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D IR E C T O R Y .]


Wa l l in g f o r d .


H am m ans A ndrew E dw ard, rate collector for Cholsey,
C lapcot, B righ tw ell & M oulsford, collector of K in g ’s M unday Sidn ey G ilb ert, b uilder & con trctr.13 Tham es st
M undy G eorge, m ealm an, 9 Wood street
t axes, Cholsey & secretary to th e Acorn Benefit Society
Naish & Sons, house decorators, 12 S t. M ary’s street
& insurance agent, 28 St. M ary’s street
N aish A. J. teacher of m usic, R eadin g road
Ham m ond Louisa Ann (M iss), shopkpr. 13 S t. John’s rd
Nelson & M cM ullan, ph ysician s & surgns. St. M ary’s st
H ands Jam es, m arine store dealer, M ill lane
Nelson W illiam B rem n er L .R .C .P .L o n d ., M .R .C .S .E n g .
Harden Win. & Son F .R .H .S . nurserym en, 60 H igh st
(firm , Nelson & M cM ullan), physician & surgeon,
H arding Joseph, nursery & seeds m an, M arket place
m edical officer to the W orkhouse, bon. surgeon to the
H arris G ertru d e M ary (M rs.), m illiner, 56a, Hirrh street,
orrell M em orial H ospital & m edical officer & public
H arris H ilbert, painter, 56 H igh street
vaccinator for W allin gford d istrict, St. M ary’s street
H att C ecil, solicitor, 8 St. M ary’s street
P a rro tt John, drapers’ traveller, i Low er green
H att Charles L.D .S . dentist, 8 S t. M ary’s street ,
Payne & Son, w atch m akers, i M arket place
H awkins Sidney L . draper, see Field,H aw kins & Ponking Peck G eorge, grocer & provision m er. 56 St. M ary’s st
Hearness E dw in G eorge, arch itect, 4 St. M ary’s street
P e ttitt’s, ou tfitters, S t. M ary’s street
H edges & Son, solicitors, M arket place
P ettit Henry, draper, see P e ttit’s .
H edges Francis Edward (firm , Hedges & Son), solicitor, P e ttit Thom as, draper, see P e ttit’s
com m issioner for oaths & perpetual commissioner, P e ttit W illiam , draper, see P e ttit's
clerk to th e com m issioners of taxes & p ublic charities P ettit W illiam H olland, draper, see P e ttit’s
& secretary to W allingford Corn E xch an geC o.M arket pi P h illips G eorge, builders’ m erch an t, C an al wharf
H edges brancis Reade, solicitor, com m issioner for oaths,
Ponking F ran k C. agen t for the London A ssuran ce C or­
town clerk & clerk to the m agistrates for the division
poration & draper, see F ield, H awkins & Ponking
of Moreton & borough ju stices, to the Urban S an itary
Ponking P. H. draper &c. see Field, H awkins & Ponking
A u th ority, to the School A ttendance Com m ittee & Preater G iles, blacksm ith, H igh street
B u rial Board & to the Old A ge Pension Sub-Com ­
Pusey A lb ert E dw in, K in g ’s H ead P.H . 2 S t. M artin ’s st
m ittee, M arket place
Quelch H erbert, blacksm ith, 15 Wood street
H edges G eorge, confectioner, 12 H igh street
Ravening W illiam Charles, b ill poster, W antage road
Hedges John Henry, E ig h t B ells P.H . 6 S t. M artin’s st
R eading M ercury & Berks C oun ty Paper (C harles Th eo­
Henson Thom as Tyson, reg istrar of birth s & deaths
dore Venim ore, ag e n t; published sat.), 20 H ig h st
for W allingford sub-district, relievin g & vaccination
Relf G eorge P. (M rs.), stationer, 19 H igh street
officer & collector to the guardians, 1 St. P eter’s st
Reynolds A lb ert B rig h t, ch em ist, see Upton & Reynolds
K icks Ernest, rose grow er, W antage road
R ich in gs K a te (M iss), wardrobe dealer, 21 S t. John’s rd
Hoare H enry, m arine stare dealer, 16 Wood street
Rossiter Sarah (M rs.), p rivate preparatory school (boys
Hobbs G eorge, bricklayer, 19 Wood street
& g irls), C alleva house, H igh street
H clm e H enry Thom as, chem ist & d ru g g ist, M arket pi
Royal B erkshire H orticu ltu ra l Society (H. T u stin , sec.),
Holm es E m m a M artha (Mrs.), butcher, 39 S t. M ary's st
South view, C ro ft road
Honeybone & Son, stone m asons, S t. M artin’s street
R uddle W illiam , park keeper, B u ll C ro ft lodge, H igh st
Honeybone A rth u r, saddler, 25 H igh street
Rum bold H ubert, photographer, 88 H igh street
Honeybone W illiam , borough surveyor. S t. M artin 's st
Rusher & Rusher, china & glass dealers, H igh street &
Hoult F rederick, m anager to the Corporation gas works,
St. M artin’s street
Station road
St. Leonard’s C h urch House (G eorge Shorey, caretaker),
H unt Thom as M ., M .R .C V .S . veterin ary suro-eon
Leonard’s lane
High street
S t. M ary’s C h urch House (W alter B utler, hon. sec.),
H unt W alter C harles, corn m erchant, 28 H igh street
M arket place
H urst A rth u r, m anager of the W ater & Sewerage works,
Saunders Marion (Airs.), beer retlr. k shpkpr.29 H igh st
near R ailw ay station
Scudds E rnest Richd. h ardw are dealer, 44 S t. M arv’s st
Independent O rder of O ddfellow s, M. U L oval St
Shepherd Jam es, ferrym an , Chalm ore ferry
Stephen’s Lodge, No. 3157 (C harles B. C i •ane, sec.),
Shepherd Leonard, grocer, see Crane & Shepherd
4 South view , C roft road
International Tea C o .'s Stores Lim ited, 69 & 70 H igh st Sim m ons Thos. A lfred, W hite Hart P.H . S t. M ary’s st
Sin ger Sew ing M achine Co. L td .(J .C o x ,a g t.),7 Statio n rd
Jenkins A rthur, stationer, 9 St. M ary’s street k
alade G eorge F red erick , solicitor & com m issioner to
M arket place
adm m ster
W allin gford
Jenkins Frank E. watch m aker & tobacconist, M arket pi
Elem entary Schools, clerk to the guardians & assessJenkins F rank EC. cycle agent. 7 M arket place
& clerk to
Jenkins W illiam D. p rin ter k publisher of the “ Berks &
W allingford & O rowm arsh (Oxon) R ural D istrict
Oxon A d vertiser,” S t. M ary’s street
tv court k
Jones H enry John, shopkeeper, 50 Wood street
agent for the N orwich Union F ire & L ife 'in su ran ce
K islin gb u ry W illiam A lfred, chim ney sweep, 22 St
artin ’s st
M artin’s street
Slade Percival C lau d e A ve ry B .A . so licitor & com m is­
L a tter Jam es A lfred, photographer, 10 S t. M ary’s street
sioner to adm inister oaths & secretary to th e W a llin g ­
Lavm gton F rank F rederick , basket m aker, 16 M arket pi
ford & D istrict Perm anent B u ild in g Society, clerk to
Lawrence A lice A . (M rs.), Lam b hotel, H igh street
the W allingford & C row m arsh Joint H ospital Board
Leach & Sons, b utchers, 26 H igh street
& clerk to the W atlin gton D istric t School A ttendance
L ester Thom as, butcher, 4 &
St. P eter’ s street
Com m ittee & W allingford Rural Old A ge Pension SubLloyd Flora T . (M rs.), confectioner, 14 M arket place
C om m ittee, 7 St. M artin’s street
Lloyds Bank L im ited (form erly H edges, W ells & Co )
S m ith Daniel, beer reta ile r, 32 S t. M ary’s street
I Reginald C ockram , m anager), M arket place ■ draw
ith Tom, refreshm ent rooms, 2 S t. M ary’s street
on head office, 71 Lom bard street E C
London C en tral M eat Co. L im ited , butchers, 24 Hiwh st Snow Henry W illiam & Sons, coal m erchants & cartage
agents to the G reat W estern R ly. Co. R ailw ay station
London C ou n ty & W estm inster Bank Lim ited (branch)
(W. ,T. Bm yon m anager). H igh s tre e t; draw on head Snow T. M & E. (M isses), day school, C ro ft ho.C roft Td
Squance A lice (M iss), draper, 38 S t. M ary’s street
office, 41 Lo thbu ry, London E C
Stam land Charles G eorge, grocer, 5 S t. M artin ’s street
Lone A rth u r Philip veterin a ry surgeon, Station road
Steel Evan Edw in, farm er, 2 H art street
M cM ullan G eorge M .D., C h .B .E d in , physician & surgn
see Nelson k M cM ullan
rurgn. Sutton & Co. carriers (A. G . C astle, ag en t), 4 c St
M ary’s street
M orS
S ° n' i 00t m a,iers’ T5 S t .M artin ’s st
Tap pin Thom as, job m aster, t o S t. M artin ’s street
W ls S r d 0* 1« ! i ? 5’ - * r e p a i r e r . 60 St. M ary’s street la y lo r W illiam , cu tler, 65 Wood street
u T
i l Sons L im ited, boot m akers, 5 S t. M ary’s st
Tem perance H all (Jam es G u tte rid g e , sec.), S t. M ary’s st
Moody John dairym an, 24 S t. John’s road
Tickner Thom as W . dep uty supt. reg istrar, 17 M arket pi
Moore Jane (Miss), stay m aker, M arket place
Titcom be A lm a, beer reta iler. 37 S t. M arv’s street
cott^ gef H igh S
r d’ b°r0USh aCC™ n tM t’ Tha“ fS lo m b s C harles, confectioner, er & 22 H igh street
Tom bs John, ironm onger. M arket place
Town Hall (G eorge Cheney, h all keeper), M arket place
(W illiam B rra ™ '- i ™ * '"
f h i r a - f a ? X ° n i * a e o r ^ McMullan Townsend A rth u r, K in g ’s A rm s P.H . S t. M ary’s street
r r> ’t) ■ 1?
’ ? "• surgeons ; P ercy de M. Cavell Turner Percy, boat b uilder, Lower wharf & B ridge lan d­
rl S
" W a ll’ nSford. bon. s e e .; Rev
\ H
ing stage
i l l
W arborough, lion, trea su rer; Miss Turner Richard Cooper, plum ber, 9 St. Leonard’s square
gaL T tr0 n; MlSS G '
assistan t nurse)! Udal E lizabeth (M rs.), dress m aker, 3 S t. Leon ard’s sq
Upton & Reynolds M .P.S. dispensing chem ists & d ru g ­
¡ 1™
E lleiW M ar’ 5 7 m e" ts . 4 3 S t. M ary’s st
gists, 17 S t. M ary’s street
inrns E llen (M iss), china dir. & fru itr. 4 H igh street
Venim ore C harles Theodore, reg istrar of m arriages for
M o m s Phrhp Frank, beer retailer, Nine croft
W allingford su b -d istrict & rate collector & collecting
Mo s W illiam Edward, tailor, 61 H igh street
bailiff, 20 H ign street

¡ 7*