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AâBear Jn. D. 132 Cowley rd. Oxford Flack & Smith. 2 King Edward st. Mailing Thomas, 31 Little Clarendon
Adams Geo. North Leigh, Witney
street-, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Alder John, Lower Heyford, Banbury 'Flexney Thomas, 2a, Speedwell street, Mather Henry, 47 Castle st. Oxford
Aldridge William, Benson, Wallingfrd St. Aldate's, Oxford
Mathews Miss Rosannah, 54 St.
Allum Edward, Cowley marsh.Texnple jFlorey Walter Florey. Standlake, Clementâs street, Oxford
Cowley, Oxford
Matthews Edmd. Bletchington, Oxfrd
Allum J. 5 James street, Cowley St Forest Richard, High street, Burford Milward & Sons Limited, 77 High st.
John, Oxford
Foster Joseph, Kidmore end, Reading Banbury
Allum Jsph. Stanton St. John, Oxford jFranklin Wm. Weston-on-tbe-Green. Mold P. C. 2 Castle st. west, Banbury
Arnott Robert, 103 High st. Thame
Money Percy, 3 Warwick st. Oxford
Baileyâs Stores, Chalgrove, Wallingfrd Freeman. Hardy & Willis Limited, 4 Morris Arthur Joseph. 32 St. Johnâs
Baker William. 28 Leopold street, & 27 Queen street & 2 Magdalen road, St. Gilesâ. Oxford
Cowley St. John, Oxford
street, Oxford; 6 Bell st. Henley- Morris Frederick. Highfield, Oxford
Barker Fredk.45 North Bar st.Banbry on-Thames ; 8 High street, Banbury Morton G. & W. 37 High st. Witney
Batts & Son, Bloxham, Banbury
& 126 High street, Thame
Nash John A. no Walton st. Oxford
Batts E.19 Horsefair, Chipping Nortn Gammage T. D. 54 Market sq.Witney Neale Joseph A. 31 Islip road,
Batts Frederick, 12^ South Bar st. Gardner G. Adderbury West,Banbury Summertown. Oxford
& 5 Broad street, Banbury
George Albert, 8 Hythe Bridge street, Needle Chas. J. 40 Bridge st.Banbury
Batts W. 47 West st. Chipping Norton St. Thomasâ,Oxford
Nicholl G. & Co. 50 Lime walk.
Baxter H. M. 25 Botley road, Oxford George Amos John, Charlbury
Highfield, Oxford
Baxter Robert, 39 Magdalen T o ad , George E. A. Steeple Aston, Oxford Nicholls G. & Co. 98 St. Aldateâs st.
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Gibbs Charles, 38 South parade, Oxford
Baycock Mrs. Elizabeth, 70 St. Al Summertown, Oxford
Norris Edmund Edward Gough,Crowdateâs street, Oxford
Giles Allan, 125 Magdalen road, Cow marsh Gifford, Wallingford
Bayston Herbert Clifton (factor), 21, ley St. John, Oxford
Norris Henry, 60 Observatory street,
23 & 25 Market square, Witney
Gillman R. & Son. 23 Cornmarket st. St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Bennett Jas. 15 Gloucester st. Oxford Oxford
Packer T. 11 West st.Chipping Norton
Bennett Tom, 19 Winchester road, St. Gillman Mrs. R.39 Holywell st.Oxford Pargeter
George. Cropredy. Banbury
Gray Edward, 14a. Friday street, Parrott Robert, Charlbury
Bishop John, Milton-under-Wych- Henley-on-Thames
10 Wingfield street,
wood, Oxford
Green Abel, High street, Woodstock
St. Clementâs, Oxford
Bishop Wm.Headington Quarry,Oxfrd Green Frederick, Grange cottage, Patrick W^Horsefair,Chipping Norfcn
Bolton William, Bloxham, Banbury
Manor road. Goring, Reading
George, Littlemore, Oxford
Booker C. Broughton Poggs. Lechlade Green H.2London pl.Sb.Clementâs,Oxfd Phipps
Piper Joseph Arch, 13 Harpes road.
Hanwell Thos. Stonesfield, Woodstock
Borsberry H. W. Hook Norton.Banbry Harper E. & S. L. Couching street, Plant&Freeman, 1Oxford
3 Causeway,Bicester
Bowell Samuel John, 31 Wellington Watlington, Wallingford
Plant Harry, 49 Market sq. Bicester
street, Jericho, Oxford
Harper Charles William, Shirburn st. Plant James F. 9 North st. Bicester
Brooks Thos. W. 20 Causeway,Bicestr Watlington, Wallingford
Pocock Chas. J. Whitchurch, Reading
Brownjohn Ernest Henry, 41" Planta Harris William, Bladon, Woodstock
well Samuel. 37 Fish street- & 20
tion road, St. Gilesâ& 27 St. Gilesâ Hastings John, 69 James street, PoNewland
place, Banbury
street, Oxford
Cowley St. John, Oxford
fctH. 48 Albert rd. Henley-on-Thms
Burchell John, Goring, Reading
Hawes Arthur, 8 Pembroke street, St. Prentice T.G.42 & 44Sheep st.Bioest-r
Burridge William H. Goring, Reading Clementâs, Oxford
Price Albert, Islip, Oxford
Bustin Frederick G. T. 86 Magdalen Hawes Vincent, Dorchester,Wallingford P
rice Henrv, Charlburv
road, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Hearne John. Fritwell, Banbury
rice Victor H. Oxford'st. Woodstock
Butler Alfred, *67 Cowley rd. Oxford Heather Sidney, Ewelme, Wallingford Pr
offittJoseph D r Warwick st.Oxfrd
Butler Miss Ellen, Market place. Wat Hickman J.B.CliftonHampden,Abingdn Pulker
George, 22^ High street- & 3
lington, Wallingford
Hilton Stephen & Sons, 11 Market sq Castle street, Banburv
Butt W. ro6 St. Clementâs st. Oxford Witney & 5 Market square, Bicester Purnell, Phipps & Purnell (incorpoÂ
Carter C. 60 St. Clementâs st. Oxford Hiltonâs Booteries, 24 High street, rating Boasten & Son), T28 High
Casemore Charles. Great Chesterton, Chipping Norton
street. Oxford
Hilton Stephen, 1 High st. Banbury Pursev Jsph.A. i 5 t Walt-on st.Oxford
Casemore T. 21 Crumps butts,Bicestr Hoare L. 32 High st. Chipping Nortn Purves
George. 214 Cowlev rd. Oxford
Castle Alfred W. Ducklington, Witney Holland Sydney, 65 Woodstock rd.
Quelch Thos. Chalgrove.âWallingford
& Brize Norton, Bampton
1 St. Gilesâ. Oxford
& Son, 13 High st. Banburv
Chamberlain Wm. Wolvercote, Oxford Howard W. Roke Marsh, Wallingford
& 8 New street. Chipping Norton
Clarke S. 19 Newland place, Banbury jHowlett Henry, Queenâs road, Thame Rainbow
& Sons. 33 Cowlev rd.Oxford
Cleydon Joseph, Wroxton. Banbury iHughes F. 49 Duke st.Henley-on-Thms
CiulT E E. 53 Bridge st. Banbury |Humphries Chas. Warwick rd.Banbry Rapier Albert A Standlake. Witnev
Henry, t o Grevs road.
Cooknell T.. jun. Cropredy, Banbury ¡Hunt Fred Ernest, 41 Little ClarenÂ
Cope Sydney W. 117 High st. Thame don street, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Newland. Banburv
Cottie William, Highfield, Oxford
Hunt William John, 3 Denmark st. Rogers Ralph. Hudson
street. Deâ
dCrawley Sami. Frederick, 13 Leopold Cowley St. John, Oxford
street, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Innes George, 8 The Buildings, Monu Rouse Walter, Souldern. Banbury
Crocker H. 55 Bell st.Henley-on-Thms ment street. Banbury
Crocker William Henry, u Reading Jarvis Thomas, Middle Barton,Oxford Rouse William. Hethe, Bicester
Scivyer Chas.E.46 Market sq.Bicester
road, Henley-on-Thames
Jones Henry, Bampton
Seymour Brothers. 53 Reading rd.
Ourrill Harry A. Headington. Oxford Jones James, High street, Burford
Dawson Albert Owen, Newnham Jones William, Charlton, Oxford
Ernest. Russellâs Water,
Murren. Wallingford
Judd George, Fringford, Bicester
Dawson Chas. 238 Cowley rd. Oxford Kerr Geo. Sonning Common, Reading Henley-on-Thames
Dingle & Sons, 36 & 38'High street, Kirby Francis Wm. Charlton, Oxford Shirley John, Kidlington, Oxford
vester William & Co. 16 St. Maryâs
Lambert Mrs. Agnes Martha, 70 St. Sil
road & 88 Magdalen road. Cowlev
Dorian Shoe Co. Ltd. 6 High siOxfrd Giles' street. Oxford
Ducker & S o n ; gentsâ
, dept. 6. Lambert Archibald George Henry, 73 St. John, Oxford
Simeoe & Tite. 68 & 60 Bridge street.
ladiesâ dept. 12. Turl street, Ox St. Gilesâstreet. Oxford
a d v e r tis e m e n t Lennards Limited, 39 Queen street,
page 3 8
Oxford & 7 Parsons street. Banbury Simmons George, High street, WafDunn F. & Son, Cornhill, Banbury Lester William, Chinnor road, Thame lington, Wallingford
Dyer W. T. 70 St. Clementâs st.Oxfrd Lillingston Messrs. 48 Cornmarket st. Simms Frederick. High st. Burford
Simms Wm.H.41 St.Aldateâs st.Oxfrd
Eaton & Son, 10 & 12 High st.Witney Oxford
F. J. T. Temple Cowley.Oxford
Eaton Robert, Kingâs road, Thame
Lion Lily Shoe Co. 188 Cowley road, Smith
Smith Frank, 39 Observatory street,
Edgington Arthur, Highfield, Oxford
St. Gilesâ. Oxford
Elkin .Tames, 11 Blue Boar st. Oxford ¡Long Frederick David. Market House Smith
Fredk. 256 Cowlev rd. Oxford
Elliott Câ.
.'l 30 "17
st.Oxff.o_rId| /âIbuildings.1 Market street &
Elliott Riieh
d. q Frniown
iarâs âen4t-ry
Oxford George street, Summertown, Oxford -Smith J. T. 125 & 8 Cowley rrl. Oxford
.^Post office. Cropredv.Banbry
Empire Shoe Co. 62 Cowley rd.Oxford Lovegrove Alfred. 31 Friday street,
Smith Sidney F. G. 227 Banburv rd
Eustace Wm. 27 St. Aldate's st.Oxfrd Henley-on-Thames
Farbrother Jehu. Great RoUright. Luckett Ambrose, Bodicote, Banbury
Smith W.4 Wood st.-St. Ebbeâs. Oxford
Chipping Norton
& Adderbury East. Banburv
Smith William, High street. Burford
Fitchett H. Aston. Bampton
Spencer John, 11 Causeway, Bicester