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[O X F O R D S H IR E .

(F rederick
W illiam W itn ey Corn E xchange (G eorge E
St E dburg’ s H all (Rev. W . O 'R eilly I Steptoe, sec.), N ettle bed, HenleyW alker, hall keeper), 19 Market
M l . hon. sec.), B icester
on-Tham es
square, W itney
S outh Stoke Parish Hall (Thom as W atlington Lectu re H all Co. Lim ited W itn ey Corn E xchange & Public
Panter H att,
chairm an),
(A rth u r L ett, sec.), H igh street.
Rooms (R. F. C uth b ert, clerk ), 28
Stoke, Reading
W atlington, W allingford
B ridge street, W itney
T h am e Town H all (W illiam J. Arnold, W esley H all (E dw ard R. Lan e,treas.). W itney Town Hall (Miss A m y Ellen
s u p t.). M arket place, Tham e
Sheep street, Bicester
C ollier, keeper), M arket sq. W itney
P u b l i c H a l l s — c o n tin u e d .

See also Hotels.
A bingdon A rm s,H arold Jam es C u d d , 7 M arket st.O xford
A bingdon A rm s, E dw ard T. H all, B eckley, Oxford
Abingdon A rm s, A rth u r Hearne, Corn m arket, Thame
A dam & E ve, W m . Hy. Freem an, O xford st. W oodstock
A lbion, Thom as H. C u rtis, 74 B ridge street, Banbury
A lbion, A rth u r M artin, 11 L ittleg a te st.S t.E b b e's,O xford
A m p ney C ottage, E dw in W akelin, 172 Cowley rd.O xford
Anchor, Joseph Massie F urnival, 58 F riday street, Henleyon-Tham es
Anchor (T he), W alter M artin, 1 Corn m ark et, Tham e
A nchor hotel, M rs. Maria Rose, 13 New road, Oxford
Anchor, John Sam i W ard, 2 Havfield rd. S t.G iles’, Oxford
A ncient B riton, John W illiam Snow, 97 B lackfriars road,
S t. E bbe’s. Oxford
Angel inn, Frederick Blackm an, Sheep street, Bicester
Angel inn, Jam es Friswell, 41 M arket place, Banbury'
A ngel inn, Jam es H all, M arket street, W oodstock
A n gel, G eorge Eudson, 42 M arket square, W itney
A rg y ll, H enry G oddard, 15 M arket pi.H enley-on-Tham es
Balloon inn, M rs. M ary Jane L itten , 23 Queen st.O xford
B arley Mow, F rederick G riffin, H igh street, W a tlin g ­
ton, W allingford
B arley Mow, W illiam Howe, W arw ick road, Banbury
Bat k. Ball, W illiam Hy. W in g, Cuddesdon, W heatley
Bear hotel, Charles E aves. M arket place, Banbury
B ear. G eorge Budden, F ritw ell, B an bury
B ear, W illiam H all, H igh street, Burford
B ear inn, Mrs. A lice H arriet Neale, A lfred street. High
street, Oxford
B ear. F rederick E dw ard Townsend, 77 & 79 B ell street,
H enley-on-Tham es
Bear A R agged Staff, Percival Laban Lon g, Bvookham pton. W allingford
Bell inn, H orace Busby, Hook Norton, Banbury
B ell inn. E rn est Coker. Crow m arsh G ifford. W allin gford
B ell, D aniel Sp erling Crane, Shenington. Banbury
Bell, George G lenister, D ucklington. W itn ey
B ell, Neat Enstone, Enstone
B ell, W illiam Jones. L an gford, L ech lad e (Glos)
Bell inn, H enry J. K irtla n d , Ham pton Poyle, Oxford
Bell inn, Jam es M aisey, Long Handborough. Woodstock
B ell inn. G eorge M awle, G reat B ourton, B anbury
B ell, John G . Reynolds. G reat M ilton. W allingford
B ell, G eorge Savins, C assington, Oxford
B ell inn, W a lter Sm ith. Low er Hevford. Banbury
Bell. Richard T urn er. Standlake, W itney
Bell inn. A rth ur W illiam W alduck, 84 Sheep st. B icester
Ben Johnson, Robert S. C harlett, W eston-on-the-G reen,
B icester
B erkshire House, Thom as E dw ard Bonner, 200 A b in g ­
don road, Oxford
B ird C age, Charles Blood, 5 Corn m arket. Tham e
B ird-in-H and, Fred F isher, Dunsden. Reading
B ird-in-H and, Fdk.Bond H arris,W h ite Oak G reen ,W itn y
Bishop Blaise, V alentine Prowse, Sibford Gower,BanburyBlack Boy, G eorge Thom as Edney, H eadington, Oxford
Black Boy, M iss Susannah Fortnam , Chinnor, W allingford
B lack Boy, W illiam Mawle, Milton, Banbury
B lack Bull, Mrs. M artha Hawes, Fencott, Oxford
B lack B ull. P ercival Randolph Sheard, K idlington,O xford
Black Head, W illiam H. B iggars, Stonesfield, Woodstock
B lack Horse, Alan Joseph B elcher, Salford, C hippin g
B lack Horse, C harles B in t, Standlake, W itn ey
B lack Horse, W illiam Dunk, 11 Corn m arket. Tham e
Black Horse inn. J. H. Jones, 162 S t.C lem en t’s st.O xford
B lack Horse, Mrs. Sarah Saunders, Checkendon,Reading
Black Horse. W a lter Jam es Taylor. K idlin gto n , O xford
Black Lion, H arry Dyer. Woodcote, Reading
Black Lion, F rederick Hoar. W atlington. W allingford
B lack Swan. W alter W illiam Jam es L a y, n Crown st.
C ow ley St. John, Oxford
B lack’ s Head inn, Benj. B arrett. Bletch ington, Oxford
B lue A nchor, Mrs. E lizabeth Savage, 29 H igh street,
C hip p ing Norton
B lue Boar hotel, Jn.Hope. 1 G oddard's la.Chipping Norton
Blue Lion, H H. Langton. New st. C hippin g Norton
B lue P ig. A ub rey R alp h K n ig h t Pou lter, 13 G loucester
street, Oxford
Boat inn, M atthew Geo. H en ry Piper, Thrupp, Oxford

Boot inn, A lb ert Bishop, Stonesfield, W oodstock
Bottle & G lass, W alter Page, Binfield heath, Henley-onThames
Box Tree inn, Henry C alcu tt, Postcom be, T etsw ortk
Brasenose, Sam uel G ardner, C ropredy, Banbury
B ridge House, W illiam Baker, W h itch urch , Reading
B rta n n ia , Mrs. Louisa Coles. T hrupp, Oxford
Britannia, M rs. E lizabeth Heath, Kidlington, Oxford
Britannia, H arry W atts, Highfield, Oxford
Broad G ates, Rt. Venezi,47 M arket pi. H enley-on-Tham es
Buck & Bell, Alfred Cox, 39 Parsons street, Banbury
Bull inn, A lbert Bowen, C harlbury
B ull inn, H enry C arter, Launton, B icester
B ull inn, W illiam G eorge C ubbidge, 46 M arket sq W itn e y
Bull, John D euster, Filkin s, Lechlade (G lo’stersh)
B ull, W illiam G eorge Pocnck, G reat M ilton, W allingford
B ull inn, Joseph H. S. Robinson, 57 & 59 Bell street,
H enley-on-Tham es
B ull, Joseph H enry S p u rrett, jun. Aston, Bam pton
Bullingdon Arm s, Charles Skinner, Cowley m arsh,Tem ple
Cow ley, Oxford
B utch ers' A rm s, A rth u r Boorman, M ilton-under-W ychwood, Oxford
B utchers' A rm s, A lb ert E dw d. G reen, F rin gford ,B icester
B utchers' A rm s, Charles M arlow, W idm oor pond, Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames
Cape of Good Hope, M aurice Jones, Ifflev road, Oxford
C arpenters' A rm s, W a lt. B ronsdon,M iddle B arton,O xford
Carpenters’ Arm s, W alter Harris, Hailey, W itney
Carpenters' A rm s, W a lt. G . K in g , M iddle Cowley',Oxford
C arpenters' A rm s, M rs. M ary Lock,B rize N orton,Bam ptn
C arpenters’ A rm s, W illiam W eller, Newland, W itney
C arpenters' A rm s, Jam es W illiam s, Fulbrook. Burford
Case is A ltered, Jam es H. W alton, O xford rd. B anbury
C astle inn, Reginald W . Price, Benson, W allingford
C astle W ine Vaults, T. & E. Coleman, Cornhill, Banbury
Catherine W heel, M rs. Charles B ell, Crow ell.W allingford
Catherine W heel, Jam es Hooper, D rayton St. Leonard,
W allingford
C atherine W heel, A rth . H y. Johnson,31 B ridge st.B anbry
C atherine
W heel, W illiam
M orris,
Sandford-uponTham es, Oxford
Chandlers’ Arm s. Thom as T a r tt, Epw ell, Banbury
C hequers, Mrs. M ary B aker, 47 C orn street, W itn ey
Chequers, T. D. Kirtland,W eston-on-the-Green, Bicester
Chequers, Thoma9 C. Liner. Churchill, Chipping Norton
; Chequers, W alter Meeson. H eadington q uarry, Oxford
C hequers inn, Leonard M illin, Spelsbury, C harlbury
C hequers inn, Richard Mobev, Cassington, Oxford
| C hequers, G eorge A lfred Odv. Burcote, Abingdon
i Chequers. Mrs. Jane P ra tt. Brize Norton, Bam pton
! Chequers inn. W illiam Robinson, 131a, H igh st. Oxford
; Chequers. W illiam Sherwood, Bablock-H vthe, North! moor, Oxford
! Chequers, Jesse Sm ith, H orsepath, W heatley
I Chequers. Mrs. Sarah Stevens, 44 H igh street, St.
Thom as’, Oxford
C herry T ree, John Varney. Stoke Row. H enley-on-Tham s
C h errv Tree, Sam i. W aters, K ingston Blount, W allingfrd
C hester A rm s, Sam i. W est, Chester st. Iffley rd. Oxford
C h u rch ill A rm s, M rs. Barbara Jessop, Ascott, Oxford
Clarendon A rm s, M rs. Florence A m y F orty, 35 Walton
street, Oxford
Clarendon Hotel .Shades, G eorge S aunders, Clarendon
yard, C ornm arket street, Oxford
Coach & Horses. W illiam G eorge Charles Barnes, 35
B m ad street, Oxford
Coach & Horses, H arry W illiam Candelent, 62 St.
C lem en t’s street. Oxford
Coach & Horses, H erbt. W7m. H arvey, Dunsden. Reading
Coach & Horses, Thos. Reedy, B utchers’ row, Banbury
Coach & Horses. G eo.R icketts, C hisleham pton.W allingfrd
Coach k Horses, Geo. Sum ner, A dderbury E ast,B an bu ry
C ock inn, H arry K nibbs. Com be, Woodstock
Cotswold A rm s. G eorge E dw ard T u ck . High si . B urford
C ottage inn. Alfred Sum m ers, B eggarsbush h ill, Benson,
W allingford
Court inn. Albert Ph illips, 4.T B ridge street. W itney
C ricketers, Joseph W illiam Dancy, 1 6 M iddleton road,
G rim sburv, B anburv