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S h o p jle k p e k s â continued.
B aldwin Jam es, Som erton, B anbury
B alm er Mrs. M. 52 G eorge st. Oxford
B arber M rs. Sarah, H ethe, Bicester
Barguss A ndrew , 81 G reat Clarendon
stTeet, Jericho, Oxford
B arrett Mrs.
quarry, Oxford
B arton Mrs. Rose, W indm ill road,
H ighfield, Oxford
Baston Mrs. L . N orthm oor, Oxford
Batchelor M rs. E m m a, Bear Garden
road, Banbury
Batem an W.25 Canal st.Jericho, Oxfrd
B atten G eorge, 42 Catherine street,
C ow ley St. John. Oxford
B atts Mrs. Ann, Sutton, Eynsham
Baugben Thos. H. Bloxham , Banbury
B eck M rs. A m y, 95 Magdalen road,
C ow ley St. John, Oxford
Belcher A lfred C harles, 15 Lake st.
N ew H inksey. Oxford
Belcher M rs. M an -. Sutton , Eynsham
Ben field P. Fordw ells. Leafield,W itney
Bennett E dw d. A cre End st. Eynsham
Best Mrs. Rose, 35 Canal street,
Jericho, Oxford
B iggs M rs. S. W aterperry, W heatley
Bishop W illiam , Shilton, Burford
B lay Joseph TValter, 82 Magdalen rd.
Cow ley St. John, Oxford
Blencowe H arry, Post office, Glym pfcon, W oodstock
Blencowe T .S o u th N ew ington,B anbury
BlunsdonC. 16Randolpb st.C ow ley,O xfd
Boffin E. J. F orest H ill, Oxford
Bond F rederick. 9 C ranham terrace,
Jericho, Oxford
Bond F rederick W m . 53 O bservatory
street, St. G ile sâ , Oxford
Bonham E llis, 28 B oxhedge square,
N eithrop, Banbury
B owell W illiam Robert, Pile road,
Tem p le C owley, Oxford
Bowley W m . Rose h ill, Iffley, Oxford
B ray H arold,A dderburv w est,Banbury
Breakspear A rth u r, 1 Bedford street.
W arw ick street, Oxford
Broad A lbert, 13 F rid ay street. H enÂ
ley-on-Tham es
Brown Mrs. Jane, 30 F riars street,
St. E bbeâs, Oxford
B ruce M iss Annie & H arry, 1 Bell
lane, Tham e
Brunsdon H y. W estw ell, B urford
Bruton Miss Minnie, C harlbury
Bull Mrs. M. Postcom be, Tetsw orth
B ullock Mrs. M artha, P ost office,
Sandford-upon-Tham es, Oxford
Burden Mrs. M artha, W orcester rd.
C h ip p in g Norton
Burden Mrs. S. W itney st. Burford
B ur son Joseph, Fiiield, Oxford
Burson Mrs. M. A. Led well, Oxford
B usby H ubert, Combe, W oodstock
B usby Joshua, A scott. Oxford
B u sb y M rs. M. Hook N orton,B anbury
B usby M rs. W. N orth Newington,
B anbury
B u tler Mrs. E. W ootton, W oodstock
B u tt M rs. E. 24 St. C lem entâs street,
B u tt John, 22 H igh st. S t. Thom as',
B uzzard A lfred , 7 Box H edge square,
N eithrop, B anbury
Canning Hy. W m. Duns T ew , Oxford
C arey M rs. A lb ert, Fringford ,B icester
C arp enter R. 10 St. Johnâs st.B icester
C a rte r M rs. A. 16 Foundry street,
N eithrop, B anbury
C arter A rth u r, 16 H olywell st.Oxford
C a rte r Mrs. Benj. Bloxham , Banbury
C arter Sidney, T oot Baldon, Oxford
C ave Fredk. Isaac, C rop redy,B an bury
Cham berlain M rs. A nn, W olvercote,
C handler M iss L o u isa, 13 Charles st.
C ow ley S t. John, Oxford
Chown John, Sydenham , Tham e
C la rid ge W. W . South L eig h , W itn ey
Clark Mrs. Jane, 5 Pensonâs gardens,
St. E bbeâs, Oxford
C larke M rs. E m ily, 90 C h arles street,
C ow ley S t. John, Oxford
C larke Mrs. Sarah, 12 H igh street,
St. Thom asâ, Oxford
C lifford M iss E d ith , 13, V icto r street,
Jericho, Oxford
Cockhead Mrs. M. Bladon, W oodstock
C ollier M iss A. E. 27 Corn st. W itn ey
C ollier Mrs. Ann A vis, 14 O akthorpe
road, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
C ollier W illiam , N ew land, W itney
Constable S. J.M in ster L o vell,W itney
Cooke C h arles H enry, 18 A lb ert st.
Jericho, Oxford
Coombe W illiam M. 72 S t. C lem en tâs
street, Oxford
Cooper Jas. 150 Corn street, W itney
Cooper John, 14 H igh street, St.
Thom as', Oxford
Cooper Philip P. P ost office, Langford,
Lechlade (G loâ stersh)
Corbin Jam es, 28 M arket place,
H enley-on-Tham es
C ouldrey W illiam , Nuneham C o u rteÂ
nay, Oxford
Cousins Frederick, 13 H igh street, St.
Thom asâ, Oxford
Crawford Jam es, Merton, Bicester
C ross M rs. H. New M arston, Oxford
Cross Mrs. Jane, M ixbu ry, Brackley
Cross M iss S arah ,W h itch urch ,R eadn g
C um m in gs M rs. E sth er, 8 Cranham
terrace, Oxford
Dance A lb t. Edw d. M ill st. Eynshani
D aniell M rs. Florence, 21 Plantation
road, St. G ile sâ, Oxford
D avidge M rs. E. K idlin gton , Oxford
Davidson D-S7a, S t.C le m en tâs st.O xfd
Davis M rs. M. W ardington, B anbury
D ay W illiam .O ld W oodstock,W oodstck
Deacon Mrs. Ann Louisa, 17 E ast st.
G rim sb u ry , B anbury
Dean Joseph, 26 N orth street,B icester
D eely Mrs. M ary Jane, New street,
Deddington, Oxford
Dix M. M ilton-under-W ychwood,O x/rd
Dore Henry. Finstock, C h arlbury
Dore M iss L . Ram sden, C h arlbury
Douglas Jam es, Standlake, W itney
Douglas O liver, 67 B otley rd. Oxford
Drayton E dw ard, 46 A rg yle street,
Chester street, Oxford
D rew ett W illiam , M arston, Oxford
Duke W. C. 47 M ill st. Osney, Oxfrd
E dw ards TV. F instock. C harlbury
Eeles F ran k , 108 C ausew ay, G rim sÂ
bury, B anbury
Elbourn Mrs. S. 96 H igh st. Tham e
E lkington John, LittleB ourton ,B anbry
E ll G eorge, W iffginton, Banbury
E llis Mrs. M. E. M ilcom be. Banbury
Em anuel F ran k L e w is,66 M arlborough
road, G randpont, Oxford
M iss
B arford
M ichael, Oxford
Faulkn er A lfred, 11 H igh street, St.
Thom asâ. Oxford
Faulkner G eorge Robert, 12 Cardigan
street, Jericho. Oxford
Fenem ore Josep h ,130 C orn st.W itn ey
Fenem ore M iss M innie, Over K id d in g Â
ton, Oxford
Fleckner M rs. L u cy, 5 L ittle g a te st.
St. E bbeâs, Oxford
F letch er M rs. L au ra, A dderburv E ast,
Fortnam M rs.A .T em p le Cowley,O xfrd
Fowler Mrs. E m ily, 90 C hilsw ell rd.
G randpont, Oxford
Fox M iss M ary, C assington, Oxford
Francis G eorge Thos. Lew , Bampton
F ranklin
Ham pden, Abingdon
Freem an F rederick. W olvercote,O xfrd
French M iss L y d ia, M arket place,
Deddington, Oxford
French W illiam , n o B lackfriars rd.
S t. E bbeâs, Oxford
French W m . A. Swerford, E nstone
Gane S. Old W oodstock, W oodstock
[O X F O R l SB IK E .
G ardner
E liza ,
M oreton-in-M arsh
G ardn er M iss K a te, Post office, Hornton, B anbury
G ardner M rs. Thom as, Horley,Banbry
G eorge Thom as W illiam , Pile road.
Tem p le C ow ley, Oxford
G ibbs M iss H arriet, 15 Rock hill.
Chipping Norton
G ibbs Mrs. J. New street, DeddingÂ
ton, Oxford
G iddins H .G .46 M ill st.O sney, Oxford
G iles A. H. 62 U p.W indsor st.Banbry
G ilkes M. 24 B roughton rd. Banbury
G ilks Jam es, Steeple Aston, Oxford
G illam Mrs. S. K irtlin g to n , Oxford
G illett W illiam E . 11 Church street,
New H inksey, Oxford
G illiv er Fras. C. H eadington, Oxford
Goddard M iss Louisa, 39 Howard st.
C ow ley St. John, Oxford
G older Mrs. E liza , F ritw ell, Banbury
Gom m A rth u r E rn est, C h arlb u ry
G oodgam eS.H eadington quarry,Oxfrd
G osbv J. P h ilip , 65 G reys road, HenÂ
ley-on-Tham es
G osling G . 32 Jericho st.Jericho,Oxfd
G rant H y. W m . Newland st.Eynsham
G reen Reuben, Hook Norton,Banbury
Green W .E .B e rric k Prior.W allingford
Greenaw ay Miss N elly, 68 & 69 Friars
street, S t. E bbeâs, Oxford
G regory Thom as, G reat Tew,Enstone
Griffin E dw ard, Stonesfield, Woodstck
G riffin Joseph, B lackthorn, Bicester
G riffin Sim on, Shutford, Banbury
Hadland Mrs. E. Leafield, W itney
H ale H enry G eorge, 72 E ssex street,
M agdalen road, Oxford
H alfacre Jam es C arl H enry, 15 Albert
street, Jerich o, Oxford
H all M iss E llen , 138 M agdalen road,
C owley S t. John. Oxford
Hall Richard, 6 Havfield road, St.
G ilesâ, Oxford
H all M rs. W illiam , B loxham ,Banbury
H arris M rs. E m ily , 24 Commercial
road, S t. E bbeâs, Oxford
H arris F. 12 New st. St. E bb eâs,Oxfrd
H arris H enry, 107 S t. Clem entâs
street, Oxford
H arris Joseph, G t. H aseley, W allngfrd
H arris TValter H enry, 35 Speedwell
street, St. A ldateâ s, Oxford
H arrison M iss A. C h arlbury
H athaw ay M rs. A lice, C ou ch in g st.
W atlin gton, W allin gford
Hawes E dw in C . W h eatley
H aw tin g A lfd. G t. M ilton, W allingfrd
H ayes Hy. Iffley turn , Iffiey, Oxford
H azard H enry, 28 Howard street,
C owley S t. John, Oxford
H ealey M rs .M .n W ood green,W itney
H ealth Food Stores, n St. C lem entâs
street, Oxford
Heath B. A. 33 S pring street, ChipÂ
ping Norton
Heath Jam es A lbert, TVitheridge hill,
Highm oor, H enley-on-Tham es
Hedges Mrs. L u cilla, 27 St. A ldateâs
street, Oxford
Herring H. Sandfrd.-upon-Thm s.Oxfd
Hiatt, M rs. M arv, Cleveley, Enstone
H ickm an Geo. Low .H eyford, Banbury
Ricks J. Post off. N th. Leierb. Witney
Hill C lem en t, D orchester, W allingford
H ill W alter, S alfo rd,C h ip p in g Norton
Hilsdon W m . M iddle Cowley. Oxford
H iorns W illiam , C astle street, DedÂ
dington. Oxford
Robbs Jas. 29 Crouch st. Banbury
H odgkins M rs.E . Ram sden,Charlbury
H odgkins John, 57 C ardigan street,
Jericho, Oxford
Holloway Jam es, Leafield, W itney
H olloway John D. Leafield. W itney
Holloway M rs.M . W ootton, Woodstock
Hollyfield C. Finstock, C h arlbu ry
Holton M. & S. 14 F rid a y st. Henleyon-Tham es
Holton M rs. M ary, Newton Purcell.