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Hobbs W illiam , O xford road, Marlow T ilbu ry Jim , Burnham , Maidenhead
Ives F rederick, Meaclle farm , M eadle,
P rinces Risborough
Lo vejoy C. G. 3 2 W illiam st. Slough C R U C I B L E M A N U F A C T U R S .
N orm an H .G .i 8 S tratford rd .W olveru i Morgan C rucib le Co. L im ited (The)
(T he Patent Plum bagoC rucib leC o.),
N orth Jam es, W est street, Marlow
sole m an ufacturers of M organ's &
Page G eorge k Son, W ing, Leighton
Salam ander crucibles &c. B attersea
P rice G eorge Osborn, Newport Pagnell
works, London S W
S hirley k Son ,B letch ley rd. B letculey
Sib ley A rth u r a . Town m ill, A m erÂ
C U R R IE R S .
sham & Town m ill, L ittle M issenÂ
See also L eather Sellers.
den. Am ersham . S e e a d v e r t i s e Â
Reynolds Jam es & E dw in, Blucher st
m e n t p a g e 21
Silsby W illiam , Park m ill, Culverton
m ill & Lo n gw ick m ill, Princes R is Sharp & W oollard, 3 4 C h urch street,
Stony S tratford
S m ith W . H. k Sons, Stratford road,
B uckingh am
C o rn & F lo o r M e rc h a n tsâ
Taplin A lb ert E dw ard, 1 2 Oxford st.
H igh W ycom be
T hurlow Jam es k Son L im ited , 25
H igh street. H igh W ycom be
T row er Thom as Jam es, 2 2 M arket
square, C hesham & Am ersham
W heeler Setb k Son, 2 K in gsb ury sq.
A ylesb ury
W rig h t E .& S o n .iG erm a in st.C heshm
C O S T U M IE A S .
Harden M adam e E. C . 1 1 H igh st.
H igh W ycom be
Holden H enry John & Sons, North
M arston, W inslow & 2 5 K in gsbury
square, A ylesb ury
Long & Son, W aterloo house, High
street, H igh W ycombe
L ongley Fredk. 4 1 H igh st. A ylesbury
Maidm ent M iss E. S tation rd.W inslw
Sandford M iss G ladys A m y, 6 9 H igh
street, A ylesb ury
Todd Misses E ., G . & K. 5 3 H igh st.
A ylesbury
[B U C K IN G H A M S H IR E .
S tan ley W illiam & Son, 3 3 k 35 WalÂ
ton street, A ylesb ury
T aylor G eorge, 3 0 & 3 2 Tickford st
N ew port Pagnell
Thorne Benj. Waddesdon, Aylesbury
Ward Joseph, Haddenham, Thame
W hite John & Sons, N orth Marston
W inslow
W illingham W illiam , jun . Malt Mill
lane, Hanslope, Stony Stratford
W ykeham
Bernard, H igh street
Burnham , M aidenhead
C Y C L E M K R S . & R E P A IR E R S .
Anderson W illiam H. Heath end,
G reat M issenden
Bailey G eorge C. W est st. Marlow
Baldock E . Prestwood, G t. Missenden
Barnes A rth u r E . Colnbrook, Slough
Darby G . Station rd.N ew prt. Pagnell
Evans R. W hitch urch, AylesburyAdkins A rth u r Thom as, A vlesbury
W illiam , 1 1 8 Broad st. & 134
Allen A . E. Loudw ater, H igh W ycm b
H igh street, Chesham
Allen A. E. Cores end, Bourne End
H erbert, H igh st.Amersham
Barclay A lfred, Horton rd. D atchet,
G rey B. J. & C o. B arin g rd.Beacnsfld
W indsor
Barnes Arth. E. 8 1 H igh st. Slough G rover F. W. 5 1 H igh st. Bletchley
Batem an Jn .T hos.M arsh , H i.W ycinbe H itchings G eorge, W est st. Marlow
Jacobs George, H igh street, Princes
Burgess B ert, Stoke Poges, Slough
C astle Edwd. W m. 8 A lpha st. Slough
Lake A lfred, Iver, U xbridge
C halfont F rederick, B ourne End
Jam es, Farnham common,
Davis B ertie W alt.H . Lavendon,O lney
Farnham Royal
Dim m ock B. & Co. 7 7 H igh street,
London Leonard Henry, Leighton rd.
New port Pagnell
Linslade, Leigh ton Buzzard
Dodd Y . C h alvey rd. C h alvey, Slough
Eborn E. G. 4 4 W alton st. A ylesbury M atthews H arold, Station rd. Marlow
B rothers, 1 1 2 & 120 High
Edm unds & Poynter,Ford st.B cknghm
street, A ylesb ury.
S e e ad verÂ
Eggleton 0 . Parkfield,PrincesR isboroâ
tise m e n t p a g e 23
E llis Fredk. London end, Beaconsfld
Evans D avid, Waddesdon, A ylesbury Payne W illiam , S tation parade, GerÂ
rardâs Cross
F raser A. J. B ull la. H igh W ycom be
Pilgrim & Sons, 45 W illiam st.Slough
Fryer Robert, Denham , Uxbridge
R. 20 1 Desborough road, High
Fullbrook & Co. H igh street, Slough
W ycom be
Ganderton W . n B ridge st.B ucknghm
Thom as, C h alvey rd. Slough
Gascovne F. T. H igh st. Am ersham
G azeley & Son, 58 H igh st. B letchley Shilling E. H igh st. B rill, Thame
M A N U F A C Â G eorge F rederick W illiam , 3 & 4 T aylor G eorge, 30 & 3 2 Tickford st.
T U R E R S & P R IN T E R S .
N ew port Pagnell
Queenâs square, H igh W ycom be
W adley A lfred V . 206 H igh st. Slough
Feltham W. H. & Son, Im perial G ilder Jam es, 13 3 H igh st. Slough
illis & S o n ,i 24 H ig h st.Eton,Windsr
works, Tower B ridge road, London Gladden A lfred E dw in, 7 0 Broad st.
W oolhouse Edward, Eton wick,Windsr
S E ; & M anchester
& 2 i H igh street, Chesham
Goodman S .W . 24 B letch ley rd.B ltch ly
C O T T O N S E E D C A K E A G E N T S . Grafton Cvcle Co. 16 High street, Stony
Stratford & 1 4 a, S tratford road, I n d ia R u b b e r , G u t t a P erch a &
See Linseed & Cotton Seed Cake Agts.
T e le g r a p h
W o r k s C o. Ltd.;
offices, 10 6 Cannon street, London
Hawkins John H enry, 5 4 & 5 6 B u ck Â
Silvertow n, London
ingham street, A ylesb ury
S e e a i s o D a ir y m e n .
â Silvertow n â cycle & â he
Hollis F. t Sons, 14 & 15 Stratford
Harrett W . B allin ger, G t. Missenden
road. B uckingham
B errn J. Em berton, Newport rag n eu Hunt H enry, 18 Old road, Linslade,
Birch J. L ittle K in gsh ill,G t.M issen dn
Leigh ton Buzzard
Bradford J. H. M arket sq. Aylesburv
B orrett A lb t. J. E ton w ick, Windsor Hunt Hy. Fredk. H igh st. Winslow
B rill John, B urco tt, A ylesb ury
Keen W m . F. 2 G erm ain st.C hesham Cheeld & Co. (m akers of the â Easy
churns), W aterside iron works,
B rill Thos. L ittle London, Wendover M arriott A. A. B ull rin g, B uckinghm
Colem an Stephen, B rill, Tham e
M atthews Harold, Station rd. Marlow
F ield Jam es, Low er end, Wavendon. Mayne & Sons, B u rk eâs parade, S ta Â
D A IR Y M E N .
W oburn Sands
tion road. Beaconsfield
See also Cowkeepers.
F loyd P. L a cey grn. Princes Risboroâ Meakins W illiam Deville, 14 0 H igh
Adam s G eorge, Th e Laurels, Little
F ran klin E.Thornboro', B uckingham
street, Stony S tratford
K im b le, T rin g
Haddock C. B allin ger, G t. Missenden Money Josep h 'W atk in s, Easton street
Allan W . E. Naphill, High Wycombe
Hance W . Lee com m on, Gt.M issendn
& H azlem ere, H igh W ycom be
F. T . 3 6 Stoke rd. Slougb
H iggin s W illiam , Tow ersey, Tham e
Moore & Son, 25 H igh st. New port
Asprev & Son, Hughenden rd. Higo
Hoare Mrs. A nn, Slou gh , Saunderton,
Pagn ell
W ycom be
H igh W ycom be
Negus A. J. & Co. 25 H igh street, A ustin
A b e l , S h e r i n g t o n . Newportrgn
In gram Frank, B ridge field, W inslow
Stony Stratford
Janes J. G t. K in g sh ill, H i. W ycom be Newbery P .E .2 5 C astle st.B uckin ghm Bailey A lbert, 1 4 C hurch st. A yl^
L o n g Edw ard. M anchester house, Newitt H. E. Duke street & New rd. B ailey G eorge, W heeler end,
W vcom be, H igh Wycombe
L ittle K in g sh ill, G reat M issenden
Princes Risborough
M esser H enry, L o n g Crendon, Tham e Newitt R t. 2 1 Easton st.H i.W ycom be B arrett G. T . Field House
Newtown, M arlow
. ,
M ortim er J. W indm ill st.B rill,T h am e Oliver W. H. 70 H igh st. A ylesb ury
N eil A rth u r. Shabbington, Th am e
Orchard B rothers, 1 1 2 & 12 0 High
Parry W illiam , Salt hill, Slough
street. A ylesb ury.
S e e a d v e r  Bennett 0 . Chesham Bois, che^ nnr
C harles
Parslow G eorge, K im b le w ick, Princes
tis e m e n t p a g e 2 3
gardens, H igh W ycombe
P antling J. C. W in g , Leigh ton Bzzrd
W allingford
P ig g o tt Rd. B ledlow , Princes Risboroâ Parker F. 5 7 H igh street & Chandos
Blake Geo. W addesdon, Aylesbury
Sm ith R icb d. T em p le st.B rill,T h am e
street, Slough
Stevens E. Prestwood, G t. Missenden Plater W m . E . Aston C linton. Trin g Boucher Charles H. Old Vicara? .
Manor farm , H igh street,
T eagle W .B rou sâhton, Newport Pagnll Pullen C. S tew kley, Leigh ton Buzzard
Missenden, Am ersham
W est Hv. Sherington, N ew port Pgnll Ranschaert Alphonse F ran cis Joseph,
W illiam , Chalvey
Chalfont S t. Peter, G errardâs Cross
C halvey, Slough
, â
Sears G eorge, W ooburn G reen
Peter. B ray A. '1 0 St. M aryâs sq. Ayl«»®W aygood-O tis L im ited , F alm outh rd Sm ith Tom . Chalfont St.
B ritten's L td . Taplow,
G errardâs Cross
London S E. See L ift M akers