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O X F O R D S H IR E .]
Yeates Geo. Garsington, Wheatley Fox John (to Trinity college, Oxon), Smith Albert Cannon (to Capt. Guy
Wroxton, Banbury
Feilden), Home farm, Ducklington,
Yeates W. Garsington, Wheatley
Young William & Son. Laurel dene, French Charles (to the Earl of Leven Witney
Smith Charles (to H. C. Brown esq.
& Melville), Kirtlington, Oxford
Chalgrove, Wallingford
Young F. W.. J.P. Broughton,Banbry Gable John (to Richard W. Hawken D.L., J.P.), Kingston Blount, WalÂ
esq.), Berrick Prior, Wallingford
Young Richard, Leafield, Witney
Young Thomas Harding (exors. of), Gardner Edward (to Mr. F. Shrubb), Smith James (to J. F. Mason esq.
P.), Freeland, Woodstock
Newington, Wallingford
Chalgrove. Wallingford
Godfrey Frederick (to Sir Rickman Snelson James (to the Incorporated
Farm Bailiffs.
John Godlee K.C.V.O.), Coombe National Union for Christian Social
Almond Amon James (to trustees of end, Whitchurch, Reading
Service), Turnerâs court,Wallingfrd
the late J. J. Henley esq.), Water- Godwin Albert (to W. J. Birch-Rey- Talbott Frank (to Leonard Noble
perry, Wheatley
nardson esq. B.A., J.P.), Adwell, esq. D.L., J.P.), Harpsden lodge,
Anderson Charles (to J.Wormald esq
Harpsden, Henley-on-Thames
J.P.), The Nest, North Stoke, Wal Grant F. Laxton (to the Earl of Timms Frederick (to T. W. Foreshaw
Dudley), Southrop farm, Hook esq.), Curbridge, Bampton
Atkins Frank William (to F. N. Norton, Banbury
Vickerv Rd. (to Sir Walt. Geo. Frank
Garrard esq.), Park farm, Goring Harper Robert (to A. W. Hall esq. Phillimore bart. P.C., D.C.L.,J.P,),
Heath. Reading
D.L., J.P.), Steeple Barton, Oxford Binfield Heath, Henley-on-Thames
Bacon Matthew (to Alexander Caspar Hart Harold (to H. R. Beeton esq.), Walliker Arthur (to C. E. B. Young
Fraser esq. J.P., D.L.). Woodhouse Hammondâs fm.Checkendon,Readng esq.), Kingham Hall farm, Kingfarm, Mongewell, Wallingford
Hewison James (to the Edgcote ham, Chipping Norton
Bagnall Alexander (to Alfred Butler Shorthorn Co. Limited),Stud farm, Walters Geo. (to Mr. Selwyn Caudesq.), Westwell, Burford
Wardington, Banbury
well), Fifield, Wallingford
Baker Chas. (to E. R. Ireland Black- Heybourne Alfred (to P. J. D. Wyke- Walton John (to Major Arthur Wm.
hurne esq.), Weald, Bampton
ham esq.D.L.,J.P.), Tythrop.Thame Dewar-Harrison J.P.),Hethe, Bicstr
Barnes Robert James (to Joseph Higgins Mark (to Jn. Kirtland esq.), Watson Jsph. (to Alexander McMickTruslove esq.), Goring Hth.Readng Wendlebury, Bicester
ing esq.), Williamscote, Banbury
Belcher Jsph.(to H.W.Tremlett esq.), Hill William (to H. J. Parsons esq.), Watts Gerald (to Lord Moreton),Fair
Cut mill, Stanton Harcourt,Evnshm Home farm, Elsfield, Oxford
green. Lyneham, Chipping Norton
Blunt William (to Mrs. Phillips), Hobbs George (to Knight & Sarney), Watts Wm. (to Mr. Milton Harris),
Caversfield, Bicester
Glebe farm, Lewknor, Wallingford Little Milton, Wallingford
Brogden Isaac (to J. F. Mason esq. Holborow Francis (to the Misses Whetton John (to the Earl of Jersey),
M.P.), Home farm, North Leigh. Mundv), Culham. Abingdon
Middleton Stoney, Bicester
Ing William John (to Mrs. G. Herbt. White William (to C. T. Hoare esq.),
Brooks William (to Mrs. Davenport), Morrell), Headington hill, Oxford
Great Chesterton, Bicester
Headington Hill, St.Clement's,Oxfd Jones Henry (to Mrs. Shrubb of Shil- Willougby Charles (to Turner HenÂ
Buckingham Charles (to Marriott lingford), Overy, Wallingford
derson esq.), Horton, Oxford
Bros.). Middlefield, Hailey, Witney Jones Jn. (to Capt.C.E.Ruck Keene), Winter Jacob (to Mr. J. T. Painter),
Burke Alfred (manager to Frank SwyncoYnbe, Henley-on-Thames
Benson, Wallingford
Lawson esq.), Ewelme down, Keylock Herbert Geo. (to M. E. G. R. Witney Charles (to John Hatt esq.),
Wingfield esq.), Tangier hall, Chalgrove, Wallingford
Buswell Edward Henry (to Rt. Hon. Bruern, Chipping Norton
Young James (to John Thomson esq
Lewis Harcourt AI-P.), Nuneham Kilby Francis (to William Evetts M.A.), Woodperry, Stanton St.
Courtenay, Oxford
esq.). Tackley, Oxford
John, Oxford
Cadman Richard {to Rt. Hon. Lewis Kirby Alfred (to H. Tubb esq.), Great
Harcourt M.P.), Tar Wood lodge, Chesterton, Bicester
South Leigh, Witney
Knowles Wm. (to Mrs. G. Morrell), See Smiths, Blacksmiths & Farriers
Castle Chas. (to Robt. Fleming esq.), Barton, Headington, Oxford
Bix. Henley-on-Thames
Lamb George (to John Kenneth
Castle Valentine F. (to Henry J. Hill Foster esq. J.P.), Manor farm,
See Dyers & Cleaners.
esq.), Ellwood ho. Crowell,Wallngfd Whitchurch, Reading
Cave John (to W. H. Fox esq.). Hol- Lane William (to William B. Deelev
esq.), Stratton Audlev, Bicester
well downs, Holwell, Burford
Hefford Wm. Castle st. west, Banbury
Chamberlain Marshall Thomas (to Langford Henry (to Capt. C. W. Pearce H. & C. & Sons, Thame
H M. Gaskell esq.), Over Kidding- Cottrell-Dormer), Rousham, Oxford Wiggins & Co. Witney st. Burford
ton. Oxford
Lear Horace (to the Duke of Marl Wiggins Mrs. Matilda (exors. of), 92
Champ Thomas (to Henry 0 . King), borough K.G., P.C.),'Lower Dorn- High street, Witney
Redbarn farm. Wolvercote, Oxford
ford, Wootton, Woodstock
Chitty Thomas (to the Duke of Marl Little Charles Buckle (to J. N. Hard- FELT M A N U F A C T U R E R S .
borough), Cassington, Oxford
castle esq. J.P.), Manor farm. M cN eill F. & Co. Ltd. 14 Lambâs
Clack Arth. W. (to John Joslin esq.), Broughton Poggs, Lechlade (Glos)
Curbridge, Bampton
Mills Ernest (to Major Hugh C. C. passage, Bunhill row, London E C
Clanfield George (to Philip Morrell Ducat-Hamersl^y), Pyrton, Wllngfd FENCINGâ W O O D & WIRE.
M P.), Garsington, Wheatley
Murray John (to Wm. Taylor esq.), P a lm er T. W. & Co. 5 Victoria st.
Clark George (to R. L. Ovey esq. Epwell, Banbuiy
London S W ; "works,
J P.). Hernes, Rotherfield Greys, Nethercott Alfred (to Col. John Westminster,
Baskerville D L . J.P.), Frieze Merton, Surrey. â V i c t o r i a â
Clinkard Alfred George (to Mr. Rchd. farm, Shiplake. Henley-on-Thames C le ft C h e s tn u t Paling:
D. Boswell), Burwell, Witney
Norton Wm. (to Col. Geo. Gosling), E N C I N G (IRON) GAT ES &c.
Coles Frank Hr.(to Rt.Hon. Sir Fras. Stratton Audley park, Stratton F
B a y liss, J o n e s & B a y lis s Ltd.
Leveson Bertie P.C., G.C.M.G., Audlev, Bicester
patentees & manufacturers of all
G.C.V.O., G.C.B.). Horton, Oxford Palmer Charles (to John Blundell kinds
of hurdles, railing,galvanized
Craig George (to K. S. Whyte, esq.), Leigh esq.), Stratton Audley.Bicstr
sheet fencing, gates,
Cottisford, Bracklev
Parsons S. (to the Earl of Maccles corrugated
tree guards, wine bins, wheelÂ
Ditton John (to Sir Wm. C. Plowden field J.P.), Shirburn, Wallingford
so manufacturers of
K.C.S.I.), Aston Rowant.Wallingfrd Pickford Charles Edward (to Lord
black & bright bolts, nuts &c.
Doble Robert (to Robert Hichens North), Wroxton, Banbury
Camden Harrison esq. D.L., J.P.), Powell Henry (to Joseph Stowe esq.),
Shiplake Court farm, Shiplake, Hen Great Milton, Wallingford
Rogers James (to Sir Robert W.
Dore William (to W. H. Fox esq.), Perks bart. J.P.), Wvkham, Banbry
Broadwell grove. Burford
Roughead Sidney (to Douglas Henry
Dowding Henry (to J. D. Bury esq.), Fraser esq.), Wardington, Banbury
High Cogges, Witney
Rowles Tom (to Mr. J. Dawel,College
EadeWm.(to the OxfordCorporation), farm. Wilkins, Lechlade (Glos)
Sandford-upon-Thames, Oxford
Rushbv Henry (to Charles H. Palmer
Eeley Francis (to Capt. G. H. Bar esq. J.P.), Whitchurch, Reading
nett), Glympton, Woodstock
Singleton Thomas (to Miss G. BoulÂ
Fonge Walter (to Mrs. Mabel Fonge), ton), Great Tew, Enstone
Victoria works, Wolverhampton ; &
Waterperry common, Waterperrv,
139 & 141 Cannon st. London E C