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D I R E C T O R Y .]
Scholes John Geo. 125 W alton road T ay lo r W. H. 12 E xch an ge street
Scott Rev. Thom as H enry (C atholic), T erry John, 11 B icester road
The Presbytery, H igh street
T erry M iss, 47 B uckingham road
Scott Philip J. Roseneath, A bb otts rd T erry M rs. E. 51 W hitehall street
Scott Robt. A lbany villa, T rin g road Thatcher Mrs. 37 T rin g road
Sellers J . W. 35 T indal road
Thom as Airs. 7 W alton terrace
Selley John, 1 G ran ville street
Thom as Robert J. 8 C h u rch street
Sharp Frank, 6 B icester road
Thorne W illiam , 27 B uckingham road
Shaw Jam es M.D. 32 H igh street
T hrasher G eorge Jam es, 160 H igh st
Shead Geoffrey, 4 B icester road
Th rash er W m .Jn. S un n yban k,V ale rd
Sherriff Mrs. 33 B icester road
Titm u ss D. L u ton ia, A sco t road
Sherrill Airs. 49 B uckingham road
Townsend W illiam , 152 H igh street
Simmonds G eorge, 132 H igh street
Turner A rth ur, 19 B uckingham street
.Simmonds H enry Jam es, 140 H igh st Tw eddle John, 39 T indal road
Sirett A lb t. Geo. H illfield,A bbotts rd V iney O scar, 131 W endover road
Sm ith Frank, 13 M andeville road
W alker M rs. 6 Britannia street
Sm ith G eorge, 48 W endover road
W allace C has.E dw d.43B uckingham st
Sm ith J. H. 3 Ripon street
W ard M rs. W illiam , 34 H igh street
Sm ith W alt.C has.K in gsto n ho.T rin g rd W arren W alter John, 119 W alton rd
Sm ith W m . T h e Cot. M andeville °rd W aters Sidn ey G eorge, Tankerton,
Snow H enry, 43 B icester road
M anor road
Stanbury George, 38 G t. W estern st W atson Joseph, 9 E xchange street
Starbuck M iss, Tem ple square
W ay Leslie Henry, 33 T indal road
Stevens W illiam , 30 Bierton road
W ebb Andrew B. L illies, Manor road
Stewart M rs. Prebendal house
Webb Jam es W illiam , 61 T rin g road
Strugnell Frank, 77 W alton street
W ebb W m . Oswald, 64 Bierton road
Strugnell F. L . 57 Buckingham road Weedon Fredk. G eorge, 26 Manor rd
Swan W illiam H enry, 18 Bierton road Weiss Mrs. 73 B uckin gh am street
Tayler A lfred, 33 B uckingham road
W est W aldem ar Sh ipley M .A ., M.D.
Church street
Weston G eorge Thom as, 154 H igh at
W heeler Frederick Jn. 121 W alton rd
W heeler Seth, 43 C am b rid ge street
W hiskin Alfred E. 32 Bierton h ill
W hite H arrj', E lim , A sco tt road
W hite John Sam uel, 6 Bierton road
W h itechurch Rev. V icto r Lorenzo
L .T h . (v icar & surrogate & ch ap Â
lain of the Royal B ucks H ospital),
V icarage
W hitw orth A . J. Esher house, 27
B icester road
W ilkin s S. Edw ard, Cassiobury, 103
W alton road
W ilson D avid, 14 B icester road
W illiam
H enry
D .P.H
(governor of H .M . Fem ale Prison),
Bierton road
W infield T. 158 H igh street
W oodall Rev. W alter E m an uel (W esÂ
leyan ), G ran ville street
Woodward Mrs. W oodleigh.A bbotts rd
W rig h t E dw ard E. 86 Q ueenâs Pk. rd
W rig h t M rs. 46 W endover road
W rig h t P ercy A . 12 M andeville road
Y o u n g M iss, 127 T rin g road
A ylesbury L iberal & R adical Association (G eorge S m ith ,
trea su rer; R up ert E ast, sec.), 19 B icester road
Abraham W illiam Thom as & Son, ch im n ey sweepers, A ylesb ury M in iature Rifle C lub (P. Fream e, hon. sec)
A y le s b u ry M o to r C o m p a n y , m otor en g in e ers; cars
soot dealers & well sinkers, boring m ach in ery le t out
1J'e & station w o rk ; garage, K in g sb u ry square
on h ire ; contractors to H .M . G overnm ent & coal
(Telephone 8 7; Telegram s, â Motors, A y le s b u r y â ) ; &
m erchants, 100 C am bridge street
the Cam p G arage, Halton P ark Cam p, n r.T rin g ,B u ck s
Adams G eorge, boot m aker, 3 M arket street
A ylesb ury Perm anent Benefit B u ild in g S ociety (J. W.
Adams G eorge M. tobacconist, 31 K in gsb ury*squ are
Todd, s e c .; J. & T. P a rrott, s o licito rs; J. W . Reader,
Adams W in E grocer, 1 H igh st. & C am b ridge street
s u rv e y o r); office, Bourbon street
Adkins A rth u r Thom as, cycle agent & m otor engineer
P rin tin g W orks C rick et C lu b (G . How, sec)
A llen G eorge, fru iterer, 3 C am bridge street
A ylesb u ry Prin tin g W orks In stitu te & R eading Room
Allen W illiam H annaford, supervisor of inland revenue
atson & V in ey L td . p ro p rs .; Robert Payne,
10 Tem ple square
sec.), S ilv er street
A llnutt W illiam H enry, grocer, 8 Bourbon street
A ylesbury Public S w im m in g & Slip p er B aths (E W
American D ental Co. (The) (over Boots Chem ists)
Morris, caretaker), Bourbon street & F ria rg ate street
(W illiam S huker, m anager), 30 M arket square
A ylesb ury Q uoit Club (W . B ritchfield, s e c .) ; ground
Am ery (M iss Annie M aude) & G leaves (M iss E m ily),
Cooperâs yard, B uckingham street
girls school, 16 & 18 G ranville street
A ylesb ury Steam L a u n d ry (James Robinson, propr.).
Andrews W illiam & Son, bakers, 66 & 67 Oxford road
N orthern road. S e e a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 2 2
Andrews John, fu rn itu re dealer, 28 C am bridge street
A ylesb u ry S w im m in g C lub (J. B. Speddin g, hon. sec )
Andrews W illiam , shopkeeper, 6 N orthern road
Bourbon street
Anglo-American Oil Co. L t d .; depot, H artw ell sidinw
A ylesb ury United Football Club (R. J. H olbrow ,hon. sec)
Anstiss H enry, shopkeeper, 15 W est street
Bailey A lbert, dairy, 14 C hurch street
Armstrong Caroline (Miss), stationer, 26 M arket square
Baker John Charles B .A. & M .B .L on d., M .R .C .S .E n g .,
Ashby W alter, farm bailiff to W a lter H azell esq J P
i <i P L o n d â su r? eon & ad m iralty surgeon, & m ed iÂ
iurn fu rn lon g, W alton
cal officer & public vaccinator No. 1 d istrict, A yle sÂ
Ashby W illiam J ., M .D ., B.Ch. surgeon, 133 W alton rd
b ury union, C eely house, C h u rch street
Aylesbury A ssociation for the Protection of Persons &
Baldwin Joseph, shopkeeper, Queenâs park
Property (J. H. Coales, solicitor, sec. & treasurer),
Barker F. W . insurance agent, 204 H igh street
Bourbon street
arnes W orthev H erbert, shopkeeper, 17 Q ueenâs Park rd
Aylesbury B illposting Oo. L im ited , b ill posters for the
Barron Florence M ary (M rs.), Two Brew ers P H aa
county of B uckingham , 136 H igh street
B uckingham street
Aylesbury Bowling C lub (A. Horne, sec.). M arket so
Aylesbury Brew ery Oo. Lim ited (The), brewers & m a lt B artlett H. P. m anager & editor of th e « B ucks A d verÂ
& A ylesb ury N e w s ;â agent for th e R oyal &
sters, Walton brew ery. Telephone 20
Railw ay Passengers' Insurance Cos. & excursion &
Aylesbury C hrysanthem um Society (J. H. Garner, hon
agent to the L . & N. W . Railw ay,B ourbon at
sec.), K in g âs Head hotel
W illiam John, grocer & sub-postm aster, 7, o &
Aylesbury Co-operative Society L im ited (T . W. C ollier, Baskin
11 W endover road
sec ; c . K. H odge, m anager), H igh street
B astin E dw ard Charles, excise officer, 10 Tem ple square
A ylesbury is D istrict A n glin g A ssociation (T. W atts,
Batchelor F rederick, dining rooms, 12 M arket square
sec.), Britannia inn, B uckingham road
M ary Jane (M rs.), apartm ents, 32 G t. W estern 8t
Aylesbury & D istrict Cham ber of Com m erce (V H
Bates N. W. (M iss), m illiner, 61 H igh street
Jarvis, sec.). Town hall
Batson Frederick, draper, 48a, C am bridge street
Aylesbury & D istrict Conservative & Unionist Association
Bayes John Stanley, supt. of C em etery, T rin g road
(John Terry, hon. sec.), Rickfords hill
Beale B enjam in, tailor, 144 H igh street
Aylesbury & D istrict F an ciersâ Club (J. F. Rayner
sec.), B ullâ s Head hotel
Vayn er, Beechey John E dw ard, jo u rn al^ t, 59 Trino- road
Beecroft W m. D erby A rm s P H. 14 St. M aryâs square
Aylesbury & D istrict F arm ersâ Association (Jam es Henrv
Bell Henry, apartm ents, 48 H igh street
Coales, hon.^ sec.), Bourbon street
Bennion G eorge, boot m aker. 54 C am bridge street
' 7 k D istrict Licensed V ictu allersâ fc B eersellersâ
B ifu r c a te d & T u b u la r Rivet Co. L im ited , b ifu rÂ
cated, tub ular & outside prong rivets, J .L .T . &
W a S 1â r e e f 0Clatl° n (J ' K ' H ' F ° wl6râ hon' 3 e c >â 4
Colum bia buckles, eyelets, copper rivets & washers
A v ! e ! w y * â strict Sports Club, 37 W endover road
&c. Telegram s, â B ifu r c a te d ;â Tel. No. 95
Avleshn y D ectr!c' T heatre L im ited , M arket square
Billington G eorge, boot & shoe m aker, 16 Tem ple street
src 1
F ?, & H orticultural Society (W m. .Towett, Bishop E rn est Henry, w atch m aker, & p arish clerk for
, ^
202 H igh street
W alton, 27 W alton street
Avlefh 7 F« ° ds C om Pal'y L im ited , M ill street
Bishop Thom as H andy, saddler & harness m aker, i t
head J
Schoo! (T h om as Osborne M .A.
igh street & 3 C am b ridge street
head m aster), W alton road
Blake John W alter, shopkeeper. <;8 B uckingham street
p r i e t r e L ? v dt â m n!*rSr (M rs. E. Gausden, pro- Blamire Thom as, S tar P.H. Railway street
g r y ) â i'^ h class hand work collected & delivered
Bonham W illiam , grocer, 24 Tem ple street
Kr,ck ingham road
Boniface Jam es, beer retailer, 4 G reat W estern street
E a rly closing day, T hursday.