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Capital & Counties Bank L im ited (branch) H igh street
& (sub-branch) Station road (A rth ur K id d all, m a n g r .) ;
draw on head office, 39 Threadneedle st. London E C
Carrut-hers E . & Co. drapers, H un tley cottage, B arin g rd
Cem etery (F red erick H. M yers, supt)
Central M eat Co. b utchers, London End
Charsley A rth u r E dm und W ebster, solicitor & com ­
missioner for o a th s; clerk to th e m agistrates for the
Burnham hundred & to com m issioners of Land T a x ;
coroner for Beaconsfield division of South B ucks,
H igh street. T N 84
Cheale & Co. drapers, London End & 3 Broadway
Child W illiam , coal m erchant, A ylesb ury End
Children’s Convalescent Home (M iss Enna Meats,
m atron), London End. T N 37
Chiltern H ills Land Co. (A. C. Frost, sec.), S tation gates
Clark E m m a (M iss), china dealer, London End
Clarke-Cohen E dw ard M .D ., M .R .C .S ., L .R .C .P . p h y­
sician & surgeon, Station road. T N 49
Coleman Percy, plum ber, London End
Council H all, Statio n road
Day & Son, general drapers & outfitters, fam ily grocers
& agents for W . & A . G ilb ey L im ited , w ine & spirit
mers. & british wines, M arket pi. & A ylesb ury End
Day A u g u stu s, furnitu re warehouse, A ylesb u ry End
Dudley Edward R. gam ekeeper to L o rd Burnham
East J. & Son, carriage builders, w heelw rights &c.
A ylesb ury End
Eastman & Son L im ited , dyers & cleaners, B u rk e’s
parade, Station Toad
Edwards A nnie C. (M iss) & Cox Dorothy F raser (M iss),
private school, S t. A nne’s, Station road
E llis F rederick, cycle dealer, London End
Evans W alter, sm ith, A ylesb ury E nd
Falkner J.W .& Sons,builders, B u rk e’s ch m brs.Station rd
Flemons John Kenneth, confectioner, 6 Broadway
Fletcher Robert, china dealer, W ycom be End
Frost A lfred C . auctioneer, surveyor & estate agent,
Station gates. T N 12
G arrett D avid, beer retailer, W ycom be End
Gee G eorge A. fru iterer, 9 Broadway
Gerrard’s Cross & D istrict E lectrical Co. L im ited , elec­
trical engineers, 8 Broadway
Gibbings Charles E dw in & Co. builders, W est dene,
Reynolds Toad
Gibbons A u gu stu s,
auctioneer, B u rk e’s cham bers,
Station road. T N 17
Gibson Jam es B aily, solicitor, London E n d. T N 2
Giles C harles, outfitter, London End
Gower A lb ert L . postm aster, W ycom be End
Gram shaw E rn est H arry, saddler, W indsor End
Green Henry, G reyhound P.H. W indsor End
Grey B. J. & Co. cycle m akers &c. B arin g road
Griffin T h os.E d w d.fru itr.W ycom b eE n d & Station apprch
Grover A lice R. (M rs.), boot m aker, A ylesb u ry E nd
G urney’s, land agents, Burke's cham bers, Station road
Hall Barn E state Office (Capt. Richard Spencer B ritten ,
agent), H olloway house. T N 33
H allett W alter, gam ekeeper to M ajor W . B. D u P re
M .P., D .L ., J.P
Hansen V aldem ar, nurserym an & seedsman & landscape
gardener, Station approach. T N 77
Hanslow Chas. E dw d. refreshm ent room s,W ycom be End
Harding Joseph E . & Son, farm ers, W ilton park &
Oldfield’s farm s
Harding E rnest, shopkeeper, W ycom be End
Hare^W. & C. farm ers
Harris Jam es, chim ney sweep, London E nd
Hine Jam es (M rs.), farm er, Jennings farm
Hinton Dick, Swan P.H . London End
Hitchcock A lfd. E rnest,p lum br.Lon don E n d& iStation par
Hogarth H arry G. solicitor, & clerk to th e U rban D is­
trict Council, London E nd
Holloway & Co. solicitors, S tatio n road. T N 26
Holloway F rederick H enry Cloudesley, solicitor
Holloway Leonard Cloudesley, solicitor (Holloway & Co)
Hooper W illiam , insurance agent, H ig h street
International T ea C o.’s Stores Ltd.London E nd. T N 99
James W alter R. tobacconist, B u rk e’s parade. S tation rd
Jaycock Geo. tobacconist & hair dresser, London E nd
Johnson Geo. gdnr. to Lord Burnham , H all Barn gdns
Joiner Algernon E. fishm onger, 7 Broadway
Jones Edith (M rs.), dress m aker, B urke’s par.S tation rd
Kiddall A rth u r, m anager to the C ap ital & Counties
Bank & treasurer to the Urban D istrict Council
K ing Jeanette & Sarah (M isses), b utch ers, London End
Lane Thom as F. Royal W hite H art hotel
Lee A lfred F rederick, collector of taxes (attends thursdays & Saturdays), 34 A ylesb u ry End
London County & W estm inster Bank Lim ited (sub­
branch) (W . M. N orm an, m an ager), Penn r o a d ;
draw 011 head office, 41 L o th bu rv, London E C



London & South W estern Bank Lim ited (branch) (T.
W . Shilcock, m an ager), Station parade; draw on
head office, 170 Fenchuroh street E C
L o vell Y . J. & Son, b uilders, 10 B roadw ay
Lovelock Jam es, bftilder, G ertie cottage, G regories road
M aidenhead D istrict L a u n d ry Co. Lim ited (receiving
office), 5 H igh street
M ayne & Sons, cycle dealers, B urke’s parade, Station
road. T N 89
M eighan E d ith (M rs.), n u rse; m assage, m an icu re &
hair drill a s p e c ia lity ; appointments made to suit
patients, Town H all b uildin gs, S tation road
Meighan Jam es, tobacconist. Town H all b ld g s. Station rd
M iller R ich ard H enry, saddler, London End
M olyneux E dw ard P aul, p rivate school for boys, Torbryan, Curzon avenue
M orford’ s Stores, who. & reta il grcrs. London End. TN 4
M uir R obert G. architect, B urke's chm brs. Station rd
M yers F rederick Howard, assistant overseer & rate
collector, P ark lane
M yers Legender W . arch itect, see B urgess & Myers
Nash G eorge, b uilder, C ottage Homes estate
New ell F rederick, baker, London End
Nicholls Joseph, fancy draper, 6 S tation parade
Nicklinson F ran k , beer retailer, W indsor End
N u tt H arold J. estate agent, Station approach
N u tt Joseph, coal m erchant &c. Station apprch. T N 58
O liver W illiam G ran t L .D .S .E n g . den tist, E n dsleigh ,
Station road. T N 108
O ttaw ay Jam es, beer retailer, London End
P alm er W illiam F. butcher. 3 Station parade. T N 32'
Patchin G eorge, m etallu rg ist, Cliveden. B arin g road
Penfold F red B ailey L.D.S. & M.R.C.S.Eng. dentist,
Steyn in g, Station road
P erfect Harry, boot m aker, Wycombe End
Perrym an Row land, corn & coal dealer, London End &
Station approach
A rth u r
G eorge
M .D .Lon d .,
M .R .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . physician & surgeon
(firm . Bienem ann, Pocock & Ronaldson), Sunnvside.
T N 6
Poole W alter, fru iterer, 2 Station parade
Poyser Ernest B .news agent. Town H all b ld g s. Station rd
P rim e John W . stationer, Post office, S tation parade &
W ycom be E nd. T N 65
R eadin g (The) Room s & L ib ra ry (A u gu stu s D ay, hon.
sec.), H igh street
Reeves G ilb ert E. shopkeeper, A ylesb u ry End
R etreat House (Rev. W. B. T revelyan , w arden), The
Y ew s, London E n d. T N 40
Robarts John, d airym an , 4 Broadw ay
Roberts H orace, jobm aster & carrier, A ylesb u ry End &
Station road. T N o n
R odwell G eorge, gardener to F ran cis R eck itt esq. J.P
R olfe John & R ob ert, auctioneers & surveyors,
A ylesb ury End
Rolls Bros. Ltd . house furn ishers, i r B roadw ay. T N 79
Ronaldson Jam es Bruce, ju n . M .B ., B .C ., L.R.C.P.
Lon d., M .R .C .S .E n g . physician & surgeon (firm ,
Bienem ann, Pocock & Ronaldson), H ardenge, Penn
road. T N 71
Rowe Richard A rth u r, boot m aker, W ycom be End
Royal W h ite H a r t H otel (Thom as F. Lane), family
& com m ercial house & head q uarters of th e “ R. A. C.”
& “ A . A . ” (T N 5 ) . “ A t Beaconsfield I w ent to the
W hite H art.”
(See t; Referee,” J u ly 31st, 1892.
Sargeant H arry, surveyor to U rban D istrict Council,
S utherland, B arin g road
Sharp E dw ard John, W h ite H orse P .H . London E n d
Shilcock T. A. W . m anager to London & South Western
Bank L im ited , S tation parade
Sm ith W illiam , boot & shoe m aker, 3 W arw ick road
Snell E. S. & Sons, tailors, W indsor End
South Bucks Conservative & U nionist Association
(Beaconsfield & H edgerley Dean branch) (E . A . Win-r
grove, sec)
South Bucks H ardw are Co. L td . gen eral ironm ongers,
Th e Parade. T N 19
S p rin gell F ran k , hair dresser, 1 W arw ick road
S till G eorge W illiam , Royal Saracen’s Head hotel
Stonnell E dw ard M .P .S . chem ist & d ru g g is t; every kind
of optical & photographic req uisite kept in stock or
obtained to order, London E nd. T N 14
S tyles H enry E liab , p rin ter, see Y a rn e ll & Styles
Thorp Sam uel, grocer, 5 Station parade
T ilb u ry E dw ard W . builder, W ycom be End
Town H all Co. Beaconsfield (B ucks) L im ite d , Station paT
T rick ey W illie W alier M acey, plu m ber, London End
Trip p H ubert John, sm ith & farrier, A ylesb ury End