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D IR E C T O R Y .]
B latch Charles J. M ill house
Dewe Thom as
G-over Thom as, C astle villa
Krabbe Mrs. C alcot grange
Snowdon Mrs. The F ilberts
Reeves C harles, m a r k e t gardener
Bazeley A rth u r & G eorge, nursery- ; Stam ford Charles E dw ard, e s ta te a g t .
â m en, W o rld s End
| to H. B. B lagrave esq. W orldâs End
Dewe Thom as, m iller (w ater), C al-, Y oun g W illiam Brooker, fa r m e r
I cot m ill
c o m m e r c ia l .
T I D M A E S H is a village and parish i m ile souththe K in g âs Bench in 1499 and C hief J u stice in 1501:
.south-west from Pangbourne station on the G reat
the church was restored in 1897 at a cost of ¿900.
W estern railw ay and 7 w est from R eading, in the
and affords 130 sittin g s. The reg ister of baptism s and
Southern division of the county, hundred of Theale,
burials dates from the year 1730; m arriages, 1731.
Bradfield union, p etty sessional division and county
The liv in g is a rectory, net yearly value ¿ 13 0 , w ith
cou rt d istrict of R eading, rural deanery of Bradfield,
glebe (¿ 3 0 ) and residence, in th e g ift of John E d ric
archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of O xford. The
M. Hopkins esq. and held since 1895 by th e Rev. A lexander
church of St. Law rence is a small buildin g of flint
Henry H opkins M .A. of B alliol C ollege, Oxford. There
and stone in the E a rly E n g lish style, and consists of
a.-e charities of ¿ 1 8 yearly, for distrib ution in fuel,
apsidal chancel, nave and south porch and a w estern
belfry of wood w ith spire containing 3bells": " t h e ^ | £ " ? f ¿ " S j e W
f c
M m art
col and nave appear to date from about « 3 0 . the form er Manor, the property of John E d ric M H opkins em lord
g ? i al a P s1e, w lth a s m a ll lanaat ⢠- ' of the m anor and chief landow ner is 7 . occupied by
dow in each fa c e ; the vaultin g is a m odern restora- H einrich Schulm an psn
Thp <nii ia n o d .
i u ii
r ;
west of the church and is ric h ly carved w ith bands
of chevron ornam ent, interladed w ork
and scrolls of
; on either side and a t th e top is a flat sem icircu lar projection, the la tter bearing a rude carving
of a hum an f a c e : the p eculiar featu re of the ch urch
is its octagonal apse, a v ery rare, perhaps unique,
exam ple in E n g la n d : the trip le 13th cen tu ry w est
window is also a rem arkable and unfrequent d e s ig n :
the font appears to be of the sam e date as the c h u rc h ;
the pulpit is of the i Sth c e n tu r y : th ere are brasseL
of a k n igh t in arm our, c. 1530, and of M arg aret, wife
of Thom as Wode, appointed one of th e Justices of
rateable value, ¿ 1 ,8 5 6 ; the p o p u la tio n "in 1911
was 158.â
â * ⢠0 , 0 population
Parish C lerk, Thom as T egg.
L etters from R eadin g via Pangbourne arrive by fo o t
P °st
.7 a.m . & 5.45
p.m . ;Sundays,
7 a.m . Pangbourne is the nearest m oney order &telegrap h office,
w a)) T pH.OT,
, _
â:leared at 8"*° a 'm ' & 7 - 3 5 p .m .;
C arrier to Readingâ B rind, dailv
W illiam B .N . .Pullen Fran ces(M rs.),G revh on n d P.H
S m ith C harles, estate b ailiff to J. E.
Banner Mrs. M ill house
M H oD kins pen
Donaldson Mrs. The C roft
.B easley H ylton, baker
Stone Percy, m ilter (w ater)
Hopkins Rev. A lexand er H enry M .A .: B urgess W illiam , blacksm ith
.Tegir Thom as parish clerk
(rector) R ectory
Dowling H erbert, farm er,G reen farm i Wa^d Alfred,â ^ m e k e e p e r to Col
Schuim an H einnch, T idm arsh m anor Haines G eorge, farm er
W alter Thornton J P
¡T y ler L ieu t. G eorge
Tidm arsh grange
T I L E H U K S T is a village and p arish, bounded on parish of Tileh urst S t. G eorgeâs, separated from the
the south by the Bath road and oh the north b y the m other parish in 1884, were transferred to S t. M ary
river T ham es, 1 m ile north from T ileh u rst station civil parish and borough of Reading, and b y a P roÂ
on the G reat W estern railw ay, and 2$ w est from visional O rder of the Local G overnm ent Board p art of
Reading, in the Southern division of the county, h u n  the parish of Tileh urst was in 1911 added to the borouo-h
dred of Reading, Bradfield union, p etty sessional d iv i of Reading.
sion and county cou rt d istrict of Reading, ru ra l deanery
Parish C lerk, H enry M iddleton.
of Bradfield, archdeaconry of B erks and diocese of O xÂ
ford. The church of S t. M ichael, alm ost entirely re Post, M. 0 . & T. Office, T ileh u rst.â John Drew , subpostm aster. Letters arrive from R eadin g at 6.45 a.m .
built in 1S55, is a b uilding of stone in the Decorated
12 noon & 4.30 p.m . ; dispatched at 9 & 11.15 a.m .
style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch
& r -2S> 3 -3 ° & 7 - r 5 P-m - ; Sundays, arrive 6.45 a . m . ;
and a w estern tow er w ith pinnacles and spire, containÂ
dispatched 7.55 p.m
ing 8 bells and a c lo c k : th ere is an alabaster reredos
and carved oak stalls, and several of the windows are
s ta in e d ; the south aisle and the base of the tower are
C A L C O T is a ham let, p a rtly in th is p arish , about 3
the only rem ains of the old b u ild in g ; there are 300 miles w est from Reading, a portion bein g in Theale
sittin gs. The register dates from the year 1559. The and divided from the rem ain der by th e B ath road.
living is a rectory and vicarage, n et yearly value £ 700, Post & M. 0 . Office, Calcot R-ow.â Thom as W ise, subincluding 150 acres of glebe, with residence, in the
postm aster. L etters th rou gh R eading delivered at
g ift of M agdalen College, O xford, and held since 1905
a.m . & 12.20 & 7.15 p .m . (callers o n ly ); disby th e Rev. H enry Richard Cooper S m ith D.D. of that
patche-d at 9.45 a.m . & 3.45 & 8 p .m .
college, and surrogate. The rectory house was com Â
delivery, 6.30 a.m . ; dispatch, 8 p .m . T h e nearest
pletely destroyed by fire in A pril, 1887, and reb uilt in
telegraph office is a t Theale
1889. Here is a Congregational chapel, founded in
W all L e tte r Boxes (w est side of C h u rch ), cleared 7 k
1 7 9 7 â seating 350 persons, also a W esleyan chapel.
Th e
11.45 a.m . & 7.10 p .m .; S u n d a y s, 6.40 p .m .; K e n tÂ
Village H all, b u ilt in 1893, is a stru ctu re of brick and
w ood h ill, c le a r e d a t 9.45 a .m . & 12.20 & 5.45 p.m . ;
will seat 350 persons. Box-G rove C o ttag e Sanatorium ,
Su n d a ys, 6.55 p .m . ; H o rn c a s tle in n , c le a r e d at 10
for women and children, b eautifully situated on th e
а.m . & 4 & 8 p.m . ; Sundays, 7.40 p .m . ; School road,
brow of a hill, in a very healthy locality, was estabÂ
cleared '8.30 & 11 a.m . & 1.10 & 6.55 p .m .; S u n d a y s ,
lished in 1864 by the late Mrs. W ilder, of P urley Hall,
б.50 p.m . ; A rm our road, cleared 8 & 11.5 a.m . & 1â &
and is now being carried on by Mrs. John W ilder. There
6.5° p .m .; S u n d a ys, 7.50 p .m . ; Stoneham , cleared
are alm shouses, endowed in 1851 by the late M rs. Mary
7.45 a.m . & 6.40 p .m . ; Sundays, 7.45 p.m . ; T ileh u rst
L yn e, of Burghfield, for six poor widows or single
cleared at 6.20 & 11.35 a m - & 5-55 & 8.30
women, born in the parishes of B urghfield and T ileh u rst,
p.m . ; Sundays, 6.50 p.m . ; S tation road, cleared at
and who shall have attained the age of sixty, and are
7.5 & 11.50 a.m . & 5.45 p .m .; sundays, 6.55 p .m .;
com m unicants of the C hurch of E n glan d, three being
The Plough, cleared at 8.30 & 11 a.m . & 1.10 & 6.55
elected from each parish. Th e poorâs land of 30 acres
p .m .; Sundays, 7.45 p.m . ; E lseley road, cleared at
produces £29 yea rly. The V icto ria Recreation Ground
6.35 & 11.40 a.m . & 6 & 8 p.m . ; Sundays, 6.50 p.m
is 6 acres in extent, and the B lagrave ground covers 3
acres. Near the B ath road is Calcot Park, the residence P illar L e tte r B oxes.â N orcot road, cleared at 9 & 11.20
a.m . & 1.30, 3.35 & 7.20 p.m . ; sundays, 8.5 p .m . ;
of the E arl of R o s s lv n ; the park is well stocked w ith
Lendham s, cleared at 7.4c a.m . & 12.35 & 6.30 p.m . ;
deer. H enry B arry B lagrave esq. is lord of the m anor
Su n d ay s, 7.45 a.m
and the principal landowner. The soil is lig h t loam and
g ra v e l; subsoil, gravel. The crops are various. The
E lem en tary Schools.
area of the parish is 3,299 acres of land and 3 of w ater ;
rateable value, £2,969; the population in 1911 was Park lane, b u ilt in 1889, & enlarged in 1896, for 400
ch ild re n ; F rank W illiam W hite, m aster
3.182. Under the provisions of the â Divided Parishes
A ct,â by Local G overnm ent Board O rder 23,869. dated Norcot (m ixpd). b u ilt in 1906, opened O ctober 1st,
M arch 24. 1889, 2,157 persons in the new ecclesiastical
1906, b y H erbert Benyon esq. Lord L ieu ten an t for