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d ir e c t o r y
B E R K S H IR E .
W all L e tter Boxes.â Kennington l a n e ,
a . m . & 6.25 p . m . & S u n d a y s at 9.40
ton, 9.50 a . m . & 6.20 p .m . ; S u n d a y s
R E S ID E N T S .
Arnold G eorge, B iver view
Candy W alter Y eom an, N ettleham
Cham berlain W illiam , Fairfield
Charlton G eorge, Woodlands
C hatw ell A rcher W in. B agley wood
H anitsch Mrs. The Lawn
K in g P ercival H enry, Th e H awthorns
iM undy Mrs. W oodside
; P h illips H arry, Ingleside
, S pracklin C harles, Brockenhurst
A llen Thom as, carrier
G R E E N ,
K I N G S T O N B A G P T J I Z E is a parish extending
northwards to the Isis, which separates it from O xfordÂ
shire, and is on th e road from Abingdon to Faringdon,
6 m iles w est from A bingdon, 9 m iles from O xford, and
5 m iles from W antage Road station on the G reat
W estern railw ay, in the N orthern division of the
county, hundred of Ock, p etty sessional division, union
and county court d istrict of Abingdon, ru ral deanery
of Abingdon, archdeaconry of B erks and diocese of
O xford, and derives its nam e from the land having
been bestowed by W illiam the Norm an on Sir B ichard
B agpuze, one of his followers. Th e church of St. John
the B ap tist, reb u ilt in 1799, is a sm all edifice of stone
in the Italian style, consisting of chancel and nave,
w est porch and a w estern tu rre t containing 2 b e lls :
the interior was en tirely rem odelled in i >882, the
galleries and high pews rem oved, the in terior reseated
with oak benches, new floors laid, and a proper chancel
form ed, furnished w ith a com m union table and oak
choir stalls, and in 1883 the w alls were decorated in
c o lo u r: all the w ork was executed under the direction
of Mr. E dw in Dolby, arch itect, of Abingdon : there are
120 sittin gs. The register dates from the year 1538.
The liv in g is a rectory, net yearly value, in cludin g 25
acres of glebe, £235, w ith residence, in th e g ift of the
President and Fellows of St. Johnâs College, Oxford,
and held since 1891 by the B ev. John Howard SweetE scott M .A. form erly scholar at th at college. The poorâs
land of 8 acres produces £ 1 2 yea rly, and m oney in the
funds produces £ i j y e a rly : both sum s are distributed
in goods, at the discretion of the recipients. The
kennels of the Old B erkshire H unt are in th is parish,
W illiam T y rw h itt D rake esq. m a s te r; the pack hunts
on Mondays, W ednesdays and F rid a y s; Faringdon,
Shrivenham and W antage are convenient places for
D rake W illiam T yrw h itt M .F.H
G raham G u y, T h e B ace
Strauss E dw ard A nthony M .P ., J.P .
Kingston h o u se ; & 49 Grosvenor
square W & Devonshire, Reform &
National L iberal clubs S W & Bath
club W , London
S w eet-E scott Rev. John Howard M .A.
(rector), Rectory
Treadw ell H arry
10 7
E lem en tary School, b u ilt in 1876, & reb u ilt in 1890, at
a cost of over £200, for 36 children, was again
enlarged in 1914 at a cost of £17$ & accom m odates
75 ch ild ren ; M rs. K in g , certificated m istress
a t 9.55
; K en n in gÂ
9.35 a . m
c le a r e d
a .m .
Bradfield Bd. frm r. Manor H ouse frm
F au lkn er A lfred Jam es, builder
K in g Jas. F ran cis,farm er,E g ro v e frm
O xford U niversity G olf C lu b (J. W.
G ynes, sec)
S lay M ary (M iss), laundress
W alker A lfred, T h e Tandem P.H
see Vvargrave.
h u n tin g v isitors. A t New B ridge, in th is p arish (w hich
derives its nam e from th e bridge there over the Isis),
the P arliam en tary array was rep ulsed by th e K in g âs
forces w h ilst attem p tin g to cross, on th e 27th M ay,
1644; ^he bridge itself is one of th e oldest on the
river, and has six narrow and acu tely pointed flat
arches, divided by an gu lar buttresses, and the p araÂ
pet, w hich rises to a point in th e centre, has niches in
which foot passengers m ay take refuge from p assin g
v e h ic le s ; hard by is an old and p icturesq ue inn, called
â The M aybush.â T h e m anor was held from 1542 to
about 1670 by the L a tton s, previously of Upton and
C h ilton , but in or about th e la tte r year John L a tton ,
of K in gston , who had m arried Laetitia, d a u g h ter of
Sir B obert P ye, of
Faringdon , k n igh t, sold th e
K in gston estate and rem oved to E sh er, in S u rrey.
K ingston House, the property of Col. John B landyJenkins, lord of the m anor and ch ief landowner, is a
m ansion of red brick, said to have been designed by
Inigo Jo n es: it has an avenue of trees leading to the
principal entrance, and is now occupied by E dw ard
A nthony S trau ss esq. M .P. T he soil is stone brash,
black loam , sandy and c la y ; subsoil, sand and lim e Â
stone. Th e ch ief crops are clover and a succession of
grain. T he area is 1,109 ac re s;
rateab le value,
¿ 1 ,2 8 0 ; and the population in 1911 was 188.
Post, M. 0 ., T . & Telephonic E xpress D elivery Office.â
M iss L ilian T aylor, sub-postm istress. L etters arrive
from Abingdon at 8 a.m . & 1.50 p .m .; dispatched at
& 6.15 p .m . ; sundays, 11.5 a.m
E lem en tary School (m ixed), endowed in 1738, & subseÂ
quen tly by John Blandy esq. & his son, John B landy,
jun. esq. w ith an incom e of about ¿ 2 5 y e a rly ; the
school w ill hold 95 c h ild r e n ; F rederick G eorge L a n e,
m aster
W oodward H erbert C roker Sp erlin g Sotham P ercival, farm er,B im es farm
T aylor L ilian (M iss),grocer,& post off
M .A ., M .B ., B .C .C an tab
Town A bel, head garden er to E . A
Strauss M .P ., J .P
Ballard C harles, blacksm ith
H ale W illiam , huntsm an to Old B erk  W igm ore A lfred . Hindâ s Head P.H
shire foxhounds,K ingston B agpuize W oodbridge W illiam , saddler
H icks John, M aybush P.H . N ew brdg W oodward H erbert C. S., M .A ..M .B .,
B .C .C an tab , m edical officer & p ub Â
Lu ckin gs John, stud groom to Old
lic vaccin ator No. 3 d ictrict, A bin gÂ
Berkshire fox hounds
R icketts W illiam , carpenter
don union
is a tow nship and chapelry
w ith th e ham let of F aw ler, in the parish of Sparsholt,
2^ m iles south-east from Uffington Junction station on
the m ain line of the G reat W estern railw ay, 6 south
from F aringdon and 6 w est from W antage, in the
Northern division of the county, Shrivenham hundred,
Faringdon p etty sessional division, union and county
court district, rural deanery of W antage, archdeaconry
of Berks and diocese of O xford. T h e W ilts and Berks
canal passes on the north. Th e chapel of S t. John
is an ancient and in terestin g edifice of stone, con sistÂ
ing of chancel, nave, north porch and a w estern bell
cote containing 2 b e lls : the walls are N orm an w ith
later insertions, the east window and others in the
chancel being Decorated, b u t one Norm an window
still rem ains as well as a N orm an doorway, w ith very
curious ironwork on the d o o r: th e chapel was restored
in 1883, a t a cost of ^948, when th e in terior was re Â
fitted w ith finely carved oak benches and handsom e
bell cote e re c te d ; several p erfect frescoes containing
eleven figures w ere discovered and preserved, and m any
coins, tiles &c. w ere fo u n d : a stained glass window was
erected in 1910 to the m em ory of L ieut.-C ol. A. D.
Rickm an by his widow and c h ild re n : th ere are 100
sittin gs. The reg ister dates from the year 1559:
entries of b urials up to 1883 are in th e reg ister of
Sparsholt. The livin g is attach ed to the vicarage of
S parsholt, and under the im propriation of Q ueen âs
C ollege, Oxford ; join t net incom e £322, w ith 14 acres
of glebe and residence, in the g ift of Queenâs College,
Oxford, and held since 1898 by the Rev. Francis
Archibald P a ttu llo Sh irreff M .A. of th a t college, an-d
rural dean of W antage, who resides at Sparsholt.
Here is a B ap tist chapel, founded in 1790, w ith an
endowm ent of about ¿ 3 5 a year, le ft by th e late
A braham A tkin s e s q .: th e chapel seats 80 p erso n s;
at Faw ler is a P rim itive M ethodist chapel.
H alf a
m ile from the village, in a hollow of th e Downs, and
beside an old oak tree, is the fam ous â B low in g Stone,â
a large Sarsden or Sarsen o f quartzoze sandstone,
brought from the ad join in g h il ls ; i t is ab ou t a yard
square and h alf a yard in thickn ess, and is perforated
w ith several holes, one of w hich , if lu stily blown in to,
em its a sound audible at som e distance. Th e m anor
at the tim e of the D om esday S u rvey was held by th e
K ing, b u t was
subsequen tly given by H enry I.
F itzgeralds, the heiress of w hich fam ily in th e reign
of H enry II. m arried W illiam de In su la, or de L isle,
and A lice de Lisle had licence from R ich ard II. in 1 3 6 6
to enclose a p ark here. M arg aret, only d a u g h ter of
W arine, 2nd baron de L isle, m arried Thom as, Lord
Berkeley, whose only d au gh ter and heiress m arried
R ichard B eaucham p, 5th earl of W arw ick, and their
eldest daugh ter M arg aret was th e second w ife of John
Talbot, 1st earl of Sh rew sbury, whose eldest son John
was, in 1444, created Baron L isle, and in 1452 Viscount
L i s l e : on the death of Thom as, 2nd viscount, 20th
M arch, 1469, w ith o u t issue, these titles fell into ab eyÂ
ance between his two sisters, M arg aret, w ife of Sir
G eorge V ere kt. and E lizabeth , w ife of S ir E dw ard
G re y kt. who on th e death of L ad y V ere was created,
15 E dw ard IV. (1475-6) baron, and subsequen tly (a8th
to th e