 W oodstock road, St. G iles’
Pratley Frederick, u n iv ersity lodging house, 27 N ew Inn
H all street
Pratley Sarah (M iss), shopkeeper, 27 C hurch street, New
H inksey
P ra tt D udley (M rs.), ap artm en ts, 7 S t. John street
P ra tt E m m a (M rs.), dress m aker, 30 H ertford street,
M agdalen road
P ra tt M arm aduke, grocer, & post office, 36 W alton st
Prem ier M eat C o. L im ited , b utch ers, 57 S t. A ld a te ’s
s t r e e t ; 42 London place, S t. C lem en t’s ; 29 W alton
street & 109 M agdalen road, C ow ley S t. John
Preston & Son, tailors, 249 B anbury rd . S um m ertow n
Preston G eorge E rn est, tem peran ce hotel, 1 B otley road
Preston John, tailor, 21 Thorncliffe rd. Sum m ertow n
P re tty Thom as Vidgeon, L ib era l registration agent,
Reform clu b, 52 New Inn H all street
P rice T h os.Fredk. p ain ter, 59 H oward st.C ow ley St.John
P rick ett A lexand er, ap artm en ts, 59 S outhm oor road,
St. G ile s’
P ric k e tt H ector W illiam Jam es, ap artm en ts, i n S o u th ­
m oor road, S t. G ile s’
Prince A rth u r C h arles, beer reta iler, 39 Jam es street,
C owley S t. John
Prince M ary (M iss), u n iv ersity lo d g in g house, 8 W alton
W ell road, S t. G ile s’
Prior Jason, tailor, 6 E ssex street, M agdalen road
P rio r-P itt E llen M ary (M rs.), laun dry, 14 C h ester st.
Ifflev road
P ritch ard Thom as Jsph. p lu m b er,20 C h ester st.Iffley rd
Proffitt Joseph D aniel, boot m aker, 1 W arw ick street
Proudfoot F ran k G ., M .A ., M .D ., C .M . surgeon, &
m edical officer Oxford incorporation & Oxford w ork­
house, 43 S t. G iles’ street
P rovincial M otor H irin g Co. L im ited , m otor cab p ro ­
prietors, M ill street, O sney
Prowse W illiam B., M .A ., M .B ., L .S .A .L o n d ., M .R .C S.
Eng. physician & surgeon, 133 B anbury rd.Sum m ertw n
Pruden tial Assuranoe Co. Lim ited (D aniel E . M atthew s,
s u p t.), 95 & 96 S t. A ld a te’s street. T N 455
Puddifer W alter,ch air m aker,29Tem ple st.C ow ley St.John
P ullen G eorge C harles, u n iv ersity lo d g in g house, 27
Richm ond road, S t. Thom as’
P urnell, P h ipps & Purn ell, u n iv ersity & clerical tailors,
robe m akers, gen tlem en ’s m ercers & o u tfitte rs ; in ­
corp oratin g Boasten & Son, hand-sew n boot m akers,
128 H igh street. T N 526
P ursey Joseph A lb ert, boot m aker, 151 W alton street
Purves G eorge, boot m aker, 214 C ow ley road