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O X F O R D S H IR E .



Collier W illiam M.A'., M.D. physician, S t. M ary’s entry, C oun ty Borough of Oxford Insurance C om m ittee (R e g i­
Radcliffe square
nald W . Thornton, clerk ), 38 Queen street
C o l li n s J . &• C o . L i m i t e d , carriage builders & motor C ounty C lub (H ugh N. Davenport M .A . hon. sec.),
engineers, 18 M agdalen street (T N 509), garage &
Clarendon hotel, C om m arket street
experienced engineer, A lfred lane, S t. G iles’ ; & at C ounty C ourt Office (His Honor Judge R adcliffe K . C . ;
Faringdon, Berks
A rth u r G erald H iggs, reg istrar A h igh bailiff), B ath
Collins Ann (M rs.), univ. lo dging ho. 48 S t. John st
court, New road
Collins E lizabeth Ann (M iss), university lodgin g house, County Hall (G eorge Lloyd, hall keeper), N ew road
28 Richm ond road, S t. Thom as’
C oun ty M edical Officer of H ealth (C harles Coles M .D .,
Collins Thom as S tanley, u n iv ersity lo dgin g house, 8
D .P.H .Lon d. C oun ty offices, New road
King E dw ard street
C ounty Offices, N ew road
Collins W alter (M rs.), ladies’ sem inary, 92 Abingdon rd C ounty of Oxford T erritoria l Force Association (M ajor
Collins W alter W m . teacher of m u sic, 92 Abingdon rd
W . L . M elville L ee M .A. sec.) ; office, 20 M agdalen st
Collis Paul, tailo r, 62 Marston street, Cowley St. John
C oun ty of Oxford W eigh ts A Measures Office (R. D.
Colston J. R. A Co. electric light engineers, 3 New
Doubleday, inspector) (stam pin g days, Saturday 11 till
Inn Hall street
3), C oun ty offices, New road
Comparative A natom y D epartm en t (Professor G ilb ert C oun ty Police (L ieu t.-C ol. the Hon. E .A .H olm es a’C ourt,
Charles Bourne M .A .), U niversity m useum , Parks rd
chief constable), Station , N ew road
Compton Susan (M rs.), university lodging house, 25 A County W indow C leauin g A C arp et B eating C om pany,
27 Museum road
36 Princes street, S t. Clem ent's
Compton W illiam , ironm onger, 100 St. A ldate’ s street
C o u rt Geo. F rd k .ch em ist,36 L ittle Clarendon s t.S t.G ile s ’
Constable E liza (M rs.), plum ber, 25 C hurch st.S t.E b b e’s C ourt H anburv, com m ercial traveller, 52 B otley road
Convent of the H oly C hild Jesus (Rev. Mother, Cousins, Thom as A Sons, ch em ists, 20 M agdalen street
superior), C herw ell Edge, St. Cross road, H olywell
A 2 A 63 B an bury road, S t. G ile s’
Convent of the S isters of the Love of God, D aubeny rd
Cousins D. C ., M .A. p rivate tu to r, 123 H igh street
Convent of the Sisters of N azareth, 99 Cowley road
Cousins Frederick, shopkeeper, 13 H igh st. S t. Thom as
Convent of the S ociety of th e H oly A Undivided TriniH C ousins H enry, painter A house decorator, 54 W alton
(Miss E lla M ary Boddington, m oth er superior), Woodcrescent, S t. Thom as’
stock road, St. G iles’ A 85 St. John’s road, S t. G iles’
C oveaton C h arles A rth ur M .R .C .S ., L .R .C .P . physician
Cook Ann (M rs.), grocer, 56 St. G iles’ street
A surgeon, m W oodstock road, S t. G ile s’
Cook Bessie (M rs.), university lo dgin g ho.62 H olywell st Cowley M ark Jam es, furn itu re rem over, see A rch er, C ow ­
Cook Elizh. (M rs.), univ. lo dgin g ho. 130 W alton st
ley A Co
Cook Geo. jobbing gardnr. 260 Banbury rd.Sum m ertow n Cox Joseph A Son, chim ney sweeps, 64 B ullingdon road,
Cook Geo. W m . apartm ents, 65 Southm oor rd. S t.G ile s ’
Cowley S t. John
Cook J. E . upholsterer, 77 B lackfriars rd. S t. E bb e’s
Cox C lifford Coltm an, surveyor of custom s A excise, 15
Cook Jam es, dining rooms, 4 C astle street
St. G iles' street
Cook L illa(M iss),m asseuse, 230 B an bury rd.S um m ertw n Cox E d g ar G eorge, join er, 12 C ircu s st.C ow lev St. John
Cooke G. A Co. tobacconists A cigar m erchan ts, hair Cox E m ily (M rs.), laundress, 36 H ythe B ridge street,
dressers A to ilet saloon. 49 H igh street.
See a d ­
S t. Thom as’
v e rt is e m e n t p a g e 3 7
C ox Fan n y E lizabeth (M iss), apartm en ts, 42 Southm oor
Cooke Charles H enry, shopkeeper, 18 A lb ert st. Jericho
road, S t. G ile s’
Cooke Frederick, beer retailer, 47 W ellington st. Jericho Cox Francis John, b utcher, 224 C owley road
Coombe W illiam M. shopkeeper, 72 S t. C lem en t’s street Cox F ran cis W illiam , beer reta ile r, 48 S t. C lem en t’s st
Coombes Stanley G eorge, E ast G ate hotel, 73 H igh st
C ox Francis W illiam A . ch im n ey cleaner, 5 Union st.
Coombs E m m a A . A Isabel (M isses), typ ew ritin g, short­
St. C lem en t’s
hand A d u p licatin g office, 119a, H igh street. S e e Cox John, ju n . sweep, 15 P ercy st. C ow ley S t. John
a d v e r t i s e m e n t p a g re 5 7
Cox Joseph, C rick eters’ A rm s P.H . 43 Iffley road
Coombs Em m a (M rs.), confectioner, 22 Richm ond road, Cox L ilia n (M iss), dress m a. ix O bservatory st.S t.G ile s ’
St. Thom as’
C oxeter A Sons L im ited , m otor g arag e, 40 P ark End
Cooper Frank L im ited , m arm alade A jam m an u factr.
street, S t. Thom as’
Victoria buildings
C ran e Hv. Owen (tru stee of), p lu m b er, M ansfield road
Cooper John A Son, fru iterers, 20 Th e M arket
C rapper Chas. John, baker, 59 W estern road, G randpont
Cooper Bertie, grocer, 45 B ullingdon rd.C ow ley St. John Crapper John W illiam , clothes cleaner, 21 O bservatory
Cooper Cissie (M iss), costum ier, 33 W alton street
s treet, S t. G ile s’
Cooper E rnest Chas. grocr. A post off. 31 P ark End st
Crapper W illiam H enry, carm an A contractor, 75 W oodCooper Frank, italian warehousem an, 83 A 84 H igh st
stock road, St. G iles’
Cooper George H enry, h ygienic baker, 13 M agdalen st. C rawford Joseph Henry, painter, 30 C hester st. Iffley road
A 5 George s t r e e t ; bakery, 55 H igh st. S t. Thom as’
C raw ley E velyn W illiam , u n iv ersity lo d g in g house, 29
Cooper G eorge Randle, ironm onger, tool m erchant,
Richm ond road. S t. Thom as’
hardwareman A general sundriesm an. 41, 42 A 43 St. C raw ley Sam i.F rdk.boot m a.13 Leopold st.C ow leySt.John
Ebbe's street (T el. No. 525) A 237 B anbury road, C reasev G eorge John, fishm onger, 17, 18 A 19 Th e
Summertown. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t p a g r e 51
M arket A fishm onger A gam e dealer, N orth Parade
Cooper H arry, corn m er. W orcester st. St. T hom as’
avenue, St. G iles’
Cooper John, shopkeeper, 14 H igh street, S t. Thom as’
C ridland F rederick Jam es, coach b u ild er, L ittle C laren ­
Cope W illiam H enry, tailor, 13a, Blue Boar street
don street, St. G iles’
Copeman Susan (M iss), m asseuse, 82 S t. John’ s road, Cripps A lbert F rederick, w ardrobe dealer, 31 H urst
St. Giles’
street, C ow ley S t. John A 2 Q ueen’s lane
Copsev A Co. hair dressers, 115 S t. A ldate’ s street
C ripps A rth ur F rederick, draper, 67 A 68 S t. A ld a te’s st
Cork Ellen (M iss), apartm ents, 8 W alton street
C ritch ley. LeAvis A W ard, chartered accountants, 41 A
Com Exchange (A lderm an H. W . W . W oodward, cu ra­
42 Corn m arket street
tor), George street
C rocker F rederick W m . beer reta iler, 42 C astle street
Cornish Jas. m arket gardnr. 93 F airacres rd. Iffley rd Cross A G ouldin g, carvers A designers, 31 A 32 St.
Corp George Robert, com m ercial traveller, 128 S ou th ­
A ldate’s st. A fu rn itu re m akers, 1. 2 A 3 Pem broke st
field road, C ow ley S t. John
Cross A Sons, m otor engineers, 6 H ythe B ridge street,
Corpus Christi College (Thom as Case M .A. president),
St. T h om as’
Merton street
Cross Frederick E . corn dealer, 93 S t. C lem ent’s street
Corpus Hall, Merton street
Cross Jam es, boot repairer, 70 W alton street
Costar Mary (M iss), aparts. 76 K in g ston rd. St. G ile s’
C ross Jn. W m . h air dresser,i8 C harles st.C ow leySt.Joh n
Cotterell Joseph, grocer, 246 C ow ley road
Crozier F ran cis, beer retailer, 101 S t. A ldate’s street
o t t o n E l m e r , tobacconist, A ath letic outfitter, 18 C rozier S am uel, accountant, 4 G rove street
Turl street
C rum p E m ily (M iss), ap artm en ts, 61 Iffley road
Couldrey Frederick W m . hair dresser, 17 G eorge st
C ruse F rederick , m otor garage, N orham mews
Louldrey James John, plum ber, 16 G loucester street
Cudd H arold .Tames. A bingdon A rm s P.H . 7 M arket st
ouling A Son, paperhangers, 34 G loucester green
C uddeford A gnes (M iss), univ. lo d g in g ho. 8 G rove st
Louling W illi am A Son, paperhanger, 8a, W orcester st. C um m in gs C h a s.d a irym a n ,17 L it. Clarendon s t.S t.G ile s ’
5 C Thomas’
Cum m ings Esther(M rs.),shopk,pr. 8 C ranham ter.J erich o
ouling Fred, paperhanger, 16 G loucester green
C um m in gs W illiam , Donnington A rm s P.H . 149 Howard
ouling Hy. Bert, decorator, 52 G t. Clarendon st.Jericho
street, C ow ley St. John
'Ouling John, news agent, 266 C owley road
Cunningham "Walter, apartm en ts, 167 W alton street
Lounsell H erbert E dw ard M .A ., F .R .C .S .E n g . surgeon, C urators of th e U niversity C h est (W. B. Gam len M .A
3 7 Broad street A 4 M agdalen street
sec.), Clarendon building, B road street