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since 1911 by the Rev. Harry Morton Gorham M.A. of over to pasturage. The area is 698 acres: rateable
St. Peter's College, Cambridge, who resides at Horsen- value, £96»; population in 1911, 58.
dou. The rent of about 2 acres of land, bequeathed by
Sexton, Albert Richardson.
a former Earl Stanhope, is devoted to the repair of the Letters received through Tring, via Princes RisborougL»
c h u rch .
A parish room was erected in 1908 at the which is the nearest money order & telegraph office.
expense of the late Miss Moreton, and is used for Letters delivered about 8 a.m. Wall Letter Box, near
general parochial purposes. The soil is stiff loam and
the church, cleared at 8.5 a.m. week days only
clay; subsoil, clay. The crops are wheat, beans and The children of this parish attend the schools at Longbarley, but the larger portion of the parish is given
wick & Towersev
P h illip s Miss A. Old Vicarage
IGoodchild Albert, farmer k land- 1Hill Alfred, farmer & landowner,
Gomme George, farmer, Coldharboui owner, Upper farm
Manor farm
( p o s ta l address, Towersey, Thame)| Goodchild Thomas, poultry dealer
|Kingham Geo. farmer, Lower f a r m
IVER is a large parish and scattered village on the esq. C.B., ILL.. J.P. and Lady Hilda Mosley, and the
Middlesex border, 16 miles from the Marble Arch, Lon­ Woodlands of Earl Howe. The trustees of the Richings
don, 2 west from West Drayton station and about estates, who are lords of the Rectory manor, Earl Howe.
the same distance north-east from Langley station Christopher John Hume Tower esq. of Brentwood, Essex,.
on the main line of the Great Western railway, 3! R. F. C. Tompson, Alan Hawtin Tompson, Alfred
north from Colnbrook and 2^ south from Uxbridge, Edward Tompson and Tonman Mosley esq. C.B. are the
in the Southern division of the county, hundred principal landowners. The soil is loamy; subsoil,
and petty sessional division of Stoke, union of gravel. The chief crops are wheat, oats, bean6, barley
Eton, county court district of Uxbridge, rural deanery and clover. The area is 5,467 acres of land and 64 of
of Amersham, archdeaconry of Buckingham and diocese water; rateable value, £28,139; the population in 191of Oxford. The river Colne flows through the parish, was 2,767, of which 1,906 are in St. Peter’s ecclesias­
to the eastward of which passes the Grand Junction tical parish and including 15 on board of barges.
canal with a branch from Yiewsley to Slough. The
SHREDDING GREEN, 1 mile west-by-north and
church of St. Peter, restored in 1848 at a cost of THORNEY,
1 mile south, are hamlets.
£2,800, is a building of flint in mixed styles, from
t, M. 0 ., T. k Telephonic Express Delivery Office.—
Early Norman to Perpendicular, consisting of chancel,
clerestoried nave, with two Norman bays on the north Thomas Fox, sub-postmaster. Letters are received
side and three Early English bays on the south, aisles from Uxbridge & delivered here at 6.45 a.m. & 12.1c.
& 5 p.m.; ciispatched at 8.55 & n-55 am. k 3.20 k
and an embattled western tower containing a clock and
6 bells, tuned and rehung in 1866 to celebrate the com­ 7.10 p.m.; S u n d a y s at 6.30 p.m
Letter Boxes.— Shredding Green, cleared 7.55 a.m.
pletion of the 50th year of the ministry of the Rev.
& 12.45 & 7 P m -; s u n d a y s , 6.30 p.m.; Church. 9.5 &
William Sparrow Ward M.A. vicar of the parish 1835-89:
0 a.m. & 3.30 k 7.20 p.m.; sundays, 6.35 p.m.;
the chancel retains piscinae and sedilia; and the stair­
Thorney, 7.50 a.m. & 1.40 & 8.15 p.m.; sundays, 7.50
case to the rood loft also remains: in the chancel is a
Potters Cross, 8.15 k 11 a.m. & 6.10 k 9 p.m. ;
monument, with figure rising from a tomb, to Lady
S u n d a y s , 6 p.m.: White Cottage, 7.10 a.m. k 12.15,
Mary Salter, 1631: a brass with effigies to Sir
6 p.m. ; Sundays, 7.30 a.m. & Palmers Moor
R. Blount, 1508, and his wife, and on the south wall
lane, 9.5 a.m. & 3.30 k 7.25 p.m. ; sundays, 6.45 p.m
two carvings in low relief, and the date 1607: there
are memorial windows to Mary, wife of C. J. H.
IVER HEATH is an ecclesiastical parish, formed July
Tower esq. d. 1865, Christopher Tower esq. of Hunts- 22, 1862, out of a portion of this parish. The church of
more Park, d. 1884, Lady Sophia Frances (Brownlow- St. Margaret is a structure of brick, faced with flint, in
Oust), his wife, d. 21 Dec. 11882, and another, erected the Early Decorated style, and consists of chancel and
by the late Lt.-Col: Charles Meeking, to his wife, two nave, with a low embattled tower on the south side con­
sons and daughter : a handsome reredos and oak panel­ taining a clock and 2 bells:there areten stained windows :
ling in the sanctuary, the gift of thelateLt.-Col. Charles the chancel floor has been relaid, and a new table and
Meeking, was erected in 1892 to his mother, Mrs. Meek­ marble steps provided at the cost of Mrs. Summers and
ing, of Riching.s Park : during the period 1896-8 a new her sister, Miss Whip: the church affords 300 sittings.
organ and heating apparatus were provided, the west The register dates from the year 1862. The living is a
gallery removed, and a new oak lobby,vestry and stair­ rectory, net yearly value £200, with 4J acres of glebe
case to the tower erected at a total cost of over £1,000: and residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Oxford and
there are 450 sittings. The register dates from the two trustees, and held since 1902 by the Rev. George
year 1605. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value Harold Culshaw M.A. U
} Oxford. The
f Exeter
-s 2 QOO acres.
£168, with residence, in the gift of the trustees of the Iarea of the ~
Heath porti’on of* the pari-shi
Eichings estates, and held since t9ox by the Rev. Ithe population in 1911 was 779.
n t j .
???Gilliat VI.A.of Magdalen
College. a village hall, formerly theold national schools, was
Uxford. A village hall was opened in 1881. and there is1open'ed in 1902.
also a Wesleyan mission hall. The Cottage Hospital. | Sexton, Tver Heath. William Cooper,
opened in 1863 f°r the parishes of Iver, Langley and
Denham, has beds for 9 patients and is supported by Post, M. 0 .k T. Office, Iver Heath.— Alfred B. Bridge,
voluntary contributions. The number of in-patients for sub-postmaster. Letters received through Uxbridge
the year ending March, 1914, was 93. The Home for at 7.25 & 11.40 a.m. & 7.55 p.m. ; sundays. 7.25
a.m.; disp,
atched at 7
Aged Poor, built in 1898 as a memorial to the Rev. W.
- k 11.40 a.m. & 6.15 k 7.35
■S.Ward, vicar 1835-89 and his family, is for the recep- r>
J-45 P-m
Don of seven aged parishioners, viz. one couple and five Po,lce Station. John Cleary, sergeant in charge, k 3
single persons. The poor’s allotments of 37 acres yield constables
£23 16s. yearly for fuel; SaveTs’ charity of £30,
interest of £1,000, is for bread, and others amount to <Elementary, built in 1897 for 200 boys, 200 girls and 135
£25 yearly. Courts leet and baron are held every two infants; George Stone, master ; Miss Ada Wallis, mid­
years. The County Constabulary station, opened in tress; Miss Elizabeth Jane Neale, infants’ mistress
»901, has two cells.' and quarters for the sergeant in Elementary, Iver Heath (mixed), built in 1897, & en­
large and one constable. Ricliings Park, now the larged in 1906, for 214 children; W. W. Ounsworth.
seat of Mrs. Herbert Johnson and formerly in the master; Mrs. F. S. Pratt, mistress; Miss Cart-wright,
possession of Lord Bathurst and the Duchess of Somer- infants’ mistress
set was the resort of Pope and the wits of his age; one !Carriers.— Alfred Lake, Iver to Uxbridge & West DTay11 S ^alks is?fci11 kncmn.
the name of “ Pope’s; ton, sundays excepted, & ErnestSimmonds.
Bangors is the residence of Tonman Mosley Heath, to Uxbridge, tues. thurs. & sat
Marked * letters received through |Browning Fredk. Summers,Grasmere jCulshaw Rev. George Harold M.A.
Colnbrook, Slough.
;Buckland Frederick John, The Nook I Iver Heath rectory
pbivatr residents.
jChadds Major Harry, Delaford
~ ’
Darling ”
Mrs. Sandstone
t wm Charles, Delaford park
:Choulas Leonard, Winchfield house
de Salis Henry Rodolph J.P. Ivy
J 7 a" Miss.The Red cot.Iver Heath ICoe Charles. Highfield, Iver Heath
lodge. Heath
^gar Mrs. Little coppice
'Clowes Miss. Sunnyside
Dickson Harry, The Brambles. Iver
™?fbert' Wo0il Lanp farm
Coney Richard. Callow Hill house, Heath
g is William John. The Bungalow ; Iver Heath
Drought John Armstrong Head,
Col. William Francis Y.D., Connell James, Old Orchard
Delaford manor
p/C Ancoats, Iver Heath
!Cook Arthur S. F. The Cedars
Edward“ James Dosell. St John’s.
Bonner Henry. Grovehurst
Corbould John Ed. Mansfield house, Iver Heath
-gs Sidney Gporge, The Orchard' Tver Heath
Garrard George H. Lambourne.HeEtb