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1 '5 6
r e l l y âs
Aitken Rev. Patrick Henderson
C ity of Oxford T echn ical Schools 1
W a l t o n s t r e e t â co n tin u ed .
M .A., B.Sc , B .D., D .L itt. (uni151 Pursey Joseph A lbert, boot maker
67 Gibbs A lb ert Janies, furn. dealer
versity le ctu rer in Bibliography)
68 Handover R ev.Sidney Jam es M .A. 152 Lowe Mrs. Susannah, beer retlr
Rev. Jonathan Samuel
(chaplain of M agdalen college 153 Sim m onds A . E. & Co. grocers
(Free M ethodist)
& C hrist C h u rch & curate of St 153 Morton H. & E. undertakers
M us.D oc., M.A.
154 Horne Mrs. E lizabeth & M iss'
organist to the Univ. of Oxford
Em ile, p rivate school
70 Cross Jam es, boot repairer
Hawkins Thom as Frederick
I 155 C ross M rs. E
71 & 72 Cape F. & Co. drapeis
A tkins Edward Janson
1 156 Haynes C has.&Son,house decrtrsj
H ere is Juxon street ........... ! 157 Palm er Mrs. E liza, apartm ents !
M ilne Mrs
Pauling Asaph
73 W ilsdon H enry B enjam in
I 158 C avan W alter Leonard
Pillar L e tter Box
74 E nglish F rank, tailor
160 Bennett Thom as Jam es
H ere is Farndon road .........
101 Piper E dw in R euben, stationer
-6 H erbert C harles, tailor
78 Beazley W a lter, greengrocer
M cKee Mrs
1 161 Post Office
St. Sepulchreâs Cem etery,
162 C arter E rn est W m . univ. lodg.ho
N ix M rs. James
E rn est H enry Johnson, keeper 163 M undy E dw ard, apartm ents
T yrrell H enry Charles
3 1 Cleaver Henry, grocer
164 Pem brey John Cripps
Brew is G eorge Robert M.A.(semor
3 2 T im s Thom as H enry, cycle agent 165 Pan tin g John H enry, apartm ents
& pro-proctor at St.
167 C unningham W a lter, apartm ents
83 Breese John, fishm onger
E dm undâs hall)
168 C h arles M iss A nnie, un iv.lodg.ho
84 French G eorge, b utcher
E w art M rs
169 Sim s W illiam , univ. lo dgin g ho
85 H arrow A lfred , beer retailer
C arey Mans el
70 Mapp G eorge Hy. a p a r t m e n t s
85 Organ W illiam H enry, cab propr
Brooke A lfred
H arley W alker Mrs
H ere is W alton W ell road ....... 171 Rhodes John, riding school
L ys Rev. Francis John M .A .(b u rÂ
P otter W illiam G odfrey
E a s t side.
sar, tu to r & chaplain of W orÂ
Cook M isses
cester college) (W orcester cot)
Here is S t. John's road ..........
H ornsey M rs
H urcom b W illiam
W all L e tte r B ox
90 V icto ria P.H . A lex. Thos. Foster
....H ere is B eaum ont s tre e t........... I33 B essan t M iss
91 B ennett Miss
34 C astle W illiam Henrv
92 A ndrews Thom as
35 H urst C y ril W illiam
93 Spencer Tom
94 E dens & Co. coal merchants
W esleyan Chapel
D ivin ity road to Southfield road.
98 D ingle Robt. S. & Son. bellhangrs
102 M atthews B urton, tailor
5 T itco m b W a lter John, tailor
S outh side.
104 Money E rn est R ichd. h air dressr
19 Pollard Mrs. Jane Cath. nurse
I Johnson T hom as Edwin
105 S ku ce M rs. G ertrude B. butcher
23 R igb y Mrs. Sophia, insurance agt
3 Busby Bernard John
H ere is A delaide street .
Here is B artlem as T o a d .........
5 M illinchip Miss Ida, apartm ents
24 Sim m ons A lb ert, decorator
106 Maycock A lfred, grocer
7 W hite W alter, chiropodist
107 Lindsey W illiam L . butcher
L u c v W . & Co. Lim . engineers
:o 3 H urrellW illiam B ristow ,cycle agt
T im m s Thom as H y. m otor engm r
109 D avis F ran k & Son, dairym en
9 C hester street.
II Burrows H enry, boarding house
110 N ash John A lbert, boot warehse
13 A rth u rs G arnet, apartm ents
South -W est side.
h i Johnson Thos. & Sons, upholstrs 15 W illiam s M rs. E lizh . Ann, aparts
H ere is O bservatory street ....... 17 T u rn er M isses A da Janet & Alice 12 E arp W illiam Thos. insur. agint
18 E ag er Mrs
L ilian , apartm ents
112 K in g Thom as E dw in , tailor
36 Ford Jam es, sub-librarian to the
19 Ro dwell Mrs
113 Alden E rn est & Son, butchers
Raidcliffe library, Radcliffe
21 Robinson A lfred
114 S havler Thos. china warehouse
38 K irk b y Douglas
116 B urbank Thos. Jn. A. R . chem ist 23 Englefield Mrs
er F rederick
117 W alker Mrs. M aud M ary, grngro 25 Bolton M rs. A lbert
¡44 W rig h t John
11 3 H ughes & Sons, cabinet m akers 27 M alin H enry W illiam
Francis H artley, architeet
29 P iper F rederick
S t. P a u lâ s C hurch
54 Laurie A rth u r Henry
Sim m s John & Son, builders
Oxford E ye H ospital (PhilipE dw d.
H om er Adam s M .A ., M .B . hon. 31 T u rrill M rs. James
¡60 P ip kin G eorge C astle, builder
su rg e o n ; V . OâH ea Cusson M.B. 33 B rayn e W illiam Thom as
house s u rg e o n ; Col. A rth ur 35 G rah am Mrs
| 66 Howard Charles Joseph
37 C lare H arry
Forbes, hon. sec)
; 68 Derm an T om , insurance agent
H ere is R adcliffe row .......... 41 Browne M ontagu
i 70 B an calari Charles
N orth side.
120 V alters Mrs. M arion, news agent
Here is B edford street ........
2 B ullock Thom as, univ. lodging ho
121 P laister M iss M aud, confectioner
:2 1a, Bedford House School (Thom as 4 Howse M iss Annie, univ. lodg. ho ^72 Constable W illiam James
6 H ull M rs. H. C. un iv. lo dgin g ho 74 W est Owen
W . Robinson M .A . principal)
8 Prince M iss M ary, univ. lodg. ho I 76 Sim s Edward
123 Robinson Thom as W ., M .A
¡78 Q uelch Jam es
10 Thom as G eorge, apartm ents
124 S trange & Co. grocers
8o B urford Beynon
125 B u rch ell G eorge C am bray, tailor 12 M ansell John
I 38 Tyler-Jew Reginald
126 Howkins W illiam , jun . greengro 14 Rodwell A rth u r Joseph
G abillet V icto r
127 Solloway M ajor & Co. grocers
16 M idgley Mrs
92 Hobbs F rederick George
H ere is L it tle Clarendon street ... 18 Bossom W illiam
¡94 Handford W illiam Charles
H ere is L o n gw orth road ....... ¡96 HaynesH enry, apartments
-28 A bbs A braham , french polisher
a d v e rtis e m e n t
H ere is Southm oor road .......
N orth-east side.
page 5 7
20 Johnson R ich ard Jam es
1 Proffitt Joseph Daniel, boot ma*
129 E iles C harles, apartm ents
3 Money Percy, boot maker
130 Cook M rs.E lizh .u n iversity aparts 24 G atenby M rs
j 29 G reen Joseph Frederick
132 Tom bs M rs. Louisa, univ.lodg.ho 26 W olff G ottlieb
31 Hedges F rank
133 O stler Miss Margaret, dress ma 28 K n o tt Mrs
30 T im berlake W illiam H enry
33 H u n n isett W illiam
133 W illiam s M iss Nora, nurse
Brown Jam es
135 Sim m s M iss F rancesE llen.costm r
51 Tom s A lfred Edward
136 C larke Edwin, univ. lo dgin g ho
H att W illiam James
139 W akefield Jn. Hy. m edical electn
55 F ath ers C yril
'40 Adam s M rs. Louisa, apartm ents
(S t. G ilesâ ), 3 5 Leckford road.
S m ith M iss Jane, costunue
i i i C larke Miss E thel M ary.apartm ts
1 C larke M rs. W illiam A
79 W aters E d g ar Charles
142 Browning Mrs. S. apartm ents
2 S tan bridge M rs
81 In g W alter
143 Bennett & G oodgam v.aparts
3 G reen Rev. John H enry M .A
83 Schoon F rank
145 H arris John
4 Rowland Sim eon A lbert
85 W ebb W alter
146 L e v er Miss
6 Jarrett Mrs. Hanson
147 Ford Mrs. Rose, univ. lodgin g ho
H ere is T ack ley place ...........
148 W ilkinson Jam es R ich ard HaTry,
7 M acfarlane Miss
(S um m ertow n ), Islip r°8
university lo dging house
8 Venables Sidney G
E ast side.
149 F rench P ercy Jn. univ. lodg. ho
10 Post Office T elegrap h (Sectional
150 Horrobin John
E n g in eerâs office) (H arry A. 1Cherwell hotel, E rn est,C â-i?pr
150a, Clarendon Press In stitu te,
IMoreton H arry, boat builder
M clnnes, sectional engineer)
H arry M aplestone, sec