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H arris John, brick & tile m aker, see
Shorland & H arris
H illier F rancis, grocer, S h ip lake H ill
(letters th rou gh R othertield Peppard)
H istead Frederick, farm er
Kew C harles, baker (letters through
K idm ore, Reading')
M arlow C harles, B u tch ersâ A rm s P.H
Marner Thom as Geo. W h ite H art P.H
N ethercott A lfred , farm b ailiff to Col.
John B askerville D .L ., J.P . Frieze
Page W a lter, Bottle & G lass P.H
Porter Owen W illiam , Plough hotel
Q uaint W illiam & Son, coal m e rÂ
chants, Shiplake S tation
Shorland & H arris, brick & tile mas
T u b b G eorge W illiam , beer retailer,
Shiplake Bottom
T ubb Jam es W illiam , gardener to Col.
John Baskerville D .L ., J.P. Crowsley park
W akelin A da M ercy (M iss), district
nurse, Shiplake rise
C u lley M rs. Sunnyside
Sadler Miss
k e l l y âs
Hales W alter, Croft
Hobbs E rn est Jam es, W alton <
H ubbard W illiam P. H olly Bush
B artholom ew
blacksm ith, Law rence W illiam C ooling, The Knoll
P ost office
Leslie F. B radford, Th e M ill house
Baston W illiam , baker
Lowe Francis Stanley, Brook End
H arridge W illiam , carrier
M aidm ent W ilfred, Hawkhurst
M oir Charles, Crossways
H ill Jam es W illiam , carpenter
Montague C harles, p arish clerk
Nosw orthy Fredk. W m . Quaint cot
Pierce W. T . Th e Lodge
N eville Brothers, grocers
P itch er E dw ard, shopkeeper
Pin der Mrs. Iona
Q uaint W illiam & Son, coal m ers
Sheppard M rs. Dawson, Elm cottage
Sim pson F. Hampson, Clovelly
Q uaint E d g ar Hayns, farm er
Sim pson Frank, Th e Gables
S hackler H enry, beer retailer
V ickery R ichard, farm bailiff to Sir S tyle Jam es W. Bideabit
W alter G eorge F ran k Phillim ore Trow ard Thom as, S t. Keverne
W allace W illiam , Brown cot
bart. P .C ., D .C .L ., J.P
S tyle Miss
Venn Job, Binfield house
L O W E R S H IP L A K E .
B arry H erbert, The Studio
! B att Edw ard A . Wood E dge
B att Thom as G oulstone,The Dabchick
I B urge Oscar, W aynflete
|C onstantine Joseph, The Nest
j Dixon M iss, H azelville
Dodd Henry, The M artlets
;F airclough A lfred, Clovelly
iF oale A rth u r Edwin, H arberton
C ordrey John, boat owner
Gooch Annie (M rs.), p rivate hotel
Gooch Robert Henry, grocer
H arding C harles F. fru it grover
Hobbs & Sons L td . boat builders
L yford A rth u r, shopkeeper & grocer,
Post office
Tonge B enjam in, gardener to William
P. H ubbard esq. Northfield road
W arne-Brown A lfred, artist, St.Ruan
S H I P T O N - O N - C H E R W E L L is a parish and small | are filled w ith good modern stained g la ss: the interior
village, by road 2 m iles north from K id lin gto n station of the church was thoroughly restored and decorated
on the Oxford and B irm in gh am section of th e G reat in 1885 by the Rev. H. W . Y u le D .C .L . late rector, 1874W estern railw ay, by road 3 m iles east from W oodstock, 98: th ere are 80 s it t in g s : in the churchyard is the
and 6£ north-by-w est from Oxford, in the M id division of shaft of an ancient cross. Th e reg ister dates from the
the county, hundred of W ootton, p etty sessional division year 1653. The livin g is a rectory, n et yearly value
of W ootton South, union and county cou rt d istrict of £100, w ith residence, in the g ift of the Duke of MarlW oodstock, ru ra l deanery of W oodstock and archdeacnry J borough K .G ., P .C . and held since 1898 by the Rev.
and diocese of O x fo rd .' The riv er C herwell and the G eorge Duncan M .A. of 'Wadham College, Oxford, and
Oxford canal flow on the east of th e parish. The church ai so vicar of Ham pton G a y : the rectory house, a little
of the Holy Cross, rebuilt in 1831, and in which th ere to th e northward of the church, was considerably
w a s anciently a chantry dedicated to St. M ary th e V irg in ,
altered and im proved in 1875.
The Duke of Marlis an edifice of stone, consisting of chancel, nave, north borough K .G ., P .C . who is lord of the manor, and
porch, and an em battled western tow er containing 2 bells : ( New College, O xford, are th e principal landowners,
in the north wall of the chancel, which is Decorated, is a The soil is m ix e d ; subsoil, clay. The land is chiefly
sepulchral recess, inclosing a stone coffin w ith a coped \ arable. The area is 1,046 acres of land and 12
lid, b earing a C alva ry cro ss: Skelton, in his â H istory of j w a te r; rateable value, .£1,818; the population in 1911
O xfordshire,â mentions that it wa9 opened about the was 89.
beginning of the 18th century, when the skeleton of a
p arisb C lerk , Joseph W elch, who resides at Thrupp.
little man holding a pewter chalice and p attn was Iaittâ¬rs from 0 x fo rd v ia ffidlijiffton. W all Letter Box
fou n d : the east window of three lig h ts exhibits features
d ea red >t g 2o a m &
. sundaySi 4.50 p.
of the transition from Decorated to P erp en dicular: the
. . telegraph
T h e nearest m oney order
office is at
basin of the font is E a rly Norm an and was restored in
K idlin gton
1879: in the chancel is a very sm all stone coffin, which
wa9 found b u ilt into the wall of the bell tu rre t of the Elem entary School, erected in 1854, for 35 children;
M rs. Sarah J. H inton, m istress
old church : three windows, including the east window,
Duncan Rev. G eorge M .A. Rectory
Dean John, farm er, Shipton
(postal address, W oodstock)
is a township
and parish in the Northern division of the county,
hundred and p etty sessional division of Chadlington,
unions and county cou rt districts of C h ipping Norton
and W itney, ru ral deanery of C hippin g Norton and arch Â
deaconry and diocese of Oxford. Th e ancient parish
form erly com prised the d istricts of Leafield and Ram sden, and the townships of M ilton, Lyneham and L a n g Â
ley. Shipton is on the river Evenlode and on the road
iro u i B
v yhipping
llijjp iiig Norton,
i 'U l v u ii, w
ua n u n half
urford to
ith a station
a m ile north from the villag e on the W est M idland
section of the G reat W estern railw ay, and is 4 m iles
n orth-north-east from B urford , 8 n orth-w est from W itÂ
ney, 7 south-south-east from C hipping Norton. Th e
v illage is lighted w ith gas by Th e United D istrict
G as Co. and supplied w ith w ater from springs at the
top of the village.
Th e church of S t. M ary is a
large edifice of stone, chiefly in the E a rly E n g lish
style, and consisting of chancel w ith transept, clerestoried nave, aisles. P erpen dicular south porch and a
western tower with pinnacles and an octagonal broach
spire w ith gabled spire lig h ts (restored in 1893) and
contains 8 bells, a sanctus bell and a c lo c k : the stained
east window of five lig h ts, designed by the late G. E.
Street esq. R.A . was filled w ith stained glass in 1874,
and there is a m em orial window placed in 1852 to the
Rev. Robert P hillim ore M .A. 38 years v ic a r : on the
south side are restored sedilia and piscina in the
Decorated style, and above the la tter is an ancient niche
containing sm all m ale and fem ale kneeling effigies in
Tndor c o s tu m e : the vestry on the north side, and
anciently a chapel, also contains a p is c in a : a noble
E arly E nglish arch w ith clu stered shafts separates the
farm j P arrott D udley, farm er, Manor house
nave and c h a n c e l; the nave is of three bays with vide
E arly E nglish arches on Tound piers ; the north aisle
is E a rly E n glish ; the opposite aisle and piers, the
clerestory and porch are Perpendicular, and the latter
has groined v au ltin g , above which is a parvise and id
front two good Perp en dicular niches w ith mutilated
figures, one of which represents the Annunciation: the
tower and spire are E a rly E n g lis h : the west doorvaf
is a b eau tifu l exam ple of Tran sition Norman, and has
^ ^sm all round-headed window on each s id .e : in iâ
v u u
j north
aisle uand
bay uofi the
chancel are 1
Decorated recesses or E aster sepulchres, one of vnic
encloses a m u tilated effigy, and n ear these is a panfflP
sest brass w ith recum bent fem ale effigy in shroud, *
shield of arm s of Horne im paling Tam e quarterly vi
C lifford, and an inscription of 12 English verses to
E lizabeth, d au gh ter and heiress of Thom as Tame an
wife of E dm und Horne, ob. 1548; on the reverse »
another inscription, bein g a deed of gift in M 9 4 0
house and appurtenances in the parsonâs fee at Ayles
b ury to a brotherhood connected w ith the church tber,
and called the â F rate rn ity of the Glorious Virgin,
L ad y of A y le s b u r y ;â th is brass is now in a hinged
fram e on the w all of the north a is le : there are ^
num ber of m ural and other m onum ents to the Re*
fam ily dating from the 17th century, and an alalbas
and m arble m onum ent erected in 1890 to Sir Oba
Stanhope H oskyns Reade (7th bart. ob. 189°). ^rtbe
nephew of S ir John Chandos R eade (d. 1868) â¢
stone p u lp it and font, both Perpendicular, are octago ^
and p a n elle d ; in one of the panels of the
carved th e bear and rag ged s t a ff: th e organ, proT _
in 1867, was enlarged in 1886: the church v,as