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W A L LiN O K O kD .
[ k e l l y âs
B urnett Stanley H enry, Cromwell Hendley M rs. St. M ary's priory, Ponking Mrs. C halm ore, Reading rd
Potter Edward A rth u r S m alley,C astle
lodge, Tham es street
H igh street
B enham M rs.Bekesbourne,76 H igh st
Burton W . S t. O swinâs, Station rd
Hensley Miss, 2 T h e C hilterns, R ead Powell Mrs. Brook lodge, Reading rd
C arpenter Frank H. 58 H igh street
in g road
Powys R ev.C h as.R d.M .A . 17 Castle st
C artkew W esley, x C h urch lane
C avell Percy de M ouchet J .P . R iv e r Henson Thom as T. St. P eter's street Powys M iss, 80 H igh street
Hilliard Benjam in W illiam ,16 H igh st Roberts
L ieu t.-C o l.
side, Tham es street
Bridge house
C h u rch ill Mrs. W oodstock cottage, Hollowell Mrs. 83 H igh street
Honeybone M rs. 13 S t. M artinâs st
Rodford W in, Jas. 40 S t. M aryâs st
Reading road
C lifton Thom as, Th e F irs,R ead in g rd Hounsham Mrs. Stone hall, H igh st Rogerson C harles Thom as, S t. M arÂ
tins Priory
Howard M rs. Th e C hilterns, Reading
Cockram R eginald , M arket place
Rogerson Mrs. Th e Croft, C astle st
C olquhoun Charles Jas.M .Sc.D urham
{second-m aster of G ram m ar school), Hutchinson Robert Russell, Priory R otkw ell Mrs. S t. Johnâs house, St.
John's green
cottage, Tham es street
H igh street
C or drey E lias, H igh grove, Station rd Jackson Mrs. S t. A lbanâs priory. Rothw ell Richd Hornsby, 20 C astle st
Routh M iss, E lm g a rtk , C astle street
H igh street
Cox Rev. S am i. A lfd. M l , (rector &
C a x to n ! Saunderson E benezer, W alcots, St.
W illiam
chaplain of the W orkhouse), St. Jenkins
M aryâs street
house, St. M artin's street
P eter's rectory
Short Andrew, 2 Low er green
K elly Mrs. 14 C astle street
C oxe F rank, St. John's farm
Shufllebotham W illiam Ralph, Suffolk
C u rtis W illiam G eorge, 21 C astle st Lester A lfred, 26 C roft road
house, Wood street
Lewis M rs. 8 St. Leonard's square
D iin an John F. K . 47 H igh street
L ittle Geo. Edw d. 36 St. M ary's st Sim m ons Rev. A rg en t M .A.
Deane G eorge, 41 St. M ary's street
Leonard's rectory, Reading road
D river Robt. 2 C astle villas, H igh st L loyd Mrs. 5 H igh street
Slade Geo. Fredk. W oodlea, Wood st
Lone A rth u r P hilip , Station road
E verest A rth u r, 46 H igh street
Fairthorne M iss, Stone hall. H igh st McMullan G eorge M .D. R eadin g road 1 Sm ith R ev.E dw ard A shford (B aptist),
G ardner E p hraim , ,3 S t. Peter's st Marshall M isses, 1 Castle v ils.H ig h st j 2 St. P eter's street
H am m ans Andrew E. 28 S t.M a ryâ s st Merwin Banister, S t. Lu canâs, Low er Snow W illiam , C roft house, C roft rd
w harf
IStevens Misses, 3 Low er green
H arris A lb ert C harles,30 S t.M a ryâ s st
H art F rancis W illiam , Riverm ead, Middleton Rev. Jam es (P rim itive Turner Percy, Low er w harf
M ethodist), 22 St. M aryâs street
Trollope M iss, 4 St. M artin âs street
Reading road
M itchell M rs. Oak house, New road W alter Edw in Charles M .R .C .S .E n g .
Hawkins Sidney L. M arket place
H ayw ard E. Stanley M .A. (head Morgan Geo. S. Tham es cot. H igh st; & L.R .C .P .L o n d . M arket place
m aster of G ram m ar school).H igh st Munday Sidney G ilb e rt,13 Tham es st I W ells Thom as E dw ard,75 H igh street
Nelson W m . B rem ner, St. M aryâs st W hichello Mrs. 38 H igh street
Hazel M iss, 20 Reading road
Hearness E dw in Geo. 9 H igh street Payne E rn est Orsm ond, 1 M arket pi W ilder Mrs. Lynton house, Wood st
Hedges M isses M. F. & A. L . The Peck Geo. L a u rel bank, Reading road W ithers M iss, 15 C astle street
P ettit H enry, W atersyde, Reading rd W ilso n H enry Jam es, E cclesbourne,
E lm s, C astle street
P ettit Mrs. 21 Reading road
Reading road
Hedges F rancis E. 74 H igh street
H edges F rancis Reade, 19 C astle st Ponking Francis Charles, C roft Mead,
C roft road
E a rly closing day, W ednesday.
A corn Benefit Society (The) (A. E. H am m ans, sec.), 28
St. M ary's street
A llsw orth M artha (M rs.), baker, 30 G oldsm ith âs lane
Am erican Dental Co. (The), d e n tists ; attend every friday, 78 H igh street
A ndrew s Dennis, beer reta iler. 7 St. Johnâs road
Anglo-A m erican O il Co. Lim ited (H. W . Snow & Sons,
agents), Station yard
A yres H arold W illiam , 26 St. M aryâs street
Baker Thom as & Sons, cycle m anufacturers. Station rd
Bank^ W illiam , Town A rm s hotel, H igh street
B a rtle tt Jam es, b uilder, 25 C roft road
B atten G eorge, A nchor P.H . S t. Leonardâs lane
Beale G eorge Richard, beer retailer, 16 C roft road
B eisly W illiam R. w atch m aker & jew eller, 73 H igh st
Berks & Oxon. A dvertiser (W illiam D. Jenkins, printer &
publisher ; published every friday), St. M aryâ s street
B ird F rederick E rn est, boot m aker, 53 St. M aryâs street
Blackwood M ary A nn (M rs.), shopkeeper, 11 C hurch la
B lissett Stanley, hair dresser, 58 St. M aryâs street
Bosley Caleb, beer retailer, 4 H art street, Wood street
Bosley Rudolph, Cross Keys P H. H igh street
Bower W. (M rs.), apartm ents, 7 3 H igh street
B radford S tu tely (exors. of), stationers, S t. M aryâs st
B rasher & Sons, builders & contractors. St. Johnâs road
Brookfield P ercy H. grocer, 32 & 33 H igh street
Bull E dw ard, fruiterer, 14 St. M aryâs street
B u tch er G eorge, leath er seller & boot dealer, 62 H igh st
C arp en ter F rank H ., L .D .S .R C .S .E n g . surgeon-dentist,
58 H igh street
Carthew W estley, superintendent reg istrar, 1 C hurch la
Cash Drapery Stores (John Simmons, m an ager), drapers.
S t. M aryâs street
C astle A rth u r G. m usic seller, 45 St. M aryâs street
C avell Brothers, wine & spirit m erchants, 65 H igh st
Cem etery ("Francis E. H edges, clerk to the b urial board ;
W alter Y o u n g , curator). C astle street
Cham berlain & Sons, grocers. 4 & 5 S t.L eon a rd â s square
& butchers, 15 & 46 S t. M aryâs street
Cham pion & Co. who. & retail ironmongers, S t.M a ryâs st
Chapm an N athaniel Jas. house furnisher, 21 S t.M aryâs st
Cheney H airy , carpenter, S t. Leonardâs square
Cbftnn Thom as, draper &c. see Pettits
C linch Sidney, insurance agent, 15 H igh street
Cockram Reginald, m anager of Lloyds Bank Lim ited &
treasu rer to the W allin gford Corporation & to the
W allingford & Crow m arsh Joint H ospital Board,
Lloyds Bank, M arket place
Cope Josephine (M iss), confectioner, S tation road
Corn E xch an ge (George Cheney, collector), M arket pi
C oun ty C ourt (H is Honor Jam es A. S cu lly, ju d g e ;
G eorge F. Slade, registrar & high b a iliff) ; office
hours, 10 to 4 ; sats. 10 to 1 p.m . 7 S t. M artinâs st
Cox D avid, shopkeeper, 7 S tation road
Crane & Shepherd, grocers, 77 H igh street
Crook C harles, fellm onger, St. Johnâs road
Crook Robert, painter, 6 St. Johnâs road
Davis & Son, furn itu re dlrs. St. Johnâs rd. & 18 H igh st
Davis A m y (M iss), dress m aker, 47 S t. M aryâs street
Dawson A lb ert Owen, boot m aker, 59 St. M aryâs street
Dell G eorge E rn est, cycle m an u facturer, 84 H igh street
& motor engineer, St. M ary's street
Dodd W alter J. H. corn, seed & cake m erchant, Wood st
Durham Charles, fishmonger, 25 St. M aryâs street
E m ery W alter Edw in,tobacconist & hair drssr.23 H igh st
E skell L . E. & C . & Fow ler W illiam , dentists (alternate
fridays, 11 a.m . to 4 p .m .), M arket place
Evans Charles A. George hotel. H igh street
E vans Thom as Sanders, plum ber, 2 C astle street
Field, H awkins & Ponking, linen & woollen drapers,
silk m ercers, carpet warehousem en & fun eral fu rÂ
nishers, M arket place & S t. M aryâ s street
Fow ler W illiam , dentist, see E skell & Fow ler
Franklin & G ale, auctioneers, valuers, estate agents &
surveyors & agents for the A llian ce A ssurance Co.
M arket place
Free L ib ra ry & L itera ry In stitute (Rev. Canon A . W.
N. Deacon, lib ra ria n ; W estley Carthew & R. R.
Hutchinson, hon s e c s.; J. B arn icott, caretaker), St.
M aryâs street
G ale Joseph John, auctioneer &c. see Franklin & G ale
Gardener P riscilla Ann & E m ily E lizabeth (M isses), conÂ
fectioners, 67 H igh street
G ardner E phraim , boot m aker, 3 S t. P eterâs street
G arn er H arry, boot repairer, 7 S t. Leonardâs square
Gibbons Thom as, grocer, 70 H igh street
G iles A rth u r G eorge, G reen T ree inn, S t. M aryâs street
Giles E m m a (M rs.), beer reta iler, 10 C hurch lane
G ill Sarah Ann (M iss), dress ma. & shopkpr. 3 H igh st
Goodall G eorge, Row Barge inn, St. Leonardâs lane
G ram m ar School (joint) (E. Stan ley H ayward M .A.
C am b .. B .A.Lond. head m a s te r ; C. J. Colquhoun
M .Sc.D u rh am , second m aster ; Miss E. H. Moseley
B .A .W ales, chief assistant m istress). H igh street
G reat W estern R ailw ay Co. (H enry W illiam Snow &
Sons, cartin g agents). R ailw ay statio n ; & at G orin g
Gnnston John Thom as, blacksm ith. Wood street
Hall G eorge, dairym an, 24 S t. M aryâs street,
Hall John James', collector of fair & m arket tolls &
cou n ty cou rt bailiff, 12 Springdale cottages, C ro ft rd