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d ib e c t o k y . ]
Folley Alfred, farm er, Manor farm
| G ray W m . farm er,
W aterlands farm | Bose H ugh D. farm er, V illa g e farm
E N S T O N E , on the river G lym e and the road from |
Bicester to Chipping Norton, is an extensive parish and 1 ? h l I ag M hiOUS0 " aS ere(;tl!d in -836 by the Bev. Joseph
village, 5 miles south-east from C hipping Norton station | S ib ley M .A. vicar 1830 until his death, 28 A p ril, 1840,
on the Banbury and C heltenham branch of the G reat >on a site given by Charles Henry, 14th V iscoSnt Dillon
0 contrâ buted towards its erection,
Western railway and 4 north-east from C h arlbury sta- I r A Si â
tion on the Oxford and W olverham pton section of tin- iiv ?harSl i p we o a fountain- erected from designs
same line, 15 m iles north-w est from Oxford and about I e L J t V
*">⢠R A ' « ® m em orial to
n0 from London. T h e parish includes the ham lets of j » A i s .
- E dw ard M arshall. d
Church Enstone, N eat Enstone, Lidstone, C halford 1 1856. The -C h u rch E sta te,â of 68 acres of land
Cleveley, Gagin&well, Radford, Broadstone and part of I now vested in feoffees, produces, w ith cottages, about
Ditchley, and is in the N orthern division of the county, j ¿ 6 0 yearly for the repair of the c h u rc h : â M artenâs "
hundred and p etty sessional division of Chadlington,â I or â the Beef E sta te ,â purchased w ith / 12 0 left
union and county court district of Chipping N ortonâ, by Benjam in M arten, of B edford, who died 4 Feb.
rural deanery of Chipping N orton and archdeaconry and 1715-16, consists of 7a. ar. in Kiddington parish, and in
diocese of Oxford. T h e church of St. E dw ard theâ Con the ham let of Gngingwell. value ¿ 6 yearly, is for disÂ
fessor (originally dedicated to St. K en elm ) is a very tribution m beef. The Dean and Chapter of C h rist
ancient edifice of stone, reb u ilt and extensively added Church, Oxford, are the im propriate recto rs: the ancient
to at various tim es, notably in or about the years 1170, rectory barn, still standing, bears an alm ost obliterated
1280 and in 1320, when it is m ost probable that the inscription in Latin recording its erection by W alter de
re-dedication took p la c e : the church now consists of Wymfortom, abbot of Winchcombe, in 1382, at th e p etiÂ
chancel, clerestoried nave, aisles, south porch with tion of B obert Mason, bailiff of this place. T h e Poor's
parvise over, and an em battled western tower of P e r Allotm ent of 14a. ir. 7p . is in the hands of trustees. The
pendicular date (1531-46), containing a clock, presented Cromlech, called the â E n tastan ,â or â the G iantâs S tone,â
by Mrs. Oakley, of Enstone, in 1857, and 6 bells, all from which the name Enstone is derived, is an ancient
recast in 1831 by T aylor, of O xford, and a sm all bell Draidical remain consisting of three stones, one of which
rehung in 1769: the existin g church incloses the site of stiU rem aining u p righ t is nearly 11 feet high, 7 feet
the more ancient church of St. K enelm , bounded on the wide, and about 3 feet 6 inches in thickness. Viscount
east by the present church, at the end of which portions Dillon, who is lord of the m anor, O riel College, Oxford
of its eastern wall still re m a in : the east windows of E dw ard B . M arshall esq. A lb ert B rassey esq. and M râ
the chancel and side chapel are s ta in e d : th e nave is A . Bell are th e principal landowners. T h e soil is stone
separated from the aisles by arcades of four arches on b ra s h ; subsoil, brash rock. The ch ief crops are w heat,
either side, those on the north side being E a rly Eno-lish, barley and roots. The en tire area of the p arish is
on alternate round and octagonal piers, while the south 6,245 acres; rateable value, ¿ 5 ,1 8 8 ; the population
in 1911 was 932.
arcade is Transition N o rm a n : the south aisle retains
two piscinae, a plain stone altar w ith reredos, c. 1410.
and an effigy of painted stone to Stevens W isdom , d. 23
C L E V E L E Y is i m ile south-east from C h urch E n Â
April, 1633: the south doorway, the oldest portion of the stone and has a B ap tist chapel, erected in 1871, and an
ohurch now entire, is fine Norman, w ith bold moulding-: ancient house of the 13th cen tu ry belonging to the
the porch is vaulted and has in its east w all a wooden church estate.
bracket, with an iron rin g ahd chain attached to i t : the
tower is stunted and heavy, being only 53 feet in h e ig h t:
N E A T E N S T O N E , sometimes called Road Enstone,
it occupies one entire b ay of the original nave, destroyed from the circum stances of the high road to B irm ingham
in order to acquire the necessary breadth in th a t direc and W orcester passing through it, is half a m ile south
tion : iti the nave are floor stones inscribed to John here*
Enstone. There is a sm all W esleyan c-hapel
Beckingham S .T .P . vicar, d. 6 Dec. 1686 ; Daniel Stacy
D.D. vicar, 1708, until his death, 20 April, 17 2 1; and
G A G IN G W E L L , 2 m iles north-east, contains the r e Â
Abigail, wife of the Rev. W illiam Wilcockson B .A. curate,
1734: on a corner buttress of the porch is a m arble slab m ains of an ancient cross, consisting of a portion of the
to John Naylor B.D. vicar, 1689-1704, d. 29 June, 1704: shaft, raised on three steps : th e spring, or w ell, from
and m the churchyard is the tomb of th e R ev George which this h am let derives its nam e, is said never to
Sheppard, vicar, d. 8 M arch, 1784: and Hannah, his wife, fail even in the driest seasons. Lidstone, i j m iles west,
1793: and there are, or were, m any inscribed stones to has a P rim itive M ethodist chapel, erected in 1874, and
the Cole, Eyans, and M arshall fa m ilie s : the com m union in a field called â R oundhill,â above the village, is an
plate includes a cup w ith cover, g j inches in height, ancient tum ulus. Chalford, 3 m iles west, on the G lym e.
dated 1580; a silver paten, dated 1672, and a silver flagon has three tu m u li, and here also was once a chapel.â
given m 1867 by A rthur, 16th Viscount Dillon and Ellen,
P arish C lerk and Sexton, Joseph Hawtin.
tas wife: a new lectern was given in 1892 b y the present
Viscount Dillon, in m em ory of his father, A rth ur Edm und
RADFO RD is 2% m iles east, and u ntil 1624 had a chapel
Denis, 16th Viscount, and in 1898 a m em orial window was of the C hurch of E n glan d ; th ere is now a C atholic
erected in the south aisle by Viscount Dillon and the church in this hamlet, erected in 1841, with an attached
late Hon Conrad A. Dillon to th eir m other, Ellen, Vis- convent and dav school conducted bv the Sisters of
cmntess Dillon^ who died
in 1896; th e window was de C h an ty of S t. P au l: both Clevelev and Radford are on
lta* lâ p y
+ â
W estIa!Ãe esq. F .S .A . and represents the Glyme.
was W all L e tte r Box, R adford, cleared at 7 a.m . & 4.10 p.m .
a r e fu fly
r e taÃ
s t o 10no
ed â .
m d 6 rthe
^ church
week days only
vesfprn â n G ' K
StTeet eslJthe
lie so tig ar7 â er6cted
in 1700-1, was removed, Post, M. 0 . & T . Office. E nstone (letters should have
Oxon added).â John A dam s, sub-postm aster. Lettere
a n d a r la - â 5 , roofed anewâ a new st0Ile P^P-t
iuc , 1 , ' f,
? introduced, and other repairs, includarrive at 4.30 a.m . & 1.25 p.m . week days ; 4.30 a m~
Sundays; dispatched a t 11 a.m . & 9.40 p .m ; S u n Â
at the
à " i 4, effeot6d : the chancel was refitted
days, 9.40 p .m . L e tters for C h alfo rd th ro u g h â C h ip Â
are e l f â ?*â¢
7 the rect° ra, a t a cost of ¿ 5 0 : there
p in g Norton
lib ra ry
S ° m o Tolum °s of th e old parochial
MartvVs râl
^ a ,l6 th ?e n tu I7 edition of F ox âs Book of
chained h
1 kep t in the north aisle, and some W all L e tter B ox, C hurch Enstone, cleared at 10.20 a.m
& 7.25 p .m . week days only
from the V â are Sti1! Preseryed. T h e registers date
to have hi.ear J ' 1-'6' t111^ UP to th e year 1603 appear Police Station, W alter R. H udson, constable in charge
there . . . f
transcribed from some earlier record:
and . 1
i overseersâ accounts from 1660 to 1773,
charity estate r
ctm tai" n g tb e accounts of the
collection ref e
T - ,I 7° ° ! ° i8 3 x : besides a valuable E lem en tary (boys & g irls), N eat Enstone, b n ilt in 1875,
& enlarged in 1897, for 130 ch ild ren ; G eorge G lover
about cn in P ^ ^ i a l charters
and other documents,
m aster
The liviâ " numb<T, dating from A .D . 1295 to A .D . 1588.
'Indine S , â ⢠arage, n«t yea rly value ¿2 10 , in- E lem en tary (infants), C hurch Enstone, to w h ich a porch
was added in 1890, for 60 c h ild re n ; Miss E m ily
°r Visrannt 5vnS ° 8
r6sidence, in the gift
Vance, m istress
w¡lliam Jad
i iand heId since
b-v the E p t T>* im n ro n rlt? Pa.â m er M 'A ' of ° * tord U niversity, C atholic, Radford, conducted by the Sisters of C h arity
cnuibe Abtav * rectory, form erly belonging to W inchof St. P a u l; average attendance, 25
ChrLf r u '
^ â ° UC0Sf,®rshire, is now the property
E m o te d w
â 0 xfo rd â
possess the great tithes,
an annua] rent-charge of ¿1,244. Tbe
Carrie-r.â H enry Som erton, from C h urch
Banbury, thnrs. ; Oxford, wed. & sat