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k e u y ’s

Bonham Jam es W illiam , saddler
C arp enter G eorge E dw ard, farm er
C ave F rederick Isaac, shopkeeper
C h erry Thom as & Sons, masons
Cooknell Thomas & Son, coal dealers
Cooknell Thom as, jun. shoe m aker
E agles W illiam , farm er
G ardner F. E. & C. W. plum bers &
G ardner Sam uel, Brasenose P.H

Godson W illiam , baker
P ra tt Thom as, relievin g & vaccinat'
Hadland & Son, m illers (w ater &
officer for C ropredy district, Ba°a
steam ), C ropredy m ill
bury union
Hadland W illiam , Red Lion P.H
Roberts John Payne, farmer
H ughes er,M anor ho. Prescott Sm ith Brothers, builders
Lam bert W illiam Jam es, coal mer
Sm ith A lfred , farm er
Palm er & Son, coal dealers
S m ith John, shoe m aker
Pargeter G eorge, shoe m aker
S um ner & Neal, builders
Pinniger W ilkinson, farm er, Cropredy Townsend G eorge, farm er
W atkins Henry, farm er
C R O W E L L is a parish at the foot of the C h iltem The livin g is a rectory, net yea rly value £190, with
Hills, and i m ile south-w est from Chinnor station on 9 acres of glebe and residence, in the g ift of -mthe Princes R isborough and W ellin gton branch of the A. W ykeham -M usgrave esq. of Tham e Park, and held
G reat W estern railw ay, about 5J south from Tham e, and since 1902 by the Rev. Francis Neville Davis B A
4 north-west from Tetsw orth, in the Southern division B .L itt. of Pem broke College, Oxford, who also officiates
of the county, hundred of Lewknor, p etty sessional d ivi­ as chaplain at Tham e Park, Tham e. Th e principal land­
sion of W atlington, union and county cou rt district of owner is H enry Joseph Hill esq. H enry Clerke Brown
Tham e, ru ra l deanery of Aston and archdeaconry and esq. is lord of the m anor. The soil is chalk and loam'
diocese of Oxford. The church of S t. M ary is a small subsoil, chiefly soft stone. The chief crops are wheat
building of flint, chiefly in th e Decorated style, and barley, beans, peas, seeds and oats. The area is qqg
lined inside w ith chalk, and consists of chancel, nave, acres, some portion of which is w oodland; rateable
south porch and a modern stone bell-cote containing one value, £ 7 3 0 ; the population in 1911 was 83.
b e ll: th e ohancel, which is Decorated and appears to
Parish C lerk , F rederick Gomme.
have been shortened at an early period, Tetains two
sedilia and a blocked low-side w in d o w : the doorways The children of th is place attend Chinnor school
are Norm an and the font T ran sitio n al: there is a brass
to S ir John Payne, parson, 1469, w ith a dem i-effigy
and eight E nglish v e r s e s : th e church was partially
reb u ilt in 1878, at a cost of £1,300, and affords 102
sittin gs.
The reg ister dates from the year 1594-

L etters through W allingford arrive at 7 a.m. & I ,0
p.m . K ingston Blount, half a m ile distant, is the
nearest telegrap h & m oney order office
W all L etter Box cleared at 9.15 a.m . & 6.15 p.m .; Sun­
day at 10.20 a.m

D a vis Rev. Francis N eville M .A . The Bell C h as.(M rs.),C ath erin e W heel P.H
Castle Valentine F .bailiff to H enry J. Wixon Jas. gardener to Capt.
H ill esq. Ellwood house
S m ith John, Rose cottage
C R O W M A E S H G I F F O R D is a parish and village,
separated from B erkshire by the river Tham es, over
which is a fine stone bridge of fifteen arches, connecting
this place w ith W allingford, on the opposite b an k ; it is
i m ile w est from W allin gford term in al station on a
branch from Cholsey and M oulsford station, on the
G r e a t W estern railw ay, 16 north-w est from Reading and
14 south-east from O xford and on the road from Henleyon-Tham es to W allingford, n north-w est from Henley,
in the Southern division of the county, p etty sessional
division of Henley, W allingford union and county court
d istrict, Langtree hundred, ru ral deanery of Henley and
archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. Th e church of St.
Mary Magdalen, originally erected between 1135 and 1154,
is a small b ut very interesting building of rubble with
stone dressings, in the Norman style, consisting of chan­
cel, nave, a sm all north transept of later date, and a
western belfry containing 8 tubular bells, presented in
m em ory of Henry Bertie W atkin W illiam s Wynn D .L . and
J.P . late of Howbery Park, who died 4 Oct. 1895 :the west
end, with its small round windows and Norm an doorway,
is perhaps u n iq u e: the latter was blocked up till 1843,
when the south porch was rem oved and this entrance
reopened; all the other sides have been altered by
the addition of w in d o w s: in the chancel is an elegant
Norm an piscina consisting of a recessed m oulded arch
w ith a p rojectin g circu lar basin, ribbed on th e under
sid e; the m assive door, form erly at the west end, and
still bearing the m arks of b ullet holes, made, it is
said, during the siege of W allingford at the tim e of
the Civil W ar. has been rem oved to the v e s t r y ; there
is a brass w ith inscription to W illiam H yldesley, gent,
ob. A u g u s t 30, 1576, his wife M argaret and 13 children :
in the chancel is a m ural m onum ent of m arble to
B ridget, w ife of Philip Parsons M .A. ob. Sept. 27, 1645 :
the whole fabric was restored in 1869, and in 1894 the
east end was reb u ilt and altered, the oak-tim bered roof
being left open, and the walls decorated : certain lands
in the parish, of between one and two acres, were sold
in 1903, and the proceeds invested in trustee stocks,
the incom e of w hich is applied to the repairs of the
c h u r c h : there are 210 sittin gs. The reg ister of bap­
tism s dates from the year 1575 ; m arriages, 1618 ;
burials, 1576. The livin g is a rectory, together w ith
th at of Newnham M urren, join t net yearly value £190,
w ith residence, in the gift of the Hon. Florence B arrin g­
ton, and held since 1912 by the Rev. H enry W illiam
F ulford M .A. and Fellow of Clare College, C am bridge,
and M .A. of St. J oh n ’s College, O xford. A horse fair
is held here ann ually on A u g u st 2nd. H owbery Park
is the residence of W illiam H arvey Du Cros e s q .; the
mansion, a handsome stru ctu re, com m anding a fair

Dodd Clarence, Roselea
Dore Frank Ernest, Ooldharbour

view of the surrounding country, was rebuilt about
1845, after its destruction by fire ; Coldharbour is the
residence of F rank E rnest Dore esq. J. G. Hossack
esq. of 42 O ld Bond street W , who is lord of the manor,
F. E. Dore esq. and W . H. D u Cros esq. are the prin­
cipal landowners. The soil, w hich is exceedingly fertile,
belongs to the upper green sand formation and a con­
siderable portion is rich in phosphate of lime in the
form of coprolites, w hich are found distributed through
the soil and extend beyond th e parish of Crowmarsh
G ifford into the n eighbouring ham let of Preston Crow­
marsh ; the land bears heavy cereal crops, and both
the wheat and barley are of th e finest q uality; it is
p articu larly adapted to the grow th of peas and beans,
and bears heavy crops of sainfoin and other fodder
plants and potatoes. The area is 658 acres of land and
4 of w ater ; rateable value, £ 1 ,7 2 7 ; the population in
1911 was 277.
Post & M. 0 . Office.— G eorge John Dearlove, sub-post­
m aster. Letters th rou gh W allingford arrive at 6.20
a.m . & 12.5 & 6.25 p .m . ; dispatched at 8.50 & n .5
a.m . & 5.55 & 7.35 p . m . ; Sunday at 7.50 p .m . Wal­
lingford, 1 m ile d istan t, is the nearest telegraph office
L e tter Box (v illag e), cleared at 8.50 a.m . & 7.15 p.m.;
Sunday, 11.5 a.m
Meets at the Board Room , W allingford Union, on the day
of the la st m eeting of the guardians in the month at
1.30 p.m
The D istrict comprises the Oxfordshire parishes in Wal­
lingford (Berks) union, viz. :— Benson, Berrick Salome,
Crowm arsh G ifford, Dorchester, Ewelme, Mongewell,
Newington, Newnham M urren, S toke (North), Stoke
(Sou th ), W arborough. Th e area is 20,164 acres;
rateable value in M arch, 1915, £33,628 ; the popula­
tion in 1911 was 5,014
Chairm an, J. P. K in g.
C lerk, Geo. Fredk. Slade, 7 St. M artin’s st. Wallingford
Treasurer, W illiam John Binyon, London County «
W estm inster Bank, W allin gford
M edical Officer of H ealth, W illiam Hugh Hill M.R>
D .P.H . 29 Leckford road, Oxford
Surveyor, W . H. W est, Roke, Benson
San itary Inspector, Alfred G. G ray, Benson
E lem en tary School (m ixed), for 102 children, for
parishes of C row m arsh & Newnham M urren; Jo® Rathbone, m a s te r; M rs. Rathbone & Miss We >
assistant m istresses

Du Cros W illiam H arvey J.P . H ow-1 Fulford Rev. Henry William
bery park
(rector), The Rectory
I Evans W illiam , Th e Lim es
I Lewis Mrs