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4 l4
[O X F O K D S H IR E .
N eighbour Frederick, G reen field .W atÂ
Ha i e Ds e s s e r s â continued.
lington, W allingford
H arris R ichard C. 32 V icto r s t r e e t ,1
See Bacon & Ham Curers.
P a rtlett G eorge, E ast End, North
Jericho, O xford
L e ig h , W itney
H att & Co. 19 M agdalen st. Oxford.
See a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e 5 5
it3 T F u l l l i s t s o f t h i s t r a d e in Peachey W H .C h urch ill.C h ip p in gN rtn
U n it e d
K in g d o m ,
E n  P ra tley E dw ard, F instock, C h arlbury
H itchm an W illiam & Son, 61 H igh
g i n e e r s D i r e c t o r y . P r i c e 3 0 s . ] P u tt J .Church Handborough,W oodstck
street, W itn ey
H itchm an John A lb ert, 12 S tation rd. A dam s H. & Co. 18 Duke street, H en Search Joseph. H igh street, B urford
Slade J. B rize Norton, Bam pton
H enley-on-Tham es
ley-on-Tham es
Tanner M rs. Rose, F ish ers bridge,
H olloway Fredk. 44 B otley rd. Oxford Bennett Mrs. B. H ethe, B icester
Hone & Son. 29 M arket sq. Bicester Cane M rs. Rebecca, C ouch in g street,
V eatm an O liver, A lvescot, Clanfield
Hum phries W .6 New Inn Hall st.Oxfd
W atlington, W allingford
Jeffs Frank W. 6 Oriel st. Oxford
C astle E. A dderb ury E ast, Banbury
K em p F rank John, 15 C ranham st. C lare W alter. Clanfield
Jericho, Oxford
Coates G . S. 10 C h u rch lane, B anbury Rose M rs.E . L ittle M ilton, W allingfrd
Lasb ury P ercy W illiam , 40 South Cocks J. & Son, Chinnor, W allingford
parade, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
Dom estic B azaar Co. L im ited , 84
Jennings H arry, Lon g H andborough,
L o ader G eorge, N orth street, Tham e
H igh street, B an bury
Lovegrove Geo. 58 H igh st. Banbury Hooper M iss N. 62 Sheep st. B icester
Lovell G eorge, 2 Fish st. Banbury
M etcalfe Geo. 65 Sheep st. B icester
Lowe W illiam Henry, Shirb urn st. Miles Jam es, M ilton-under-W ychwood, HAY & STRAW MERCHANTS.
Hill Joseph & Son, K in gston Blount,
W atlington, W allingford
W allingford
M ackenzie G . A. 13 Sheep st.B icester I g carrott Chas. 79 Sheep st. Bicester
M artyr Brothers, 32 C ornm arket st. Tarrant w . H. & Sons, 32 & 36 Mar- K ing Henry 0 . W olvercote, Oxford
a d v e rtis e m e n t
Quarrington Charles, G orw ell, W a tÂ
ket square & 5 W est end, W itn ey
lington. W allingford
page 5 6
T urnock H arry, Hook Norton, Banbrv
Toom er R. & C o. L im ited , Station
M avcock H. 60 H igh street, B an b ury
r o a d ; Tham es side & N orthfield
Mead S. A . 29 & 31 Duke street,
E nd, H enley-on-Tham es. S e e a d Â
H enley-on-Tham es
W elbank Jn . N th . N ew ington, B anbry
v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 20
Money E. R. 104 W alton st. Oxford
O rchard A rth u r W illiam , 32 S t. C leÂ
HARDWARE MERCHANTS. Wei ford W illiam & Sons, Aynho staÂ
tion & C lifton , Oxford
m en t's street, Oxford
Cooper G eorge R. 41, 42 & 43 S t.
Page Fredk. A. 143 Cowley rd. Oxford
E bbeâs street & 237 B an b ury road,
Parsons F rederick A lb ert âW illiam , 42
Sum m ertow n, O xford.
See a d Â
m an u fa ctu rers.
St. A ldate's street, Oxford
v e r t i s e m e n t p a g e 51
Phillips W. R . 4 St. M ichaelâs st. Oxfd W all Jam es & Co. Forres house,Castle Com yn C h in g & Co. L im ited . C astle
Pim m Joseph, H igh street. Eynsham
street, Lon g acre, London W C
street east, B an bury
Reckin E dw ard, 15 R eadin g road,
herb grow er.
H enlev-on-Tham es
Robinson A. D. & Co. 9 C astle street,
Usher Richard, Bodicote, B anbury
! Johnson Richard Jam es & Co. W o rÂ
cester place & Canal st. Oxford.
Rogers Mrs. E m m a, 1 Com m ercial rd.
See a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e 53
St. E b b eâs, Oxford
See M edical B otanist.
Rogers E rn est,iS G lo u cester s t.O x fo rd 1
Scroxton G eorge B enjam in , 69 Broad
Nelson Joseph, 113 C owley rd. Oxford HIDE & SKIN BRKRS. &DLRS.
street, B anburv
C ity & D istrict B utchersâ H ide, Skin,
S h arp e F. ia , New Inn H all st.O xford
F at & Wool Co. L im ited , B rid g e st.
Sim ons W m . P. 22 Corn m rkt.Tham e
B anbury
S m ith E . 23 R eading road, H e n le y -! See Saddlers & Harness M akers.
G reen Lew is, B urcote, Abingdon
on-Tham es
& Lucas Lim . Park End pi.
Stockley Sydney. 30 Sheep s t.B ic e s te r,
St. Thom asâ & G lo ucester grn. O xÂ
S tran g e H erbert W illiam , 1 3 & 1 5 1 G raham Richard, 4 Ship st. Oxford
reat K n o llyâ s st. R eading
M arket street, O xford. S e e a d Â
U n derh illâ s Hide & Skin M arket Ltd .
v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 5 7
22 F ria râs en try, O xford.
S trou d W m . 81 H igh street, W itney Adam son & Co. 102 & 103 H igh st.
a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e 4 7
Stuchfield Thom as, 3 Speedwell st. | O xford'
St. A ldate's, Oxford
C lark W alter Thom as, 45 A 46 C astle
st. S t.E b b eâ s,Oxfrd
U n it e d K in g d o m , s e e L e a t h e r
--------street, Oxford
T r a d e s D ir e c t o r y . P r ic e 2 5 s .]
Trafford F rederick, 45 M agdalen rd. p avers W illiam E m m an uel, 12 Queen
Cow ley, Oxford
s t r e e t ; 54 C ow ley road & 201 B anÂ
W a lker 'Fredk. 15 B ridge st. W itney
b ury road, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
W alker H v. 31 St. A idâte s st. Oxford jj0okham & Co. 3 C ornm arket street,
IA. earin
. â g G eo. B
..I rm *st.
>F Bam
HQTil pton
Anderson R. C. C arterton , Clanfield
W ebb H arry S. B. 64 Jam es street, M cllroy W illiam L im ited , 3 Reading C arter Sidney, Toot Baldon, Oxford
C ow ley S t. John. Oxford
Coleman Joseph. H ighfield, Oxford
road, H enley-on-Tham es
Weston & C h e a l,n T u rl street,O xford | j^a e^ g y .A.,2. C orn m arket st.O xfrd H ealey Isaac, O akley, W allin gford
W eston Thos.M . 29 C owley rd .O x fo rd , M arychurch & B lackler. 6 Queen st. Perkins .Tames. Alkerton, B anbury
Ti n " L . 1
ITâ . â. n a TU, »1, e f
\\ l t n arr
. . .
hitch er W
m . 23 High st. W
a d v e r t i s e m e n t W itney Rupert, Chinnor, W allin gford
W h ite E . & Son. 17 L ittle g a te street,
p a g e 41
S t. E bbeâ s, Oxford
Robeson W illiam H. 15^ & 16 High
W hite W alt. 8 St. M ichaelâ s st. O xfrd
W aygood-O tis
L im ited , Falm outh
street, B an bury
W hitford F . E. 250 C ow ley rd.O xford Valen tin e A rch ibald W . 10 M arket
S E.
L ift
W ille tts F rank, 5 M iddle row , C h ip Â
square, W itney
M akers
p in g Norton
W itts Lew is E . 10 W est street, C h ip Â
p in g Norton
C hildren âs (W alter J. & M rs. W edd,
Cook H arry, Benson, W allingford
W rrle y H erbert E d gar. H igh street,
m aster & m atron ), Th e Lawn,
D u rran W illiam & Son, Low er HeyW atlin gto n , W allingford
H orlev, Banbury
ford, B anbury
C hurch A rm y Labo ur (Frederick Geo.
G ilkes B ernard, Shutford, B anbury
W allbridge, s u p t.), 3 Cam bridge
Griffin J. E . 41 N orth Bar st. Banbury
M u lley F rank, 2 G ould's villas,
terrace, S t. E bbeâ s. Oxford
Hall Richard. C h arlburv
N eithrop, B anbury
L o u ise
Sm ith,
H arris Jam es W illiam & Son, Hook G irlsâ
m atron), 58 & 59 St. Johnâs road,
S t. G ilesâ , Oxford
Hovenden R. & Sons L im ited . 29 to 33 H azel Brothers, N orth L e ig h , W itney
Berners street, Oxford street W & Hazell A . R ailw ay view , G orin g, Hales Misses (studentsâ). 5 & 6 Fyfield road, Oxford
Reading _
89 to 95 C ity road E C, London
n^ v
K in gh am H ill B oysâ Homes (C . E.
Osborne. G a rre tt & Co. 5 t to r4 F rith H igham B . Calthorpe St. B an bury
B. Y o u n g esq. proprietor), K in g Â
street & ? Ã n Batenaan St. Soho. |H ew lett Wm. Chinnor, W allin gford
ham , C h ip p in g Norton
K eylock Thom as. Fulbrook, Burford
L av F.Church H andborough,W oodstck M iddleton Stoney T ra in in g H om e for
S ervants(M rs. I . M arshall,m atron),
M iddleton Stoney, B icester
1 Chipping Norton
See P ub lic Halls.