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D IR E C T O R Y .]
Crawleyâ North
Fenny Stratford
G ayhurst
Petsoe Manor
Shenley Church End
Stoke Goldington
Linfordâ G reat
Linfordâ L ittle
Milton Keynes
Newport Pagnell
Newton Blossomville
Newton Longville
Tyringham -with-Filgra ve
W arrington (hamlet)
W ater Eaton (ham let)
Weston Underwood
W oburn Sands
Woolstoneâ G reat
Woolstoneâ L ittle
Olney Park
W in s l o w
U n io n .
Claydonâ E ast
Marstonâ North
Drayton Parslow
M ursley-with-Salden
Shenley Brook End (ham let)
Hoggeston, or Hogston
Stew kley
Horwoodâ G reat, w ith-Single-Tattenhoe
Horwoodâ L ittle
W y c o m b e U n io n .
M arlowâ G reat
Chepping W ycom be R ural
Hampdenâ G reat & L ittle
Kimbleâ G reat & L ittle
Marlow Urban
M arlowâ Little
Monks Risborough
Princes Risborough
W ycom beâ High
W ycom beâ West
The hundreds of Burnham , Desborough and Stoke form
the Chiltern hundreds, the stewardship of which is take;
by members as an office under Governm ent in order t
vacate a seat in Parliam ent.
The following is a list of the hundreds in the county
with the parishes contained in them â
Hundred of A shendon:â Ashendon, Aston Sandford
Boarstall, Brill, Chearsley, Chilton, Dinton (part of), Dor
ton, E ast Claydon, F leet Marston, Grendon Underwood
Grandborough, H ogshaw -w ith-Fulbrook, Illm er, K in gs
wood, Long Crendon, Ludgershall, M iddle Claydon, Nethe:
Winchendon, N orth Marston, Oakley, Oving, Pitchcott
Quainton, Quarrendon, Shabbington, Shipton Lee, Stone
Towersey, Waddesdon, W estcott, Woodham, W orm inghal
and Wotton Underwood.
Hundred of A y le sb u ry :â Aston Clinton, A ylesbury,
Bledlow, Bierton-with-Broughton, Buckland, Cuddington.
Dinton (part of), Ellesborough, G reat Hampden, Great
Kimble, G reat Missenden, Haddenham, Halton, Hartwell,
Horsendon, H ulcott, L ee, L ittle Hampden, L ittle Kimble,
Little Missenden, Monks Risborough, Princes Risborough,
St. Leonardâs, Stoke M andeville, Upper Winchendon,
Wendover and W eston Turville.
Hundred of B u ck in gh a m :â A ddington, A dstock, Akeleycuin-Stockholt, Barton Hartshorn, Beacham pton, Biddleston, Bourton, Bourtonhold, B uckingham , C ham don,
Chetwode, E dgcott, Foxcotfc or Fosoott. Gawoott, Hilles-
den, Leckham pstead, Lenborough, Lillin gston e D ayrell,
Lillingstone Lovell, Maids Moreton, Marsh Gibbon, Padbury, Pounden, Prebend End, Preston B issett, Radclive,
Shalstone-with-O ldw ick, Steeple Claydon, Stowe, Thornborough, Thornton, Tingew ick, Torweston, Tw yford, W ater
Stratford and W estbury.
B u rn h a m A m ersh a m ,
Bovenny, B urnham , Chalfont S t. Giles, Chalfont S t. Peter,
Chenies or Isleham pstead Cheynes, Chesham , Chesham
Bois, Coleshill, D om ey, Fam ham Royal, 'Hedgerley Dean,
H itcham , Penn, S eer G reen and Taplow.
H undred of Cottesloe :â Aston A bb otts, Oheddington,
Choulesbury, Creslow, Cublington, Drayton Beaucham p,
Drayton Parslow, Dunton, Edlesborough, G reat Horwood,
Grove, Hardwick, Hawridge, Hoggeston, Ivinghoe, Linslade, L ittle Horwood, M arsworth, Mentmore, M ursley,
Nash, Nettleden, Pitstone, Shenley Brook End, Single| borough, Slapton, Soulbury, Stew kley, Swanbourne, T attenhoe, Weedon, Whaddon, W hitch urch, W ing, W ingrave| with-Rowsham and Winslow.
| Hundred of D esb orou gh: â Bradenham , Chipping W yj combe, Dinton (p art of), F aw ley, F in gest, G reat M arlow,
j Hambleden,
Hedsor, H igh W ycom be, H itchenden or
, Hughenden-Ibstone, Levkn or-up -H ill, L ittle M arlow, Medmenham, Radnage, Saunderton, T urville, W est Wycomb©
and Wooburn.
Hundred of Newport :â Astwood, B letchlev, Bow Brickj hill, Bradwell, B radw ell A bbey, B roughton, C alverton,
| C astle Thorpe, Chicheley, C lifton Reynes, Cold Brafield,
| Em berton, Fenny Stratford, G ayhurst, G reat B rickhill,
j G reat Linford, G reat Woolston, Hanslope, H ardm ead,
Haversham , L ath bu ry, Lavendon, L ittle Brickhill, L ittle
| Lindon, L ittle Wooiston, Loughton, M ilton Keynes,
Moulsoe, New port Pagnell, Newton Blossom ville, Newton
Longville, N orth Crawley, Olney, Olney P a rk Farm ,
Ravenstone, Shenley C hurch End, Sherington, Sim pson,
Stantonbury, Stoke Goldington, Stoke Hammond, Stony
I S tratford (east and w est sides), Tyringh am and F ilgrave,
Walton, W arrington, W ater E aton, Wavendon, W eston
Underwood, W illen, W olverton and W roughton-on-theGreen.
Hundred of S to k e :â Datchet, Ddnham, E ton, Fulm er,
H edgerley, Horton, Iver, L an gley M arish, Stoke Poges,
U pton-cum -Chalvey, W rexham and W yrardisb ury.
T h e Royal Buckingham shire H ospital, A ylesb ury,
founded in 1833, occupies a noble range of b uildin gs at the
west end of the town, the foundation stone of which
was laid in 1861. These are of red b rick, w ith stone
facings, in the Italian style, the prin cip al fron t being
about 220 feet in length, w ith a p illared p o rtic o ; on
the first floor are sm all p rivate and other wards for
special cases; the entire east w ing is occupied b v the
â V e r n e y â ward, for m en ; the w est w in g contains the
â L e e â ward, and is now (1915) being exclusively used
for soldiers; th e north wing, a la ter addition, contains
the operating theatre, X -ray, electric bath room s etc.
and sm all wards : there is also a la rg e ward for c h ilÂ
dren : in the grounds is a detached m ortu ary. The
hospital provides for 80 in -patien ts.
The R othschild
w ard, on th e ground floor, is now bein g used as the
women's ward. In the entrance hall is a b u st of th e
late Miss Florence N igh tin gale, and in the board room
are some p ortraits. Lauriston E lg re Shaw M .D .Lond.,
F.R-.C.P.Lond. con sultin g p h ysician ; Jam es B erry M .B .,
B .S.L o n d ., F .B .C .S .E n g . con sultin g su rg eo n ; John
C harles
B aker
B .A .,
M .B .L on d.,
M .R .C .S .E n g .,
L .R .C .P .L o n d . Horace Rose M .R .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .
Lond. W aldem ar Sh ipley W est M .A ., M .D., B .C .
Cam b. Thom as Perrin M .D., M .S.L o n d ., F .R .C .S .E n g .,
L .R .C .P .L o n d . and W illiam J. A shby M .D ., B .C h .,
B .A .O .R .U .I. surgeons in ordinary ; A rth u r Turn er
L D .S .R .C .S .E d in . dental su rg eon ;
D. C . D avie?.
Btâ C K S .