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Wootton H enry, supt. of police & deputy chief constable, E xchange street
W right & Co. tailors, breeches m akers, hosiers, h atters,
glovers & sh irt m akers, 49 M arket square. T N 56
W right A rth u r G eorge M .P .S . dispensing & fam ily che­
m ist, 16 M arket square
W right P ercy A ikin , solicitor, & clerk to the A ylesb ury
Urban D istrict Council & to the Urban S ub-C om m ittee
of Bucks L ocal Pension C om m ittee, Town hall
Yandell H enry A ustin, Ship inn, 59 W alton street

B E A C O N S F IE L D .


“ Y e Old© K i n g 's H ead H o t e l," fam ily & com ­
m ercial hotel, garage Ac. (J. J. W iddowson, ’pro­
prietor), M arket square
Y o rk Sidney G eorge, tailor, 19 C am bridge street
Y o u n g G eorge & Son, fancy repository, 10 M arket sq
Y o u n g D avid, sec. to N ational Deposit F rien d ly Society
(A ylesb u ry d istrict), 57 N ew street
Y o u n g F red erick , butcher, 50 C am bridge street
Y ou n g Sarah (M rs.), grocer, 25 W h iteh all street

B A H T O N H A H T S H O - R N is a parish on the borders acres of glebe at A dstock and residence, in the g ift of
of O xfordshire and on a feeder of th e riv er O use, 4 M ajor G . F . G reen J.P . of Chetwode, and is at
miles west-south-west from B uckin gh am station on the present (1915) vacant. L ieu t.-C o l. Charles W illiam
Verney Junction and B anbury branch of the London
T rotter T .D . is lord of the m anor and p rin cipal lan d­
and N orth W estern railw ay, and 8n orth-east
owner. The soil is c la y ; subsoil, clay. The land is
Bicester, in th e N orthern division of th e county, hun­
arable and p asture in about equal portions. The aiea
dred, p etty sessional division, union and county court
is 892 ac re s; rateab le valu e, ^ 1 ,1 8 2 ; the population in
district of B uckingham , and in the rural deanery of 1911 was 83.
Buckingham , archdeaconry of B uckin gh am and diocese
of Oxford. The church of S t. Jam es is an ancient cru ci­ L etters th rou gh B uckingh am delivered at 8 a.m . & 1.30
p .m .; Sundays, 9.15 a.m . W all Box cleared a t 12.25
form structure in the E a rly E n g lish & Perpendicular
& 5.10 p .m .; sundays, 11.10 a.m . T h e n earest m oney
6tyles, consisting of chancel, nave, transept, south porch
& telegraph office is at T in g ew ick , about 2
and a w estern tu rret containing 2 b e lls; the transept
m iles distan t
was added in 1841 by W . H. B racebridge esq. then
patron; the clock, given by the late Dr. Clark, is T here is no school in the parish, th e ch ildren attend
placed in the west gable. Th e register dates from the
at Chetwode
year 1534.
The liv in g is a vicarage w ith th at of Chet- C arriers to B uckin gh am .— Thom as S m all, tues. fri. A
wode annexed, join t net yea rly value ¿ 8 5 , in cludin g 46
s a t .; M iss Tew , m on. th urs. A sat
T rotter Lieu t.-C o l. Charles W illiam P ud dephatt D aniel, farm er
W arin g Jam es, Fox P.H
T.D. Manor
Row Sabina (M iss), farm er
Wilson G eorge, gardener to L ieu t.COMMERCIAL.
Spires Noah, farm er
Col. Charles W illiam T rotter
Holt C lem ent,farm er, K in g ’s E nd frm Th am e F red, farm er, Home farm
B E A C H A M P T O N is a p arish and villag e on the
borders of N ortham ptonshire— the riv er O use form s the
boundary between the counties— 5 m iles south-w est
from W olverton station on th e London and N orth
W estern railw ay, 6 north-east from B uckingh am sta­
tion on the Verney Junction and B anbury branch of the
same line, and
south-w est from Stony Stratford, in
the N orthern division of the county, hundred, union
and county cou rt d istrict of Buckingham , S ton y S tra t­
ford p etty sessional division, and in the ru ra l deanery
and archdeaconry of B uckingh am and diocese of Oxford.
The C h urch of the A ssum ption of th e V irgin Mary,
erected at the beginning of the 14th century, is a sm all
edifice of stone m ostly in the D ecorated style, and con­
sists of chancel, nave of four bays, aisles, south porch
and a tower containing 3 b ells: the east window is
Perp endicular: in the church is a m onum ent, w ith
bust, to Sir Sim on Bennet bart. som etim e lord of this
manor, who died in 16 31; it was erected 128 years after
his death by U niversity College, Oxford, to which
foundation he had been a g rea t b en efactor; there is
also a handsom e m arble m onum ent to Sim on B ennet
esq. Lord M ayor of London, nephew to S ir Sim on
Bennet above m entioned, whose dau gh ter and heiress
Frances m arried Jam es (Cecil), 4th E arl of S alisb u ry:
the stained east window was erected to the m em ory
of the late Bishop W ilberforce (d. 19th J uly, 1873),
whose kneeling effigy appears in the low er portion:
there are brasses to W illiam Baw dyn, 1600, and to
Alice, w ife of G eorge Baldw yn, d. 21 Feb. 16 11: and
m em orial windows to L a d y M ary R ussell and the
Rev. Richard Norris R ussell, a form er r e c to r : the
reredos, an elaborate work in alabaster, contains in
the centre a representation of “ Th e C ru c ifix io n :” the
organ was presented by L a d y M ary R u s s e ll: the choir

stalls and sittin g s are of carved oak: th e church was
com pletely restored in 1873-4, at a
cost of £3,400,
p rin cipally con tributed by the Rev. J. G ould M .A.
rector 1891-1903: th ere are 160sittin g s. T h e reg ister
dates from th e year 1628. T h e livin g is a rectory, net
yearly v alu e ,£232, w ith 25 acres of g lebe and residence,
in the g ift of C aiu s College, C am b ridge, and held since
1913 by the Rev. Robert John Pearce M .A . form erly
fellow of C aiu s C ollege, C am bridge and hon. D .C .L .
Durham . There are a few ch arities am o un tin g to ^ 27
yearly, th e bequest of S ir Sim on Bennet b art. who died
c. 16 31; also £35 from E lm er ch arity, w hich is d is tri­
buted am ongst four parishes. The H all farm , form erly
Beacham pton H all, is
p icturesq uely situated on the
banks of the O use, b ut the g reater p art of it was pulled
down in th e 18th cen tury, the m aterials bein g utilised
to con struct the present outhouses and barns. A very
fine carved oak staircase leads up to th e banqueting
hall, which is panelled to the ceilin g w ith oak, and the
window s till contains the royal arm s in stained glass.
S ir Robert Jam es Milo W alker b art. of Sand H utton,
Y orks, who is lord of th e m anor, and th e M arquis of
Lin coln shire K .G ., P .C ., G .C .M .G . are th e principal
landowners. T he soil is strong c la y ; subsoil, lim estone.
Th e chief crops are wheat, oats, beans and barley. The
area is 1,520 acres of land and 8 of w a te r; rateable
value, ^ 1,596 ; the population in 1911 was 193.
Sexton, W illiam A lderm an.
Post Office.— G eorge G ibbs, sub-postm aster. L e tters
th rou gh Stony S tratford arrive a t 7 A 11.30 a.m . to
c a lle rs; box closes a t 10.30 a.m . A 5.15 p.m . week
days A 10 a.m . sundays. S ton y S tratford , 3 m iles
distan t, is th e nearest m oney order A teleg rap h office
E lem en tary School (m ixed ), b u ilt in 1876, for 40 c h il­
dren ; M iss Sarah H all, m istress

Pearce Rev. Robert John M .A .,D .C .L .
(rector). R ectory
Bryant Joseph, farm er
Roscoe M iss Mabel, The H all
Cook Richard, farm er
Whitehead Mrs
Littlech ild W m. F rederick, B ell inn

L ovell E dw in, farm er, G ran ge farm
Panter H enry, farm er
Rogers A lfd. Geo. farm er, M anor frm
V erey F rederick, farm er, H all farm

B E A C O liS F I E L D
is a picturesq ue and rapidly tinguished statesm an him self, who was also Viscount
growing town and parish on a h ill near the W ooburn H ughenden, b u t both titles becam e extin ct on his
stream , w ith a station on the m ain line of the G reat death, 19th A p ril, 1881. T h e ch urch of S t. M ary and
W estern and G reat C entral Join t railw ay, and is 23 A ll S ain ts is an edifice of flin t w ith B ath stone dressings
miles from London, 10 north from W indsor, 5^ north- in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel w ith
east-by-east from W ycom be, 2J n orth-east from Loud- aisles, clerestoried nave of five bays, aisles, north and
water, and 8 north from Slough, in th e Southern d iv i­ south porches, v estry , and an em battled w estern tower
sion of the county, hundred and p e tty sessional division w ith pinnacles and tu rre t, containing a clock and 8
° f ? ^ rn ^am » union of A m ersham , cou n ty cou rt d istrict b e lls : the tower and two arches in th e nave date from
of H igh W ycombe, ru ra l deanery of B urnham , arch ­ the 15th c e n tu r y : on the south w all of the nave is a
deaconry of Buckingham and diocese of O xford. The tab let to E dm un d Burke, th e distin gu ish ed statesm an,
^as ^een governed by a L ocal Board under the who lived a t B u tler’s C ourt, form erly “ G reg ories,” in
Public H ealth A ct, 1848,” from J u ly, 1850, u n til the this p arish 1769-97, and died here, 9th July, 1797, to
Local G overnm ent Act, 1894,” established an Urban his w ife and Richard, his son : on 9th J u ly, 1898,
D istrict Council, and it is ligh ted w ith gas by the another m em orial, erected to him and in clu d in g a
Uxbridge Gas Com pany. T h is place gave the title of p ortrait in relief was unveiled by the E a rl of Rosebery,
Viscountess (1868) to M ary A nne, w ife of the R t. Hon. and on his g ra ve is a b r a s s : there is also a slab,
Benjamin D israeli P .C . and of E arl (1876) to th a t dis- w ith incised effigies, to Thom as W a ller, 1626, and