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ch astllton



[ k e l l y ’8

G ardner E liza (M rs.), shopkeeper
Newm an W alter, mason & farmer
C O M M E R C IA L .
G in gell Robert, farm er, Harcom b frm Spencer A rth u r Lew is, farm er
Brown & Beale, farm ers
Jarvis G eorge, farm er, Home farm
W h ittin gton John, farm er
C orb ett C harles A lb ert, farm er
M arshall H erbert, farm er
W illett W illiam , farm er, Chastleton
C urrell H enry, farm er
M illard A ustin , farm er
H ill farm
C H E C K E N D O N is a parish and village upon the and residence, in the g ift of U niversity College, Oxford
C hiltern H ills, 4^ m iles north-east from G orin g station and held since 1 9 0 8 by the Rev. John T urner Munn
on the m ain line of the G reat W estern railw ay, 8 west M .A. of U n iversity College, Oxford. Paslow ’s charity
from Henley, 19 south-east from Oxford, 8 north-west provides coats yearly for two old men of this parish
from Reading and 7 south-east from W allingford, in the Tw o poor m en of Checkendon parish are provided for iii
Southern division of the county, hundred of Langtree, A lln u tt’s alm shouses at G orin g H eath, and one in
p etty sessional division of Henley, union of Henley, and L ybb e’s alm shouses at G oring ; the form er charity also
in the rural deanery of Henley and archdeaconry and contributes to the education, apprenticing and. outfit of
diocese of Oxford.
T h e church of S S . Peter and Paul children from th is parish. W yfold C ourt, the property
is a building of flint and stone, chiefly of Nor
and residence of Sir Robert T rotter Hermon-Hodge bart.
man date, and consisting of apsidal chancel, nave, J.P. is about 1$ m iles from the church, in the direction
south porch and an em battled Perpendicular tower con­ of H enley.
Checkendon C ourt is the residence of
taining a clock and 6 b ells: the chancel arch is good F rederick S cott O liver e s q .; Ham m onds is the resi­
Norm an, w ith shafts and sculptured c a p s ; but the w in ­ dence of H enry Ram ie Beeton esq. and Braziers Park
dows, doorway and porch are Perpendicular, and the the residence of E rn est R obert Moon esq. K.C. at
la tier retains a stoup : there are floor tiles of the same the foot of the C hiltern H ills, is surrounded by delightful
pattern as at Harpsden, and brasses to John Rede, “ ser­ woodlands. Th e p rin cipal landowners are S ir R. T.
vant of the kin g,” 1404, w ith a trip le canopy and H erm on-Hodge b art. F. S. O liver, W illiam Charles Dodd
m arginal in scrip tion ; an inscription only to Cecilia, wife and Henry Ram ie Beeton esqrs. Th e soil is chalk and
of John Rede, 1428, effigy lo s t ; a m u tilated inscription c la y ; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
to E dm und Rede, patron of the ch urch (date gone), and oats and turn ips. Th e area is 3 , 0 8 4 acres of land and
to C hristin a, his w ife, ob. 28 M arch, 1435 ; this brass 6 of w a te r; rateable value, ¿ 2 , 8 5 3 5 th e population in
is palim psest, the reverse exh ibitin g h alf the figure of 1 9 1 1 was 4 3 5 .
a fem ale saint, a shaft and part of a canopy, c. 1400-20 ;
Sexton, George Edwards.
and other brasses to W alter, son of S ir W illiam B eau­
cham p, c. 1430, w ith a figure of a soul, borne by two Post & T. & Telephonic E xpress D elivery Office.— George
a n g e ls ; to A nna, d a u g h ter of John G aynesford, of
Pullen, sub-postm aster. L etters arrive from Reading
C row hurst, S u rrey, and his w ife K ath erin e ; and to the
7-55 a m - & 8.25 p .m . ; Sundays, 8.5 a .m .; dis­
wife of R ichard B owett esq. 1490: on the east w all of
patched at 10.45 a m - & 6.5 p.m- ; Sundays, 9.30 a.m.
the chancel, under an arch, is a m onum ent to Richard
Stoke Row or Woodcote, both 2 m iles distant, are the
Braybroke esq. and C hristian , his wife, 1629, w ith kneel­
nearest m oney order offices
ing effigies of both, and of several children : the stained
tter Box, near W yfold cou rt, cleared 12.25 P m- &
east window was presented in 1869 by the Rev. Edw ard
6.35 p .m .; Sundays, 12 noon
H ensley, form erly curate of the parish : on the walls of
rhe apse are some ancient and in teresting paintings of
Elem entary School.
C hrist and his Apostles, which have been re n o v a te d :
the church affords 150 sittin gs. Th e register dates from Checkendon (m ixed), b u ilt in 1840, for 50 children;
M rs. M aud M orris, m istress
the year 1719, but is in bad condition u n til 1802. The
livin g is a rectory, net yearly value ¿ 4 7 5 , w ith glebe C arrier to R eadin g.— Jam es K in g , m on. wed. & sat
Beeton H enry Ram ie, Crosshouse, Holm es Herod, School ho. Hook end Cox Jam es, blacksm ith
Moon E rn est Robert K .C . Braziers H art H arold, farm bailiff to H. B.
Beeton esq. H am m ond’s farm
p a rk ;
& 48 Cadogan
Bit-mead E dw ard, L ittle Stoke (postal
H olden Robin, land steward to Sir B.
London S W
address, N orth Stoke, W allin gford)
T. H erm on-H odge b a T t . Neal’s farm
Busk S ir Edward H enry M .A ., L L .B . Munn R ev. Jn. T u rn e r M .A . (rector),
K in g Jam es, carrier
H eath End
The Rectory
Dyer Sam uel, L ittle Stoke ho. (postal O liver Fredk. Scott, Checkendon court L e g g Edwd. Jas. frm r.Lovegrove’s fm
Sim pson W illiam , gardener to Ernest
address. N orth Stoke. W allingford) j Palm er M isses, Hook E nd house
Robert Moon esq. K .C
C O M M K H C IA L .
H erm on-H odge S ir Robert T rotter
E dw ard,
farm er,
L ittle V a rley S ydn ey,F our Horse Shoes P.H
b a rt.M .A .,J .P ..S .C .L . W yfold cou rt B itm ead
Stoke (postal address, N orth Stoke,
H erm on-H odge M ajor Roland D .S.O
W allingford)
W yford grange
sin gular iron ca n o p y : at the end
drical, and has
C H E S T E R T O N is a parish on a branch of the riv er
Ray, 2J m iles south-w est from B icester station on the of the south aisle are rem ains of a p iscin a: there
Ashendon and Aynho Park section of B irm ingham main are brasses to W illiam M aunde, 1612, and Anne his wife,
line of the G reat W estern railw ay, 2$ m iles south­ with effigies and shield of a rm s ; and to George Maunde,
w est from B icester station on the B letch ley and Ox­ 1628 ; and m ural and other m onuments, one of which
ford branch of the London and N orth W estern railw ay commemorates Richard, son of G eorge Maunde, 1 6 1 5 : an
and 11 north-east from Oxford, in the Mid division organ was presented in 1898 by M r. and Mrs. Henry Tubb,
of the county, hundred and p etty sessional division of Chesterton: there are 200 sittings, 1 0 0 of which are free.
of P loughlev, union and county court d is tric t of The register dates from the year 1 5 3 9 . Th e living is 3
Bicester, and in the rural deanery of B icester and arch ­ vicarage, net yea rly value ¿9 0 , w ith residence, in the
deaconry and diocese of Oxford. The Rom an road, “ Ake- g ift of the W arden and Fellows of New College, Oxford,
man Street,” passes through the parish. The church of and held since 1914 bv the R ev. Sam uel Howard Baker
S t. M ary is a building of stone, in m ixed styles, M .A. of New College, Oxford. C hesterton, a handsome
but chiefly belongs to the Decorated p erio d ; it was stone mansion, erected in 1889-90, is th e property of
consecrated in 1238, though no p art of the existing H enry Tubb esq. The E arl of Jersey P.C., G-O.K,
stru ctu re is of that date, and consists of chancel, clere- G .C .M .G . who is lord of the manor, Henry Tubb esqstoried nave, aisles,
south porch
western Charles Tw ysden Hoare esq. and N ew College, Oxford,
tower, w ith open quatrefoiled parapet and containing 4 are the chief landowners. The soil is stony;
Th e chief crops are wheat and barley,
bells, and a clock, presented by Miss Tyrw hitt-D rake, of stone.
Bignell, and placed in M ay, 1884; it chim es the quarters area is 2,527 a c re s ; rateab le value, ¿ 2 , 3 6 2 ; the popu­
and strikes the hours upon a bell w eighing 14 cwt. : lation in 1911 was 348.
the chancel, originally E arly E nglish, retains a double
Parish C lerk, Thom as John K in g.
piscina, w ith au m bry over, and three elegant E arly
P ost & T. Office.— Thom as John K in g, sub-postmaster.
Decorated sedilia, w ith detached s h a fts ; th e reredos is
Letters through B icester arrive a t 6.3s a -m
of old oak b rought from B r itta n y : the nave is separated
p .m .; dispatched at 9.5 a.m . & 5.45 p .m .; sue jw »
from the north aisle by three Transition Norm an arches,
x i.50 a.m . B icester, 2 m iles d istan t, is the nea
on round p illa r s ; the south arcade consists of as m any
m onev order office
large and lo fty arches of the Decorated period, also
entary School, holding 90 c h ild re n •; Mrs. A. Acarried on circular p ie r s ; the font, w hich is surrounded
Scarsbrook, m istress
by Jacobean altar rails, is Norm an, plain and cylinI E m berlin A rth u r W illiam , farmer,
C O M M E E C IA L .
C hesterton fields
Baker Rev. Sam uel Howard M .A. Buckle H arriet (M rs.), Red Cow P.H
& farm er
' King M atthew, gardener to H (vicar). V icarage
Casem ore C harles, shoe m aker
, Tubb esq
H ughes Mrs
K in g Sarah (M iss), dress maker
Tubb H enry, Chesterton