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Wa l l i n g f o r d


[ k e l l v ’s

AA a lte r t C o .’s Stores L im ited , grocers & provision
m erchants, 3 & 4 C astle street
W a lker A lb ert Joshua, insurance agent, 23 Rending road
W allin gford A th le tic C lub (E . B radford, lion, general
sec.), Lion hotel
W allingford B rew ery L td . (A. E ve rest, sec.), H igh st
W allingford Corporation G as W orks (F. H oult, m an­
ager), G as works
W allingford Corporation W ater W orks (A rth u r H urst,
m a n a g e r); works, near Railw ay station
W allingford & D istrict G ardeners' Association (H. G. T.
M archam , hon. sec.), S t. Leon ard's C h u rch house
W allingford & D istrict P erm anent B u ild in g Society (P.
A. Slade, solicitor & secretary), 7 S t. M artin’s st
\\ allingford G olf C lub (Stanley H enry B urn ett, sec.),
Crom well house, Tham es street
W allingford Law n Tennis C lub (M. W . W ells, hon. sec.),
C astle street
W allingford N ephalite Benefit S ociety (J. G u tterid ge,
sec.). Tem perance hall
W allingford Rifle C lu b (F. Snow, sec.), S t. John’s Toad
W allingford San itary S team L a u n d ry Co. L im ited , St.
M artin’ s street
W allingford S w im m in g C lub (P ercy T urn er, sec.),L ow er
W allingford W o rking M en's C lu b (Seym our H arvey,
sec.), S t. Leonard's C h urch house

W alter E dw in C h arles M .R .C .S .E n g ., L.R .C .P .L o n cl.
physician & surgeon, certifyin g factory surgeon, m edi­
cal officer & p ublic vaccinator for Cholsey d istrict &
m edical officer to W allingford & Crow m arsh Joint
Isolation H ospital Board, M arket place
W alters Frank, Feath ers hotel, M arket place
W alters Horace, Red Lion P.H . H igh street
W ard W illiam John, shopkeeper, 10 C h urch lane
Weedon Bros, coal m erchants, G reat W estern rly . statn
W hichello Frank, fishm onger & fru iterer,57 S t.M a ry’s st
W hichello Fred, farm er, S t. John’s farm , S t.J o h n ’s road
W hitehorn John, news agent, 30 S t. M ary’s street
W iggins H erbert Buckle, insur. agt. 7 St. Leonard’s sq
W ilder R. J. & H. engineers, iron founders, im plem ent
m anufacturers, & steam plough & th rashin g m achine
proprietors & m akers of spring balance w ater carts &
steel fram ed wagons & carts, & m otor engineers, W al­
lingford iron w o rk s ; & office, St. M ary’s street
W ilson H enry Jam es, custom s & excise officer, E cclesbourne, R eadin g road
W ilson Thom as, gardener to M isses H edges, C astle st
W oodbridge E lizabeth Annie (M rs.), saddler, 30 H igh sh
Wooton M ary A nn (M rs.), beer reta iler, H igh street
Y oun g Joseph, beer retailer, 38 G oldsm ith s’ lane
Y o u n g W alter, curator of cem etery, C em etery lodge,
C astle street

W a L T S A M S T . L A W H E i i C E is an ancient v il­
lage and parish 4 m iles long, 3 m iles south-east from
T w yford station on th e G reat W estern railw ay,
from Reading, 6 south-w est from M aidenhead, 7^
south-east from H enley, and 9^ w est from Windsor,
in the E astern division of the county, hundred of Wargrave, W okingham p etty sessional division, M aidenhead
union, W indsor county court d istrict, rural deanery 0>
M aidenhead, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of
Oxford. The church of St. Law rence is an edifice of
brick and flint covered w ith stucco, in th e Borm an
and G o th ic styles, and consists of chancel, nave of
four bays, aisles, south porch and an em battled
western tower containing 6 bells and a clock, w ith a
sm all tu rret at the south-w est angle containing a sta ir­
case leading to the b elfry and top of th e to w e r; in the
north-east corner is a m onum ent over th e burial place
of the N evill fam ily, in cludin g one in tolerable preser­
vation to S ir Henry N evill kt. ob. 13th Jan. 1593, his
w ives, F rances (Thwaites) and E lizabeth (G resham ), ob.
6th N ovem ber, 1593, and E lizabeth, his eldest d a u g h ter:
and another to E lizabeth , second w ife of John (W allop),
1st E arl of Portsm outh and re lic t of H enry G rey esq.
(form erly N evill), of B illin g b e r e ; she died in 1762; and
two others also of some in te r e s t: the stone reredos
exh ib its in three com partm en ts, “ The Descent from
the C ross,” the “ D escent of the H oly S p irit,” and
“ S t. Paul preaching at A thens ” : the stained east
window is a m em orial, and was given by a form er vicar,
the Rev. E. J. P arker B .D . and his s is t e r ; another
m em orial window, a copy from a b eau tifu l window in
Ratisbon C athedral, was presented by Mr. H an son : the
oak scieen embodies the old 14th cen tury carving found
m the church, and th e pulpit bears the date 16 19: the
church was restored and a south porch added in 1847
and was again restored in 1888, at a cost of ^ 640 ; in
2894 an oak screen was erected across the tow er arch,
in m em ory of the late H enry H ew itt esq. by his widow,
and 13 copper and iron han ging lam ps were also placed
in the church to the m em ory of the sam e gentlem an,
by the p arish io n ers: there are 350 sittin g s. The
reg ister dates from the year 1559. Th e liv in g is a
vicara ge, n et yearly value ,£352, w ith residence, in the
g ift of the Lord Bravbrooke, and held since 1912 by the
Rev. A rth u r A lb ert B ull B .A . of M arcon’ s H all, Oxford.
F o u r la rge elm trees here, q uite hollow b y age, form
a square, and have been used as a pound fo r cattle.
The ancient tim bered house called “ Th e S u n ,” was left
to the parish by Ralph New berry, in 1633; the ren t is

adm inistered by trustees for the benefit of parishioners.
Th e W ilkinsons, who resided here in th e 17th century,
recorded th eir pedigree and arm s at the v isitatio n of
1664, Thom as W ilkinson being then rector, and the fine
yew tree in the churchyard was planted by h im in
1635. Th e large num ber of Roman coins found here
seem s to in dicate th a t W altham was once a place of
R om ano-B ritish occupation. Lord Braybrooke, who is
lord of the m anor, the M aster and Fellows of Pem broke
College, and M rs. Beale are the p rin cipal landow ners.
The soil is vario u s; subsoil, gravel and chalk. T he
crops are w heat, b arley and oats. The area is 3,627
acres of land and 13 of w a te r; rateable value, ^ 11,7 4 2 ;
the population in 1911 was 937.
S O U T H L A E E (or SH U RLO CK RO W ) S T R E E T is a
division of this parish, ly in g 1^ m iles south-west from
the village. Th e district church of A ll S ain ts here is
in connection with the parish church, and affords 120
sittin gs. There is also a Prim itive M ethodist chapel,
b uilt in 1863. Billingbear Park, the prop erty of Lord
B raybrooke, b ut at present (1914) rented by M rs. Crews,
covers about 400 a c re s ; an avenue of oak trees a
quarter of a m ile long leads to the m ansion, a fine
Elizabethan b u ild in g of red brick.
Parish C lerk , W illiam Palm er.
C oun ty Police, G eorge Sam uel R um m ey, constable
Post. M. 0 . & T . Office.— Mrs. Leonora E lizabeth
Palm er, sub-postm istress.
L etters throu gh Twyford
received 7 a.m . & 12.5 & 7.5 p.m . & dispatched at
10.10 a.m . & 1.15 & 7.30 p .m .; Sundays, delivered at
a.m . & dispatched at 9.30 a.m
Post, M. 0 ., T . & Telephonic E xpress D elivery Office,
Shurlock Row .— Miss E. M ary M ortim er, sub-postm istress.
L etters through Tw yford a rrive at 7.40
a.m . & 12.25 & 7 p.m . & dispatched a t 8.10 a.m . &
& 7.30 p .m .; sunday, delivered 7.40 a .m .; d is­
patched 10 a.m
P illar L e tter B oxes.— Honeys, cleared a t 2.30 & 7 p.m . ;
Sundays, 11 a.m . ; W est End, cleared at 1.10 & 7.15
p .m .; Sundays, 10.35 a .m .; Beenham ’s H eath, cleared
at 7.55 a.m . & 12.55 & 7.15 p .m . ; sundays, 11 a.m . ;
& M illey road, cleared at 7.30 a.m . & 7.15 p .m . ;
Sundays, 9.20 a.m
Council School (m ixed & infants), b u ilt in 1909, for 206
ch ild ren ; John W . W arren, m aster
C arrier to Reading.— G . W igm ore, via Tw yford, tues.
th u rs. & sat. return in g same day

1Turn er Mrs. Red cottage
| W ilson Capt. Leslie Orm e D .S .O .,
M .P. Th e Manor h ou se; & 142 S t.
B ryan t G eorge J.P . Idlicote
B ull Rev. A rth u r A lb ert B .A .V icarage| Jam es’ court, B uckin gh am gate
S W & Carlton & Royal Autom obile
B urkill Mrs
C am pbell M ajor Reginald. Th e Dene I clubs S W & N aval & M ilitary
club W , London
Crews Mrs Billingb ear park (letters
throu gh W okingham )
Davidson Louis, Borlases
G ask F leet-P aym aster W alter R .N . Bye John Nelson, grocer
Coles Henry. Plough P.H
Read A rchibald. St. M ary's cottage E lliott Jonathan K. T h e Star P.H
Green John, farm er, Downshire’s frm
Renshaw M iss, Annscot
Hatfield Geo. T. farm er, C h urch frm
Stevenson Mrs. The Avenue
W A L T H A M ST. L A W R E N C E .

H edington Frederick W m . & A rth u r,
farm ers, Beenham s farm
Horwood H arry, farm er, H all’s farm
Martin Sim eon, builder
M ortim ore Edward, w heelw right
Palm er Leonora (M rs.),grocer & beer
retailer, Post office
People’s Refreshm ent House Associa­
tion Lim ited (Sam uel Osbiston,
m anager), The Bell P.H
Pocock A rth u r John, blacksm ith
Sm ith Hy. Jesse, frm r.C oltm an ’ s frm
Tom bs Joseph Henry, blacksm ith
W areham Dinah (M rs.), cowkeeper