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d ir e c t o r y . ]
11 1
from n66,'and died at Rouen in Nov. or Dec. 1189: at land and 23 of w a te r; rateable value, ,£4,378; the
the east end of the north aisle is a small chantry, with a population in 1911 was 517.
blocked doorway, piscina and au m b ry: in the north
Parish Olerk, Frank Lovell.
ffâall of the chantry is a sepulchral recess, and at the
south-east angle a hagioscope: th e south aisle has also
L I T T L E H A S E L E Y is a ham let three-quarters of a
remains of a small chapel or oratory at the east end, m ile south. H aseley C ourt, the residence of Lionel
ffith a Decorated piscina, portions of a reredos and a Boulton Cam pbell Lockhart M uirhead esq. is a mansion
canopied niche on the south s id e ; along the side chiefly in the C lassic style, pleasantly situated in
of the aisle are three recessed arches in the main wall, grounds of about 20 acres ; some Temains of an older
0f the early 14th century, in one of which is the m u ti house exist, though m u ch m odernized. A nthony John
lated effigy of another knight, of the reign of Henry M uirhead esq. is the p rin cipal landowner.
III.: on the north side of the chancel and entered by a
R Y C O T E L IB E R T Y is i j m iles south-east from Tiddoor in the interior is a m onum ental chapel of the Blackalls, once lords of the m a n o r; it contains a m em orial to dington station. Rycote Park was form erly the seat of
George Blackall esq. 1709. The nave has arcades of four the B erties, E arls of A bingdon, barons N orreys of Rycote,
arches on either side on round piers with flat foliaged and p reviouly belonged to th e Q u a rtrem ayn es; the
capitals of Late Norman or T ransition ch aracter: the rood mansion, erected in 1539, by Lord W illiam s of Thame,
loft and staircase remain on th e south s id e : there are was p artly destroyed by fire in 1747, but never rebuilt,
brasses to Marie, w ife of A nthony Huddleston esq. and and about 1760 was w holly pulled down b y W illoughby,
daughter of S ir W illiam Barrendyne kt. 158 1; to 3rd E arl of A bingdon : there now rem ains only an angle
Thomas Butler, a form er rector, in academ ical dress, tower of red brick, and the stables w hich serve for
with shields of arms, 1444; and to Nicholas Englefield farm purposes. Th e present house is the property and
esq. controller of the household to Richard H. 1415 ; and residence of A lfred S t. G eorge H am ersley esq. K .C .,
in the aisles to W illiam Leynthall, lord of Lachford, M .P ., J.P . who is also lord of the m anor. W h at is
1497, and Julian, wife of S ir Richard Fowler, of Rycote now called Rycote Pond was once a fine piece of
kt. 1527: there are other m em orials to the fam ily of ornam ental w ater. The ancient stone chapel of S t.
Woolfe, 1739-68; G reening and Sm ith, 1652, and to John M ichael and A ll A ngels, founded in 1449 by Richard
Whistler M.A. clerk, 1636: in 1897 the chancel was Q uartrem ayne, was form erly the burying-place of the
renovated, the floor relaid w ith m arbles and new choir N orreys and Bertie fam ilies, but it is now disused
stalls provided, from th e designs of Mr. T . Garner, and fallin g into decay ; it is a long rectan gu lar stru cÂ
architect, of London, and th e church and churchyard ture entirely in the P erpendicular style and consistÂ
in g of chancel and nave and a western tower of three
thoroughly drained; various gift9 w ere also made to the
stages ; at the east end, instead of pinnacles, are the
church at the sam e tim e : there are 350 sittings. The
churchyard has been enlarged b y the addition of a piece figures of two greyh o u n d s: between the portion of
the chapel w hich served as a chancel and the nave
of land, presented by M. E . Boulton esq. of Tew Park,
are two large inclosed pews, one on either s id e ; that
and consecrated 3 Feb. 1 8 9 8 . T h e register dates from the
year 1538.
The livin g is a rectory, n et yearly value on the north is spacious and has an upper s to r e y ;
the ornam ental wood-work consists of arabesques and
¿551, including 90 acres of glebe, w ith residence,
carvings and pierced la ttice or trellis-w ork, w ith arcades
in the gift of the Dean and Canons of Windsor, and held
of wood running round and paintings in medallions, the
since 1894 by the Rev. W illiam G ilbert Edwards M .A.
whole affording an excellent exam ple of the decorative
of Christ Church, Oxford, ru ra l dean of Cuddeswork of the Renaissance period : the south pew, which
don, and surrogate. H ere is a C ongregational chapel,
is the earlier, is less handsom e, b ut is generally in the
built in 1778, w ith 100 sittings. The V illa g e Institute
same style ; it has no upper storey, b ut is term inated
was built in 1891, at the cost of th e Rev. Canon H. J.
above by a cupola of the ogee form , w ith crockets ru n Â
Ellison, rector 1875-94, some of the internal fittin gs I
ning up the curve from each of the four angles, and is
being contributed bv the late M. P. W . Boulton esq.
surm ounted by a figure of th e V irgin and C h ild ; being
of Tew P ark; F. G elderd-Som ervell esq. the Bishop
of earlier date than the la rg e r pew, it m ay have been
of Dover (now of W akefield) and o th e r s : it is used
erected for, or at least used by, the Princess E lizabeth ,
for entertainments, classes, lectures and the m eetin gs
when detained a prisoner at Rycote during the reign
of the Benefit Club and th e C rick et C lu b , and is
of Queen M a ry : there is a reredos of Renaissance
open during the winter m onths to m em bers of the
and a piscina and a font, both Perpendicular.
Reading and Recreation C lu b ; the in stitute is lent
by the rector to the m em bers of the Reading, and
LA CH FO RD , 1 mil© east-by-south and Lobb, 2 m iles
Recreation Club, and m anaged by a com m ittee, of north-east, are ham lets.
which the rector is president.
The Lu ke Tayler Post & M. 0 . Office.â Joseph H. Joyner, sub-postm aster.
and Blackall charity provides a yearly sum of £280, L e tters are received th rou gh W allingford a t 7 a.m .
expended in old age pensions, donations to clubs,
& 2.5 p .m . ; dispatched at 9.10 a.m . & 5.45 p.m . ;
and the lik e ; a certain portion being assigned to
Sundays, arrive 7 a.m . ; dispatched a t 10.35 a.m .
the maintenance of th e school.
T h ere are other
G re a t M ilton, 2 m iles distant, is th e n earest telegrap h
charities yielding £ 3 a year for clothing.
T he celeÂ
brated antiquary, John Leland, of C h ristâs College. W all L etter Box. L ittle H aseley, cleared at 8 a.m . &
Cambridge and A ll Souls College, Oxford, was rector of
5.20 p.m . ; sundays a t 9.35 a m
tbis parish from 1542 to 1552 ; he died 18 A pril, 1552,
and was buried in the church of St, M ichael le Querne,
Condon; and Christopher W ren B.D. of St. Johnâs Col- Endowed S ch ools: the endowm ent was settled by order
from surplus funds under the
i®8®* Oxford, father of th e fam ous architect of th at name,
will of Lu ke T ayler, who died in th e 17th century,
held the living from 1639 bo 1645; h e died a t Bletohingbut about 1899 the C h arity Com m issioners issued a
*658- On pulling down the inside walls of
new scheme fox the adm inistration of th e t r u s t ; a new
uie old parsonage, which w ere s ix feet thick, lofty arched
vrndows appeared, and behind a fireplace form ed in one
school room was b uilt in 1902 for about 100 children ;
a part of the old school is now used for th e in fa n ts;
mem was a number of encaustic tiles of various pat^rns, probably of the 13th century. A nthony John
H erbert G eorge Boorm an, m aster ; M iss Gunston &
Miss M innie Pheasant, assistan t m istresses
â uirhead esq. is lord of the m anor and principal landner. The soil is c la y ; subsoil, gravel.
The chief C arriers.â A lb ert M inell, to T h am e, tues. & Oxford,
PS are wheat, barley and beans, w ith a considerable
wed. & s a t . ; Stephen P u tt, to Oxford, from G reat
I r ion of pasture land. The area is 3,232 acres of
M ilton, passes th rou gh wed. & sat
C lark W alter, blacksm ith
Cooper Herbt. m onum ental sculptor,
P R rV A T E R E S ID E N T S .
W est End cottage
Duvall Charles Anthony M .I.M .E
Edwards Rev. W illiam ¿ ilb e r t M .A. Cross W alter H. baker
H arris Joseph, shopkeeper
Rector' SUrrogate & ru ra l dean), Haseley C rick et C lub
Jones, sec)
Frederick M .A .,
tr , . Raseley manor
farm er, C h urch farm
J&rmain TV.⢠Jnâ Stanley, C h u rch fm
Thomas M. Orangemoor
Jarm ain T. M. L im ited, agricu ltu ral
engineers & agents, engineers &
C O M M E R C IA L .
iron founders, Haseley iron w o rk s ;
®arly closin? day, Thursday
speciality, swath turn ers & sideBeIcher William E. farm er
delivery rakes
Jones Frederick, Plough P.H
Joyner Jsph. H y. b u ild er,& post office
Pancott Jam es, shopkeeper
Parsler John, bricklayer
Shrim pton A rth u r, farm er, The F arm
Shrim pton W illiam E dw ard, builder
Sm ith B ertram B. Crown P.H
Stone Edwin (head gardener to Frdk.
G elderd-Som ervell esq)
Sturch Jam es, farm er
V illa g e In stitu te (H erbert G eorge
Boorman, sec)
W est W m . grocer & assistnt. overseer