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St. Aloysius, Woodstock road, Rev. Frederick 0 Hare
S.J. Rev. Joseph Barnber S.J. Rev. John Edge S.J. &
Rev. James C. Donlevy S.J. priests; 8 & n a.m. &
7.15 p.m. ; daily, 8 a.m. & wed. & fri. 8 p.m
SS Edmund & Frideswide, Ifflev road ; served from
St. Aloysius; 9 a.m. & 3.30 p.m
University Catholic Church (temporary building).
Manor road
St. Columba’s Chapel for Members of the University,
Alfred street ; Rev. D. C. Lusk M.A. chaplain
Albert street, Jericho (strict); 11 a.m. k 6.30 p.m.;
tues. & thurs. 7 p.m
Commercial road, Rev. Albert John Billings ; 11 a.m. k
6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m
New road. Rev. James Dann ; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.;
wed. 7.30 p.m
Woodstock road, Summertown,
11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
Cowley road; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7.15 p.m
George street, Rev. John George Stevenson B.A. ; 11
a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m
Summertown, Banbury road. Rev. John Stay; 11 a.m.
& 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m
Primitive Methodist.
New street, St. Ebbe’s, Rev. John William Fish (supt.);
Rev. George Mowris & Rev. John Thomas Stead,
supernumeraries; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30
Pembroke street, St. Clement’s; 11 a.m.; 6.30 p.m.;
thurs. 7 p.m
United Methodist Church.
St. Michael's street. Rev. Jonathan Samuel Pinner;
11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 8 p.m
Wesleyan Methodist.
Rev. Grainger Hargreaves (supt.). Rev. W. Bardsley
Brash B.D. Rev. Charles Pengelly & Rev. Norman È.
Dando, circuit ministers; Rev. Ralph W. G. Hunter,
New Inn Hall st.; 11 a.m. k 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
"Walton street; 11 a.m. k 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 8 p.m
Cranham street (Mission); 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed.
7.30 p.m
Gordon street, New Hinksey ; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Wesley Hall, Cowley road ; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs.
7.30 p.m
Brethren Meeting Room, New Inn Hall street; 6.30
p.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p.m
Christian Brethren, Charles st. St. Ebbe’s; 7 p.m
Jewish Synagogue, Nelson street; fri. 6.10 p.m.; sat.
Salvation Army. Castle street & Pembroke street, St.
Mission Rooms
Convent of St. Thomas the Martyr Mission, Woodbine
place; 6 p.m
Holy Trinity Parochial Hall, Friar’s street, St. Ebbe’s
Oxford Poiice Court k Prison-Gate Mission (R. G.
Grey-Smart & Miss E. Marriott, missionaries), 22
Paidise street, St. Ebbe's
St. Alban’s, Charles street, Cowley
St. Aldate's Church Army, Cambridge ter. St. Ebbe’s
St. Aldate’s Parochial, 40 Pembroke street
St. Barnabas' Parish Hall, Nelson street
St. Clement’s, St. Clement’s street
St. Ebbe’s Parish Room, 1 Penson’s gardens. St. Ebbe’s
St. Giles’,10 Woodstock road
St. Mary & St. John, Magdalen road,Cowley St. John;
Sisters of St. John the Baptist Community(Clewer)
St. Thomas' Mission Hall & House, High street, St.
Thomas’; 6.30 p.m
St. Thomas’Parochial Hall, High street, St. Thomas’
Summertown Church Hall, George street, Summertown
Magdalen road (unsectarian); 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ;
wed. 7.30 p.m
Evangelical Catholic, 60 Percy street, Cowley St. John ;
11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; fri. 7.15 p.m
6 New Iffley lane, Iffley road
Mission Chapel, Caroline street, St. Clement’s (in connec­
tion with St. Clement's Church); 3 & 6.30 p.m. ;tues.
7.30 p.m
Christadelphian, William street, St. Clement's
Gospel Hall, St. Mary's road, Cowley
Railway Mission, Botley road; 2.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m


See also pp. 206-210.
City of Oxford Education Committee.
Under the provisions of Section 17 of the Education Act
1902, the committee consists of 25 members, includin'
persons of experience in education & person^
acquainted with the needs of the various kinds of
schools in the City, appointed by the Town Councilof
Oxford, being:— Eighteen members of the Council
two members nominated by the Hebdomadal Council
of the University of Oxford to represent the firstk
second grades of secondary education, one raembe
recommended by the certificated teachers servingJ
the public elementary schools of Oxford & four mem
bers selected by the Council, of whom two shallbe
women; the members of the committee are appointed
annually by the Council at the first meeting after
the 9th day of November in every year. Secretary
Richard Bacon (town clerk), Town" ball; assistant
secretary, Thomas Wellington Hodges
Oxford University Day Training College, 19 Holywell
street; George Rodney Scott M.A. acting principalH. E. W. Phillips M.A. vice-principal
City Technical Schools, Church street, St. Ebbe’sbranch schools, 98 St. Clement’s street; Clarendon
Piess institute, Walton street; Central girls’school
New Inn Hall street; Arthur H. Flemming B.Sc
head master. See also p. 210
Central Higher Grade Council (girls). New Inn Hall
street, built in 1901, for 360 girls; Miss LouisaChad­
wick. head mistress
Central Higher Grade Council (boys), Gloucester
green ; a new building was erected in 1899-1900, for
226 boys; Claude Moore B.A. head master
Cowley St. John Higher Grade Schools (boys), Princesst.
built in 1870, enlarged & remodelled in 1902 for221;
A. Tozer B.A., B.Sc.Lond. master; (girls) Cowley
road, built in 1880, for 236 girls; Miss Adelaide
Vincent, mistress; (infants) Cowley road, built in
1872, for 200, enlarged in 1898 for 363 ; Mrs. Harriet
Yeates, infants’mistress
Wesleyan Higher Grade (boys). New Inn Hall street,
built in 1831 & enlarged 1878, for 226 boys; Henry
A Liddell M.A. head master
East Oxford Council School, Union street, Cowley, re­
built in 1899-1900, for 204 boys, 204 girls & 200
infants ; E. G. Lamborn, master ; Miss James, mis­
tress; Miss E. Lambourne, infants’mistress
South Oxford Council, Thames street k Luther street,
completed 1910, for 300 boys, 200 girls & 180 infants;
John R. Benson, master; Miss S. M. Bird, mistress;
Miss Emily Elliott, infants’ mistress
West Oxford’ Council (girls k infants), Ferry Hinksey
mad, Osney town, built in 1914, for 500 children;
Miss Elizabeth Hewitt, mistress ; Miss A. Greavea,
infants’ mistress
Holy Trinity Convent, Winchester road, for 144 girls
Holy Trinity, Friar's street, built in 1871, completely
renovated in 1890, & further enlarged in 1895 & 19091
for 200 girls; Miss Winifred Stone, mistress
New Hinksey Schools, School place, built in 1870, & en­
larged in 1892 & 1899, for 175 boys, 144 girls & 143
infants; Joseph Sidney Thomas, master; Miss F.
Collins, mistress; Miss R. Penn, infants’mistress
St. Aldate's, built in 1866, & enlarged later for 130
boys ; John A. Groom, master
St. Barnabas, Great Clarendon street, built in 1854,A
enlarged in 1H91 k 1894, for 790 children; the
schools were enlarged in 1894; Richard N e v e , mastery
Miss Annie Neve, mistress ; Miss Flora Blay, infants
St. Clement’s (boys), Cross street, built, with class
rooms, in 1902, for 300 boys ; Edgar Charles Walters,
St. Clement’s (girls), Boulter street, built in 1891, ‘or
204 girls; Miss E. F. Grove, mistress
St Clement’s (infants), Bath street, built in 187% ior
190 infants ; Miss Lizzie Gee, mistress
_ ,
St. Cross, St. Cross road, Holywell (mixed),builtini»5 1
for 103 children ; Miss Vioiet Lynn, mistress
St Ebbe's (infants). Paradise square, built in 1_■
enlarged in 1909, for 229 children ; Miss Daisy ha®
bourne, mistress
St. Frideswide’s (boys), Helen road, built in I9°J’
278 boys ; Charles Hector Wigg, master
St John the Baptist’s, Church street, Sum m ertow n,
269 children ; William R. Johns, master; in
for 102 ; Mrs. Nellie Ingle, mistress
St Mary Magdalen (boys). Gloucester green, esta jin 1849. for 80 boys; J. A. Howells, master; (|^
k infants) Victoria place, in 1826, for 132; Miss
Rogers, mistress