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H E N L E Y -U P O N - T H A M E S .


The Royal G ram m ar School, at 6 N orthfield End, was
chartered as a G ram m ar school by K in g Jam es I. in
1604 for classical & m ath em atical studies, & re­
organized by the Endowed School Commissioners in
1876 & 1891; V iscou n t H am bleden, chairm an of the
governors: J. H J. V a lp y M .A. head m aster. The
endowm ent, of about £600 yearly, provides for b u ild ­
ings & th e paym ent of tu ition fees for 10 Periam
T he Blue C oat (now incorporated w ith the G ram m ar
School) 'was founded by L ad y Elizabeth Periam in the
reign of Jam es I. for the free education of 20 boys of
the town, & th e school was from the tim e of George
III. until 1879 united with the G ram m ar school under
one m aster, and had from th at date a separate existence
up t-u 1891, when it was finally incorporated w ith the
Henley G ram m ar School


k e l l y ’s

S tation road, Joseph Lock, station m aster

London & all parts of the Kingdom — Great Wester
R ailw ay Com pany
Globe Parcels E xpress, 9 & ix Bell street (Charles B
B radford, agent)
Sutton & Co. 9 & 11 Bell street, daily (Charles B
Bradford, agent)
Binfield H eath— J. C arter, from Broadgates hotel, daily
a.m . & G eorge W illiam Slade, from 23 Kind's
road, daily (except w ed.) 9.30 a.m
C aversham — J. C arter, from Broadgates hotel, 9
daily, except wed
Fingesb-— Amos Prince, from ‘ B u ll,’ thurs
Hambleden— Sherlock, from 4Packhorse,’ every day ex­
cept wed. ; Sw order, from ‘ B u ll,’ thurs. ; Augustus
E lem en tary Schools.
R obert T arry, from 22 Northfield end, fri
G ravel hill, opened in 1849 at a cost, in cludin g site & Lan e End— Sw order, from ‘ B u ll,’ thurs
houses for the m aster & m istress, of between ,£3,000 M edm enham — A ugustus Robert T arry, from 22 North­
& £4,000, raised by subscription, & enlarged in
field end, fri
1898, for 230 boys, 240 g irls & 173 in fa n ts ; average N ettlebed— F. Bailey, from M arket place, tues. & thurs.'
attendance, 215 boys, 220 g irls & 140 in fan ts; John
L ig h t, from 4B u ll,’ daily
G lover, m a s te r ; M iss Fan n y Jones, m is tre s s ; MissOxford— Jackson, from 4 B u ll,’ thurs
Louisa Saxby. infants’ m istress
Reading— Thom as Tanner, from 53 Northfield end, daily
T rin ity, G rey’s hill, b u ilt in 1893, at a cost of £3,000,
a t 7 a.m . return in g sam e n ig h t; A ugustus Robert
for 150 boys & 150 g ir ls ; it is now (19x5) m ixed,
T a r iy , from 22 Northfield end, tues. thurs. & sat.;
& w ill hold 265 c h ild re n ; average attendance, 222;
Jam es C arter, from Broadgates hotel, daily 9 a.m'.
Fi'ederick John D illin gh am , m aster
(except w ed.), return in g 4 p .m .; G eorge Wm. Slade,
G rey’ s hill (infants), for 142 ch ild ren ; average atten d­ ! from 23 K in g ’s road, daily (except wed.) 9.30 a.m!
ance, 70 ; Miss M artha Isaac, m istress
; retu rn in g same aftern o on ; G. G irdler, from 113
Station road (C atho lic), erected in 18B9, for 150 ch il­ , Reading road, daily (excep t w ed.) 9.3.0 a.m. Teturndren ; average attendance, 4 5 ; Mrs. M ary W h ittle, j in g 4 p .m
m istress
I Shiplalie— Thom as Tanner, from 53 Northfield end, daily
Reading T o a d , b u ilt in 1856 & e n l a r g e d in 1896 & 1900.
7 a.m . ; J. C arter, from Broadgates hotel, daily
for 365 c h ild re n ; average attendance, 245 ; Frederick j (except w ed.) 9
E agle, m aster
I Stonor— P itch er, from N orthfield end, tues. thurs. & sat
I Twyford— G irdler, from 115 R eading road, daily (except
Henley & S outh O xfordshire Standard, 1 Station road, j wed)
H iggs & Co. p u b lish ers; published fridav
I W argrave— G irdler, from 1x5 Reading road, daily
H enley Chronicle, 45 R eadin g road, Oxford Chronicle j (excep t wed)
Co. L im ited , p u b lish ers; p ublished frid a y
I W atlington— Jackson, from the 4 B ull,’ thurs
Dewe Jam es, H inton, F air m ile
Jeffreys M iss, 1 Northfield end
A uton Joseph Chas. 10 V icarage road Dobson Miss, 3 Northfield end
Johnson Capt. Francis, 38 St. An­
Barnard Mrs. 5 V ica rag e road
Dolbeare H erbert, 34 St. Andrew ’s rd
drew ’s road
B au m gartner M iss, 4 Northfield end Dothie M rs. E. H om edene,W estern rd Lailey M iss, 65 Bell street
Beck John C harles M .R .H .S. A m a ta -1D u rran i John, F ort M arion, St. Lam bourn Miss, 19 Gravel hill
Lee A lb t.R .T h e Bungalow,Western rd
las, C h u rch street
M ark's road
B eck-Slinn E dgar. G lenbrook, St. E agle Fredk. H ill shan, Crom well rd Lee Frederick Geo. 2 Norman avenue
Field W alt.W m . W est cot.W estern rd L etch er Miss, G reen bank, St. An­
M ark’s road
Bewicke M ajor, 2 Northfield end
Fowler M rs. Devonia, St. A ndrew ’s rd
drew’s road
Lloyds A rth ur Richard, The Acacias,
B iggs Jam es G rave, 72 St. M ark’s rd F ry Robert A lgernon, W estfield
B lackham G eorge, 17 V icarage road G ibbs George F. 18 M arket place
St. Andrew’s road
Lu ker Charles. Caxton ho.Station rd
Brocklebank G erald, W harfe house, G illett M rs. 11 F air m ile
W illiam D., M.A., D.L.,
Tham es side
Gosnall Mrs. 54 S t. M ark’s road
J.P. F aw ley court
Brown Miss, 10 N orm an avenue
G ray George A lbert, 15 F air mile
Brownlow H arry L u rg an F .R .C .S . Grove John Edm und, N ewlyns, S ta­ M akins M iss, Paradise farm, BadgeS hirley, S t. Andrew ’s road
m ore road
tion road
B ryce C apt.Francis, 11 Northfield end Haes Charles M ount, 23 S t. M ark’s rd M^Hhews W illiam Edward, Burghfield
cbttage, St. Andrew ’s road
B urgess Chas. Edwd. 36 S t.M ark’s id H arm sw orth C ecil Bisshopp B .A .,
B urgis M iss, 2 F arm rd. Reading rd
M .P. M agdalen house,Tham es side ; M aul Rev. Canon John Frederic M.A
(rector & surrogate), The Rectory,
B urgis Mrs. The Lau rels,B ellevu e rd
& 28 M ontagu sq. W & Devonshire.
Burrows W illiam H v. 9 Norm an aven
Tham es side
R efoim , N ational L iberal & Royal
Maylands, St.
By water Lennox, 21 St. M ark’s road
A utom obile clubs S W . London
Campion John Todd, Park view, R ead­ H arnett M rs. C astle h ill, W estern rd
A ndrew ’s road
The Cottage,
ing road
H atton F rank C harles, Sunnydene,
Cham berlain Edm und, S t. Mark’ s lo.
Crom w ell road
Reading road
S t. M ark’ s road
W illiam
Frederick, H igh ­
Monckton H. Percy, 9 Gravel hill
C ham b ersM rs.B altic cot.T ham es side
lands. S t. Andrew ’s road
M onev-Schoenfield Mrs. 3 Thames
Chandlen Thos. G eo.4oSt.Andrew 's rd Hews M iss, 13 H art street
C hild John F. 47 N orthfield end
Hews Miss E. A. 5 Tham es side
C lem ents Chas. J.P .R o ckfo rt,G reys rd Hobbs A lb ert E dw ard, 28 H art street Mott W alter Frewin, 28 St.Mark s r
Cobb W m . Geo. 24 St. M ark’s road
Hobbs A rth u r John, The C ottage, St. Moyle Francis Beaumont, 22 st. An­
drew’s road
Cooke M iss. 15 Northfield end
M ark’s road
Cooper John F rederick. 2 W est street Hobbs W illiam A lfd .J .P . The Gables, M yer H oratio, 1 Hop gardens
N eighbour Philip Edward, 71 Bell s
Cooper M isses, W est H ill ho. W est st
St. A ndrew ’s road
Nicholls M rs. 7 Northfield end
Corbold Mrs. John, 61 M arket place
Hooper Mrs. 19 St. Andrew’s road
C otterell M iss, 17 St. Andrew's road Hopkin John W atkin, 82 Bell street Norm an John Thos. 5 Western roaa
C risp S ir F rank bart. L L .B ., J.P. H opkins Mrs. Repton lo. Reading rd Page H arrv Ernest, 6 Norman
F ria r park
H ughes R ev.John Francis (C atholic), Palev Mrs! G renville lodge, Fair ran
Parker H erbert, 13 New street
C row ther Rev. Joseph (W esleyan).
Station road
Parkinson Mrs. 13 F air mile
1Isaac M isses, 3,1 New street
Enstone, St. Andrew’s road
Pavze Percy Owen, 42 St.Andrev
Dakin Thom as B. 66 Northfield end
Ive A lfred, 34 V ica rag e road
Darbishire C apt. Russell N ., J.P. Ive Henry, R ostrevor, St. Andrew’s rd Peck H erbert H. 2 Hop gardens
Piercy M iss, 72 Bell street
Ive Miss, 3 V icarage road
G reysfield, S t. M ark’s road
D arrell F rederick, 74 St. M ark’s road Jackson S ir John C .V .O ., M .P., J.P. Piper George W m. 38 St. Mar
Henley Park
Dee F rederick W m . 39 Northfield end
Powell M isses, 26 H art stree
De V ille John, Sum m aholm , St. Jay G eorge, 24 R eading T o a d
Read A lfred C arter, 9 F a ir m
Andrew ’s road
Jeeves Mrs. 52 St. A ndrew ’s road