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D IR E C T O R Y .]
Marcham Charles, head gardener to G. fMiles Thomas Charles, Three ¡Ward Bichd. shopkeeper, Post office
W. Bennett esq
!Weedon Brothers, coal merchants,
Maule Henry J. Fox P.H
Sheldon Wilfrid, blacksmith
Bailway station
Smith Wm. frmr. Sandy Lane farm !
A.LKEHT01T is a parish and village on the borders Jersey P.O., G.C.B., G.C.M.G. and held since 1900
0fWarwickshire, 6 miles west-north-west from Banbury by the Eev. Arthur Blythman M.A. of Balliol College,
station on the Great Western railway, and 29 north Oxford, who resides at Shenington. Thomas Lydyat,
west from Oxford, in the Northern division of the born here in 1572, being the son of the then lord
county, hundred of Bloxham, Banbury and Bloxham o
f the manor, was educated at Winchester College
petty sessional division, union and county court district and
New College, Oxford, where he became a Fellow,
of Banbury, rural deanery of Deddington and arch and subsequently
ectoryof Alkerton, and
deaconry and diocese of Oxford. The church of St. was the author of hseelvderatlheler
arned works on divinity,
Michael, which stands upon a considerable eminence, is chronology and astronomy: on account of his devoÂ
aa edifice of stone, principally in the Early English and tion to the Boyal causeduring the Civil war he
Decorated styles, with a Late Perpendicular chancel and endured much suffering, loss and imprisonment, and
clerestory, and consists of chancel, clerestoried nave, returning to Alkerton died here 3 April, 1646, and was
south aisle, south porch and an embattled central tower buried in the chancel. The rectory house, erected by
of the Early English and Decorated periods, containing Lydyat, is a beautiful example of Jacobean work. The
4 bells: the cornice of the parapet is elaborately sculp principal landowners are Andrew Richard Motion esq.
tured with animals and figures, and the series on the J.P. who is lord of the manor, and Clarke Middleton
south side is supposed to represent the life of the Black esq. The soil is-light on a red sandstone. The cropa
Prince, who was born at Woodstock, 15 June, 1330: the are wheat, barley, oats and roots; the area is 742
chancel was rebuilt early in the 16th century, and com acres; rateable value, ¿870; the population in 1911
pletely restored in 1889-90, at a cost of ¿1,467: the was 102.
south arcade is Transition Norman: the south porch
and doorway Early English with a stoup: in the south Parish Clerk, Charles Gunn.
aisle is an effigy of a knight in armour of about the Letters through Banbury arrive at 7.30 a.m. & 1 p.m. ;
12th century, and on the north side a tablet to the Sunday, arrive 10 a.m. ; dispatched 9.5 a.m. ShenÂ
wife of the minister, 1653 : there are 100 sittings. The
ington, a quarter of a mile distant, is the nearest
register dates from the year 1544. The living is' a money order & telegraph office. Wall Letter Box
rectory, annexed to that of Shenington, joint net yearly cleared at 4.50 p.m. ; Sundays, 10.10 a.m
value £320, with residence, in the gift of the Earl of
Crawford-Wood James, Alkerton ho 1Court George Frederick, farmer
Perkins James, higgler
Pratt Henry Montague, The Cottage Fennell Arthur Spiers, farmer
Powell David, farmer (see Bennett &
c o m m e r c ia l .
Hitchman Charles, New inn
Bennett & Powell, farmers
|Miller Frederick B. farmer
ALVESCOT is a parish and village, on a brook I 7 25 £ 5 to apprentice poor children, and her husband
which runs through Bourton and Bampton into the bequeathed £5 yearly to the school. Jane Bray, of
Thames, with a station on the Witney and Fairford Great Barrington, left in 1715 £1 annually, to be laid
branch of the Great Western railway, 3 miles north-west out at Christmas by the lord of the manor, the minister
from Bampton, 8£ south-west from Witney and 81 by and the overseers of the poor for the time being, to buy
rail from London, in the Mid division of the county, garments for poor people not in receipt of parochial
hundred of Bampton, petty sessional division of Bamp relief. Thomasine Mills and Mrs. Mary Kirby in 1784
ton West, union and county court district of Witney, jointly left ¿50 stock in the £3 per Cent. Consols, the
rural deanery of Witney and archdeaconry and diocese interest to be given away yearly in bread the Sunday
of Oxford. The church (dedication uncertain) is an before Christmas. Catherine Winkworthâs charity of
ancient building of stone in the Early English and Per ¿100 is invested in the £ 21 per Cent. Consols, the
pendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave, south interest of which is applied to the repair of her tomb
porch, transepts, n o T t h and south chapels and a low and the churchyard ; the surplus, if any, to be distriÂ
embattled western tower of Perpendicular date, con buted amongst the widows and widowers of the parish.
taining 5 bells: the chancel is modern; the north The trustees of the late Rev. Arthur Neate M.A. who
chapel Early English and the south chapel Perpendi are lords of the manor, and the trustees of the late
cular: the north wall of the chancel incorporates por Mr. John Honour are the principal landowners. The
tions of a stone reredos and there are two hagioscopes : soil is stone brash, gravel and clay; subsoil, the same.
the font is Early English: the east window is a The chief crops are the usual cereals and roots. The
memorial to the late Bev. Arthur Neate M.A. rector of area is 2,081 acres; rateable value, £2,214; the popuÂ
Alvescot with Shilton 1829-70, and there are others to lation in 1914 was 351.
the late C. Neate and Miss Neate and to Miss Nalder: Parish Clerk, Robert Oakey.
in the south transept is a brass, in excellent preservaÂ
tion, to Alice Malorye, 1579: an houTglass stand Post, M. 0 . & T. Office.â Charles Eldridge, sub-postÂ
remains: the church was thoroughly restored in 1873 master. Letters through Clanfield, Oxon, arrive at7.50 a.m. & 2.30 p.m. ; Sundays, 8 a.m.; dispatched
and affords 160 sittings. The register dates from the
year 1663. The living is a rectory, net yearly value at 9.15 a.m. & 7.30 p.m. ; Sundays, 8.5 a.m
¿220. including 300 acres of glebe, with residence, in Wall Letter Box.â Railway station, cleared at 7.30 p.m.
the gift of and held since 1878 by the Rev. Walter week days only
NeateM.A. ofNew College, Oxford. Here isa chapel for Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1869,
ParticularBaptists. The reading room, previously a Primi children ; it has an endowment of £5 yearly from
tiveMethodist chapel, was opened in 1884. The charities Carterâs charity, mentioned above; Miss ConstanceM.
tor distribution in fuel represent a yearly value of Gough, mistress
¿n. Rebecca, the wife of Goddard Carter esq. left in Railway Station, William James Mealings, station mstr
Akers Alfred, The Mill house
Clapton William, farmer, Field farm Oakey John, grocer
Butler Major Arnold Hugh J.P. Collett Eli, farmer, Kenns farm
Oakey Robert, Plough P.H
Alvescot lodgeCollier Joseph, Red Lion P.H
Reading Room (Rev. Walter Ncato
Oattell Mrs. The Firs
Edmonds Thos. Hy. (exors.of), frmrs M.A. president)
Neate Rev. Walter M.A. Rectory
Honour John (exors. of), farmers
Taylor David, wheelwright & carpntr
yld Henry Cecil, Alvescot house Mitchell Henry, hurdle maker
Walker Christr. farmer, Rectory frm
Moss James, beer retailer
Elizabeth (Mrs.),blacksmith
»aughan William, farmer. The Downs Oakey Frederick, farmer & assistant Yeatman
Yeatman Oliver, haulier
aPton James, farmer, Ruxhill
if mil«
is a large parish and village, about of Oxford. The name is supposed to be derived
Ashend S sotl^ _west| from Blackthorn station on the from Ambrosius Aurelius, who encamped here during
Railwav°nr<a -^TnBo section of the Great Western the siege of Alcester by the Saxons. A feeder of
Binninrrli m Panyâ.
s new main line from London to the Ray flows through. The church of St. Mary the
on the â
r w âv? mBes south-east from Bicester station Virgin (standing on the sate of a former church of the
and Nnr+u vS I and Banbury branch of the London same name), is an ancient edifice of stone, in mixed
Oxford I⢠+T eSt^ n raBway and 12 north-east from styles, and consists of chancel of the 15th century,
°f Boffin1^
division of the county, hundred clerestoried nave of four bays, south aisle with porch
°nâ Pett^ sessional division of Ploughley, of the early 14th century and an embattled western
court district of Bicester, rural tower of Early English date, and containing a clock
Bicester and archdeaconry and diocese and 6 fine-toned bells: the chancel is Early PerpendiOXON.